Where In The World Is Smuggy?

[imgl]http://Smuggy.smugmug.com/photos/202705182-M-1.jpg[/imgl]We have a cool new contest! Grab a camera and the guts to place Smuggy in an outrageous, exotic, or surprising locale and you could score big. Any photography fanatic or globetrotter can compete to win an all-expense paid weekend to Napa Valley or Amazon Gift Certificates :barb
Create your own Smuggy out of found materials, paint, gummi worms... the sky’s the limit and the world’s your stage. :ivar
You can even get cool stickers if you want!
All the details, on The Contest Site.
Questions? Ideas? Post 'em here :thumb
EDIT: We are allowing any number of entries per person, so have at it!
EDIT: Contest is closed, winners will be announced as soon!
Create your own Smuggy out of found materials, paint, gummi worms... the sky’s the limit and the world’s your stage. :ivar
You can even get cool stickers if you want!
All the details, on The Contest Site.
Questions? Ideas? Post 'em here :thumb
EDIT: We are allowing any number of entries per person, so have at it!
EDIT: Contest is closed, winners will be announced as soon!
PS: Nevah Mind...I just Found out with a little research...
Smuggy, Tentacion
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
1. wipe smuggy into the vernix on my son's back or chest. For a chance at that vacation, I'm pretty sure my wife woulda been game for it.
2. "mow" smuggy into the stalks of corn before they were harvested, crop circle style. I even know a farmer that might have let me try it on his field, but most of them around here have already brought their crops in.
Hi Andy,
Please give those of us who don't reside in the US something to join in with - OK I know there are not so many of us and the logistics are tricky with prizes, but a little something to join in with, please.... pretty please, grovelling now..... snivelling
Caroline in the UK
www.carolineshipsey.co.uk - Follow me on G+
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How about adding
more prominently so other non-US residents don't get all excited like me
I even sent my email for the stickers before I realised :cry
www.carolineshipsey.co.uk - Follow me on G+
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Thank you
www.carolineshipsey.co.uk - Follow me on G+
/me can't take credit for that, I just found it in the gallery.
Since I did a little research...I believe it is ONE ENTRY per person...
I believe that entries are not limited per person
SmugMug API Developer
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Hey but I could be misinterpreting them....Perhaps we need an "official" to decipher it??
You may indeed submit more than one entry.
Hmm that wording IS unclear. I think that's because when we originally wrote that rule, we intended to limit entries. But, when we started to see the fabulous photos people were coming up with, we changed our minds.
We'll fix the wording, no worries. Thanks for pointing that out!
Shoot away now
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www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
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1 each of 3 different sizes.
How many times can I submit for free stickers?
Can we purchase some if we want a small stack?
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
I would also like to get some more of these, they are great, where can i buy them?
Canon 5D Mk III
Canon 24-105L IS USM; Canon 16-35 f/2.8L USM; Canon 70-200 f/2.8L IS USM II
Sigma 150mm f/2.8 EX DG HSM; Bigma 50-500 f/4-6.3 EX DG HSM
My Galleries
Does that go the same for all us poor International Plebs?
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