Show us your mug! Introduce yourself here.



  • CCPhotoCCPhoto Registered Users Posts: 51 Big grins
    edited January 7, 2010
    Hi all! My name is Chris and I'm in Oklahoma. I know absolutely nothing about photography, other than the fact that I can't get enough of it. Photography bug bit me in July and I never saw it coming! I shoot any chance I get, regardless of subject matter, but I most enjoy photographing children and families. I take a pretty "hands off" approach, when it comes to posing and stick to outdoor shooting. I've been lurking around the forum for a few months and am never anything short of amazed at the wealth of knowledge to be found around here. Thanks to all those who are so willing to share with those of us that desperately need your help :)

    I am most always smiling, but this "game-face" picture is the only shot I had on my work comp.

  • RichardRichard Administrators, Vanilla Admin Posts: 20,012 moderator
    edited January 8, 2010
    Welcome Chris and Foques wave.gif.
  • Wicked_DarkWicked_Dark Registered Users Posts: 1,138 Major grins
    edited January 8, 2010
    Hi folks, I'm Kris and have been hunting around for a photo forum to participate in and so far dgrin is the winner (although I participate on a few in flickr as well). I'm also trying to decide which hosting site I prefer so there is hardly anything on the smugmug account so far. The level of knowledge, execution and creativity is so high here that I might not be able to keep up.

    Anyway, I got my first digital camera in 2005 after 20 years of shooting 35mm film. I mostly photograph nature and landscapes (yeah, I know, I'm one of THEM), but have recently started to venture into the city for architecture and urban details).

    My post processing skills are almost nil, so I'm working on that (Lightroom 3 beta is the winner so far). I shoot Olympus and recently bought an E-30 with a 12-60mm (24-120 in 35mm format) lens and am loving it. I also have a collection of legacy glass that gets put in front of the sensor quite a bit.

    Here is a rare sighting of me -
    4198672629(bah, flickr image won't link, you'll have to follow it the old fashioned way)

    I was trying to photograph frozen air bubbles in a beaver pond.
  • CCPhotoCCPhoto Registered Users Posts: 51 Big grins
    edited January 8, 2010
    Thanks for the welcome and for re-sizing my pic!
  • Quincy TQuincy T Registered Users Posts: 1,090 Major grins
    edited January 8, 2010
    I guess I need to finally do this. Here is the one they call Quincy, aka the infamous Sword and Scales:

  • Daddy0Daddy0 Registered Users Posts: 121 Major grins
    edited January 14, 2010
    Hi Everybody!!!
    My name is Jimmie and I have been taking photos as a hobby for over 30 yrs. I have always owned P&S cameras until this past Thanksgiving, when I got a D90 w/ 2 lenses. I have a beautiful wife of 15 yrs and a 4yr old and an 18 mth old. The real reason for the new camera was trying to find one fast enough to capture my 2 busy-bodies. Now that we own a very good camera, we(mainly me) have become addicted to photography. I hope to get some recent photos taken of my girls posted for C&C soon so my learning can begin.[IMG][/img]764952962_ADbPd-S.jpg
    Jimmie D.

    What you see depends on what you're looking for.
  • David_S85David_S85 Administrators Posts: 13,315 moderator
    edited January 15, 2010
    Welcome to DGrin, Kris, Quincy and Jimmie wave.gif
    My Smugmug
    "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
  • StormycatStormycat Registered Users Posts: 1 Beginner grinner
    edited January 16, 2010
    Hi everyone- I'm Natalie. I'm a mom of twins so the majority of my pictures right now are of my girls. I've always loved taking pictures, and would love to start doing more with photography. Here are a couple of pics that were taken on Christmas morning. I can't wait to join in and learn more!

  • ian408ian408 Administrators Posts: 21,963 moderator
    edited January 16, 2010
    Welcome all!
    Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
  • leeanneleeanne Registered Users Posts: 13 Big grins
    edited January 16, 2010
    Hello Everyone! I have to say that this forum has been very helpful, especially with opinions on my most recent steal of a deal purchase.

    I have three kids and two stepkids and live in British Columbia, Canada.

    I love taking pictures but want to learn more and more about photography and hope to make some sort of hobby...or, you never know, some small business of it. That will, of course, not happen overnight.
  • lyricsluvrlyricsluvr Registered Users Posts: 1 Beginner grinner
    edited January 16, 2010
    i'll deny it if my kids ever ask...

    Lately I've been re-discovering my artistic side, which includes an interest in photography. I'm a music fanatic, and love to combine music and pictures. Light (or lack thereof) fascinates me: neon, black light, candles, stars... Most of what I consider my "good" shots are really lucky shots (Wow, isn't this cool!) and I'd like to learn to take even better pictures. And how to edit photos.

    My inner child occasionally takes my outer adult hostage, which is how this self-portrait came to be...

    Yup, glow-in-the-dark body paint and make-up, black lights, holding REAL still, a whole bunch of shots, and nobody else in the room...
  • leegochleegoch Registered Users Posts: 14 Big grins
    edited January 28, 2010
    OK everyone close there eyes
  • LiquidElephantLiquidElephant Registered Users Posts: 67 Big grins
    edited January 28, 2010
    I am LiquidElephant, better known as Ed. I'm a 25yo Systems Administrator (contractor) and count photography as a hobby which I need to dedicate a LOT more time to! (Not money though, spent plenty of that already)

    SmugMug was introduced to me by my housemate (a Nikonian; I worship at the house of Canon so occasionally we disagree ;)) and I have to say, it's everything I was looking for in a photo hosting website. Absolutely first class!
    I signed up on the forum yesterday to check out the latest update details (well ... downtime details at the time) and it seems like a great place to be, so I'm gonna post up some shots and hopefully get some feedback!

    Looking forward to growing my skills as SmugMug does too :)


    My (not so smug) mug:
  • Pine00Pine00 Registered Users Posts: 7 Beginner grinner
    edited January 28, 2010
    I am semi retired working as a mining consultant most of the time. I am married to a great person for 38 years now. We love motorbikes, 4x4 trips, caravaning and do yearly overseas trips the world full.
    South Africa and the neigbouring countries offer a great range of scenery and gives great oppurtunities for photography.
    We always have had cameras but after some disappointing fotos in Australia in 2009 we upgraded to DSLR's.
    Our three children are all maried and we have three grand children.

    We are enjoying your site and hope we will be able to contribute and learn a lot from you. :D
  • Gary Peterson PhotographyGary Peterson Photography Registered Users Posts: 261 Major grins
    edited January 29, 2010
    Hi all!
    Names Gary...

    I took this a few minutes ago, testing a rig for a shoot this weekend...

    Gary Peterson
    Gary Peterson
    Award Winning Photographer

    Winner Brides Choice Award 2017
    Winner Best of Spokane 2016
    Winner Brides Choice Award 2016
    Winner Brides Choice Award 2015
    Winner Best of Spokane 2015
    Winner Wedding Wire Couples Choice Award 2014
    Winner Best Photographer 2013 Spokane A-List
    Winner Brides Choice Award 2013
    Winner Best of Spokane Northwest Inlander 2012
    Winner Best Photographer Best of KREM 2011
    Winner Best Photographer Best of KREM 2010
    Winner Brides Choice Award 2011
    Winner Brides Choice Award 2010

    (509) 230-9785

  • gollumgollum Registered Users Posts: 1 Beginner grinner
    edited February 4, 2010
    Hi Guys, ive just found this forum, i'm Martin from England, I am currently studying Comptemporary Photographic Practice, at the University for Creative Arts Rochester. As you can see I don't fit the usual student age group, but what the hell its me time!
  • Nate15Nate15 Registered Users Posts: 15 Big grins
    edited February 5, 2010
    Hello everyone!

    My name is Nate and I am 16. I really love the world of photography and want to learn more about it! I have been shooting photos for about 2 years so I'm a newbie when it comes to professional photos. mwink.gif

    See ya around!
    The bigger the chalenge, the more room for success.

    Canon EOS Rebel XSi
    18-55mm EF-S lens
  • RichardRichard Administrators, Vanilla Admin Posts: 20,012 moderator
    edited February 10, 2010
    Welcome all. clap.gif
  • themeronthemeron Registered Users Posts: 1 Beginner grinner
    edited February 13, 2010
    Hello all!

    I'm from Brazil and I want to learn more about photography in general.
    My flickr is
    I've just bought a Nikon D300s, after a previous D90 and before that, an old
    Sony A200.
    This is a great Forum and show to you all a self-portrait with my old A200.
    HS from Brazil.


    Lights: I used just a candle on the right and the match for the tobacco-pipe.
    With me, my old old Nikkormat, about 70's and still working! thumb.gif
  • Phil33000FRPhil33000FR Registered Users Posts: 14 Big grins
    edited February 22, 2010
    Philippe of French
    Good morning to America,

    I'm "young" photographer in France and does not speak your language.
    I use google, but not the foot (it will). :D

    For cons, I have a site at SmugMug, and am very pleased with the team and the techniques used at home.

    I'm building a second site (still at SmugMug) that shows people, nature and many other things in my country.

    Thank you for your welcome

    And if there are people among you who speak French, my happiness will be complete.
  • LisaYangLisaYang Registered Users Posts: 61 Big grins
    edited February 23, 2010
    Lisa Yang

    I'm a romantic and I live in a place with such limited beauty that photography's one of the only ways to see through the mundane. I have traveled the world and am always looking to be moved or to move others. This photo is of me in Bali, Indonesia - though you probably can't tell :)
  • engine3photoengine3photo Registered Users Posts: 2 Beginner grinner
    edited March 6, 2010
    Hey from Maine
    Evening D-grinners. My name is Dave Murphy and I'm an experienced amateur in southern Maine. My username, engine3photo, is a tribute to my dad, a firefighter who died in the line of duty when I was young. Photography has been a hobby since about 8, but I've ramped up in the last 3 years. Just invested in a used EOS 40D and am pursuing landscape, wildlife and semi-pro hockey shooting. When possible, I like to try and find different perspectives, a mindset that I believe was the result of the first movie I ever saw; the opening shot of the Rebel blockade runner being pursued by an Imperial Star Destroyer in Star Wars. And as you can see, hockey is another passion. Looking forward to sharing my photographic journey...
  • RichardRichard Administrators, Vanilla Admin Posts: 20,012 moderator
    edited March 8, 2010
    Bienvenue, Phillipe and welcome Lisa and Dave. wave.gif
  • TravisTravis Registered Users Posts: 1,472 Major grins
    edited March 19, 2010
    You know after all of my time hanging out around here, I never posted to this thread. headscratch.gif Here's my portrait taken just before I turned 41 today...

  • MangMang Registered Users Posts: 2 Beginner grinner
    edited March 21, 2010
    Hi all,

    I'm an Assistant Cub Leader in the UK who is currently working on a SmugMug gallery for our group to show off pics. There's loads of photo storage sites but I like the feel of SmugMug-Lots of fun...and excellent photos from you people too!mwink.gif
  • Nikonic1Nikonic1 Registered Users Posts: 684 Major grins
    edited March 23, 2010
    It's about time I got in here and posted a shot of myself :D

    Photo credit to DGrinner: nw scout (Thanks Man!!!)


    ....and one more of yours truly....with my amazing fiance mwink.gif :ivar

  • aj angiuliaj angiuli Registered Users Posts: 3 Beginner grinner
    edited March 27, 2010
    Hello Everyone.....
    Hello All,
    I found this site while doing a general tutorial search...lurked around for a like 10 minutes and realized I found a great new place to spend a lot of time......My name is AJ & i am from Long Island, N.Y., recently got back into photography after a 20 year or better lay off.....mostly cause i could not stand the shutter lag on the point and shoot seemed like i was losing every good shot of my kids playing....sports...etc......
    So with that I went out and got myself a nikon d70....decided on it cause i shot with an old nikon 35mm rig in high school...and found myself having to relearn so with that every day is a new learning experience for me....
    that's about all I got for now folks...thanks for having me here and thanks for the great shots and advice.... enjoy and happy shooting!!!!
  • RichardRichard Administrators, Vanilla Admin Posts: 20,012 moderator
    edited March 28, 2010
    Welcome all. clap.gif
  • ShmneShmne Registered Users Posts: 2 Beginner grinner
    edited April 29, 2010
    Hey guys, new comer here.
    My fave self portrait so far!!
  • newbnewb Registered Users Posts: 186 Major grins
    edited April 30, 2010
    Heres me!


    BTW, so far this community has been awesome! Tons of info!
    D7000/D5000 | Nikkor Glass | SB600's | RF602's | CS5/LR3
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