Can youz test a new uploader?

Need a speed fix?
We decided to roll our own Simple uploader 'cus we thought we could make it smaller and faster.
The current one is an industry standard, used by Facebook et al, but being built by a third party we can't get quick fixes when browser upgrades make it woof.
Can you give the new hotness a whirl and see what you think?
To try it, go to the simple uploader (here's how). Your browser address bar should look something like this:

Just make sure it says &applet=10 at the end of the URL and press "return" or "enter", depending on your machine.
The new version of the Simple uploader should ask if you wanna trust it (you do), then load and look like:

Then add some photos & videos. Fast? Reliable? Intuitive?
Okay, so it's not pretty yet...
We decided to roll our own Simple uploader 'cus we thought we could make it smaller and faster.
The current one is an industry standard, used by Facebook et al, but being built by a third party we can't get quick fixes when browser upgrades make it woof.
Can you give the new hotness a whirl and see what you think?
To try it, go to the simple uploader (here's how). Your browser address bar should look something like this:

Just make sure it says &applet=10 at the end of the URL and press "return" or "enter", depending on your machine.
The new version of the Simple uploader should ask if you wanna trust it (you do), then load and look like:

Then add some photos & videos. Fast? Reliable? Intuitive?
Okay, so it's not pretty yet...
After a couple minutes of no visual change, I hit the Stop Uploading button. It didn't appear to do anything except enable the Remove All button. The green rectangles were still going back and forth on the first three images, nothing else happening. Based on the responsiveness of my network connection, I think it was still uploading the three images. It appears to have so saturated my connection that I can barely do anything else (I have 6Mbps down, 1Mbps up).
Here's what it looks like after I hit the Stop Uploading button:
It did eventually finish uploading the three images that started. The thermometers never showed anything other than the green rectangles and 100%. After the uploaded, they disappeared. The time remaining and current speed never showed anything other than "idle".
When I check the gallery, the first three images did upload. Summary of what I saw:
I am normally a Star Explorer uploader so I can't really offer any comparison to the previous simple uploader.
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So I ran the same 27 images through four different uploaders for testing. Here is what I came up with:
45.2 MB - 27 Images
Running under Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.5; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009032608 Firefox/3.0.8
Applet = 10 Upload 2:25
Applet = 9 Upload 3:25
Mac Daddy v3.03 2:24
Star *Explorer with Boost 2:25 (running under Fusion with 2GB on XP)
I did these all back to back to back to back to keep it as fair as possible.
Does that help?
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UI Stuff and comments are great, thanks - we'll address that soon
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The "Stop Uploading" button still behaves very weirdly. The item that is currently uploading just disappears from view and is not uploaded. It seems like it should stay in view just like the other items that are not uploaded yet.
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Maybe the first three speeds were the result of Comcast's speedboost kicking in at the beginning?
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
Running Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009032609 Firefox/3.0.8
Cable internet with Time Warner Roadrunner
About 9AM Eastern
Uploaded two batches (all files in both tests were 0.6-0.7MB in size)
Upload #1 - 167 photos in approx. 10 mins. Speed started at 1.1Mb/s and went to 1.3Mb/s and stayed there
Upload #2 - 173 photos in 11:36 mins. (got my stopwatch out for this one) Speed steady at 1.3Mb/s entire time.
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This is great info having the various uploaders compared with the same amount of data, thanks for laying it out like that.
@jfriend: Once an item reaches 100% that means that its now being verified on the server. So if you click 'stop uploading' it should only terminate any in progress uploads, items that are verifying can't be stopped as they're already on smugmug and the uploader is just waiting for verification that all the bits made it. I am curious as to the other bit you posted that if you hit stop uploading and a file is verifying then that file isn't uploaded, am I understanding that correctly?
The first time I uploaded, three images immediately went to 100% (instantly in less than a second) and then had the green dots going back and forth (which I think signifies verifying). The images were not actually verifying - they were still uploading - I could tell by my network traffic. I pressed Stop Uploading at that point and nothing happened. The images were still actually uploading. They did eventually finish uploading, though I had no control over it at all.
The second time I uploaded, the images started uploading one at a time. I saw a normal thermometer. When I pressed Stop Uploading with the progress thermometer at 33%, the image did indeed stop uploading and then it disappeared frrom the upload list. It should have stayed in the list since it was not yet uploaded.
Neither behavior was proper for the Stop Uploading button. In the first case, it didn't stop when the images had not yet finished uploading. It just kept uploading. In the second case, it did stop uploading and then it removed the image from the queue (when it should have left it in the queue).
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This isn't a bug/problem, just a difference in opinion on how the UI should work. I/we think after its done uploading it should be removed from the queue, its no longer relevant. Where you expect it to stick around and this seems cumbersome to the UI.
I believe this is the same behavior I'm having trouble with and it's caused by delay of the verification coming back to the uploader. See my other post on this at
The calculation of the verification code is just too slow.
There were four images in the queue. One was uploading. I hit the Stop Uploading button. It stopped uploading the one that was uploading, then removed it from the queue. There were then three images left in the queue.
I would think that when you stop, it should leave all images in the queue that have not uploaded. One can always use the Remove button at that point if they want to get rid of one of the images in the queue.
I thought it was less than desirable behavior to remove an image from the queue that did not upload.
I'm fine with removing it from the queue when it successfully uploads, but not when it doesn't.
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Do you have any packet monitoring software installed on your machine? Are you by any chance using a Mac, I'd suggest HTTPScoop. If you're using a Windows machine then Wireshark is all I know of and its kinda complicated to explain how to use. I suspect what is happening is if you watched your bandwidth you'd see that even after your file gets to 100% that data is still being sent (kind of like what jFriend saw). Or there is some local proxy that you're uploading your data too (really fast) which then sends the data to smugmug (slower) so it seems to you that all the data is sent (100%) but really our server hasn't gotten all the bits yet. That would be harder to diagnose.
This isn't the case, I've uploaded 23-24MB sized files from a 1DsIII and the verification time is marginal, like seconds.
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I'm with John on this one. If you click "Stop Uploading", then the photo that is currently uploading should remain in the queue. (Photos that have already been uploaded should be removed from the queue...)
Since you guys are asking for larger uploads I will give those a whirl in a little while as I am going on a motorcycle RTE tomorrow and will hopefully have lots of pictures to share.
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I'm going to write a bit here then go to the other thread. maybe they need to be combined.
I can tell you it zipped to 100% in no time on the first 3 files. I didn't notice if I still had a bunch of network traffic or not. The old simple uploader did the same thing. Then it sits there, but I needed to take a shower so instead of canceling it I went and did that. When I came back about 20 minutes later it had uploaded the 10 or images.
So I'll go look at the other one when you think about this.
I tried to upload few photos and MPEG2 video from Chrome (I know I know Chrome is not officially supported)
btw I love the fact that there is no pop-up window like before
p.s. just interested... can you share the reason why you use JAVA instead of Adobe FLASH, please. From user view there is really almost no difference. I noticed that Flickr uses Flash.
I, for one, loudly cheer your use of Java instead of Flash!
Now if only the Smugmug slideshow were Java... Or maybe Java plus the new HTML 5 animation capabilities! That would be especially sweet for iPhone...
Nice job!
EDIT: Just uploaded 22 more. It started out at about 5 mbs for the first 2 or 3 images then slowed to about 2 mbs for the duration. I suspect this is a comcast issue. These images varied from 3.5-6 mb each. The overall upload took about 6 minutes. The verification was very fast. It occurred simultaneously with the next image's upload and was done when the next images was about 18% uploaded.
I'm really not java nor flash expert and it's very hard for me to compare them. They are both very different - flash has much better visual, java is very universal. I think file upload can be done in both (flickr is not small site and they use flash, facebook uses java - it almost looks like that facebook decreases image resolution locally in the java app instead of doing it on the servers). It would be interested to see why smugmug picked java. I'm guessing that file upload is more stable as a java app.
Although I totally agree that Adobe Flash has lot of issues (a lot of security related - see SIR volume 6), I really do not have almost any issues in my web browser (Flash 10 in Chrome2). What browser do you use?
I've been a long time user of smugbrowser... a couple of the things I really like about smugbrowser are: 1) I can upload to multiple folders at once, 2) I can add to the queue for those folders, or any other folder, at any time during the upload, without interrupting the upload.
Does your new uploader allow for any of that?
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- What happens when your internet connection loses connectivity to Smugmug part way through an upload?
- What happens where there is packet loss?
- What happens when there are DNS issues establishing the initial connection?
- What happens when you try to upload a damaged JPEG?
- What happens when you try to upload a JPEG that's too large?
- What happens when you try to upload a JPEG that's too many pixels?
- What happens when you try to upload a filetype that Smugmug won't accept?
- What happens when your computer wants to go to sleep in the middle of an upload (like a laptop on battery)?
- What happens when there's a momentary network glitch, but then the ability to connect is restored?
What I want is an uploader that:Homepage • Popular
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