*ENTRY* THREAD: DSS Round #15 (Family or Strangers)

Dgrin Sharp Shooters Challenge #15
Welcome to Round #15 of the Dgrin Sharp Shooters Challenges. This challenge is open to any Dgrin member. It will run from Monday, December 15, 08:00am, EST time (GMT -5) to Monday, December 29, 08:00am, EST time (GMT -5).
The topic ready for your interpretation:
Family or Strangers
#1 Divamum
#2 AaronNelson
IMPORTANT NOTE: We're going to try something new this time around - you'll be submitting your entry directly into a Smugmug gallery! It's pretty simple, just go to the gallery link below, and follow the upload instructions at the top of the page: Since this is the first go around, let's all relax and see how it goes, ok? Just so you know, the login we're giving you is "assistant" level, which means you can't really mess anything up too badly - read: you can't delete anything. There may be a few snags here and there, but our chief challenge-mechanic, DoctorIt, is going to work them out. Please PM him and only expect a reply on urgent issues. No more size, and hopefully no more exif issues! This thread, for the most part, is only here to give you this info. For this first go at gallery submission, we can try to address any common issues here.
Remember, the basics stay the same: 1 entry per person, and the photo must be fresh, taken during this contest period. Do not use a minimal save method (such as "save for web"), and your exif will be embedded in your image, no worries!
To avoid disqualification, read, in full, the Dgrin Sharp Shooters Challenge Rules, there have been some slight modifications.<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
Welcome to Round #15 of the Dgrin Sharp Shooters Challenges. This challenge is open to any Dgrin member. It will run from Monday, December 15, 08:00am, EST time (GMT -5) to Monday, December 29, 08:00am, EST time (GMT -5).
The topic ready for your interpretation:
Family or Strangers
How do you portray relationships in an image? Please don't show us a standard studio family portrait with everyone wearing denim! This is a perect opportunity for candid work, street photography and informal portraits. Body language, facial expressions and environments can be keys to unlocking the story of relationships. Or perhaps none of this appeals to you, and you will search for alternative definitions...
Your Judges:#1 Divamum
#2 AaronNelson
IMPORTANT NOTE: We're going to try something new this time around - you'll be submitting your entry directly into a Smugmug gallery! It's pretty simple, just go to the gallery link below, and follow the upload instructions at the top of the page: Since this is the first go around, let's all relax and see how it goes, ok? Just so you know, the login we're giving you is "assistant" level, which means you can't really mess anything up too badly - read: you can't delete anything. There may be a few snags here and there, but our chief challenge-mechanic, DoctorIt, is going to work them out. Please PM him and only expect a reply on urgent issues. No more size, and hopefully no more exif issues! This thread, for the most part, is only here to give you this info. For this first go at gallery submission, we can try to address any common issues here.
Remember, the basics stay the same: 1 entry per person, and the photo must be fresh, taken during this contest period. Do not use a minimal save method (such as "save for web"), and your exif will be embedded in your image, no worries!
To avoid disqualification, read, in full, the Dgrin Sharp Shooters Challenge Rules, there have been some slight modifications.<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
Psalm 62:5-6
This discussion has been closed.
Nikon Shooter
It's all about the moment...
Jeff Meyers
ETA: question (sorry if this is a st00pid Q, but it wasn't 100% clear to me from the instructions and I figure if I don't ask it somebody else may...): will we ONLY submit to the gallery, and no longer link them to the thread? Could/should we link them into the submission thread from the link location in the gallery to keep the thread alive, or is that overkill?
As always, not trying to stir things up, just clarifying (and brainstorming)!
"If you saw a man drowning and you could either save him or photograph the event...what kind of film would you use?" - Anonymous
from the rules: If necessary, you can also change that submission at anytime during the challenge period, by uploading a second photo and notifying the moderator immediately via PM. In the case that there are multiple entries by the same dgrinner at the time of challenge closing, the most recently uploaded will count as the entry. The order of entries in the challenge gallery has no bearing on the selection of the finalists. Instructions for uploading will be included in thread announcing and detailing each DSS round.
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
FIgure we may as well throw out these Q's now as the whole system's getting set up and can be tweaked (and you can get us all trained up and toeing the line in the shortest possible time
Use the thinking cap for photographing your entry, not the mechanics of entering
And by the way, we're not "tweaking", "preparing", or "toeing". This is the entry thread, and this is live.
What, make it easy? Don't be silly. It wouldn't be teh internetz if SOMEBODY didn't overthink it
(kidding aside, since I'm still fairly new to this AND it's the first "new system" round AND I'm the first judge to "fly solo" without greensquared, I figure I better get my facts straight!!!!!
ETA: We keep posting at the same time. Doc, given that there have been so many confusions about this in the past, I'm not sure my questions are unwarranted (and I suspect if I don't ask them, somebody else will in two weeks. Now all you have to do is link them back to this thread and that'll shut 'em up right fast!! )
And now that I remember you're judging, go fly a kite for two weeks!
Not too difficult. AaronNelson is your co-judge, I'll be around to help with whatever, plus I've now posted judging instructions. No worries!
Shunned.... spurned.... left out..... Sigh. The price of fame is tough. :giggle
(and yes, for anybody who may think that the resident n00b has gone mad and got a swelled head, I am most emphatically just kidding!!! And since the images will be going to a gallery, I'm not misbehaving by reading this thread. So there
Thanks Emily and Aaron - glad to have somebody experienced at this to ride with!!!
Ok, now I really will (try to) shut up and sit on my hands for 2 weeks. This is gonna KILL me! :giggle
Oh just wait... fame quickly turns to infamy!
My Images | My Lessons Learned and Other Adventures
We'll need to find a support group for you. :poke
That's my only question. I think I pretty much got everything else understood.
OneTwoFiftieth | Portland, Oregon | Modern Portraiture
My Equipment:
Bodies: Canon 50D, Canon EOS 1
Lenses: Canon 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5, Canon 24-105mm f/4L IS, Canon 50mm f/1.4, Canon 100mm f/2.8 Macro, Canon MP-E 65mm f/2.8
Lighting: Canon 580EXII, Canon 420 EX, 12" Reflector, Pocket Wizard Plus II (3), AB800 (3), Large Softbox
Stability: Manfrotto 190CXPRO3 Tripod, Manfrotto 488RC4 Ball Head, Manfrotto 679B Monopod
Your assumption is correct..The last challenge was SOOC, this challenge is entirely different. BUT remember that you still have to have the EXIF and if you do composite work, the photos must also be fresh (if I remember correctly). They will not ask you for all the EXIF of the composite, unless the judges feel the need to validate when the photos were taken, but your main photo must have the EXIF.
Yep. You can PP images. This challenge was an exception in that all participants were required to shoot SOOC. For other challenges it's really up to the photographer if they want to enter a SOOC or a PP'd photo.
Check out the past Challenges galleries to see what's been done.
OneTwoFiftieth | Portland, Oregon | Modern Portraiture
My Equipment:
Bodies: Canon 50D, Canon EOS 1
Lenses: Canon 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5, Canon 24-105mm f/4L IS, Canon 50mm f/1.4, Canon 100mm f/2.8 Macro, Canon MP-E 65mm f/2.8
Lighting: Canon 580EXII, Canon 420 EX, 12" Reflector, Pocket Wizard Plus II (3), AB800 (3), Large Softbox
Stability: Manfrotto 190CXPRO3 Tripod, Manfrotto 488RC4 Ball Head, Manfrotto 679B Monopod
Thank you so kindly sir!:D
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
awesome images! thanks for the link.
more inspiration: google (image search) a photographer named larry fink. one of my faves for cool relationship images.
OneTwoFiftieth | Portland, Oregon | Modern Portraiture
My Equipment:
Bodies: Canon 50D, Canon EOS 1
Lenses: Canon 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5, Canon 24-105mm f/4L IS, Canon 50mm f/1.4, Canon 100mm f/2.8 Macro, Canon MP-E 65mm f/2.8
Lighting: Canon 580EXII, Canon 420 EX, 12" Reflector, Pocket Wizard Plus II (3), AB800 (3), Large Softbox
Stability: Manfrotto 190CXPRO3 Tripod, Manfrotto 488RC4 Ball Head, Manfrotto 679B Monopod
Go back and read the first post in this thread, please. We are now using a gallery for entries. This thread is for discussion.
― Edward Weston