I've been critiqued by a pro!!
The best i could hope for on my entry. There was not enough snow on the ground to even scoop som up, all other angles had sidewalk and such. I took 100 shots to get that one try. And it was all worth it.
On to the challenge 4.
Thanks everyone for the challenge..
A man can do as he wills, but not will as he wills.
An opinion should be the result of thought,not the replacement of it.:scratch
I think you did a professional job, given that all judges have bias as do photographers and viewers.
As to Cloud Dancer's Storm, my entry - its like 'Out, Out Damned Spot...' regarding that tree. Guess I should not have let the cold wind going along with the whipping clouds stop me from going 'down the slippery slope' to completely let the shot flow - but then I would have missed the golden foreground.
I liked the completeness of your review ~ all in one chunk, all photos considered, a comprehensive illustration of your position. WELL DONE!
May this shining example stir other LPS judges to perform at the same standard - such activity will clearly bring LPS well above the standards of perhaps even juried shows _simply because EACH judge REALLY tries to effectively communicate with the aspring photographer_ this sort of thing truly makes a photog contest!
[FONT="]As You Think, So Shall You BE... Rumi, 13th Century Persian Poet
Congrats to the semi-finalists. And, thanks to everyone who has critiqued or commented on the entries. It is nice to know that a couple of people liked my entry, and it is also helpful to know why others did not. I really appreciate the feedback. If I find the time....I will post my own top ten as well.
Thanking Andy
I forgot to mention that I was thrilled to be compared to any artist/photographer, or even be mentioned in the same sentence....or some such thing.
I googled him that very night!!! I love his work.
So, you gave me a gift that you might not have known you were giving: hours more enjoyment learning another person's work.
I had seen a very few things of his before, but not made note of who he was/is...............now I can look for more information and pictures.
the black lines i thought were pretty irregular. and it all looked like painted, so... wow. irregular and picturesque.
black lines are tree branches, they have life in them.
they also look complicated and intertwined, like human lifelines.
was all very obvious to me .
but a romanian saying goes "if two say you're drunk, you'd better go to sleep".
thanks for spending time on feedback, guys. it makes the whole thing much more exciting. hope you'll keep going!
The best thing about a photo is the journey that brought you to it.
As many have said, I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for the feedback!! I went back and edited my photo as andy and shay said and the improved contrast makes it even better. Its tough to write in and keep up to date with everything because I am traveling, but it has been great to see threads when I can. Thanks again and congrats to everyone!
Thank you to all the judges for the excellent feedback!
I know how much work it is to narrow down the 10 best and then to critique them all.
Last year I entered our local county fair for the first time. They had a "judges walk-through" listed on the calendar and I thought that was when the judges judged the display photos. After the fact I found out that was when you could get feedback on your photos from the judges. This year I will be prepared and be there that night! Feedback/critique from respected professionals is a very useful tool in improving one's photography skills.
The best i could hope for on my entry. There was not enough snow on the ground to even scoop som up, all other angles had sidewalk and such. I took 100 shots to get that one try. And it was all worth it.
On to the challenge 4.
Thanks everyone for the challenge..
A man can do as he wills, but not will as he wills.
An opinion should be the result of thought,not the replacement of it.:scratch
Thanks Andy,
I think you did a professional job, given that all judges have bias as do photographers and viewers.
As to Cloud Dancer's Storm, my entry - its like 'Out, Out Damned Spot...' regarding that tree. Guess I should not have let the cold wind going along with the whipping clouds stop me from going 'down the slippery slope' to completely let the shot flow - but then I would have missed the golden foreground.
I liked the completeness of your review ~ all in one chunk, all photos considered, a comprehensive illustration of your position. WELL DONE!
May this shining example stir other LPS judges to perform at the same standard - such activity will clearly bring LPS well above the standards of perhaps even juried shows _simply because EACH judge REALLY tries to effectively communicate with the aspring photographer_ this sort of thing truly makes a photog contest!
[FONT="]As You Think, So Shall You BE... Rumi, 13th Century Persian Poet
Award-Winning Photography, Workshop Instructor, Storyteller, Writer
[/FONT][FONT="]Blog: [/FONT][FONT="]Pathways of Light[/FONT]
[FONT="] Workshops: Creating Fine Art Magic[/FONT][FONT="]
Book: Paths of Light [/FONT]
[FONT="]Workshops: 2011 Lightroom 3 Workshops
[/FONT][FONT="]Galleries, Bisti Art
"Each day comes bearing its own gifts. Untie the ribbons."
----Ruth Ann Schubacker
I forgot to mention that I was thrilled to be compared to any artist/photographer, or even be mentioned in the same sentence....or some such thing.
I googled him that very night!!! I love his work.
So, you gave me a gift that you might not have known you were giving: hours more enjoyment learning another person's work.
I had seen a very few things of his before, but not made note of who he was/is...............now I can look for more information and pictures.
This helps me a lot more than not knowing why my image was not chosen. Also, the more important part is knowing why a particular image was chosen.
Thanx and Thanx again!
From Nikon D70s > Nikon D300s & D700
Nikon 50/1.8, Tamron 28-75/2.8 1st gen, Nikkor 12-24/4, Nikkor 70-200/2.8 ED VR, SB600, SB900, SB-26 and Gitzo 2 Series Carbon Fiber with Kirk Ballhead
Thanks for the comments and taking the time to critique all the entries!!
I will just be moooving along!
black lines are tree branches, they have life in them.
they also look complicated and intertwined, like human lifelines.
was all very obvious to me
but a romanian saying goes "if two say you're drunk, you'd better go to sleep".
thanks for spending time on feedback, guys. it makes the whole thing much more exciting. hope you'll keep going!
I know how much work it is to narrow down the 10 best and then to critique them all.
Last year I entered our local county fair for the first time. They had a "judges walk-through" listed on the calendar and I thought that was when the judges judged the display photos. After the fact I found out that was when you could get feedback on your photos from the judges. This year I will be prepared and be there that night! Feedback/critique from respected professionals is a very useful tool in improving one's photography skills.
I really do appreciate the comment.
Even though I am older I am relatively new to the
whole photography art thing.