Andy's Un-Official Unsolicited Mac Advice Thread

Now that Andy's moved up to Apple, I thought that all of the non-digital darkroom advice we mac-heads are gonna give him could go here. You know, tips, hints and cool mac tricks.
I'll start off with my favorite (that's favourite, Gubbs) utility: LaunchBar. You can easily access any file, application, URL, address, phone number, iTunes song etc. with a simple abbreviation. This app learns as you go, adapting to your behavior (behaviour). Brilliant.
Also, can't forget Exposé. F9, F10 and F11. Open a bunch of windows in different apps, and hit F9 to make them all cascade, put your mouse over the one you want, click (or hit F9 again), and voila! you've navigated to where you want to go.
F10 will cascade all the windows for the current app. So you can easily find that image you're working on in PS that's hidden, and F11 will clear everything away so you can access your desktop.
Want another neat trick? Do any of the above with the shift key modifier. Very cool!
I'll start off with my favorite (that's favourite, Gubbs) utility: LaunchBar. You can easily access any file, application, URL, address, phone number, iTunes song etc. with a simple abbreviation. This app learns as you go, adapting to your behavior (behaviour). Brilliant.
Also, can't forget Exposé. F9, F10 and F11. Open a bunch of windows in different apps, and hit F9 to make them all cascade, put your mouse over the one you want, click (or hit F9 again), and voila! you've navigated to where you want to go.
F10 will cascade all the windows for the current app. So you can easily find that image you're working on in PS that's hidden, and F11 will clear everything away so you can access your desktop.
Want another neat trick? Do any of the above with the shift key modifier. Very cool!
And tomorrow we can purchase the new iWorks from Apple. What a cool word processor and publisher. And the new version of iLife as well. And I am still excited about the impending debut of Tiger as well.
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Sort of like a dirty admission 'eh ?
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
:lol sid... you really like to
i ran that speed test again and my results were 19 seconds. down from i think 119 on my 2yr old sony single processer 2.4ghz with 1.5gb of ram
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so, what internet browser should i use?
on my pc, i've been using avant browser, it's very much like firefox i guess, no popups, tabbed browsing etc. i really like it.
so, what broswer do you use, and why? please provide download link, too if you can
thanks in advance.
ps: why on earth is internet explorer included with my mac???
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I got about 19 or 20 seconds for that radial blur filter too - Cool isn't it?
I use Safari and Firefox. I have kept Safari as new and only use it for financial work.
I use Firefox for everything else and imported my bookmarks from the windows world by exporting my bookmarks and cookies to a CD-R on my windows box and imported them into Firefox on the mac.
Firefox can be found at
I use Apple's mail program - works fine. I had used Eudora in Windows for years - pretty similar.
Other than Photoshop CS, the only software I have purchased for the mac was SuperDuper as a back up program for about $20. And disk Warrior for $99. And Keynote - a kick ass PowerPoint replacement. And Macaroni - it was about $10.
I do plan to order iWorks which was released today $79 - and will not use Msft Office at all on the MAC. My wife uses Office on her MAC and likes it a great deal. I will use iWorks and Keynote.
The only program I still use on my Gateway machine is Msft Streets and Trips which I find useful for trip planning - especially when on 2 wheels, as I almost never go the Interstates, but stick tightly to the blue highways and meander along.
Text editing is done a little differently in the MAC world, but it has been a very easy and pleasant experience.
I can't imagine going back to the experience of the Windows world - not because it din't function, but because of the insecurity of the OS and the continual need for updating and the real pain in the rear when it comes to reinstalling after a system failure. And they all fail sooner or later,even a MAC. Hours of work to rebuild - whereas if my main drive fails in my MAC ( and all hard drives are fungible) I will just hit boot from my external drive and copy eveything back to my main drive without any phone calls or authorization numbers etc. In 10 minutes I can be up and running again!
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Used to be that IE was all you got on the Mac. For some reason when they introduced Safari, they just left it there. Not sure why. Could be compatibility with the occasional banking site, or what-not.
Personally, I don't see why you should look any farther than Safari. It's a great browswer, IMHO. I installed Firefox to test it and had nothing but problems with it. It was very buggy. Could be that it improved since then (about 3-4 months ago), but Safari's fine. Tabbed browser, no pop-ups and it's INTEGRATED WITH KEYCHAIN ACCESS.
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yup, i am now!
love this new 'puter gus.
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I got iWork yesterday. Pages is amazing.
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My favorite apps for my G5 are:
G5 optimized firefox
Transmit for when I have to FTP
For weather, I like Weatherpop Advance (there is a free one too)
and of course upgrade Quicktime to Pro, Get WMP for OSX for those rare times you might need it (or get VLC if you don't want WMP. is a good site to find updates.
The display defaults for OSX are going to be different than what you're used to in Windoze. The gamma defaults to 1.8 as opposed to 2.2. I would suggest running the monitor calibration in System Prefs>Displays>Color>Calibrate. You have to spend a lot of time squinting your eyes, but it works pretty well. At least it'll be fine until you use hardware to calibrate. Anyway, when you're calibrating, set the gamma to 2.2.
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Build your own office. The pics in that link are from construction. I still need to take some of it completed. Problem is, it needs to be completed first. All that's missing is some trim pieces, threshold, etc. Anyway, I got this cabin kit from Summerwood.
And here's a shot of my set-up inside. I use it mostly for editing video.
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nice spread, david
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We have just moved to an acreage, and my hubby wants to build just such a thing for the far back corner! I thought he was, well, you know, unusual...... but it looks like not!
I am saving the summerwood link for him - even has a cdn pg!
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Of course they do. They're canadian!
The amazing thing was that shipping for my 8x12 ft Cabin Kit (a couple of thousand pounds) out here to California was only $400. Oh, wait. They had a special--the shipping was free. No idea how they do that!
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I think Andy's had too much of the Koolaid...
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well, you keep filling my glass
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of good Mac stuff. I haven't even heard of Imagewell or VLC! Geesh, where have I been?
Want to make a screen grab? cmd-shift-3.
But whoah, unless Andy wants to gloat about his big 30" display, he probably doesn't want to do the entire screen.
cmd-shift-4 brings up a cross-hairs that you can drag around whatever you want to capture.
Now, if you hit cmd-shift-4 and after you get the crosshairs, you hit the space bar, you'll get a camera icon. This camera will grab any individual window that is open.
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well, cool! in the pc world, i had snagit, but they went to a pay model, so that's very cool info to know, david!
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Snapz Pro X may have been bundled with your G5, which gives you more power with screen grabs. I never use it, since all I ever want to do I just listed above.
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or you can find the program "Grab" that came with the OS (in your utilities folder, there are some other handy programs in there too) and it will give you options of full screen, timed, selection, etc.
I wish it would capture a full window (the part off the screen that needs scrolling) that is my only complaint.
I will take a look at Snapz Pro X, maybe it can do it.
I looked up the program after I got home this evening - It is Digital Colormeter - and like I said, it will read the RGB data for each pixel on your monitor - allowing you to check for color balance of images you see on the web, or to adjust the color or several different images. Quite useful - like for checking the color of snow for Rutt.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
cmd-shift-3 or 4 must not be grab, as they save PDF files.
Grab, grabber may be what they're bundling now, but when I got my Pbook, it came with Snapz Pro X.
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GRAB -- will do drop down menus, coolness -- saves as .tiff.....
I just got "The Little Mac Book, Panther Edition" by Robin Williams out of the library, because when I switched to OSX there was a lot I didn't understand.
Like Grab.... didn't know about that, as I usually use command shift 4 and select the area I want to capture. PDF format doesn't bother me, can always make it a "save for web" or jpg out of photoshop.
I'm hoping the book will fill in the mising gaps of information -- just checked the index, I don't see Grab mentioned... Hmmm
So keep these tips coming, I'm learning a lot... and i thought I was a pretty advanced user... maybe I should say I was a good OS9 user?
So I thought I'd give a preview to those who are not yet aware of what's around the bend in Tiger. Exposé will reach new heights when Dashboard is introduced.
Check it out here. As Andy says, übercool.
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When I watched Steve Jobs demonstrate Dashboard at MacWorld in his talk about Tiger, I screamed "I WANT THAT!! I'VE WANTED THAT FOR YEARS!!"
Now a personal computer that really does mullti tasking right. Dashboard looks to be a kickass product!
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
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