@pegelli said:
When I try to edit a post to add/change an image the drop down seems inactive
Probably this one has fallen under the radar, any response?
Second question. With BBcode you could make the image clickable so it brought the viewer back to your SmugMug gallery. How do you do that with Markdown?
Edit: on vBulletin pictures were more then 1200 pix wide, it's now just above 900. Any chance we can take the step back to sizes that were allowed on the previous version. There's two big dark grey bands left and right of unused real estate if I look at my browser now.
We'll continue to fix the CSS / styling issues as we go along. Larger font sizes are just a personal preference which I think we'll get used to. One thing that could help is expanding the width of dgrin a bit -- right now it's a little narrow and contributes to the scrolling. I generally find larger text easier to read, and I don't think 16px font is "too large" (though I might reduce it down to 14 or 15px).
Overall I'm finding it easier to read posts on here than on the older vBulletin. Just a few more things need cleaning up and we'll have it much smoother.
Personally I don't see any reason why we should restrict editing. vBulletin was set to infinite editing ability and we never really had any abuse of it.
DGrin getting flagged as spam is a problem. We'll have to talk to vanilla about that.
@David_S85 said:
Sara, could you tell me, and all of us, how you posted that screenshot without sending it somewhere else (like SM)?
David, I used the Windows Snipping Tool to make a screenshot which I copied to the clipboard. I then clicked on the "attach image/file" icon ()
and used ctrl+v to copy the clipboard data into the post. My clipboard info was converted into a link from the SM cdn. Nice.
What I just noticed is that now I'm at my work computer where there are restrictions and firewalls and the paste function didn't work - I had to save the clipboard png to a file and upload it using the browse button in the dialog. Still much simpler than having to upload to my SM site.
Thanks, Sara. That explains it. I thought you had found some super secret Vanilla Forum function we didn't know about. There are a lot of things we are discovering in here as we progress, both pro and con. Learning every day.
My Smugmug
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
@leftquark said:
We'll continue to fix the CSS / styling issues as we go along. Larger font sizes are just a personal preference which I think we'll get used to. One thing that could help is expanding the width of dgrin a bit -- right now it's a little narrow and contributes to the scrolling. I generally find larger text easier to read, and I don't think 16px font is "too large" (though I might reduce it down to 14 or 15px).
I love the current font size. When I first looked I found the display difficult to read, and I believe the font size was modified after that. Now - even though the display is white on black (and my preference is black on white) I'm finding it easy to read. The larger font fixed the visibility problem for me. (Please remember that some of us have "older" eyes!)
@grandmaR said:
I had certain topics marked so that when I logged in, I had a list of those topics. I can't figure out how to get to that point. The closest I have come is bookmarks and I can't seem to get a page of bookmarked items come up when I log on.
I thinkthis link should work for all your bookmarks.
That works, but I haven't found a way to automatically bookmark discussions in which I comment. We had that option in vB. Maybe it's available in Vanilla, but I haven't found it yet.
@sarasphotos said:
...although it's probably not "modern", I really miss having a menu at the top. Navigation is a scrolling nightmare. I realize it's a different approach, but it's one I don't like in other forums either.
@David_S85 said:
Backing up what leftquark mentioned above, I tried saving my shot, posted higher up, and it didn't serve me up the original. I have all my images set to X3 or smaller and watermarked. It is true that right click saving does function in this forum, and that is a shame since posted photos can be heisted. The copied photo of mine, thankfully, does display my watermark.
I agree and this is not new - it was a feature of the old Dgrin as well.... Any photo can be saved on anyone device - no safety at all. I thought this would be changed...?!?
@pegelli said:
When I try to edit a post to add/change an image the drop down seems inactive
Probably this one has fallen under the radar, any response?
Second question. With BBcode you could make the image clickable so it brought the viewer back to your SmugMug gallery. How do you do that with Markdown?
Edit: on vBulletin pictures were more then 1200 pix wide, it's now just above 900. Any chance we can take the step back to sizes that were allowed on the previous version. There's two big dark grey bands left and right of unused real estate if I look at my browser now.
I found the way to put the link back to the photo in your gallery - it's pretty much the same this, but very hard to see those icons...
After you insert the photo by clicking the file icon, you select the whole text, click on the icon that resembles to a link and insert the link from your gallery.
This is what I have done before as well, only that this icons being so hard to see it's more difficult to figure it out...
just seeing if i can post a pic and it seems that works but why is there no watermark on it? I have it set to on for the gallery and it works there but not if i share it here. If i click the photo it goes to my site and the watermark appears there.
Much here is odd. The image you posted here is an original -- 6016 x 4016 -- and I found that simply by right clicking you entry in this thread I could save it, all 16MB of it, to my computer. (It's erased now.) On your site, I note that while watermarks appear on the X3's and below, no watermark appears on the original, which is accessible in the Lightbox. So it would see two separate oddities need to be chased down: no watermark on the original and the original landing here.
just seeing if i can post a pic and it seems that works but why is there no watermark on it? I have it set to on for the gallery and it works there but not if i share it here. If i click the photo it goes to my site and the watermark appears there.
You have Originals enabled, so it's sharing the original here (which remains unwatermarked). If you had selected to share embed code from a smaller size, then it'd show up watermarked.
Thanks guys, I was once again the cause of my own problems i'll make sure not to share the original size from here on out. Oh and since we are well past the one hour mark I cannot edit the original post anymore, is there a way to remove the pic? I really don't want someone to be able to just save it, especially without a watermark.
My GUESS Is that we used to get one email per posting to a subscribed topic between logins. So if I logged in on Monday and Wednesday, and 532 people replied to a subscribed topic on Tuesday, I got one email. At least that seemed to be true.
This morning I had five emails from one topic that, so far as I know, I never ever received emails from before.
My further GUESS is that two things have changed: One is that subscribed (for control panel notification) has morphed into subscribed for email? And that with the new system you are going to get EVERY posting as an email if you are set up for email notification, not just the first?
Is that correct?
I'll offer the observation that such notifications should EITHER:
1) Show you the reply text, i.e. so you can see and ignore or log in to respond, or
2) NOT send repeated emails for each response if they are going to just say "there is a response".
Doing the other option (sending email for every reply but giving no useful info about them) seems pointless, fills up my inbox without useful content, and is likely to get flagged as spam due to the short repetitive content and URL's.
sapphire73Registered Users, Super ModeratorsPosts: 2,013moderator
edited December 7, 2016
Liking the larger font in these posts. (A slightly smaller font might also work but my eyes are happy with this.)
I would like to have the time or date in the upper right more visible. Straining to see it now, and I like to be able to see "the timeline" of posts at a quick glance. Perhaps give the time/date something closer to the visibility of the "major grins" or number of posts shown to the left?
Just about everything. On the plus side, I think you have finer grained controls in the Notifications Preferences. On the negative side, if you opt for email notification on comments, you get an email for every comment. On Old Grinner, we would get only one notification till we visited the forum again. Also, as you noticed, there is no content in the notification, just the fact of a new comment. I used to use email notification all the time, but I have radically scaled it back. Instead, I'm using popups and also looking at the notifications button at the top of the page. Not sure I've got it to taste quite yet, but I think it's manageable.
Just about everything. On the plus side, I think you have finer grained controls in the Notifications Preferences. On the negative side, if you opt for email notification on comments, you get an email for every comment. On Old Grinner, we would get only one notification till we visited the forum again. Also, as you noticed, there is no content in the notification, just the fact of a new comment. I used to use email notification all the time, but I have radically scaled it back. Instead, I'm using popups and also looking at the notifications button at the top of the page. Not sure I've got it to taste quite yet, but I think it's manageable.
That (popups) only works for people are are frequent. Many of us come here for something, and come back irregularly, but do want to come back if there is activity on a discussion of interest.
So I do want email.
But if I want to monitor an active topic, I really, really, really do not want a flood of meaningless email. including the body of the response in the email is free (in the sense that it costs no additional emails for people to see), and would prevent the need to even log in if no response/action is required. A complete win in terms of time saving.
I think the email in that sense is a serious step backwards.
On the visual appeal issue, frankly, I think it is awful. The font is HUGE even on my high res monitor, and it occupies about 50% of my screen width, meaning there is very little content on the visible page despite lots of real estate available. I'm sure this helps a lot on mobile, but I would hope it could be made more responsive -- use the width more if available. Then even with old-people-sized font, it could still get some content. After all - don't you expect most photographers when they are at a desktop have fairly large monitors?
But visual impact is very subjective, so take it with the usual huge grain of salt. It's usable. I won't really care if it stays this way or not.
But seriously -- the email is awful -- either stop sending an email per reply (between logins) or start including some content, please. What you are doing now is more spammy than helpful.
That (popups) only works for people are are frequent. Many of us come here for something, and come back irregularly, but do want to come back if there is activity on a discussion of interest.
OK, so I don't have any more experience with this stuff than you and I'm still trying to figure out which options work best for me. It sounds to me like you might find bookmarks a better way to meet your needs. You can set your preferences to only email on bookmarked discussions, though I imagine it will send multiple emails if there are multiple comments. Dunno.
I just noticed that on the profile page, Activity section, there is an icon that goes to full screen. Once I am on full screen, there is another icon that allows me to switch from a dark background to a light background. That makes me think that there must be an option buried in Vanilla Forums to allow the overall forum to be switched between dark and light backgrounds. Any chance of asking the folks at Vanilla where this is hidden (if it actually exists and is not just wishful thinking on my part)?
sapphire73Registered Users, Super ModeratorsPosts: 2,013moderator
After reading comments by @Ferguson and @Richard, I am trying to tweak notifications to see if popups might work better for me than the emails.
Question re notification preferences: Does "my discussions" = threads that I have started?
@Ferguson said:
So what changed on email? I'll offer the observation that such notifications should EITHER:
1) Show you the reply text, i.e. so you can see and ignore or log in to respond, or
2) NOT send repeated emails for each response if they are going to just say "there is a response".
I agree that it would be great to see content of reply as before.
@Richard said:
I used to use email notification all the time, but I have radically scaled it back. Instead, I'm using popups and also looking at the notifications button at >the top of the page.
How do I stop all the Dgrin mail I now get every time someone posts to one of my subscribed threads. I don't wont any post emails.
Don Ricklin - Gear: Canon EOS 5D Mark III, was Pentax K7
'I was older then, I'm younger than that now' ....
My Blog | Q+ | Moderator, Lightroom Forums | My Amateur Smugmug Stuff | My Blurb book Rust and Whimsy. More Rust , FaceBook.
@DonRicklin said:
How do I stop all the Dgrin mail I now get every time someone posts to one of my subscribed threads. I don't wont any post emails.
Awful, isn't it? OK, at the top of the screen to the right of your username there is an icon for notifications. Click that then preferences and you will see a fairly complete set of options. The big change is that the current software sends a notification for every post on a given thread. The old software only sent one till you visited the forum again.
I really like the look of the new site. 2 questions:
Is there some way to mark forums as "favorites", and then show just those favorites in the list of forums? I typically only care to see 4-5 forums consistently.
Is there some way to mark forums as "favorites", and then show just those favorites in the list of forums? I typically only care to see 4-5 forums consistently.
Not that I know of, though I think that would be a nice feature.
@dberthia said:
I really like the look of the new site. 2 questions:
Is there some way to mark forums as "favorites", and then show just those favorites in the list of forums? I typically only care to see 4-5 forums consistently.
Is two-factor authentication supported?
If you go to one of the CATEGORIES from the top menu, you will see a list that has an orange star on the right of each thread.
By clicking it an fill it with color, you will make that thread "favorite" - That's means tat you will receive notifications on updates.
However after I did this I also when into the preferences under my profile and checked the option to be notified by e-mail.
Unfortunately, that feature doesn't seem to work...
Probably this one has fallen under the radar, any response?
Second question. With BBcode you could make the image clickable so it brought the viewer back to your SmugMug gallery. How do you do that with Markdown?
Edit: on vBulletin pictures were more then 1200 pix wide, it's now just above 900. Any chance we can take the step back to sizes that were allowed on the previous version. There's two big dark grey bands left and right of unused real estate if I look at my browser now.
My SmugMug
We'll continue to fix the CSS / styling issues as we go along. Larger font sizes are just a personal preference which I think we'll get used to. One thing that could help is expanding the width of dgrin a bit -- right now it's a little narrow and contributes to the scrolling. I generally find larger text easier to read, and I don't think 16px font is "too large" (though I might reduce it down to 14 or 15px).
Overall I'm finding it easier to read posts on here than on the older vBulletin. Just a few more things need cleaning up and we'll have it much smoother.
Personally I don't see any reason why we should restrict editing. vBulletin was set to infinite editing ability and we never really had any abuse of it.
DGrin getting flagged as spam is a problem. We'll have to talk to vanilla about that.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
Website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com/Customizations
David, I used the Windows Snipping Tool to make a screenshot which I copied to the clipboard. I then clicked on the "attach image/file" icon (
and used ctrl+v to copy the clipboard data into the post. My clipboard info was converted into a link from the SM cdn. Nice.
What I just noticed is that now I'm at my work computer where there are restrictions and firewalls and the paste function didn't work - I had to save the clipboard png to a file and upload it using the browse button in the dialog. Still much simpler than having to upload to my SM site.
Thanks, Sara. That explains it. I thought you had found some super secret Vanilla Forum function we didn't know about. There are a lot of things we are discovering in here as we progress, both pro and con. Learning every day.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
I love the current font size. When I first looked I found the display difficult to read, and I believe the font size was modified after that. Now - even though the display is white on black (and my preference is black on white) I'm finding it easy to read. The larger font fixed the visibility problem for me. (Please remember that some of us have "older" eyes!)
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
That works, but I haven't found a way to automatically bookmark discussions in which I comment. We had that option in vB. Maybe it's available in Vanilla, but I haven't found it yet.
I totally subscribe to the menu on the top!
TravelwaysPhotos.com ...... Facebook
Very hard to see what those buttons are saying...
TravelwaysPhotos.com ...... Facebook
Where can we find these funny icons again???
TravelwaysPhotos.com ...... Facebook
I agree and this is not new - it was a feature of the old Dgrin as well.... Any photo can be saved on anyone device - no safety at all. I thought this would be changed...?!?
TravelwaysPhotos.com ...... Facebook
I found the way to put the link back to the photo in your gallery - it's pretty much the same this, but very hard to see those icons...
After you insert the photo by clicking the file icon, you select the whole text, click on the icon that resembles to a link and insert the link from your gallery.
TravelwaysPhotos.com ...... Facebook
Thanks guys, I was once again the cause of my own problems
i'll make sure not to share the original size from here on out. Oh and since we are well past the one hour mark I cannot edit the original post anymore, is there a way to remove the pic? I really don't want someone to be able to just save it, especially without a watermark.
So what changed on email?
My GUESS Is that we used to get one email per posting to a subscribed topic between logins. So if I logged in on Monday and Wednesday, and 532 people replied to a subscribed topic on Tuesday, I got one email. At least that seemed to be true.
This morning I had five emails from one topic that, so far as I know, I never ever received emails from before.
My further GUESS is that two things have changed: One is that subscribed (for control panel notification) has morphed into subscribed for email? And that with the new system you are going to get EVERY posting as an email if you are set up for email notification, not just the first?
Is that correct?
I'll offer the observation that such notifications should EITHER:
1) Show you the reply text, i.e. so you can see and ignore or log in to respond, or
2) NOT send repeated emails for each response if they are going to just say "there is a response".
Doing the other option (sending email for every reply but giving no useful info about them) seems pointless, fills up my inbox without useful content, and is likely to get flagged as spam due to the short repetitive content and URL's.
Liking the larger font in these posts. (A slightly smaller font might also work but my eyes are happy with this.)
I would like to have the time or date in the upper right more visible. Straining to see it now, and I like to be able to see "the timeline" of posts at a quick glance. Perhaps give the time/date something closer to the visibility of the "major grins" or number of posts shown to the left?
My SmugMug Galleries
Just about everything. On the plus side, I think you have finer grained controls in the Notifications Preferences. On the negative side, if you opt for email notification on comments, you get an email for every comment. On Old Grinner, we would get only one notification till we visited the forum again. Also, as you noticed, there is no content in the notification, just the fact of a new comment. I used to use email notification all the time, but I have radically scaled it back. Instead, I'm using popups and also looking at the notifications button at the top of the page. Not sure I've got it to taste quite yet, but I think it's manageable.
That (popups) only works for people are are frequent. Many of us come here for something, and come back irregularly, but do want to come back if there is activity on a discussion of interest.
So I do want email.
But if I want to monitor an active topic, I really, really, really do not want a flood of meaningless email. including the body of the response in the email is free (in the sense that it costs no additional emails for people to see), and would prevent the need to even log in if no response/action is required. A complete win in terms of time saving.
I think the email in that sense is a serious step backwards.
On the visual appeal issue, frankly, I think it is awful. The font is HUGE even on my high res monitor, and it occupies about 50% of my screen width, meaning there is very little content on the visible page despite lots of real estate available. I'm sure this helps a lot on mobile, but I would hope it could be made more responsive -- use the width more if available. Then even with old-people-sized font, it could still get some content. After all - don't you expect most photographers when they are at a desktop have fairly large monitors?
But visual impact is very subjective, so take it with the usual huge grain of salt. It's usable. I won't really care if it stays this way or not.
But seriously -- the email is awful -- either stop sending an email per reply (between logins) or start including some content, please. What you are doing now is more spammy than helpful.
OK, so I don't have any more experience with this stuff than you and I'm still trying to figure out which options work best for me. It sounds to me like you might find bookmarks a better way to meet your needs. You can set your preferences to only email on bookmarked discussions, though I imagine it will send multiple emails if there are multiple comments. Dunno.
I just noticed that on the profile page, Activity section, there is an icon that goes to full screen. Once I am on full screen, there is another icon that allows me to switch from a dark background to a light background. That makes me think that there must be an option buried in Vanilla Forums to allow the overall forum to be switched between dark and light backgrounds. Any chance of asking the folks at Vanilla where this is hidden (if it actually exists and is not just wishful thinking on my part)?
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
After reading comments by @Ferguson and @Richard, I am trying to tweak notifications to see if popups might work better for me than the emails.
Question re notification preferences: Does "my discussions" = threads that I have started?
I agree that it would be great to see content of reply as before.
Thank you for your input on this.
My SmugMug Galleries
On the home page why are there a sizes shown for discussions and comments? Seems completely useless to us.
My Website index | My Blog
What does Mute and Unmute mean?
There seems to be a lot of visual things not explained. Are there instructions somewhere explaining everything?
My Website index | My Blog
How do I stop all the Dgrin mail I now get every time someone posts to one of my subscribed threads. I don't wont any post emails.
'I was older then, I'm younger than that now' ....
My Blog | Q+ | Moderator, Lightroom Forums | My Amateur Smugmug Stuff | My Blurb book Rust and Whimsy. More Rust , FaceBook .
Don, you can adjust under your profile which come back via email and popups and nothing.
Awful, isn't it? OK, at the top of the screen to the right of your username there is an icon for notifications. Click that then preferences and you will see a fairly complete set of options. The big change is that the current software sends a notification for every post on a given thread. The old software only sent one till you visited the forum again.
I really like the look of the new site. 2 questions:
Is there some way to mark forums as "favorites", and then show just those favorites in the list of forums? I typically only care to see 4-5 forums consistently.
Is two-factor authentication supported?
Not that I know of, though I think that would be a nice feature.
Clicking on the gear next to a forum shows options for "Mark Read" and "Mute". What does Mute do?
If you go to one of the CATEGORIES from the top menu, you will see a list that has an orange star on the right of each thread.
By clicking it an fill it with color, you will make that thread "favorite" - That's means tat you will receive notifications on updates.
However after I did this I also when into the preferences under my profile and checked the option to be notified by e-mail.
TravelwaysPhotos.com ...... Facebook
When you mute a category, any posts that get posted there will not show up in Recent Discussion.
Thanks folks. @travelways: I was interested in marking forums (ex: SmugMug Support) favorites, not individual threads.