Yeah, I've had to add that to the checklist: fresh batteries, enough memory cards, ISO and other camera settings...
Aaron if your in that company I must be ok and Halite I think it's time for a checklist in my bag. Even if it is just taped to the inside to remind me.
Aaron if your in that company I must be ok and Halite I think it's time for a checklist in my bag. Even if it is just taped to the inside to remind me.
Ug. Me too!!! For the MC2 in fact. Just YESTERDAY in fact. Maybe we should start a club. We could make t-shirts with a checklist printed upside down on the front! (for your easy viewing pleasure)
Ug. Me too!!! For the MC2 in fact. Just YESTERDAY in fact. Maybe we should start a club. We could make t-shirts with a checklist printed upside down on the front! (for your easy viewing pleasure)
Ug. Me too!!! For the MC2 in fact. Just YESTERDAY in fact. Maybe we should start a club. We could make t-shirts with a checklist printed upside down on the front! (for your easy viewing pleasure)
Good to see the product development department hard at work.
Ug. Me too!!! For the MC2 in fact. Just YESTERDAY in fact. Maybe we should start a club. We could make t-shirts with a checklist printed upside down on the front! (for your easy viewing pleasure)
I will second this and thank you for being more articulate than myself ,I have been here A long time when mag . ads did not get posted just photography <img src="" border="0" alt="" > I will never forget i posted a shot of a skimmer and was told I PS it with the bill to long <img src="" border="0" alt="" >
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=4 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Originally Posted by swintonphoto Well, since you asked how I feel about it here goes....
It is with some hesitation that I even make this post. However, I make it because it is honestly how I feel - and it was asked what we think - so here goes...
I have been an avid Dgrinner for years, and love the community here. I will continue to do my best to contribute positively to the many wonderful photographers here. However, i have lost excitement for the DSS challenges as of late - and the excitement keeps dwindling. The reason is this:
I feel the images that make the finals and then get the public votes do so because of cleverness regarding the theme, not because of artistic merit. Often I feel the images that make it through almost entirely because of the clever way they fit the theme. I am not trying to ruffle feathers, and I am sure I will receive a host of responses to this burning me in effigy. That said, the images that succeed in the DSS challenges, in my opinion, seem to be ones that are clever, use some fancy photoshop tricks, or are photo composites. If cleverness in fitting a theme is the purpose of the challenges then they are working perfectly. But, if artistic merit is the purpose, then I feel they are not working. The images that have the strongest compositions (in my opinion - and I know others may disagree) don't seem to do nearly as well as those that are clever or are interesting photoshop creations. I am not sure why this is, but, my observation is that dgrinners identify great images in these challenges by cleverness or cool composite/photoshop tricks. Some ideas I admit are quite intriguing. Many clever ideas to fit the theme blow me away with creativity, but, the execution photographically of the ideas seems to have little to do with the acceptance of it as a great image. If the idea is great and we take a picture of it, then it must be a great photograph. I posit, this should not be the case. Strong photographs need to have compositions that are strong, artistic, and support the presentation of the message. Somehow this appears to have been lost in these challenges.
Just my opinion. I am now ready for my public flogging.:beatwax
I would like to add - I really do appreciate Emily for working so tirelessly to make these successful. I really do appreciate it. Please don't take this the wrong way. I do feel a bit frustrated, and just want to provide some honest feedback.
Also - I LOVE the new feedback galleries.
Yeah, I've had to add that to the checklist: fresh batteries, enough memory cards, ISO and other camera settings...
....putting a memory card in the camera....
First day with sunlight, it's the golden hour. Set up, shoot 2 different lenses, with and without polarizer. Come in the house, set the camera down, cook dinner. After dinner go to take the card out to transfer the pictures to the PC, no card!!!! !!!!
"The point in life isn't to arrive at our final destination well preserved and in pristine condition, but rather to slide in sideways yelling.....Holy cow, what a ride."
I learned this the hard way. The first thing I do with ANY camera now is set the "run without card" setting to OFF the second it comes out of the box!!!!
Harkening back to the original question, way back on the first page, I've been just as enthralled by the entries in DSS Challenges as I was in the LPS. Lot's to learn from lot's to enjoy. Though the DSS has coincided with my own lack of inspiration and will to enter each and every round, I've still been watching..
One thing that has me constantly confused has been that the "current" entry threads are no longer anchored at the top like they were. I get confused as to which one(s) are active. But I suppose the root of that problem is why they let me join the Marines...
As for a meeting.. I'd go to Georgia. How about Chattanooga, that large suburb of Dalton??
Harkening back to the original question, way back on the first page, I've been just as enthralled by the entries in DSS Challenges as I was in the LPS. Lot's to learn from lot's to enjoy. Though the DSS has coincided with my own lack of inspiration and will to enter each and every round, I've still been watching..
One thing that has me constantly confused has been that the "current" entry threads are no longer anchored at the top like they were. I get confused as to which one(s) are active. But I suppose the root of that problem is why they let me join the Marines...
As for a meeting.. I'd go to Georgia. How about Chattanooga, that large suburb of Dalton??
Oooooo...I LOVE Chattanooga! Never shot there really, but lots to do! Plenty of pretty, nature stuff in North Gerogia. I'm voting for a spring gathering.
Harkening back to the original question, way back on the first page, I've been just as enthralled by the entries in DSS Challenges as I was in the LPS. Lot's to learn from lot's to enjoy. Though the DSS has coincided with my own lack of inspiration and will to enter each and every round, I've still been watching..
One thing that has me constantly confused has been that the "current" entry threads are no longer anchored at the top like they were. I get confused as to which one(s) are active. But I suppose the root of that problem is why they let me join the Marines...
As for a meeting.. I'd go to Georgia. How about Chattanooga, that large suburb of Dalton??
Re-sticking entry least until Doc yells at me for all the stickies.
I learned this the hard way. The first thing I do with ANY camera now is set the "run without card" setting to OFF the second it comes out of the box!!!!
I don't even close the card slot's door if the card isn't in there. And I use the on/off switch as an indicator for general go/no go
You can guess how these procedures have come into existance
Re-sticking entry least until Doc yells at me for all the stickies.
Good move!
I haven't had a problem with knowing what the active thread was, mostly because I've been in about half of them, but this'll stop the 'spot the entry thread' game I've been playing
I don't even close the card slot's door if the card isn't in there. And I use the on/off switch as an indicator for general go/no go
You can guess how these procedures have come into existance
I've taken it one step further now - when I take a card out, I PUT ANOTHER IN IMMEDIATELY! I'm simply swapping them in and out. So far so good, but I'm sure I'll use both at some point and forget to reload.... So yeah, open door when no card. Good plan (note to self...) I'm terrible about remembering to use the on/off switch (thank goodness for auto-power-off or I'd never have a battery charge either!)
Yeah, but in Finland you probably don't have to drive far to find snow at this time of the year.
Linda, you should see Finland now. We had a flash delivery of about 15-20 cm yesterday, it was coming down with a vengeance. Forecasts are saying there's more on the way and it is actually snowing now.
I've just come in from doing every silly thing I could think of in the snow, in front of the camera
Linda, you should see Finland now. We had a flash delivery of about 15-20 cm yesterday, it was coming down with a vengeance. Forecasts are saying there's more on the way and it is actually snowing now.
I've just come in from doing every silly thing I could think of in the snow, in front of the camera
I bet everything looks gorgeous!
So you've been running around doing every single sillt thing you can think of? I "shutter" to think of what you might have been doing.
my neighbor had many of his grand kids surprise visit him the other day...
he called me and asked me to come over with my fancy camera and take some shots...
i had to be somewhere in fifteen minutes so i had to hurry....
i got them all together in the back yard, it started to sprinkle rain, i got everything perfect... pressed the shutter and click...with no shuttler releasing...huh? whats wrong....i press again while looking down at my camera in dis-beleif and it clicks...what he heck
focus again, everyone say cheese-ee (lol) click, the same thing happend...
i said sorry im not sure whats up...
let me get my point and shoot, i gotta go!!!
i did some great point and shoot shots indoors since it fully started to rain....
driving to my meeting i realized a few nights before i change program mode in manual to mirror lock-up....derrrrrr!!!!!!!
moral of the story....when you get home and clean-up your gear, reset your settings then. so in a hurry your ready and only need to grab your charged battery..
moral of the story....when you get home and clean-up your gear, reset your settings then. so in a hurry your ready and only need to grab your charged battery..
Yes! Thanks for the reminder. Not only have I forgotten to do that, I've forgotten that I've forgotten to do that...
my neighbor had many of his grand kids surprise visit him the other day...
he called me and asked me to come over with my fancy camera and take some shots...
i had to be somewhere in fifteen minutes so i had to hurry....
i got them all together in the back yard, it started to sprinkle rain, i got everything perfect... pressed the shutter and click...with no shuttler releasing...huh? whats wrong....i press again while looking down at my camera in dis-beleif and it clicks...what he heck
focus again, everyone say cheese-ee (lol) click, the same thing happend...
i said sorry im not sure whats up...
let me get my point and shoot, i gotta go!!!
i did some great point and shoot shots indoors since it fully started to rain....
driving to my meeting i realized a few nights before i change program mode in manual to mirror lock-up....derrrrrr!!!!!!!
moral of the story....when you get home and clean-up your gear, reset your settings then. so in a hurry your ready and only need to grab your charged battery..
:giggle Lol. That's pretty awesome. I've done something like that. I put my camera on self timer and then forgot about it. got a nice close up of my face as I was staring into the lens to try and figure out what was wrong Back when I was at university we had a "wall of shame". Basically, every time someone did something dumb that person would tack it to the wall. Sorta a moral booster to see all the things your lab "heroes" have done. I could fill at least a page if we had a "thread of shame" on DG
Re-sticking entry least until Doc yells at me for all the stickies.
Thanks for that one!!!
Chattanooga is imho a street-photographer's paradise...
First thing I do after every show, before any part of my trailer is packed up to leave, is to put my camera away, account for all the lenses, cords, cards, etc... I've never seen the option to shoot without a card in the slot, and it sounds like I don't want to find it!
Aaron if your in that company I must be ok and Halite I think it's time for a checklist in my bag. Even if it is just taped to the inside to remind me.
Ug. Me too!!! For the MC2 in fact. Just YESTERDAY in fact. Maybe we should start a club. We could make t-shirts with a checklist printed upside down on the front! (for your easy viewing pleasure)
Yes please! I want one!!
i want two.. a white one, and a red one......wait... i want one in every color....
Yeah, and for those of us over 50, we can even make a special large print edition. :cool :lol4
Awesome Idea!
Facebook Fan Page
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=4 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Originally Posted by swintonphoto
Well, since you asked how I feel about it here goes....
It is with some hesitation that I even make this post. However, I make it because it is honestly how I feel - and it was asked what we think - so here goes...
I have been an avid Dgrinner for years, and love the community here. I will continue to do my best to contribute positively to the many wonderful photographers here. However, i have lost excitement for the DSS challenges as of late - and the excitement keeps dwindling. The reason is this:
I feel the images that make the finals and then get the public votes do so because of cleverness regarding the theme, not because of artistic merit. Often I feel the images that make it through almost entirely because of the clever way they fit the theme. I am not trying to ruffle feathers, and I am sure I will receive a host of responses to this burning me in effigy. That said, the images that succeed in the DSS challenges, in my opinion, seem to be ones that are clever, use some fancy photoshop tricks, or are photo composites. If cleverness in fitting a theme is the purpose of the challenges then they are working perfectly. But, if artistic merit is the purpose, then I feel they are not working. The images that have the strongest compositions (in my opinion - and I know others may disagree) don't seem to do nearly as well as those that are clever or are interesting photoshop creations. I am not sure why this is, but, my observation is that dgrinners identify great images in these challenges by cleverness or cool composite/photoshop tricks. Some ideas I admit are quite intriguing. Many clever ideas to fit the theme blow me away with creativity, but, the execution photographically of the ideas seems to have little to do with the acceptance of it as a great image. If the idea is great and we take a picture of it, then it must be a great photograph. I posit, this should not be the case. Strong photographs need to have compositions that are strong, artistic, and support the presentation of the message. Somehow this appears to have been lost in these challenges.
Just my opinion. I am now ready for my public flogging.:beatwax
I would like to add - I really do appreciate Emily for working so tirelessly to make these successful. I really do appreciate it. Please don't take this the wrong way. I do feel a bit frustrated, and just want to provide some honest feedback.
Also - I LOVE the new feedback galleries.
....putting a memory card in the camera....
First day with sunlight, it's the golden hour. Set up, shoot 2 different lenses, with and without polarizer. Come in the house, set the camera down, cook dinner. After dinner go to take the card out to transfer the pictures to the PC, no card!!!!
"The point in life isn't to arrive at our final destination well preserved and in pristine condition, but rather to slide in sideways yelling.....Holy cow, what a ride."
One thing that has me constantly confused has been that the "current" entry threads are no longer anchored at the top like they were. I get confused as to which one(s) are active. But I suppose the root of that problem is why they let me join the Marines...
As for a meeting.. I'd go to Georgia. How about Chattanooga, that large suburb of Dalton?? / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
Oooooo...I LOVE Chattanooga! Never shot there really, but lots to do! Plenty of pretty, nature stuff in North Gerogia. I'm voting for a spring gathering.
Re-sticking entry least until Doc yells at me for all the stickies.
I don't even close the card slot's door if the card isn't in there. And I use the on/off switch as an indicator for general go/no go
You can guess how these procedures have come into existance
Good move!
I haven't had a problem with knowing what the active thread was, mostly because I've been in about half of them, but this'll stop the 'spot the entry thread' game I've been playing
I've taken it one step further now - when I take a card out, I PUT ANOTHER IN IMMEDIATELY! I'm simply swapping them in and out. So far so good, but I'm sure I'll use both at some point and forget to reload.... So yeah, open door when no card. Good plan (note to self...) I'm terrible about remembering to use the on/off switch (thank goodness for auto-power-off or I'd never have a battery charge either!)
Linda, you should see Finland now. We had a flash delivery of about 15-20 cm yesterday, it was coming down with a vengeance. Forecasts are saying there's more on the way and it is actually snowing now.
I've just come in from doing every silly thing I could think of in the snow, in front of the camera
I bet everything looks gorgeous!
So you've been running around doing every single sillt thing you can think of?
Great list!
Unbelievably so.
To your benefit I'm not actually very good at running around and thinking (creatively) at the same time...
If you don't trust me on that, you'll just have to cover the right hand side of panel when viewing the entry thread
my neighbor had many of his grand kids surprise visit him the other day...
he called me and asked me to come over with my fancy camera and take some shots...
i had to be somewhere in fifteen minutes so i had to hurry....
i got them all together in the back yard, it started to sprinkle rain, i got everything perfect... pressed the shutter and click...with no shuttler releasing...huh? whats wrong....i press again while looking down at my camera in dis-beleif and it clicks...what he heck
focus again, everyone say cheese-ee (lol) click, the same thing happend...
i said sorry im not sure whats up...
let me get my point and shoot, i gotta go!!!
i did some great point and shoot shots indoors since it fully started to rain....
driving to my meeting i realized a few nights before i change program mode in manual to mirror lock-up....derrrrrr!!!!!!!
moral of the story....when you get home and clean-up your gear, reset your settings then. so in a hurry your ready and only need to grab your charged battery..
Done that...
I've also thought I had a broken shutter and then remembered about wanting to try the long exposure noise reduction...
Yes! Thanks for the reminder. Not only have I forgotten to do that, I've forgotten that I've forgotten to do that...
:giggle Lol. That's pretty awesome. I've done something like that. I put my camera on self timer and then forgot about it. got a nice close up of my face as I was staring into the lens to try and figure out what was wrong
Thanks for that one!!!
Chattanooga is imho a street-photographer's paradise...
First thing I do after every show, before any part of my trailer is packed up to leave, is to put my camera away, account for all the lenses, cords, cards, etc... I've never seen the option to shoot without a card in the slot, and it sounds like I don't want to find it! / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..