Photo View Count - SmugMug Stats being upgraded
Hey, guys, can anybody fill me in on the breakdown today in "Photo View" counts? I was told via [EMAIL="help@smugmug"]help@smugmug[/EMAIL] that there is a problem with the count and that it is being worked on but that was this morning and I just want a bit of a heads-up if this is a "fix-it-tonight" problem or a "wait- a few-days" issue. Also, I've been told that the count should reflect views that transpired during the breakdown period.
The "problem" is that SmugStats are being improved dramatically and there's a temporary time here where the count is down from view.
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It's not a problem, then (which would have been okay, it happens) but an improvement (which is always nice), and that implies more than just a temporary glitch that's taking longer than expected.
Thanks again.
By the way, do you not use Google Analytics & Statcounter as well? Both free, both easy to implement - we show you how even.
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That's pretty disappointing as I use the stats to determine traffic to my web Smugmug site. This is by far the busiest month of the year for me--last year I had over a million hits in month of March. Now the stats have been stagnant since since 3/20 at 6am (EST). BUMMER!
Andy: Any idea on when this will be fixed?
The Official Photographers of Cleveland's Saint Patrick's Day Parade
More Fujifilm gear than I care to mention.
Stats are in abeyance for a short time while we make them better and stronger. I will post news as soon as we have it.
Stay tuned and sorry for the inconvenience.
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Yes, I use Google Analytics.
I use both sets of stats.
Will you be changing the way you count Photo Views? As for my part, I've been using them to compare apples and apple for would-be converts to a new way of providing online community journalism (since those of us who now are "print" dinosaurs have all been laid off or fired). The mass market media doesn't know how to use their online stats anymore (seriously, they don't; we've heard from the advertising folks that we've left behind that no one knows what a "hit" really means, or should sell for, anymore). But, people still like their stats and if nothing else, comparing stats from now to then when they count the same thing shows at least a trend of growth. After 16 months with SmugMug, I couldn't be happier with what this site has taught me and allowed me to do, but this month and next are crucial months for getting others to buy in and herego my seemingly anal fixation with the Photo View count. Thanks for listening, and any update in terms of how this feature is or is not going to be changed and/or updated would be useful. I know you have lots more on your plate, so I understand if this is not a top priority for you in getting back to me. I can wait. Thanks.
Hits counter not working yet.
Where oh where can they be.
They have disappeared in both Firefox and IE.
Where oh where can they be?
Stats are being worked on and improved currently. We will post news in
this thread over on DGrin as soon as we have it:
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Before I go off on my mild rant, let me say how much I love Smugmug. The user support forum is unbelievable. Not only are they knowledgeable and helpful, but they never make you feel stupid for asking questions, even if they have been asked before. I switched over from flickr a few months ago, and absolutely love the site. The ease of access, configurability, etc. Also, folks who buy photos from smugmug are thrilled...
<mild rant mode = on>
I use both google stats and stat counter and neither provide the detail or granularity that the smugmug stats do. I have worked in service organizations for over 30 years and we had a new product to deploy we did not simply take the old one out of service and tell the customer we were working on making it better. We tested, and retested before deploying. It is quite frustrating to have lost these stats for the past 2 weeks when I have added numerous galleries and photos.
<mild rant mode = off>
Hoping the stats are fixed very soon!
Jay S.
Hi Jay,
My stats were stuck for about a week, then went up yesterday a bit before being zeroed today. I did not realize how much I used these stats until they stopped working. They provide incredible detail & feedback on exactly what is being viewed. When I saw how few posts were on this thread I thought maybe I was the only one making a fuss....
Harry S.
I was just wondering if there is any new information concerning the progress of the upgrade. I'm still not getting correct information on my stat page.
Thank you!
SMUGMUG TEAM - A little information would go a long way here.
UPDATE: I just checked again, and some stats are there, including past, but folders I know are getting hits are still not showing any..
I'm sorry we couldn't leave the stats working while we improve them - it wasn't possible in this case.
We appreciate everyone's patience.
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Thanks for jumping in.. Any idea about stats that were there? Are we losing hits coming in as we speak, etc.? Again thanks.
Is there an issue with stats on the site? I'm getting sales from galleries --- which according to stats --- have no hits.
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I think it's great that you're upgrading the stats service. While I use Google Analytics, I still rely on the smugstats for detailed info regarding individual images.
But did I miss an announcement? Or was this a last minute thing?
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I have put in Google Analytics code now, but again, we who rely on this service for our livelihood should get better communication when functionality is affected on the site.
Totally agree. This is exactly what happened to me with 3 different clients. I had sent numerous emails to the Hero's at Smugmug help and they told me they were being worked. After the 4th message, they sent me to this thread.
Do you feel like throwing us that are moaning the temporary loss of our stats a bone... i.e. what new and improved stats will be coming our way?
How much longer before we have our stats tracking back ????? Marvin Gaye asked...
I've been a member of Smugmug for three years, and have found little to complain about. The customer service has always been great, and the site is very well managed.
But, this situation is disturbing. It's not so much that those of us who've posted here are upset by the temporary absence of a feature that we rely on greatly for our businesses. The biggest issue at this point is that we are not being informed of what is happening.
If an important feature went down for one or two days without notice, that would be a problem. But, it's been a week now, and all we've been told is that the feature is being "overhauled". I know that I've suggested some improvements in the past, so I was happy to learn of these plans.
However, no one has even hinted what changes to the stats would include. And after a week, nobody has given us any idea when the changes will be ready.
Generally, everyone at SmugMug should be commended for the great work you do everyday. However, this stats situation is being handled poorly, mainly because you have left us in the dark.