What's Your Color?

Okay fellow Dgrinners, I've been having a lot of fun but need some help deciding my best shot and what else could be done to improve that shot. Thanks a bunch!!!
1. Natalie

2. Out of Line (My one colorful shot)

3. Rhapsody in Blue

4. Tangerine Playthings

5. Tomatoes & Herbs

6. Autumnal Offerings

1. Natalie

2. Out of Line (My one colorful shot)

3. Rhapsody in Blue

4. Tangerine Playthings

5. Tomatoes & Herbs

6. Autumnal Offerings

Psalm 62:5-6
What's my best shot? 33 votes
9 votes
Out of Line
1 vote
Rhapsody in Blue
1 vote
Tangerine Playthings
4 votes
Tomatoes & Herbs
2 votes
Autumnal Offerings
16 votes
Yes she's mine, thanks! And she's now too old to stick naked in a cabbage garden!
Very nice set!
Thanks Kerry! They're actually Magnolia tree seeds. I'll work on cropping/vignette to cut down on their distraction.
you sure have been busy!
i like the green herbs, and the tangerine toys. the colour is really beautifully handled in both of these.
what a difficult decision. but they're all great shots. congratulations!
Ha! I figured I was off the mark, but I never would have guessed that. Learn something new every day.
Thanks Bugzie!
I also really like tangerine playthings.:D
Thanks Sherstone!
I really liked Natalie when I first saw it and still do. But Autumnal Offerings is right up there, IMHO.
The colors of Tangerine Playthings are great, but it still comes off as a jumble of toys. The greens of the Tomatoe and Herbs are nice, but it doesn't jump out at me like the still of the apple and magnolia seeds. Neither of the other two grab me either.
check out my (sports) pics: ColleenBonney.smugmug.com
*Thanks to Boolsacho for the avatar photo (from the dgrin portrait project)
Thanks Colleen for your honest input!
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and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
"Tangerine Playthings" it just made me smile!! (maybe a little reassembling would make a stronger impact in composition)
PS, on another note...I love them all..
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
Good luck.
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Mark - thank you! I was hoping that shot would get at least one vote.
Thank you Donna - glad I coul at least make you smile!
Thank you Virgina. The photo of Natalie will defiinitely be going up on my wall BIG.
Thanks Brad!
Best of luck
HA! Actually he's been way too busy with his new job. Somebody has to work around here to support my expensive habit!
I certainly understand the "busy work" thing... I feel his pain... on the other hand, I still find the time to submit a shot and post a few words of wit and wisdom
Happy birthday!!! some great gifts!
I voted for Natalie - it is one of the best child portraits that I have ever seen. Autumnal Offerings was a close second. It just wasn't as engaging to me though. All are great images!
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Thank you so much Travis - what a tremendous compliment!
I am having a hard time switching the photo to Autumnal Offerings, as I really do think it'll come down to whether people like kid portraits, or they feel it's "just another cute kid shot". I guess I need to go with majority vote...although Natalie will definitely get a prize spot on my wall.
Really, all I want to say is that Natalie is not just another cut kid's shot. You've captured something here - I think it is the outfit, the little stool and the wonderful coloration - that would look wonderful on many a wall, or a bookcover or in an ad. Kudos. And good luck!!
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
final choice.
Autumnal Offerings is definitely eye-catching and if I could have voted for two, I would have also voted for this one.
At any rate, you have a nice group of photos to choose from! The hardest thing you're going to have to do is decide which one to enter.
Thank you so much for your comments. It is impossible to know how the judges will vote. No, we still don't know who they are, but I'm not certain that ever helps anyway! I mean, when I look at what my personal unofficial top ten would be, it's almost always the shots I couldn't shoot or would never have thought to shoot that impress me the most.