Well thank you! I'll let him know . At the barn where I keep my horses they had a big, older rot out there named Harley... she was the sweetest thing! She died however, it was so sad... everyone loved her because she was so harmless and FAT.
The one thing that sucks about pits is that they are typically highly dog aggressive. They are fighting dogs, and although they LOVE people they typically will try to fight most any dog that is bigger than them. So I can never take mine to the dog beach or the dog park or even into Petco because he absolutely despises other dogs that are BIGGER than him, he couldn't care less about smaller dogs or any other animal for that matter, he's absolutely the most curious thing about all my little critters (especially the gecko, obsessed with the gecko). But he does love to go swimming and on walks through the woods so I just hit the "people" beach and take the undercover paths so the staff doesn't catch us :ivar
Please do not take this offensively, as it is not intended so, but I disagree with you on the "fighting dog" take... They are incredible dogs for sure... You might have read some of our website as we have been on the road now close to two years... and 0 problems with 3lbs dogs to 180lb dogs...
This is probably the wong Forum to explain why they are NOT fighting dogs... only can be trained to fight, for reasons of course... it is still in this country a multi million $ business!!!
I am very active on 8 Pit Forums... if you need more info I would be happy to e mail you more info...
You have a beautiful buddy there...
You be well... Ara & Spirit
I'm not offended at all, I just think my post was misinterpreted.
I didn't mean that the only thing they are good for is fighting, far from it! I just meant that their breed history dictates them as fighting dogs, that's what they have been bred for for centuries. Also, of course not all of them are going to be like this, but it is in their blood like a bloodhound is bred to track. My dog in particular has been pretty much a 70 lbs. house dog his entire life, I've done agility with him, he's the biggest sweetheart and absolutely LOVES kids and wouldn't hurt a fly... but will straight up GO after a dog bigger than him. The rot I mentioned earlier, one time we brought him with us to the barn and he near knocked out the truck window trying to get at this dog that wasn't paying him the least bit of attention and certainly didn't want to fight!
I haven't had the net in awhile but I always was a big time lurker on pitbullforums.com, and I share many of their sentiments. I am a huge fan of the breed, they are SO freaking athletic! A bit stubborn, but man what a drive, they'll never quit... there's a reason tencity is associated with pit bulls.
I hope this explains my viewpoint a bit better? I am, hopefully obviously, a huge advocate of them and would never purposely try to put off a negative image of them. And I'm sorry to say but I've never heard of your site, and you have a gorgeous brindle!
Its been a long time since I've posted here.... but here is one of my Shiba Inus, her name is Sniper. Im borrowing my friends Canon 30D because I think its time to get an SLR. I wasn't sure at the time how to change the white balance, and im still learning.
Sounds like she won't need to ask for allowance, Dad. She'll be able to keep herself in dog biscuits *biting tongue to prevent comment about dog bones...*
The use of a camera is similar to that of a knife. You can use it to peel potatoes, or carve a flute. ~ E. Kahlmeyer
... I'm still peeling potatoes.
Dogs??? Ok then, here's my favorite model!!!
Here is Isabell, standing on the back of the couch, actually shot today
And here she is getting ready for Valentines Day
I got halfway serious about photography about 2 months ago and have probably over 1000 shots of her. She works cheap, is readily available, and doesn't gripe when I blow the shot
Please do not take this offensively, as it is not intended so, but I disagree with you on the "fighting dog" take... They are incredible dogs for sure... You might have read some of our website as we have been on the road now close to two years... and 0 problems with 3lbs dogs to 180lb dogs...
This is probably the wong Forum to explain why they are NOT fighting dogs... only can be trained to fight, for reasons of course... it is still in this country a multi million $ business!!!
I am very active on 8 Pit Forums... if you need more info I would be happy to e mail you more info...
You have a beautiful buddy there...
You be well... Ara & Spirit
My Gallery in progress...
On the road, homeless, with my buddy Spirit...
I didn't mean that the only thing they are good for is fighting, far from it! I just meant that their breed history dictates them as fighting dogs, that's what they have been bred for for centuries. Also, of course not all of them are going to be like this, but it is in their blood like a bloodhound is bred to track. My dog in particular has been pretty much a 70 lbs. house dog his entire life, I've done agility with him, he's the biggest sweetheart and absolutely LOVES kids and wouldn't hurt a fly... but will straight up GO after a dog bigger than him. The rot I mentioned earlier, one time we brought him with us to the barn and he near knocked out the truck window trying to get at this dog that wasn't paying him the least bit of attention and certainly didn't want to fight!
I haven't had the net in awhile but I always was a big time lurker on pitbullforums.com, and I share many of their sentiments. I am a huge fan of the breed, they are SO freaking athletic! A bit stubborn, but man what a drive, they'll never quit... there's a reason tencity is associated with pit bulls.
I hope this explains my viewpoint a bit better? I am, hopefully obviously, a huge advocate of them and would never purposely try to put off a negative image of them. And I'm sorry to say but I've never heard of your site, and you have a gorgeous brindle!
Her name is Grace, her brother, sniffing her butt was given away ... :cry
Cookie, after being attacked by a Pitbull ... the Pit Bull ended up with two broken legs ...
(okay joking ... she wasn't attacked by a Pit ... but stepped on by a human ...)
Unsharp at any Speed
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NAPP Member | Canon Shooter
Weddings/Portraits and anything else that catches my eye.
Model Mayhem site http://www.modelmayhem.com/686552
NAPP Member | Canon Shooter
Weddings/Portraits and anything else that catches my eye.
Model Mayhem site http://www.modelmayhem.com/686552
My Shots
Took this at the dog park the other day.
Will Pridham Canine Photography
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Cousin to Natasha.
She's grown a bit since we got her
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... I'm still peeling potatoes.
patti hinton photography
She asked me for a red light.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
... I'm still peeling potatoes.
patti hinton photography
Some afternoon sun in February is rare in these parts.
1 and 4 of Roxanne are quite striking poses and comps. I like 'em!
You can have your rain back
Kenai is a pretty cool looking dog!
I had a shepard/husky mix, Ben. He was such a smart dog. Good sniffer too.
Took these at the sled dog races in Cannington, Ontario.
I used Tiffen's Dfx software on the b&w photo and applied a yellow 8B filer, before converting to black and white. It prints out awesome!
Will Pridham Canine Photography
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Here is Isabell, standing on the back of the couch, actually shot today
And here she is getting ready for Valentines Day
I got halfway serious about photography about 2 months ago and have probably over 1000 shots of her. She works cheap, is readily available, and doesn't gripe when I blow the shot
Nikon Stuff (not that it really matters)
My Shots
Wow ... this is super (hey that light colored dog looks like the Cook)
Unsharp at any Speed
My Shots
Nikon Stuff (not that it really matters)
Cincinnati Smug Leader
Sleeping in.. lazy puppy...