LPS#8 feedback thread

This was an interesting round, I think it broke a record for me in the most number of photos selected on my first pass through the gallery! My first pass yielded 35 photos that caught my attention for one reason or another. That list is as follows:
Post# - Photog - Title
2 - PaulThomasMcKee - BIG BANG REDUX
3 - DRabbit - Quietly
8 - JFreeman - Mwa-Ha-Ha-Ha!
15 - urbanaries - easy like sunday morning
17 - jwear - bam
19 - HoofClix - Comet David!
22 - Greensquared - All Tuckered Out
31 - annnna8888 - End of day:
32 - bgaras2001 - Movie Night
33 - tsk1979 - iSoulation
36 - binghott - "rockin out."
37 - Dee - Celebration
38 - pemmett - It's a Pigs Life
43 - Xia_Ke - In The Heat Of The Night
44 - Tessa HD - Dog Days of Summer
57 - k2butter - "Effervescent"
60 - gundermann - A Gentle Threat
61 - davev - Ejection Seat
64 - quark - Resting
74 - Nikolai - Splash
75 - shatch - Orchestrated Display
79 - photogmomma - Love
81 - EnricoS - Fore!
85 - jeeepgirl - Water battle
87 - Harleycowgirl - Nature's Eruption
88 - jkenzie - Shop Dog
91 - snapstacks - SUNSPASM
93 - douglas - Reloading Components
98 - leaforte - Eyes of The Son
103 - saurora - Bursting With Excitement
107 - Sizam - Float On
108 - stuffjunkie - A Pause For The Storm
112 - menebo - Anticipation
113 - drdane - Enduring Peace
114 - anwmn1 - Natural Fireworks
But as you know this needs to be scaled down to a list of ten. It took more than few passes, and the last pass was painful for me as there were a number of photos that I found really exceptional. But this was my final list:
8 - JFreeman - Mwa-Ha-Ha-Ha!
15 - urbanaries - easy like sunday morning
22 - Greensquared - All Tuckered Out
32 - bgaras2001 - Movie Night
43 - Xia_Ke - In The Heat Of The Night
44 - Tessa HD - Dog Days of Summer
79 - photogmomma - Love
103 - saurora - Bursting With Excitement
107 - Sizam - Float On
108 - stuffjunkie - A Pause For The Storm
And now, the feedback on all the entries:
Post# - Photog - Title
2 - PaulThomasMcKee - BIG BANG REDUX
3 - DRabbit - Quietly
This was screaming for a 10:4 pano crop, that featureless sky could easily have gone and the subject reading would have gained more prominence while still retaining that wide open and spacious feeling.
4 - laraflites - alignment
I like the composition, but the processing is too conflicting for me.
5 - vandana - "Thank you for not smoking"
That's quite a bonfire you got going there ;-) and would probably work very well in a satire magazine of some sort.
6 - rmhoman - The Buck Stops Here
I know you don't have much control of where these things take place, however, the action looks to be about half spent. An explosive frame would show the action at maximum energy and extension.
7 - mycaptures - Energy Of A Child
Very cute. It looks like it was a blurry shot that was over-sharpened though, and competes with the subject too much for me.
8 - JFreeman - Mwa-Ha-Ha-Ha!
I would usually just give a one or two word "I'm not worthy" type of response, but I have to say more. Well done! This does not show th explosion of the bomb, the bomb remains potential energy only, however, with the inclusion of the villain, we see emotional energy, and the hand in the background is curled in a way you can hear the evil laugh. So for me it still communicates explosive.
9 - Tentacion - Soothing Rains
Love the photo, great expression. It just didn't say sedate for me, more like relief.
10 - Awais Yaqub - Message of Patience
The two subjects are competing with each other, the painting and the workers. One is serene the other working, but not actively enough to show "explosive". It doesn't communicate either theme strongly enough for me.
11 - snr - Expression via Spray Paint
Good context, but perhaps too much context. A 10:4 pano crop might draw the viewer more to the message.
12 - traunerk - Nature's Lullaby
Very lovely photo, though for me, flight is an energetic endeavor and that might be why it doesn't speak sedate to me.
13 - Pat664422 - Sugar Rush
Nice peak action, very explosive indeed.
14 - Leonardo Alcantara - Ops..
I like your concept and execution, however, what you are displaying is potential energy, and not th energy itself, there is no explosive moment.
15 - urbanaries - easy like sunday morning
Holy macaroni! :bow
16 - lbphotography - Bombs Away!
Beautiful photo, but perhaps too small in scale to get the feeling of high energy.
17 - jwear - bam
Nice peak action, I can almost feel the stabbing pain myself ;-)
18 - chertioga - Hypnotizing the prey
Without the title, the viewer would have no idea what this photo was about.
19 - HoofClix - Comet David!
Very cool! Love the panned action shot, well done.
20 - flybynight - Belting it Out
Close, but didn't come close enough for me.
21 - VisualXpressions - "Life is Good" (self portrait)
It looks relaxing and peaceful, but didn't cross over into sedate for me. Might be too much energy in the pose?
22 - Greensquared - All Tuckered Out
Love it, and the spilled peas really add to the photo. Love it.
23 - seastack - Final Run
Beautiful! But didn't hit the theme for me. Probably because I know how much energy is in that prop wash of those ferries hehehe.
24 - SaltFork - End of the trail...
Lovely scene. Love the inclusion of the legs, but the camera height seems to tall to make me feel like I am the one lounging there.
25 - Elaine - hog heaven
That middle pig laying on it's side is showing more of a sedate look than the subject pig which is standing in the water. Less energy is better.
26 - kingmamaof2 - Silence
27 - LiquidAir - Pop
Love the single eye peek, but all you have here is potential energy, so not enough to speak explosive for me.
28 - richtersl - A Purrfect Life
Great, the face hanging over the edge shows a minimal energy state for sure :-) and the one little eye peek is great and subtle.
29 - Bud1880 - The "Eyes" Have It
Low energy, but the angle is too high. A lower angle shot like richtersl above makes the viewer feel a similar response as the cat. More empathetic if you will.
30 - nikos - Tropical Pyrodise
Clever play on words, I love the title. Fireworks shots in isolation don't typically wow me though. Having some context with the inclusion of the ground helps put the fireworks in perspective. Though I don't know how that would have effected the idea of this shot, whether it would ruin the the effect or not.
31 - annnna8888 - End of day:
Really beautiful!
32 - bgaras2001 - Movie Night
This could be on a movie house wall. Well done.
33 - tsk1979 - iSoulation
Love the photo, however, a vertical 4x6 crop would have nicely complemented the vertical pose of the subject. And an incandescent white balance might have cooled the shot down down to lower visual levels more in keeping with the theme.
34 - com3 - untitled
Not working for me at all. The subjects eyes can't be seen, and there is no visual clue as to why the shot is being shown. The only clue is the title. But then you look at the pose again, and the forward lean says to me action. So it just feels conflicted and not working for me.
35 - Felicia - Crash!
Nice peak action. That action could be even better represented with a 10:4 pano crop, then the foam/spray would be leaving the frame and the action looks visually more active.
36 - binghott - "rockin out."
Love the B&W and the motion blur. This feels very energetic.
37 - Dee - Celebration
Wow, the only thing hurting the photo for me is the image quality. The shadows are too bright and the sensor noise can be seen all over the place. Bring those black point levels in and darken the shadows to make this look better if possible.
38 - pemmett - It's a Pigs Life
Very low energy indeed!
39 - Dalantech - She let me get close...
The detail on those eyes are amazing. But the closeness I think is working against a sedate feel, it looks too energetic to me.
40 - TheFoodTraveller - Scouting for a prey
Awesome photo, but, scouting is energetic, and at the same time, not energetic enough to be explosive. So it is stuck in theme limbo land for me.
41 - adpace - Contemplating
Leaning on that shovel is perfect. I love the photo, it just wound up having a bit too much energy compared to some of the other sedate entries.
42 - flyingdutchie - Salute to the Parade of Sails
Oh, this had a lot of potential. But the composition is too tight. Half of the explosive nature of the photo is lost, the guy there with the ears plugged and the smoke coming out the end are hinted at but not clearly seen. Context has a big bearing on a photo, and there isn't enough of it in this photo. Close, but no cigar ;-)
43 - Xia_Ke - In The Heat Of The Night
44 - Tessa HD - Dog Days of Summer
Love love love it. I keep wanting to play with the cropping, a vertical, a pano, they all help, but no one suggests itself over the other. But that aside, that paw hanging out there and the half closed eyes look like this animal is at its lowest energy level possible! In keeping with that, perhaps placing it at the lower right corner of the frame may complement that low energy feel and still give room for the semi-gaze.
45 - Madrid - Calm Before The Storm
It feels energetic, but more of a potential energy more than anything. I don't see sedate.
46 - tlee - Summer Fun
Good action, but not much context. The viewer is left wondering why this action is taking place. Is someone or something about to get wet?
47 - Janie - Tranquil Moment
Very cute portrait! A little too much energy for me though.
48 - eoren1 - Our Flag Was Still There...
An incandescent white balance would better show the colors of the fireworks I think and may make the sky around the flag a bit more appealing. Love the composition. Needs just a tad more exposure on the statue, but that might ruin the mood too, so I don't know, I am conflicted.
49 - amy wilburn - chillin'
Very stylized! This could easily be on the cover of a music CD. Very interesting.
50 - Swartzy - Firery Frenzy
Explosive for sure, but needs more context for me. It could illustrate an encyclopedia entry, but it would have trouble standing on it's own in an art context.
51 - nelsonstuff - "I See Sparkler People"
Very cool shot and title. I am getting mixed signals for the theme, but it is a great photo.
52 - rddphotos - Blossom Fire
Nice inclusion of context in the trees and car tops. Maybe a tad more of the cars or less, depending on the scene this might not have been possible. A bit more exposure might help too.
53 - rwells - Big Bang Theory
Interesting angle choice, it does help the photo stand on it's own. Well done.
54 - KMCC - Sedately Explosive
I have to mention that the title simply repeats both words of the theme, something I have been trying to get everyone to avoid for months now hehehe. Now the photo itself is beautiful, but it relies on potential energy, and not the energy itself, and being poised for action doesn't convey a sedate feel to the viewer either.
55 - Cheri Campbell-Godfrey - Buzzard Row
Wow, what a line up! Would be even more perfect if cropped to not show the empty posts. Make the viewer think those birds go on forever! And maybe a 10:4 pano crop too.
56 - GREAPER - Patriotic Pastime
Love the composition. But try an incandescent white balance to better portray the colors of the fireworks and city.
57 - k2butter - "Effervescent"
Pow! Great action. A bit warmer of a white balance might give it a tad more energy.
58 - stirfry - Mom's Milk Bar
Close, but too much energy expended in a meal time to make me feel sedate.
59 - SunsetSailor - Firecracker Sunrise
Lovely! It didn't have as much energy as some of the others, but this was close.
60 - gundermann - A Gentle Threat
So subtle and delicious! Well done!
61 - davev - Ejection Seat
Nice peak action! Very explosive feeling.
62 - KvPhoto - The Calm Before The Storm
The frame is distracting (a mirror?) and the optical distortions don't help either. Just looks very messy.
63 - Archangel - Mesmerized
Limbo territory, I don't get a feeling one way or the other as far as theme.
64 - quark - Resting
Beautiful photo!
65 - polyvios_s - Feather Shui!
Love love love this photo. It didn't hit the theme for me ultimately, but wow.
66 - Travis - Smoke Break
A bit distracting with the processing, I didn't notice the fuel cans at first. Funny, but ultimately relies on potential energy instead of the energy itself.
67 - mwalters - Messing about in Boats
Very vintage looking. Though I would have liked to see the incoming rowboat more fully or not at all.
68 - JettyJ - Energy Transfer
Good feeling of energy, but lacks something. I can't pinpoint it for sure, but I think I expect to see a surfer of some type in that wave.
69 - disqualified
70 - A rose - A rose
Very nice colors and streak definition. Almost stands on its own for me, but I would have loved to see some context.
71 - Boyd - Fire Over The Atlantic
Love the context of seeing the water.
72 - NanaMo - .....serene...
Serene now, but in the morning...hehehe
73 - cabbey - Incoming!
I would have liked to see the clouds that this is exploding from. Without that context it is hard to see the energy.
74 - Nikolai - Splash
Crisp and clean. Could easily be on an ad for a beverage. Great action.
75 - shatch - Orchestrated Display
76 - CookieS - Horsepower DIG IN
Nice action, just a little too concealing though of the bull and the rider. Feels incomplete.
77 - Dusty Sensiba - Man and Nature
Amazing timing, but both elements are too weak to really make the photo feel explosive.
78 - Rhuarc - "Too Much Black Powder"
Nice title, it does feel overdriven like they packed it too full with powder. But after that the photo doesn't have much to offer in the way of color or context.
79 - photogmomma - Love
Sweet mercy! :bow
80 - Green2 - Hi-Power
Nice photo, but what we see is potential energy, and the layout conflicts with the title with the seemly sleeping shells laying down.
81 - EnricoS - Fore!
Love the action! I don't know if it is the angle, white balance color, or what, but something is not under par for me.
82 - pyroPrints.com - Short Fuse
The last shot in the series is best for explosive, the build up for me weakens the impact.
83 - Ann McRae - The Predator
The image quality is really hurting the shot. There looks to be no shadow, no blacks to speak of.
84 - zeveck - Fire in the Sky
I like that you are exploring crops, but ti doesn't seem to work here. A vertical crop may have looked more powerful.
85 - jeeepgirl - Water battle
I am ducking to avoid getting wet :-) An interesting crop to consider is a 10:4 pano cropping out the orange arm floaties. So the boys face and the floating drops are all you see.
86 - Flyinggina - The Professor
This does feel sedate, but it feels a little uncomfortable too which pulls me out of the theme ultimately. It may be the eyes.
87 - Harleycowgirl - Nature's Eruption
This one pained me to end to cut from my list. It is just magical for me. And gets two "I'm not worthies" :bow :bow
88 - jkenzie - Shop Dog
Good low energy look to it, but a little blah for me too. Close.
89 - LazyTJ - untitled
A little dark, but touching. This didn't speak to me of the theme at the end though.
90 - Paintdragon - In Our Silence Let Us Not Be Forgotten
A beautiful scene! With the rounded hill it makes it tough to get a lower angle and still show the number of headstones. This is a tough one to nail for me, it is not working, but I can't find a way to help it.
91 - snapstacks - SUNSPASM
A fun photo to be sure, but the lens flare is opposite of the lighting of the natural illumination and winds up distracting too much for me.
92 - JillG - Never Too Old
Kind of limbo, reading is active, but laying on the couch is not. So ehh, it kinda doesn't work, but is close. If the book were resting on his chest and his arms were hanging down like he fell asleep, that may have been a better theme match ;-)
93 - douglas - Reloading Components
Really love the concept. Taking the elements to make the action come to life like that was fantastic. Consider a 10:4 pano crop for it. Well done.
94 - dlscott56 - Contemplating The Day
Feels right heavy to me. If they were at counterpoint, the steeple to the left and the cloud to the right, the balance would seem better, and the steeple would have more contrast to stand against too.
95 - Agila - She Rest in Peace
The statues show more action and take the attention of the shot. So there is a conflict of what the viewer sees and what the title is suggesting.
96 - Robert - Feeling sluggish
The most energetic looking slugs I have ever seen hehehe.
97 - hurricanesteve - Mind Altering
Interesting concept, but the shot relies on potential energy, and doesn't really work for the theme.
98 - leaforte - Eyes of The Son
Very nice, a great match for the theme. Just a little too dark.
99 - sunita - Tranquility
I think ideally, the focus should be on the first book/chair rather than the one behind it. If the first chair/book were more to the periphery of the shot, then it can handle being out of focus a lot easier, but when it is front a center like that, it needs to take the same focus that its prominence has.
100 - sherstone - Aftermath
Very cool concept. It kinda works for me on an explosive level, and a little on the sedate level. But they don't tip one way or the other for me. But way cool!
101 - Dizzy - What Not To Pack . . .
Pretty busy and not very strong. Potential energy, as mentioned can't pull off an explosive theme.
102 - The Hobbyist - The Hare and the Tortoise, at Play.
Conflicting for me, and not explosive enough to effectively counteract the sedate feeling of the in focus child. A little bit of limbo land for me.
103 - saurora - Bursting With Excitement
:bow MAGIC :bow
104 - Aurora - Whatever you do...don't wake the cat!
Title is odd as the cat looks to be awake already, and so why are we warned not to wake it? Good low energy look though.
105 - arctic-moose - Fire Power!!!
Good action, but feels cropped to tightly. Is the gun self discharging? Who is holding it? Why is it going off? Many questions but no answers.
106 - 3phase - Music Calms...
Feels incomplete, a listener relaxed and mellow would complete the scene.
107 - Sizam - Float On
So simple, so perfect! :bow
108 - stuffjunkie - A Pause For The Storm
This was neck and neck with one other fireworks shot. While I feel it is too dark, the lone figure of the boy watching the show is so powerful that it hits home stronger and more emotionally. If the shot were a bit brighter, the other viewer hidden by the trees might show up too, and that would make it more powerful still. But the key here for me was the boy. Awesome.
109 - Vizhon - Analogue Booms
Colorful, but image quality seems to suffer and distract for me.
110 - Lex - "Sweet Elixir"
Sweet shot. Consider a 10:4 pano.
111 - chandi - Ignition
Hmm, the shot seems a bit too soon, the match doesn't look to be the cause of the flame. More like the match is sitting in front of a flame graphic. It is a nice and clean shot, but looks odd.
112 - menebo - Anticipation
I would normally warn of potential energy, however, the anticipatory face give the shot an explosive feel for me. A bit too much studio for my taste, the subject farther from the background would help it go black and not sure what to say about the reflections in the balloon other than moving or not using the umbrella. And the holder of the arrow should be wearing dark clothes or be behind a dark screen. But those are technical nitpicks of a fun and emotional photo.
114 - drdane - Enduring Peace
It does feel peaceful. A wonderful setting and photo.
115 - anwmn1 - Natural Fireworks
Very cool, love the setup.
Post# - Photog - Title
2 - PaulThomasMcKee - BIG BANG REDUX
3 - DRabbit - Quietly
8 - JFreeman - Mwa-Ha-Ha-Ha!
15 - urbanaries - easy like sunday morning
17 - jwear - bam
19 - HoofClix - Comet David!
22 - Greensquared - All Tuckered Out
31 - annnna8888 - End of day:
32 - bgaras2001 - Movie Night
33 - tsk1979 - iSoulation
36 - binghott - "rockin out."
37 - Dee - Celebration
38 - pemmett - It's a Pigs Life
43 - Xia_Ke - In The Heat Of The Night
44 - Tessa HD - Dog Days of Summer
57 - k2butter - "Effervescent"
60 - gundermann - A Gentle Threat
61 - davev - Ejection Seat
64 - quark - Resting
74 - Nikolai - Splash
75 - shatch - Orchestrated Display
79 - photogmomma - Love
81 - EnricoS - Fore!
85 - jeeepgirl - Water battle
87 - Harleycowgirl - Nature's Eruption
88 - jkenzie - Shop Dog
91 - snapstacks - SUNSPASM
93 - douglas - Reloading Components
98 - leaforte - Eyes of The Son
103 - saurora - Bursting With Excitement
107 - Sizam - Float On
108 - stuffjunkie - A Pause For The Storm
112 - menebo - Anticipation
113 - drdane - Enduring Peace
114 - anwmn1 - Natural Fireworks
But as you know this needs to be scaled down to a list of ten. It took more than few passes, and the last pass was painful for me as there were a number of photos that I found really exceptional. But this was my final list:
8 - JFreeman - Mwa-Ha-Ha-Ha!
15 - urbanaries - easy like sunday morning
22 - Greensquared - All Tuckered Out
32 - bgaras2001 - Movie Night
43 - Xia_Ke - In The Heat Of The Night
44 - Tessa HD - Dog Days of Summer
79 - photogmomma - Love
103 - saurora - Bursting With Excitement
107 - Sizam - Float On
108 - stuffjunkie - A Pause For The Storm
And now, the feedback on all the entries:
Post# - Photog - Title
2 - PaulThomasMcKee - BIG BANG REDUX
3 - DRabbit - Quietly
This was screaming for a 10:4 pano crop, that featureless sky could easily have gone and the subject reading would have gained more prominence while still retaining that wide open and spacious feeling.
4 - laraflites - alignment
I like the composition, but the processing is too conflicting for me.
5 - vandana - "Thank you for not smoking"
That's quite a bonfire you got going there ;-) and would probably work very well in a satire magazine of some sort.
6 - rmhoman - The Buck Stops Here
I know you don't have much control of where these things take place, however, the action looks to be about half spent. An explosive frame would show the action at maximum energy and extension.
7 - mycaptures - Energy Of A Child
Very cute. It looks like it was a blurry shot that was over-sharpened though, and competes with the subject too much for me.
8 - JFreeman - Mwa-Ha-Ha-Ha!
I would usually just give a one or two word "I'm not worthy" type of response, but I have to say more. Well done! This does not show th explosion of the bomb, the bomb remains potential energy only, however, with the inclusion of the villain, we see emotional energy, and the hand in the background is curled in a way you can hear the evil laugh. So for me it still communicates explosive.
9 - Tentacion - Soothing Rains
Love the photo, great expression. It just didn't say sedate for me, more like relief.
10 - Awais Yaqub - Message of Patience
The two subjects are competing with each other, the painting and the workers. One is serene the other working, but not actively enough to show "explosive". It doesn't communicate either theme strongly enough for me.
11 - snr - Expression via Spray Paint
Good context, but perhaps too much context. A 10:4 pano crop might draw the viewer more to the message.
12 - traunerk - Nature's Lullaby
Very lovely photo, though for me, flight is an energetic endeavor and that might be why it doesn't speak sedate to me.
13 - Pat664422 - Sugar Rush
Nice peak action, very explosive indeed.
14 - Leonardo Alcantara - Ops..
I like your concept and execution, however, what you are displaying is potential energy, and not th energy itself, there is no explosive moment.
15 - urbanaries - easy like sunday morning
Holy macaroni! :bow
16 - lbphotography - Bombs Away!
Beautiful photo, but perhaps too small in scale to get the feeling of high energy.
17 - jwear - bam
Nice peak action, I can almost feel the stabbing pain myself ;-)
18 - chertioga - Hypnotizing the prey
Without the title, the viewer would have no idea what this photo was about.
19 - HoofClix - Comet David!
Very cool! Love the panned action shot, well done.
20 - flybynight - Belting it Out
Close, but didn't come close enough for me.
21 - VisualXpressions - "Life is Good" (self portrait)
It looks relaxing and peaceful, but didn't cross over into sedate for me. Might be too much energy in the pose?
22 - Greensquared - All Tuckered Out
Love it, and the spilled peas really add to the photo. Love it.
23 - seastack - Final Run
Beautiful! But didn't hit the theme for me. Probably because I know how much energy is in that prop wash of those ferries hehehe.
24 - SaltFork - End of the trail...
Lovely scene. Love the inclusion of the legs, but the camera height seems to tall to make me feel like I am the one lounging there.
25 - Elaine - hog heaven
That middle pig laying on it's side is showing more of a sedate look than the subject pig which is standing in the water. Less energy is better.
26 - kingmamaof2 - Silence
27 - LiquidAir - Pop
Love the single eye peek, but all you have here is potential energy, so not enough to speak explosive for me.
28 - richtersl - A Purrfect Life
Great, the face hanging over the edge shows a minimal energy state for sure :-) and the one little eye peek is great and subtle.
29 - Bud1880 - The "Eyes" Have It
Low energy, but the angle is too high. A lower angle shot like richtersl above makes the viewer feel a similar response as the cat. More empathetic if you will.
30 - nikos - Tropical Pyrodise
Clever play on words, I love the title. Fireworks shots in isolation don't typically wow me though. Having some context with the inclusion of the ground helps put the fireworks in perspective. Though I don't know how that would have effected the idea of this shot, whether it would ruin the the effect or not.
31 - annnna8888 - End of day:
Really beautiful!
32 - bgaras2001 - Movie Night
This could be on a movie house wall. Well done.
33 - tsk1979 - iSoulation
Love the photo, however, a vertical 4x6 crop would have nicely complemented the vertical pose of the subject. And an incandescent white balance might have cooled the shot down down to lower visual levels more in keeping with the theme.
34 - com3 - untitled
Not working for me at all. The subjects eyes can't be seen, and there is no visual clue as to why the shot is being shown. The only clue is the title. But then you look at the pose again, and the forward lean says to me action. So it just feels conflicted and not working for me.
35 - Felicia - Crash!
Nice peak action. That action could be even better represented with a 10:4 pano crop, then the foam/spray would be leaving the frame and the action looks visually more active.
36 - binghott - "rockin out."
Love the B&W and the motion blur. This feels very energetic.
37 - Dee - Celebration
Wow, the only thing hurting the photo for me is the image quality. The shadows are too bright and the sensor noise can be seen all over the place. Bring those black point levels in and darken the shadows to make this look better if possible.
38 - pemmett - It's a Pigs Life
Very low energy indeed!
39 - Dalantech - She let me get close...
The detail on those eyes are amazing. But the closeness I think is working against a sedate feel, it looks too energetic to me.
40 - TheFoodTraveller - Scouting for a prey
Awesome photo, but, scouting is energetic, and at the same time, not energetic enough to be explosive. So it is stuck in theme limbo land for me.
41 - adpace - Contemplating
Leaning on that shovel is perfect. I love the photo, it just wound up having a bit too much energy compared to some of the other sedate entries.
42 - flyingdutchie - Salute to the Parade of Sails
Oh, this had a lot of potential. But the composition is too tight. Half of the explosive nature of the photo is lost, the guy there with the ears plugged and the smoke coming out the end are hinted at but not clearly seen. Context has a big bearing on a photo, and there isn't enough of it in this photo. Close, but no cigar ;-)
43 - Xia_Ke - In The Heat Of The Night
44 - Tessa HD - Dog Days of Summer
Love love love it. I keep wanting to play with the cropping, a vertical, a pano, they all help, but no one suggests itself over the other. But that aside, that paw hanging out there and the half closed eyes look like this animal is at its lowest energy level possible! In keeping with that, perhaps placing it at the lower right corner of the frame may complement that low energy feel and still give room for the semi-gaze.
45 - Madrid - Calm Before The Storm
It feels energetic, but more of a potential energy more than anything. I don't see sedate.
46 - tlee - Summer Fun
Good action, but not much context. The viewer is left wondering why this action is taking place. Is someone or something about to get wet?
47 - Janie - Tranquil Moment
Very cute portrait! A little too much energy for me though.
48 - eoren1 - Our Flag Was Still There...
An incandescent white balance would better show the colors of the fireworks I think and may make the sky around the flag a bit more appealing. Love the composition. Needs just a tad more exposure on the statue, but that might ruin the mood too, so I don't know, I am conflicted.
49 - amy wilburn - chillin'
Very stylized! This could easily be on the cover of a music CD. Very interesting.
50 - Swartzy - Firery Frenzy
Explosive for sure, but needs more context for me. It could illustrate an encyclopedia entry, but it would have trouble standing on it's own in an art context.
51 - nelsonstuff - "I See Sparkler People"
Very cool shot and title. I am getting mixed signals for the theme, but it is a great photo.
52 - rddphotos - Blossom Fire
Nice inclusion of context in the trees and car tops. Maybe a tad more of the cars or less, depending on the scene this might not have been possible. A bit more exposure might help too.
53 - rwells - Big Bang Theory
Interesting angle choice, it does help the photo stand on it's own. Well done.
54 - KMCC - Sedately Explosive
I have to mention that the title simply repeats both words of the theme, something I have been trying to get everyone to avoid for months now hehehe. Now the photo itself is beautiful, but it relies on potential energy, and not the energy itself, and being poised for action doesn't convey a sedate feel to the viewer either.
55 - Cheri Campbell-Godfrey - Buzzard Row
Wow, what a line up! Would be even more perfect if cropped to not show the empty posts. Make the viewer think those birds go on forever! And maybe a 10:4 pano crop too.
56 - GREAPER - Patriotic Pastime
Love the composition. But try an incandescent white balance to better portray the colors of the fireworks and city.
57 - k2butter - "Effervescent"
Pow! Great action. A bit warmer of a white balance might give it a tad more energy.
58 - stirfry - Mom's Milk Bar
Close, but too much energy expended in a meal time to make me feel sedate.
59 - SunsetSailor - Firecracker Sunrise
Lovely! It didn't have as much energy as some of the others, but this was close.
60 - gundermann - A Gentle Threat
So subtle and delicious! Well done!
61 - davev - Ejection Seat
Nice peak action! Very explosive feeling.
62 - KvPhoto - The Calm Before The Storm
The frame is distracting (a mirror?) and the optical distortions don't help either. Just looks very messy.
63 - Archangel - Mesmerized
Limbo territory, I don't get a feeling one way or the other as far as theme.
64 - quark - Resting
Beautiful photo!
65 - polyvios_s - Feather Shui!
Love love love this photo. It didn't hit the theme for me ultimately, but wow.
66 - Travis - Smoke Break
A bit distracting with the processing, I didn't notice the fuel cans at first. Funny, but ultimately relies on potential energy instead of the energy itself.
67 - mwalters - Messing about in Boats
Very vintage looking. Though I would have liked to see the incoming rowboat more fully or not at all.
68 - JettyJ - Energy Transfer
Good feeling of energy, but lacks something. I can't pinpoint it for sure, but I think I expect to see a surfer of some type in that wave.
69 - disqualified
70 - A rose - A rose
Very nice colors and streak definition. Almost stands on its own for me, but I would have loved to see some context.
71 - Boyd - Fire Over The Atlantic
Love the context of seeing the water.
72 - NanaMo - .....serene...
Serene now, but in the morning...hehehe
73 - cabbey - Incoming!
I would have liked to see the clouds that this is exploding from. Without that context it is hard to see the energy.
74 - Nikolai - Splash
Crisp and clean. Could easily be on an ad for a beverage. Great action.
75 - shatch - Orchestrated Display
76 - CookieS - Horsepower DIG IN
Nice action, just a little too concealing though of the bull and the rider. Feels incomplete.
77 - Dusty Sensiba - Man and Nature
Amazing timing, but both elements are too weak to really make the photo feel explosive.
78 - Rhuarc - "Too Much Black Powder"
Nice title, it does feel overdriven like they packed it too full with powder. But after that the photo doesn't have much to offer in the way of color or context.
79 - photogmomma - Love
Sweet mercy! :bow
80 - Green2 - Hi-Power
Nice photo, but what we see is potential energy, and the layout conflicts with the title with the seemly sleeping shells laying down.
81 - EnricoS - Fore!
Love the action! I don't know if it is the angle, white balance color, or what, but something is not under par for me.
82 - pyroPrints.com - Short Fuse
The last shot in the series is best for explosive, the build up for me weakens the impact.
83 - Ann McRae - The Predator
The image quality is really hurting the shot. There looks to be no shadow, no blacks to speak of.
84 - zeveck - Fire in the Sky
I like that you are exploring crops, but ti doesn't seem to work here. A vertical crop may have looked more powerful.
85 - jeeepgirl - Water battle
I am ducking to avoid getting wet :-) An interesting crop to consider is a 10:4 pano cropping out the orange arm floaties. So the boys face and the floating drops are all you see.
86 - Flyinggina - The Professor
This does feel sedate, but it feels a little uncomfortable too which pulls me out of the theme ultimately. It may be the eyes.
87 - Harleycowgirl - Nature's Eruption
This one pained me to end to cut from my list. It is just magical for me. And gets two "I'm not worthies" :bow :bow
88 - jkenzie - Shop Dog
Good low energy look to it, but a little blah for me too. Close.
89 - LazyTJ - untitled
A little dark, but touching. This didn't speak to me of the theme at the end though.
90 - Paintdragon - In Our Silence Let Us Not Be Forgotten
A beautiful scene! With the rounded hill it makes it tough to get a lower angle and still show the number of headstones. This is a tough one to nail for me, it is not working, but I can't find a way to help it.
91 - snapstacks - SUNSPASM
A fun photo to be sure, but the lens flare is opposite of the lighting of the natural illumination and winds up distracting too much for me.
92 - JillG - Never Too Old
Kind of limbo, reading is active, but laying on the couch is not. So ehh, it kinda doesn't work, but is close. If the book were resting on his chest and his arms were hanging down like he fell asleep, that may have been a better theme match ;-)
93 - douglas - Reloading Components
Really love the concept. Taking the elements to make the action come to life like that was fantastic. Consider a 10:4 pano crop for it. Well done.
94 - dlscott56 - Contemplating The Day
Feels right heavy to me. If they were at counterpoint, the steeple to the left and the cloud to the right, the balance would seem better, and the steeple would have more contrast to stand against too.
95 - Agila - She Rest in Peace
The statues show more action and take the attention of the shot. So there is a conflict of what the viewer sees and what the title is suggesting.
96 - Robert - Feeling sluggish
The most energetic looking slugs I have ever seen hehehe.
97 - hurricanesteve - Mind Altering
Interesting concept, but the shot relies on potential energy, and doesn't really work for the theme.
98 - leaforte - Eyes of The Son
Very nice, a great match for the theme. Just a little too dark.
99 - sunita - Tranquility
I think ideally, the focus should be on the first book/chair rather than the one behind it. If the first chair/book were more to the periphery of the shot, then it can handle being out of focus a lot easier, but when it is front a center like that, it needs to take the same focus that its prominence has.
100 - sherstone - Aftermath
Very cool concept. It kinda works for me on an explosive level, and a little on the sedate level. But they don't tip one way or the other for me. But way cool!
101 - Dizzy - What Not To Pack . . .
Pretty busy and not very strong. Potential energy, as mentioned can't pull off an explosive theme.
102 - The Hobbyist - The Hare and the Tortoise, at Play.
Conflicting for me, and not explosive enough to effectively counteract the sedate feeling of the in focus child. A little bit of limbo land for me.
103 - saurora - Bursting With Excitement
:bow MAGIC :bow
104 - Aurora - Whatever you do...don't wake the cat!
Title is odd as the cat looks to be awake already, and so why are we warned not to wake it? Good low energy look though.
105 - arctic-moose - Fire Power!!!
Good action, but feels cropped to tightly. Is the gun self discharging? Who is holding it? Why is it going off? Many questions but no answers.
106 - 3phase - Music Calms...
Feels incomplete, a listener relaxed and mellow would complete the scene.
107 - Sizam - Float On
So simple, so perfect! :bow
108 - stuffjunkie - A Pause For The Storm
This was neck and neck with one other fireworks shot. While I feel it is too dark, the lone figure of the boy watching the show is so powerful that it hits home stronger and more emotionally. If the shot were a bit brighter, the other viewer hidden by the trees might show up too, and that would make it more powerful still. But the key here for me was the boy. Awesome.
109 - Vizhon - Analogue Booms
Colorful, but image quality seems to suffer and distract for me.
110 - Lex - "Sweet Elixir"
Sweet shot. Consider a 10:4 pano.
111 - chandi - Ignition
Hmm, the shot seems a bit too soon, the match doesn't look to be the cause of the flame. More like the match is sitting in front of a flame graphic. It is a nice and clean shot, but looks odd.
112 - menebo - Anticipation
I would normally warn of potential energy, however, the anticipatory face give the shot an explosive feel for me. A bit too much studio for my taste, the subject farther from the background would help it go black and not sure what to say about the reflections in the balloon other than moving or not using the umbrella. And the holder of the arrow should be wearing dark clothes or be behind a dark screen. But those are technical nitpicks of a fun and emotional photo.
114 - drdane - Enduring Peace
It does feel peaceful. A wonderful setting and photo.
115 - anwmn1 - Natural Fireworks
Very cool, love the setup.
Creator of Dgrin's "Last Photographer Standing" contest
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
I've been away for this entire round and just had a chance to look at the entries. I am astonished at how many newcomers there are, the number of entries and the amount of great entries!!! Looks like the word's got out
Congratuations to all who entered and my commiserations to the judges - you've got a tough job ahead of you!
Here is my list. Lovely round, gang. I enjoyed seeing all the new dgrinners posting. The list reads from L-->R, top to bottom:
ETA Feedback:
1. 108 - stuffjunkie - A Pause For The Storm
I am fairly ambivalent toward fireworks in general, but I loved the way this image conveyed a time of innocence. I remember being this awe-struck by fireworks as a kid.
2. 103 - saurora - Bursting With Excitement
I really liked the colors in this image. The composition and the child's expression play really well together and I love the texture of the colors.
3. 13 - Pat664422 - Sugar Rush
When I saw this image, I actually salivated. Beautifully executed!
4. 33 - tsk1979 - iSoulation
The beauty of humanity juxtaposed with the urban chaos of humanity--I love the dueling imagery and thought this captured "sedate" better than any other image. Calm in the face of chaos, a distinct choice.
5. 5 - vandana - "Thank you for not smoking"
Is this sedate or explosive? Guess that depends on who you are talking to
6. 46 - tlee - Summer Fun
This shot is just good fun. Another visceral reaction. I'm a sucker for bright, primary colors and this just screams fun to me. It would have been even more powerful with a child's hand bursting the bubble.
7. 51 - nelsonstuff - "I See Sparkler People"
I. Love. This. Shot.
8. 24 - SaltFork - End of the trail...
Another great example of the image moving beyond a simple calm state--I get the back story of the journey that came before the image. Perhaps its because I was a hiker, but this image really hit theme.
9. 54 - KMCC - Sedately Explosive
Nice shot--the explosive tension of the bird is nearly palpable amid the pristine background. I love that dichotomy. The clean, crisp lines in this shot play against the impending explosion. Great story.
10. 107 - Sizam - Float On
I'd hang this on my wall, you betcha. LOVE the composition and the subtle storyline.
Honorable Mentions
11. 32 - bgaras2001 - Movie Night
Clever and fun--I was hoping for a popcorn shot though I would like to have seen one more actively popping.
12. 18 - chertioga - Hypnotizing the prey
Cool shot, cool take on the theme. Good on ya.
Also on my long list:
9 - Tentacion - Soothing Rains
This was on my short list and eeked off at the last minute. It's a lush shot. In the end, it just didn't engage me like some of the others.
8 - JFreeman - Mwa-Ha-Ha-Ha!
Clever and fun--It didn't quite meet my criteria for explosive so it didn't make my list but points for the idea and execution. Cool shot!
I really took care to understand the theme definitions and when looking at the images, the ones which sparked the most emotion in me were the ones that didn't just capture the theme definition(s), but took it one step further by engaging with the environment or viewer in some way. There were many wonderful images which depicted the theme to the letter but didn't engage me as much as others did.
Don't want to influence any opinions or ideas...you never know if the judges peek at what the "viewers" think. (not saying they do, but that is just my opinion)
Ooooo I sounded "tacky"..Sorry everyone, I Didn't mean to sound Tacky....I guess overworked might be the reason...BRAIN FRIED
I do have the 10 I like, but keeping it to myself is what I should have said...
There are ALOT of FABULOUS entries, and as always GOOD LUCK TO ALL !!
# 01 PaulThomasMcKee - Big Redux
# 13 Pat664422 - Sugar Rush
# 17 Jwear - Bam
# 33 tsk1979 - isoulation
# 46 tlee - Summer Fun
# 47 Janie - Tranquil Moment
# 57 K2butter - Effervescent
# 68 JettyJ - Energy Transfer
# 79 Photogmomma - Love
# 86 Flyinggina - The Professor
#108 Stuffjunkie - A Pause For the Storm
#112 Menebo - Anticipation
So many, many more! Amazing work everyone, you should all be proud!
#2 - PaulThomasMcKee - BIG BANG REDUX
#13 - Pat664422 - Sugar Rush
#26 - Kingmamaof2 - Silence
#33 - tsk1979 - iSoulation
#47 - Janie - Tranquil Moment
#56 - GREAPER - Patriotic Pastime
#94 - dlScott - Contemplating the Day
#100 - sherstone - Aftermath
#112 - menebo - Anticipation
#113 - drdane - Enduring Peace
Honorable Mention
#21 - VisualExpressions - Life is Good
#61 - davev - Ejection Seat
...and I could go on and on....and on and on.....
www.theanimalhaven.com :thumb
Visit us at: www.northeastfoto.com a forum for northeastern USA Photogs to meet. :wink
Canon 30D, some lenses and stuff... I think im tired or something, i have a hard time concentrating.. hey look, a birdie!:clap
I am not going to put out a comprehensive list like I did last time, but I will say that two photos stand above all of these to me as far as both meeting the theme and being a well composed and finished shot. Those two are Paul McKee's Big Bang Redux and Salt Fork's End of the trail. Other extremely well done photos that I thought either didn't or didn't quite meet the theme include annnna8888's End of day, seastack's Final Run, and Saurora's Bursting With Excitement. But many others.
But these are just opinions, and mine make no more sense than others. Now I've been accused in the past of being a little analytical, and I proved it again this series by keeping a little chart as things went along. I noted if the photo met the theme(24), did not(24), sort of did(22), and if it was fireworks or water based, my own in this one (They don't add up, I know..) In my opinion, only 5 of the fireworks shots met the theme (add 5 to the 24).
My list agrees only a little with those who have so far exposed their opinions, and I see very little agreement amongst those so far (only #33 is listed by all three), so let's all not go get upset about things. Let's learn and then move on to take our own photos!
Kind of like when I hit it bad on the practice tee and shoot 75 later on, maybe it's a good thing that I have no idea what to do for LPS9!
www.HoofClix.com / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
Where did my photo go? Does anyone see #16? I know it was there last night, and the link has not changed. I wonder if the judges saw it?
Update - sharing was turned off last night on the gallery the photo was in. GRRRRRRRR! I guess LPS #9 will be my first posting.
I agree great round, lots of spectacular photography.
Hi, here's my feedback, I know how frustrating it is waiting for feedback and results so this is very much a quick and dirty effort which given time I'll flesh out a bit more.
My top ten in order of submission, title links to image:-
Mwa-Ha-Ha-Ha! - JFreeman
Great fun, a picture I just keep coming back to to look at again and again, the subject matter, the composition the treatment in PP, it all adds up to a very memorable image, I can imagine hanging it on my wall.
Sugar Rush - Pat664422
Bang on theme for me, love the energy, composition and technical aspects of this shot, went straight into my top ten.
Silence - Kingmamaof2
Sweet mercy as Shay might say, again bang on theme, here's someone that appears to be suffering but maintains an air of grace, decorum and dignity, sedate indeed.
Pop - Liquidair
I really like the tight crop on this image, it makes the viewer feel involved, as though your equally at threat from the impending explosion, the look of anticipation, excitement and fear caught in the child's eye is also perfect.
iSoulation - tsk1979
I was drawn to this image by the contrast between the clearly busy and noisy backdrop and the inner silence and grace of the subject, the play off between the subject's ability to find inner calm in the midst of such an environment works well for me.
Sedately Explosive - KMCC
Very cleverly captures the dignity and great beauty of the natural world, a wonderfully graceful and serene moment.
Patriotic Pastime - GREAPER
Of the fireworks entries this one caught my eye, no distracting elements, perfect exposure, clever composition, just a joy to behold.
Splash - Nikolai
I really like the movement in this entry, it really fizzles with energy.
Bursting with Excitement - Saurora
Another image I keep revisiting, wonderful, not only do we have the explosive effect of a sparkler, but an explosion of joy on the child's face, spot on and a wonderful capture, a delight.
Float On - Sizam
Beautiful and very clever, here we are presented with a crisp almost virginal, abstract representation of remaining sedate in the face of great adversity, steering one's way through the trials of life with grace and serenity.
And the rest:-
2. Big Bang Redux - PaulThomasMcKee
It's certainly a riot of colour, and I can almost imagine those buds rushing towards me, a lovely image, nearly made my top 10.
3. Quietly - DRabbit
Misses the theme for me, contemplative, maybe even a little sad and there's too much dead space at the top of the image for me, good BW conversion though.
4. Alignment - laraflites
Another image that missed the theme for me, and I'm not sure about the PP treatment, good composition however.
5. Thank you for not smoking - Vandana
This is good fun, I'm not sure if the high key effect works, something about it bothers me.
6. The Buck Stops Here - rmhoman
Captures the explosive energy of the horse well, is it a little dark, might be my monitor and maybe you could lose the rails?
7. Energy of a child - mycaptures
Misses the theme for me and the PP looks a bit odd?
8. Mwa-Ha-Ha-Ha! - JFreeman
Great fun, a picture I just keep coming back to to look at again and again, the subject matter, the composition the treatment in PP, it all adds up to a very memorable image, I can imagine hanging it on my wall, made my top ten.
9. Soothing Rains - Tentacion
Beautiful model enjoying a refreshing, cleansing moment, but doesn't catch either theme for me.
10. Message of patience - Awais Yaqub
There's some powerful imagery here but I don't understand the inclusion of the foreground subjects, I don't know what they are digging, am I missing the message?
11. Expression via Spray Paint - snr
An interesting subject and that rare thing, a good use of selective colour.
12. Nature's Lullaby - traunerk
A pleasing scene that misses the theme for me, seems a bit noisy.
13. Sugar Rush - Pat664422
Bang on theme for me, love the energy, composition and technical aspects of this shot, went straight into my top ten.
14. Ops.. - Leonardo Alcantara
A nice idea but I preferred the other balloon shots.
15. Easy like Sunday morning - urbanaries
A difficult one this, a stunning portrait but I'm seeing anguish, concern or worry in the models eyes and this missed the theme for me, an extraordinarily beautiful image however.
16. lbphotography
This didn't make my top ten but I can't seem to view it now so I can't give feedback.
17. bam - jwear
Bam indeed or more of a thwack, or a thump but not an explosion, nice capture however.
18. Hypnotizing the prey - chertioga
I don't get it, explosive or sedate, sedate the prey, sorry?
19. Comet David - HoofClix
Well caught water bomb, good fun.
20. Belting it out - flybynight
Great capture but doesn't quite convey the explosive theme enough for me.
21. Life is Good - VisualXpressions
It certainly looks like it is, I'd like to join you for a glass. Says calm, relaxed, chilled out to me, but not sedate.
22. All tuckered out - Greensquared
Gorgeous, what an adorable portrait, but says tired, sleepy, exhausted to me, not sedate.
23. Final Run - Seastack
Love the colours and the calm, serene nature of the scene, but speaks of goodbyes or farewells to me.
24. End of the trail... - SaltFork
A very picturesque and calming scene, relaxing, beautiful, but not sedate.
25. Hog Heaven - Elaine
I love this image, it really makes me chuckle but I'm not sure how dignified a pig in muck can be.
26. Silence - Kingmamaof2
Sweet mercy as Shay might say, again bang on theme, here's someone that appears to be suffering but maintains an air of grace, decorum and dignity, sedate indeed, made my top ten.
27. Pop - Liquidair
I really like the tight crop on this image, it makes the viewer feel involved, as though your equally at threat from the impending explosion, the look of anticipation, excitement and fear caught in the child's eye is also perfect, made my top ten.
28 . A purrfect Life - richtersl
Fantastic capture of a sleeping cat, doesn't hit the theme for me.
29. The 'eyes' have it - Bud1880
As Above
30. Tropical Pyrodise - nikos
It's a good firework shot, but not my favourite of those submitted.
31. End of day - annnna8888
Nice textural contrasts and very inviting blue waters but misses the theme for me.
32. Movie Night - bgaras2001
Great image, I love the energy, seriously considered this but in the end it failed to make my top ten.
33. iSoulation - tsk1979
I was drawn to this image by the contrast between the clearly busy and noisy backdrop and the inner silence and grace of the subject, the play off between the subject's ability to find inner calm in the midst of such an environment works well for me, made my top 10.
34. the calm before the storm - com3
A nice portrait that doesn't seem to have any connection to the theme.
35. Crash! - Felicia
Certainly captures the explosive power of waves meeting rocks but lacks a clear focal point for me, my eye darts around the image continuously and never settles anywhere.
36. Rockin Out - binghott
A little spooky but doesn't say either theme to me.
37. Celebration - Dee
A nice attempt at fireworks, but the smoke obscuring the main explosion and the messy bottom of the frame spoil it for me.
38. It's a pig's life - pemmett
That's one relaxed pig, I like the composition and the high saturation but ultimately it doesn't fit the theme.
39. She let me get close... - Dalantech
Wowser, another of Dalantech's extraordinary images, but I'm not seeing the relation to the theme.
40. Scouting for prey - TheFoodTraveller
Subject is too obscured and lost in the frame to draw any feeling from the image for me.
41. Contemplating - adpace
What a great image, I like the composition but not seeing the themes.
42. Salute to the parade of sails - flyingdutchie
Now that's what I call an explosion, well captured, it's a shame that the two most striking elements of the shot, the explosion and the recoiling soldier are at either side of the frame, it feels unbalanced.
43. In The Heat Of The Night - Xia_ke
Well captured and exposed lightning shot, but the lower part of the frame is too messy, looks as though it was taken out of a window when a more favourable location could have been sought.
44. Dog Days of Summer - Tessa HD
I absolutely love this shot, everything works except its relation to the theme, I can't see it.
45. Calm Before the Storm - Madrid
What a gorgeous sky, I didn't find it menacing enough to suggest the onset of a storm.
46. Summer Fun - tlee
Very nice, this almost made my top 10, a very well captured moment.
47 . Tranquil Moment - Janie
Wonderful portrait, but misses the themes for me.
48. Our Flag Was Still There - eoren1
Very clever use of the firework and a good exposure, but ultimately for me the firework is a secondary element of the shot, when given the theme it should have been the main.
49. chillin' - amy wilburn
It's certainly an interesting shot, but misses the theme for me.
50. Fiery Frenzy - Swartzy
Another firework shot, spoilt slightly by the partial obscuring by the smoke.
51. I see sparkler people - nelsonstuff
I really liked this image, it almost made my top ten.
52. Blossom Fire - rddphotos
Another fireworks shot spoilt by a messy foreground.
53. Big Bang Theory
This didn't make my top ten, but it's not displaying for me now so I can't comment.
54. Sedately Explosive - KMCC
Very cleverly captures the dignity and great beauty of the natural world, a wonderfully graceful and serene moment, made my top ten.
55. Buzzard Row - Cheri
It's certainly quite a sight to behold but it's not giving me a strong impression of either theme.
56. Patriotic Pastime - GREAPER
Of the fireworks entries this one caught my eye, no distracting elements, perfect exposure, clever composition, just a joy to behold, made my top ten.
57. Effervescent - k2butter
Wonderful, a well captured moment, almost made my top ten.
58. Mom's Milk Bar - stirfry
A very intimate and wonderful moment to capture, a gorgeous image and conversion but ultimately fails to meet the themes for me.
59. Firecracker Sunrise - SunsetSailor
Wonderful colours, I appreciate the attempt to use the branches to frame the image but I feel like I want to be closer to the structure, however, ultimately I'm not sure this image meets the theme.
60. A gentle threat - gundermann
I don't know what I'm looking at without the textual explanation, that's fine but it then needs to shout explosive or sedate to me and it does neither.
61. Ejection Seat - davev
It's a good action shot, a bit tightly cropped for me, when a subject is moving I like to leave them some room to move into, however I did consider this image for some time.
62. The Calm Before the Storm - KvPhoto
This image doesn't really work for me, if there is an impending storm the sky doesn't suggest it to me.
63. Mesmerized - Archangel
I really liked this image and it nearly made my top ten, this looks like one dignified dog and I love the lighting, gorgeous.
64. Resting - quark
Another relaxing and picturesque scene, very nicely composed and exposed in pretty difficult conditions but again fails to meet the theme for me.
65. Feather Shui! - polyvios_s
Oooh, I really like this, beautiful, but not tied in closely enough with the themes for me.
66. Smoke Break - Travis
An interesting, if somewhat unnerving concept, but the PP doesn't work for me.
67. Messing about in boats - mwalters
At the risk of sounding like a broken record, misses the theme again and I can't discern if it's been intentionally softened or is just out of focus?
68. Energy Transfer - JettyJ
I like this, however somehow it lacks strong enough form to really stand out as it verges on abstract.
69. Disqualified
70. Independence Day! - JohnC
Another cracking fireworks shot which ultimately lost out to another entry.
71. Fire over the Atlantic - Boyd
OK, but not the strongest fireworks shot.
72. ...serene... - NanaMo
This made me chuckle, I like it as an image but, clearly it's not explosive, and arguably it's the opposite of sedate, maybe sedated was what you were after.
73. Incoming - cabbey
This doesn't work for me.
74. Splash - Nikolai
I really like the movement in this entry, it really fizzles with energy, made my top ten.
75. Orchestrated Display - shatch
Very nicely captured fireworks, but I find myself more interested in what the people at the bottom of the frame are up to, too many distracting elements.
76. Horsepower Dig In - CookieS
I was hoping someone might capture the explosive power of a beast such as a horse, but to me this horse looks as though it's braking and turning hard, rather than exploding forward, would a second later have been the moment?
77. Man and Nature - Dusty Sensiba
It's quite a pleasing image, but something doesn't hang right for me, can't put my finger on it.
78. Too Much Black Power - Rhuarc
There's simply to much lost detail to the blown highlights for this to compete with the other fireworks shots.
79. Love - photogmomma
I adore this entry, it's so simple yet so effective, it works on every level, except one, it doesn't fit the theme, but what a great image.
80. Hi-Power - Green2
I don't know what to say about this, it just leaves me cold, technically it's fine but it does nothing for me.
81. Fore! - EnricoS
A nice attempt at capturing an explosive moment, but it doesn't quite convey for me the energy involved.
82. Short Fuse - pyroPrints.com
I liked this concept and it was hovering around my top ten for a while but in the end it didn't quite make it.
83. The Predator - Ann McRae
The image seems to suffer from some technical deficiencies, there's certainly some explosive power on display.
84. Fire in the Sky - zeveck
Not strong enough to compete with some of the other fireworks shots.
85. Water Battle - jeeepgirl
This is an excellent image and very nearly made it into my top ten, gave me nightmares, but ultimately lost out.
86. The Professor - Flyinggina
I though this was a strong attempt at the theme but it's a little too formal and stiff for me.
87. Nature's Eruption - Harleycowgirl
What a breathtaking image, wonderful, but the trouble with dandelions is that the parachutes usually break off easily and then waft away quietly which doesn't say explosive to me.
88. Shop Dog - jkenzie
What a lovely mutt, you've caught his/her eyes beautifully, a lovely image.
89. LazyTJ
I'm not seeing either theme here.
90. In our Silences Let Us Not Be Forgotten - Paintdragon
I do like this image, it's well composed, exposed but it didn't make my top ten.
91. Sunspasm - snapstacks
Beautiful, but I don't see the relation to the themes.
92. Never Too Old - JillG
It's a very well executed portrait but it wasn't strong enough for me to make my top 10.
93. Reloading Components - douglas
It does what it says on the tin, but it doesn't move me in any way.
94. Contemplating the Day - dlscott56
A very peaceful and calming scene, but doesn't hit the themes for me.
95. She Rest In Peace - Agila
Very, very powerful imagery and technically beautiful but says grief, loss and sorrow to me, not sedate.
96. Feeling Sluggish - Robert
Ewwww! as they say, good fun but not on theme for me.
97. Mind Altering - hurricanesteve
I like the composition and use of narrow depth of field but it doesn't move me in any way.
98. Eyes of the Son - leaforte
I'd like to be sitting around that fire telling old tales but it misses the theme for me.
99. Tranquility - sunita
This one gave me problems, I really like it, strong composition, interesting lighting, technically well done, but does it fit the theme, it was certainly up there in my thoughts but lost out in the end.
100. Aftermath - Sherstone
An interesting concept, and there's certainly an eye for composition here with the way the spent matches have been arranged, I like the image but it didn't make my top ten.
101. What not to pack - Dizzy
A nice dose of humour but the picture doesn't work for me as an arresting image.
102. The hare and the tortoise at play - The Hobbyist.
A nice idea, but not strong enough for me in light of the competition.
103. Bursting with Excitement - Saurora
Another image I keep revisiting, wonderful, not only do we have the explosive effect of a sparkler, but an explosion of joy on the child's face, spot on and a wonderful capture, a delight, easily made my top 10.
104. Whatever you do.. don't wake the cat! - Aurora
Another nice feline portrait but doesn't capture the theme for me.
105. Fire Power!!! - Arctic Moose
Undoubtedly explosive, but somehow the gun looks too static to have just released that amount of energy.
106. Music Calms... - 3phase
A nice enough portrait but doesn't hit the theme for me.
107. Float On - Sizam
Beautiful and very clever, here we are presented with a crisp almost virginal, abstract representation of remaining sedate in the face of great adversity, steering one's way through the trials of life with grace and serenity, made my top ten.
108. A pause for the storm - stuffjunkie
Not the strongest fireworks shot, the body language of the boy in silhouette with his hands in his pockets suggests apathy or disinterest sucking the energy out of the whole image.
109. Analogue Blooms - Vizhon
Another fireworks entry that's not strong enough to compete with the better shots.
110. Sweet Elixir - Lex
This image is too busy and lacks a focal point, my eye floats around the image looking for somewhere to land but never rests at ease, also I fail to see the connection to the theme.
111. Ignition - chandi
Good capture, strong composition and exposure, really like it but it didn't make my top ten.
112. Anticipation - menebo
Very nice, great lighting (as evidenced in the reflection in the balloon) beautiful model, good use of selective colouring, so nearly made my top ten, very difficult choice.
113. Enduring Peace - drdane
Beautiful scene, cleverly created, I gave this one some serious thought but it didn't quite make it into my top 10.
114. Natural Fireworks - anwmn1
A strong image, but not related closely enough to the themes for me.
Phew, judging is tough!
Dang, I knew I should have gone with my other shot :cry I was worried about exactly what you pointed out. This was a 20 second exposure, and with the wind from the storm, it created a lot of blur in the trees in the foreground. I tried burning them out a bit and hoped the lightning itself would be enough to make up for it. The shot was taken from my porch and as much as I wanted a winning shot, I wasn't about to go running around in the open with a metal tripod...
My Gallery
"Challenge yourself! You will have days of discouragement and days of success, but the only way to fail, is to quit!" - Emily (Greensquared)
These are the ones that spoke the theme to me the most and made me want to stay and linger on them:
#79 - Love by Photogmomma
#114 - Natural Fireworks by anwmn1
#66 - Smoke Break by Travis
#46 - Summer Fun by tlee
#48 - Our Flag Was Still There by eoren1
#27 - Pop by LiquidAir
#26 - Silence by Kingmamaof2
#13 - Sugar Rush by Pat664422
#2 - BIG BANG REDUX by PaulThomasMcKee
#9 - Soothing Rains by Tentacion
I must say I don't envy the judges one bit! I started out writing down my top 10 and had to start over when I reached 20... I love these contests. As the lurker I was, it was addicting to check out the new entries and get my photography art fix. Thank you everyone for braving rejection and sharing your talents with the world! Keep showing your stuff! I must feed my habit...
Yes, thanks for going through every photo with a critique. Your opinion helped me understand why certain photos weren't sticking with me like others.
I think my image is going to be misinterpreted quite a bit. it wasn't meant to be just another fireworks shot. It was meant to be over blown, in the sense that to me it showed true explosiveness and the chaos that ensues.
But hey, live and learn right?
Thanks for your feedback Charlie, it is much appreciated!! in regards to my picture...
You apparently did see the theme:
'Etymology: Latin sedatus, from past participle of sedare to calm" also means "tranquil" "relaxed"
To me water is as you said refreshing, cleansing, and it also calms and tranquilizes the mind, body and spirit, which is another method of portraying "sedate", but I also liked her sensuality in this photo it expresses "explosive" in a demure way.
Again, thanks so much for your time and effort, it is very hard being a judge, and trust me I did not envy you. Thanks for the compliment too!!
Take Care
Ok, feedback taken in stride, it's only one shot, one contest, no biggie. But Charlie, RE 110, these butterflies don't look SEDATE to you? Ok, I guess I see something you don't then. But they sure look fairly sedate to me. All sitting there, not moving to speak of, except for one coming in for a landing. Do you have to see their eyes catatonic to think they are sedate?, It seems that the image as a whole is sedate, because it's quite, it's peaceful, it's just butterflies, they make no noise, they just flutter. Seems sedate to me. Thesaurus.com lists some synonyms for Sedate as:
gentle, laidback, placid, relaxed, restful, satisfied, sedate, serene, still, temperate, unexcitable, unexcited
My entry was more to test what response I might get than anything, so I'm interested to know it didn't relate... There are many great entries. thank you.
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography
#2-Big Bang Redux (PaulThomaMckee): Great DOF and color. It is the best of the flower images, given the theme. Maybe it's the Irish in me and those look like Shamrocks.
#13-Sugar Rush (Pat664422): While it seems kinda obvious (like the fireworks entries), I like the sharpness, DOF, and timing. Composition is excellent, and I think the main reason I included it. But how many cases of Coke did you go thru to get this?
#22-All Tuckered Out (Greensquared): Now that is sedate! I admit the polka dots in the background bothered me, but given how hard these 'seize the momnet' captures are to get, I still included it.
#27-Pop (LiquidAir): I caught myself wincing. Excellcent framing. That squinting eye is what put me over. You just KNOW the boy is going he-he-he behind the balloon.
#33-iSoulation (tsk1979): This was on the cusp for me. I llike the concept, DOF, background is cool, but I go back and forth on whether the body should be darker - more in the shadows. Plus the name is cute, maybe too cute. I'm an old Plastic Ono Band fan, and I don't think that is how John meant it.
#36-"rockin out" (binghott): This one I could feel myself doing - Led Zeppelin's "Bring It On Home" or "Black Dog" - as the subject. It does aggressively push the theme, but I like the fact it isn't obvious.
#51-"I See Sparkler People" (nelsonstuff): I like the title, since it goes with the time lapse here. I will admit this one was marginal, since I don't think sparklers are explosive. It had a calming effective on me. this one made the cut, but there were others that didn't that were better images. No matter how I stretched them, no go on fitting the themes.
#53-Big Bang Theory (rwells): Again, fireworks seem like an obvious choice, so I tried to pick those that were technically excellent. First, no smoke. Second, non-firework elements had to add to the image - not just not take away from it. There were several that came close, but I chose this one. Some will agree, some disagree, and I have no problem with that.
#68-Energy Transfer (JettyJ): Another not obvious one. Compositionally good with the diagonals, opposing light and dark waves. I like the blur - it adds to the motion. I can feel that wave hitting me.
#103-Bursting with Excitement (saurora): Excellent example (the best in my opinion) where the obvious firework is enahnce by otehr elements. Heck, she is the explosive one in this image. Compositionally well balanced, great color, and I like the dark shadow on the left.
Honorable Mention: #9-Soothing Rains, #26-Silence, #82-Short Fuse, #87-Natures' Eruption, #108-A Pause for the Storm.
Just my opinion.
Hopefully no one is too upset and we can agree to disagree!
-Fleetwood Mac
2. paulthomasmckee - big bang redux - I really liked this one from the start. Frame is filled- dof is great- and like the colors- Very nice
3. drabbit- quietly- like the idea and the leading lines to the subject of the beach and posts- I think it could be better if the girl was at the far left of the frame - the area there now takes away from it. Also think the grey scale is too similar between the beach- water- and sky making it pretty flat.
4. laraflites- alignment- for me this one is too overdone with PP. Not sure what you were really going for
5. vandana- "thank you for not smoking" - I didn't really get this one either
6. rmhoman- The buck stops here- the photo is very dark especially along the rt edge-
7. mycaptures- energy of a child- looks like it may have been a cute picture but is over processed. Her eyes are a little scary
8. jfreeman- mwa-ha-ha-ha - I like this shot but don't see how it fits into the theme. love the hands- dark face with the white teeth. Pretty cool
9. tentacion- Soothing Rains- another one I liked off the bat- definetly is soothing but not so much sedated?
10. awaisyaqub- message of patience- too centrally composed and doesn't seem to fit the theme.
11. snr- Expression via spray paint- I usually do not like selective coloring but feel it works here to highlight the graffiti. Though it says explosive it doesn't portray that feeling in any other way.
12. traunerk- nature's lullaby- peacefull and nice colors but too central and the birds are too small which seem to be the primary focus.
13. pat664422 - sugar rush- great use of everyday object- good use of thirds- like this one a lot!
14 leonardoalcantara- Ops... - not really feeling this one- does 'Pimentinha' mean something? If you could have caught the imediate explosion of the balloon you would have fit the theme
15 urbanaries - easy like sunday morning- I like the shot alot but she seems to be comtemplating about something rather than being sedated.
16 lbphotography- bombs away- one of many water themes- too small of a splash- maybe being level with the water would have been a better angle
17 jwear- bam- great capture- very clear and sharp- well done
18 chertioga- hypnotizing the prey- not sure how this fits- maybe it is just me but this same shot can be found in show us your mug and many peoples self portraits
19 Hoofclix- Comet David- interesting but doesn't do much for me
20flybynight- belting it out- doesn't fit for me and think to much PP. The back of his head and the Mic both disapear into the background
21 Visualxpressions- "life id good" - nice self portrait- rt side could be cropped past the white paint & think it may have been more effective if looking off to something else or head back and eyes closed than looking at the camera
22 Greensquared- all tuckered out- very cute shot
23 seastack- final run- struggling with this one as far as sedated or not- like the crop factor and dof- I think this holds more meaning to people that live in a coastal area
24 saltfork- end of the trail- very nice- tough lighting- reflection is perfect- foreround a little dark and background a bit light but still like this one a lot. Fits the theme well
25 elaine- hog heaven- sorry not getting much from this one
26 kingmamaof2- silence- I really like this one too- well done!
27 Liquidair- pop- very sharp and cute but missing the action
28 richtersl- a purrfect life- nice - a ittle soft and little to everyday
29 bud1880- the "eyes" have it- is he winking at me?
30nikos- tropical paradise- good fireworks shot- definetly looks like a sun and trees- maybe that is why it doesn't feel explosive enough
31 annnna8888- end of day- love the color and detail but think the village in the distance takes away from the theme
32 bgaras- movie night- very good shot- go sell this to a small local theatre!
33 tsk1979- isolution- fits the theme nicely- well done!
34 com3- disqualified
35. Felicia- Crash- think it would be better if you zoomed in on one particular area the wave was crashing. This is too wide or just wrong timing
36. binghott- "rockin out"- this one made me laugh- but it also looks like he may be holding a knife a "freaking out"
37. Dee- Celebration- blame it on the smoke
38. pemmett- It's a Pigs life- not feeling this one and where is there blue mud?
39. Dalantech- She let me get close- great shot but not sure how it fits- other than the eyes - sure looks like a monkeys nose and mouth
40. TheFoodTraveller- scouting for a prey- not enough detail- doesn't really fit
41. adpace- cotemplating- very nice shot- definetly a keep sake photo-a little soft- maybe some sharpening and contrast adjustments
42. flyingdutchie- salute to the parade of sails- it fits but the guys head is partially cut off and the clouds are very flat.
43. Xia ke- In the heat of the night- great lighting capture- crop out everthing except the lighting and you will have a better shot
44. TessieHD- Dog Days of Summer- cute - maybe try a more creative crop-
45. Madrid- Calm before the storm- Welcome to dgrin!
46. tlee- summer fun- great summer shot and fits the theme- could benefit from some sharpening and maybe crop the left in to the hands
47. Janie- Tranquil moment- Very cute girls and and a nice shot
48. eoren1- Our flag was still there- wow this one moved me- being prior service- if the fireworks were higher and you could have lit the flag up this would be fantastic!
49. amywilburn- chillin' - don't get this one at all
50. Swartzy- Fiery Frenzy- not sure about this one- it is explosive but does not have any wow factor to it. Don't think any crop would help either
51. nelsonstuff- "I see sparkler people" - doesn't really fit the theme for me but I like the shot and think a crop in on the left would help enhance the motion
52. rddphotos- Blossom Fire- Nice firework shot but no wow factor
53. rwells- Big bang theory- one of the better firework shots
54. KMCC - Sedately Explosive- without the title it just looks like a nice nature shot- nice but not one of my pics
55. CheriCampbellGodfrey- Buzzard Row- You need to shorten that name!
56. Greaper - Patriotic Pastime - too much amber lighting- victim of circumstance- need longer exposure for city lights but would be too long for the fire works
57. k2butter- "Effervescent" - cute but the wrong angle- looks like she is spitting out or sucking all the water in
58. stirfry- Mom's Milk Bar- I love the title - a little soft and have flash effect on the baby's face- step back another two feet or reduce flash power
59. SunsetSailor- Firecracker Sunrise- great colors but lacks detail in the buildings which would help a lot.
60. gundermann- 'A gentle threat....." - wouldn't have know what it was without the explanation and doesn't fit the theme.
61. davev- the ejection seat- too dark and OOF- looks like a fun time though
62. KvPhoto- The Calm before the storm - not much going on in this shot for me
63. Archangel- Mesmerized- good dog shot but doesn't scream sedated or explosive
64. quark- resting- Like the idea- left side is too dark and haze in background is a killer
65. polyvios s - Feather Shui- Welcome
66. Travis - Smoke break- loosly fits the theme but not foing much for me
67. mwalters- Messing about in boats- I don't like the treatment on this shot- looks blurry- soft and flat
68. JettJ - Energy Transfer- don't have much to say about this one- doesn't grab me in any way
69. ultravox- a rose- nice angle and size
70. JohnC - independence Day - another decent fireworks shot-
71. Boyd - Fire Over the Atlantic- Welcome
72. NanaMo - ..serene.. - I like it. Probably could have gone even tighter- just face- hand and bottle
73. cabbey- incoming- not much happening here- sorry
74. Nikolai- Splash- sharp -clear- good lighting- but is a splash not an explosion- besides we all know you know how to poor a drink!
75. shatch - Orchestrated Display- very nice fireworks but lacking in the details and seperation of people in foreground
76. CookieS - Horespower Dig In- the cow blends in to the background and the rider is cut in half.
77. DustySensiba- man and Nature- nice catch but overall it is too dark
78. Rhuarc- "Too Much Black Powder" - Way too bright- overpowering
79. photogmomma - Love- Crop out the adult foot- dof makes it unattractive- just the little feet on the leg would look better
80. Green2 - Hi-Power - nice product shot
81. EnricoS- Fore! - I like this and have wanted to do this myself. You should have got a better ball, not a pink tee, and tried to stop the action at point of impact. Pretty neat though. Welcome to dgrin
82. pyroprints.com - short fuse- cool idea - skin is a bit yellow- make sure I am not around on this guys bad day.
83. AnnMcrae- The Predator- Great Capture! Not sure what you did with PP but the bird has some harsh lines - bottom of body area- that make it look fake or PS'd into background
84. zeveck- Fire in the Sky- too far away- need to get closer and try to fill the frame
85. jeepgirl- Water battle - Cute- like a tantrum in the water- good job
86. Flyinggina - the Professor- nice portrait- glass is a little distracting- clear with some brandy would be more appropriate even if he himself is not a drinker.
87. Harleycowgirl- Nature's Eruption - Like this one a lot- great detail- and I even like the blue tone- if you could have got one just blowing away it would be fantastic
88. jkenzie- shop dog- cute dog face but not much else
89. LazyTJ- Untitled - Welcome
90. Paintdragon - In our silence let us not be forgotten- I really like the lighting in this one- very nice shot Welcome to you too!
91. snapstacks - Sunspasm- I like the light on the flower but don't see it fitting the theme
92. JillG- never too Old - Nice portrait just not much WOW to it.
93. douglas- Reloading Components- nice technical shot but very central composed
94. dlscott56 - Contemplating the Day- nice - just not wow - Sunflare at the cross would have been nice
95. Agila - She Rest in Peace- interesting use of color- could crop both edges a little and cross is slightly leaning to the rt. welcome
96. Robert - Feeling Sluggish- don't have much to comment about - sorry
97. hurricanesteve- mind altering- like the use of bottle with the ammo- more ironic than this theme
98. leaforte - Eyes of the son- nice idea just misses though
99. sunita - tranquility - need a better view of the books- nice idea
100. sherstone - aftermath - pretty cool shot
101. Dizzy- What not to Pack - Humorous and good example of why to always have your camera
102. The Hobbyist- The Hare and the Tortoise- really cute shot - made me smile
103. saurora - bursting with excitement - great capture of expression- love it
104. Aurora - Whatever you do ...- nice cat shot but not a top 10
105. articmoose - Fire Power - definetly fits the theme - would like to see more detail with the gun- very nice though
106. 3phase - Music calms - a little soft
107. Sizam - float on- Love this one
108. stuffjunkie - a pause for the storm - great capture - love it
109. Vizhon- Analague Booms - pretty good but not as good as other fireworks shots
110. Lex - Sweet Elixir - not enough detail
111. Chandi - ignition - neat shot just not top 10
112. menebo - anticipation- title says it all- very cute
113. drdane- enduring peace- beautifull area - a little dark- nice shot
114. mine- go ahead someone hit me with something!
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
(hope that's okay, shay; and thank you, judges, for any feedback provided)
as usual it was hard narrowing it down to 10
Well, at least I know that you got what I was trying to capture with this photo. I guess our ways of expressing "Explosive" would just be different. To me "too bright" and "overpowering" perfectly describe Explosive.
BUt thanks for the feedback! I'll keep all that in mind for next time.
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. I couldn't quite get the timing right, so I just submitted one of my better ones. In the end, I just consoled myself with a round of golf.
Thanks for the feedback, guys!
Enrico :cool
"Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try." (Yoda)
Thank you so much! I did try that crop, but it was kind of creepy.
Thank you so much for your feedback! I truly appreciate it!
for taking the time to critique all the entries. I was a little amazed at how many entries were "off theme" in my opinion (your mileage and opinions probably vary).
Yep, I left the "smoke" in on purpose, and there's smoke by the man and the flame at the bottom, to me this said explosive and the title "celebration" hinted at the many fireworks that were set off. Too subtle I guess.
Oh well... I'm used to it!
PS even though judging was fun, I can't wait to shoot again! I really missed the thrill. And I missed dishing with you all about the shots!