Frodo was lucky to survive a mauling by a Great Dane. He had punctured lungs, and after a two-hour operation and an extra day at he vet's on a drip, he came home very sad and sorry, and not a guarantee of recover. We are very lucky and four weeks to the day he is full of beans again. The vet thinks once the muscle trauma has settled he can even run Flyball again if he wants to. The question will be if he has the confidence now to do cross-overs with team dogs, but that's not a problem if he thinks he'd sooner not. Just to have him happy and healthy again is brilliant.
This was Day 3, full of drainage tubes, stitches and misery.
This was happier days playing SuperDog at a flyball demonstration. His "You will believe a Dog can Fly" pose.
Everyone loves puppies! Right? Here one from Tennessee that was about to be put down at the Vet because the owners did not want him. As simple as that, absolutely nothing wrong with him, they just no longer wanted him. But luckily my friend works at that vet and saved this little guy. Meet Konrad.
This is truly a marvellous face Andy. She only lacks speech to be human.
Superbe shot, love how her fur is so sharp. Almost a halo.
Wonderful. The black lines around the eyes really make her shine...
Adorable face... Is this a pug? Love the ears. A very nice and sweet portrait of a dog. The colors play too. Great shot! The dark/light difference makes it a popping photograph.
Adorable face... Is this a pug? Love the ears. A very nice and sweet portrait of a dog. The colors play too. Great shot! The dark/light difference makes it a popping photograph.
Thank you very much, his name is Pete he is a Boston terriar. He happened to be at the right place at the right time, he was backlit by a window light and the sofa played really nice.
Hehe... yes he's a full pit! I love him to death, I can't imagine having any other kind of dog after him.
I know what you mean. I feel the same way about my rottie. Not only beautiful animals but wonderful and loving pets. Your pit is one of the more handsome pits that I've seen.
I know what you mean. I feel the same way about my rottie. Not only beautiful animals but wonderful and loving pets. Your pit is one of the more handsome pits that I've seen.
Well thank you! I'll let him know . At the barn where I keep my horses they had a big, older rot out there named Harley... she was the sweetest thing! She died however, it was so sad... everyone loved her because she was so harmless and FAT.
The one thing that sucks about pits is that they are typically highly dog aggressive. They are fighting dogs, and although they LOVE people they typically will try to fight most any dog that is bigger than them. So I can never take mine to the dog beach or the dog park or even into Petco because he absolutely despises other dogs that are BIGGER than him, he couldn't care less about smaller dogs or any other animal for that matter, he's absolutely the most curious thing about all my little critters (especially the gecko, obsessed with the gecko). But he does love to go swimming and on walks through the woods so I just hit the "people" beach and take the undercover paths so the staff doesn't catch us :ivar
This was Day 3, full of drainage tubes, stitches and misery.
This was happier days playing SuperDog at a flyball demonstration. His "You will believe a Dog can Fly" pose.
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SmugMug Technical Account Manager
Travel = good. Woo, shooting!
Konrad is a lucky dog.
He is very sweet !
You did very well, saving him.:D
Konrad is so adorable!
This is my girl, Indy, doing what she loves best.
This is a GREAT shot...
My Email; My Flickr; My Zooomr
Current Gear
My Cameras: Nikon D300; Nikon D50
My Lenses: Tamron 28-300 (VC) F/3.5-6.3 XR Di w/Rodenstock Digtal UV Filter; Tamron 90 F/2.8 Di 1:1 Macro; Nikkor 28-80 F/3.3-5.6; Nikkor 70-300 F/4-5.6
Flash: Nikon SB900; Metz 58 AF-1 N digital
Other: Nikon MB-D10 Multi-Power Battery Pack
Member: Nikonians, My most important photographic investment, after the camera.
Late in the day on the beach with off camera flash.
...just loves having his picture taken
I always wanted to grow up and be a fireman. But now I know you can't do both.
Today, coming from work: Shepard's dog = incredible work
This is truly a marvellous face Andy. She only lacks speech to be human.
Superbe shot, love how her fur is so sharp. Almost a halo.
Wonderful. The black lines around the eyes really make her shine...
I last posted a photo of Cassie in September. (page 21) Here are two (more current) image of my girl taken just this past week.
A couple taken lately... Scooter belongs to a friend of mine in Atlanta!
... and one my favorite!
Have no fear... they are playing!!!
Be well... Ara & Spirit
My Gallery in progress...
On the road, homeless, with my buddy Spirit...
"One shot ata time ":photo
Adorable face... Is this a pug? Love the ears. A very nice and sweet portrait of a dog. The colors play too. Great shot! The dark/light difference makes it a popping photograph.
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Thank you very much, his name is Pete he is a Boston terriar. He happened to be at the right place at the right time, he was backlit by a window light and the sofa played really nice.
"One shot ata time ":photo
Unsharp at any Speed
This is not a dog is it? Undercover? Beautiful eyes... Great kittie
But I love my boy to death... he is literally my best friend.
Beautiful animal. What is the breed? Kinda looks like a pit bull but then on the other hand...
Hehe... yes he's a full pit! I love him to death, I can't imagine having any other kind of dog after him.
I know what you mean. I feel the same way about my rottie. Not only beautiful animals but wonderful and loving pets. Your pit is one of the more handsome pits that I've seen.
Well thank you! I'll let him know
The one thing that sucks about pits is that they are typically highly dog aggressive. They are fighting dogs, and although they LOVE people they typically will try to fight most any dog that is bigger than them. So I can never take mine to the dog beach or the dog park or even into Petco because he absolutely despises other dogs that are BIGGER than him, he couldn't care less about smaller dogs or any other animal for that matter, he's absolutely the most curious thing about all my little critters (especially the gecko, obsessed with the gecko). But he does love to go swimming and on walks through the woods so I just hit the "people" beach and take the undercover paths so the staff doesn't catch us :ivar