Hello fellow photographers! Here I am! I am joining because I seem to always have something to ask! I LOVE photography, and always yearn to learn more and MORE! I keep it natural, just like life, no fancy stuff.:ivar
Check out my Mug at natural-intuitionphoto.smugmug.com
Just want to introduce myself. I am new here, obviously, but not to photography . You can call me Glen, . I will add a shot of me as my avatar, as soon as I can find it.
I look forward sharing, learning, advising, and giving & receiving critique with all of you.
Hi ! New to SM-been busy trying to get pics on and navigate my way around. Love photography-especially taking pics of the beautiful things that mother nature creates. Please take a look at my site-open to comments, positive or negative....thumbs up or thumbs down....
Oh, well, hello there.
Hey everyone. Newbie here. Just purchased my first real camera (sony alpha a33) for a project I'll be working on this summer involving motorcycles and some other stuff. Camera exp. is pretty low. I took photography in highschool but didn't take it too seriously (dark room was used more to spend time with the fairer of the sexes) a regret I have now. Couse that was back in the "old days" of film . Here is a self portrait and a few others from the first two weeks of the memory card.
And now for the color portion of our introduction.
Have been lurking for a few days now trying to get the hang of this. New to forums so please forgive any "errors" on my behalf. I am a total amateur photographer, I love life, love my man and love my camera, my camera however is still getting the hang of me. Really looking forward to taking part.
Here's me..... - if this works i'll be back soon to post of couple of recent shots...here goes...
Hi All,
New here as well, referred from another forum (not photography related). No self portraits, will have to work on that
Here's some shots I took since getting my new to me Nikon D100. I know, ancient by any means but it fits the bill and I love having to work for my shots! (and it works like a charm with a 50mm 1.8 prime ).
Internet has been my photography teacher thus far and it was not until a while ago that I found this forum. I started off just reading through different topics (lurker? ) but then I was amazed how I feel so comfortable with this forum that I keep coming back to find more info. So I decided to make an account and join in.
Finally, I really hope to learn and share with all of you. Thanks for reading.
Hello everyone. I am new to the forum but have been with smugmug for a couple of years. Just wanted to introduce myself and say hello. I am located in Asheville, NC.
New to the forum thought I'd introduce myself. Name is Joe, 22 years old and in the Army. Got back from Afghanistan on the Jan 1, 2011. Im from Colorado, but stationed at Ft. Bragg, NC. Heres a snap of me.
As I am new here I thought I would show you what I look like. This was one of my lame attempts to take a photo of myself for (a dating site). in the hopes of getting a hot date :pissed. Well, 4 months, $$ and 9 different women later :eek1 ... had fun though...
Looking forward to learning from the rest of you!!
Let me introduce myself - My name is Kirk and I live on Hawaii Island i the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
Hi all,
I am new to SmugMug, but loving every inch of it thus far.
There is no spoon...
Canon Powershot G6
iMac 27" | 2.93Ghz Quad-Core Intel i7 | 16GB 1333 DDR3 | SL 10.6.5
iPhone 4 | 16GB | iOS 4.2.1
iPad | 16GB | iOS 4.2.1
...and a plethora of other computers and OSs
Hello All,
My wife, Mary, and I. A self portrait taken about a year after I retired. I am still enjoying retired life.
Check out my Mug at natural-intuitionphoto.smugmug.com
Just want to introduce myself. I am new here, obviously, but not to photography
I look forward sharing, learning, advising, and giving & receiving critique with all of you.
Happy Shooting,
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Hey everyone. Newbie here. Just purchased my first real camera (sony alpha a33) for a project I'll be working on this summer involving motorcycles and some other stuff. Camera exp. is pretty low. I took photography in highschool but didn't take it too seriously (dark room was used more to spend time with the fairer of the sexes) a regret I have now. Couse that was back in the "old days" of film
And now for the color portion of our introduction.
Here's me..... - if this works i'll be back soon to post of couple of recent shots...here goes...
www.hdstockshooter.com --- Via smugmug :-)
Hi everyone. I wanted a respectable place to park my photos. Hoping to pick up some tips and inspiration. Here is my self portrait:
New here as well, referred from another forum (not photography related). No self portraits, will have to work on that
Here's some shots I took since getting my new to me Nikon D100. I know, ancient by any means but it fits the bill and I love having to work for my shots! (and it works like a charm with a 50mm 1.8 prime
Allow me to introduce myself.
Internet has been my photography teacher thus far and it was not until a while ago that I found this forum. I started off just reading through different topics (lurker?
Finally, I really hope to learn and share with all of you. Thanks for reading.
Andreu Husien (andreuhusien.smugmug.com)
Jason+Gina Wedding Photographers
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
As I am new here I thought I would show you what I look like. This was one of my lame attempts to take a photo of myself for (a dating site). in the hopes of getting a hot date :pissed. Well, 4 months, $$ and 9 different women later :eek1 ... had fun though...
Looking forward to learning from the rest of you!!