Assignment #28: Spring

Now, that we all have straightened ourselves up, let indulge ourselves into a more soft mood and celebrate the advent of Spring!
I don't mean those metal or plastic thingies. I also don't mean the water source (although it's possible to have a Spring of Spring:-). I mean the season. You know, melting snow (if you had any, that is), blossoming trees, lovers not giving a damn what others think...
The feeling.
The feeling of Spring.
Catch it - and you're in!
As always: fresh pictures, moderate post-processing.
For the rest of the basic rules and index please check out this sticky.
Let's celebrate the Spring!
I don't mean those metal or plastic thingies. I also don't mean the water source (although it's possible to have a Spring of Spring:-). I mean the season. You know, melting snow (if you had any, that is), blossoming trees, lovers not giving a damn what others think...
The feeling.
The feeling of Spring.
Catch it - and you're in!
As always: fresh pictures, moderate post-processing.
For the rest of the basic rules and index please check out this sticky.
Let's celebrate the Spring!
"May the f/stop be with you!"
Welcome to the Class!
Is it a nice shot? Hell, yeah!
Does it cry "Spring"? Well, no, not really. Summer, probably. Beach. Girls. But no Spring feeling, for me at least...
Let's think together: Spring is a transition from Winter to Summer. Air is still clear and cold. Buds are everywhere. The plants spring from the ground. Snow patches. Ground is still dumpy with melted snowwater...
Give me Spring, or hold your peace:-)
I am in India now.
I can take photos - I am doing so very often - but I can not post them.
I'll do so as soon as I come back home!
You are in India...
Here comes our next "humble" champion...
This is what I think of when my thoughts turn to spring.
Welcome to the Class
How about some srping flowering trees and daffodils?
In this great big world around us, we will find what we are looking for! What we do with it is up to us to decide.
Olympus E-500 Olympus E-520 Zuiko 14-45 Zuiko 40-150 Sigma 50-500 Zuiko 18-180 4-AB800 strobes, 1AB-400 stobe, 4 softboxes, brolly box, umbrellas etc.
Welcome to the Class!
Nice shots, both of them!
Hoewever, for some reason only first one delivers a spring feeling. Maybe because I've seen those daffodils blooming all year around, at least here in SoCal
Well the out of focus azaleas in the background probably would not help much.:D
In this great big world around us, we will find what we are looking for! What we do with it is up to us to decide.
Olympus E-500 Olympus E-520 Zuiko 14-45 Zuiko 40-150 Sigma 50-500 Zuiko 18-180 4-AB800 strobes, 1AB-400 stobe, 4 softboxes, brolly box, umbrellas etc.
Color good....Spring good...yeaaaaa.
NAPP Member | Canon Shooter
Weddings/Portraits and anything else that catches my eye.
Model Mayhem site
Simply shoot some more spring stuff
Very colorful!
For some reason both look underexposed ... Mebbe it's me...
Was doing the light modeling thingy...going for something a bit more subdued with highlighting certain parts rather than all the same light. Will take some new stuff tomorrow..who knows, maybe a duck will show up as they're coming through now that we have 60 + degrees!
NAPP Member | Canon Shooter
Weddings/Portraits and anything else that catches my eye.
Model Mayhem site
first time -- so here goes ..
How bout an Oklahoma Red Bud
and last but not least .. how bout a bradford pear..
Failure is not an option for me,
So i just keep pressing the shutter and trying again.
Welcome to the Class!
Great Spring entries!
We were definitely short of Oklahoma players!
Some other plant in my garden
Great entries, thanks!
A couple of shots from our MBR balcony (30D + 100-400 at 400)...
01: Cherry tree
02: Chestnut tree
Spring in Arizona means baseball!
Tempe Diablo Stadium - Home of the Angels for Spring Training
Taken Tonight!
Yes- I took some traditional spring shots today too.
Found a new use for the 50-200 f2.8
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
Those are nice shots!
But I don't get spring feeling out of them. None whatsoever...
I guess I spoiled by SoCal's eternal summer
Well in Phoenix we don't have spring. Only Summer and not summer or hot and hot.
Rain, Baseball, and flowers is the only hints we have that it is suppose to be spring!
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
I live in Blue Mountains, Australia and while Spring is well and truely over, I took these on the weekend.
Nice shooting!
Oh well, if it's over - it's over. Is it kinda Fall already Down Under?
No i think today it has decided it is winter, it is cold and raining, and daylight saving ended last night, so roll on spring i say, but to answer your question it's Autumn. The Photo Section
#1 & #3 are actually very springy in my book, thank you!
Nice closeup!
Reminder: the assignment is Spring, not Flower
I've been looking for some spring lambs, but have not found any yet...
In this case, how about adding some treatment at least
I played with channel swapping a bit, but the easiest path and biggest ROI (not the best quality, mind you - best ROI, like 95% of improvement with 5% of efforts) turned out to be some simple yet bold curves in luminosity mode.
Hope you don't mind me mangling your image