I was trying out the new uploader and noticed that it seems to keep the file handles open after upload? What I mean is I can't delete, move or rename uploaded files until I close the browser I used to upload.
This happens for me on Firefox 3.0.8 and IE8, Java 1.6.0_13, Vista 64.
This happens to me with the "production" Simple uploader as well. Would be great if the Smug-ized version could overcome this.
I just uploaded a bunch of photos - Windows XP SP3 platform.
Since IE8 is taking up a lot of resources and is sooo slow on my machine (and when I open 10 or more tabs it freezes...) I opted for Google Chrome I don't like Firefox too much either and am now planning to use Opera as my main browser (it's the fastest, most customizable, most convenient and most feature-rich browser available -- I came to it thanks to a review in the German PC Praxis Magazine which reviewed all browsers and Opera won hands down, followed by Chrome). Overnight I became an Opera fan when I checked and tested the Browser on my machine!
That said: I first uploaded 4 photos, about 4MB each (total 17 MB) in 8 minutes with on average 320 Kb/s. No problems encountered at all. It would be nice if the "idle" notion after the upload finished would indicate "uploaded successfully" or something similar to avoid assumptions that the connection got lost or so...
I then uploaded 44 photos, each about 5.6 MB (total: 248 MB). In 1 hour and 43 minutes at a rate of 310 KB/s, often dropping to 240 Kb/s but then again going above 300 Kb/s, the upload finished successfully. The uploader seems to work stable. I also love the look of the uploader and the bar graphs.
I wonder if, aside from the time notation, there can be a "time elapsed" notation too.
Anyway, this uploader seems to be a winner so far and it works in Chrome too.
Good for me
Tried it out last night and it works a lot better than than (9). Agree it would be nice to have the 'upload complete' or 'processing image' at the 100% stage. Upload speed seems to fluctuate between 1000 and 950 but still a lot more stable.
Could the new uploader skip files that already exist in the gallery? Lightroom does this for importing. It could be done by communicating with the server to compare EXIF data (for example) and skip the file. Maybe make it an option in the uploader?
Great suggestion, super great. I think there should be a dropdown like so:
[On Duplicate Image]:
-Upload *default*
-Don't upload
re: filenames yea, I'll be changing the width of the columns so the name column gets more space
@Scala: Another sorcerer noticed that as well, its on my list.
@Gnome: Its coming, I wanted it too and as easy as it sounds its not super easily done in Swing
@Luc De Jaeger: What is the use case for seeing time elapsed?
Great suggestion, super great. I think there should be a dropdown like so:
[On Duplicate Image]:
-Upload *default*
-Don't upload
This would make recovering from a connection failure or even a computer failure a lot easier too. Regardless of how well the uploader kept track of which images successfully got there, you could just give the uploader the whole bunch again and select "Don't Upload Duplicates" and go and you'd get exactly what you want.
Pros would love it for doing Replace Photo on a bunch of images in the same gallery in a massively more efficient way than it has to be done today.
Great suggestion, super great. I think there should be a dropdown like so:
[On Duplicate Image]:
-Upload *default*
-Don't upload
re: filenames yea, I'll be changing the width of the columns so the name column gets more space
@Scala: Another sorcerer noticed that as well, its on my list.
@Gnome: Its coming, I wanted it too and as easy as it sounds its not super easily done in Swing
@Luc De Jaeger: What is the use case for seeing time elapsed?
Sam, imho, the "time elapsed" gives a better understanding and realistic view of the total time it took to upload. This way I don't need a clock to keep the time it took to upload. It's just more useful but not mandatory. If the simple uploader is fast, stable and reliable, I don't need anything better. The rest is just a plus.
Sam, imho, the "time elapsed" gives a better understanding and realistic view of the total time it took to upload. This way I don't need a clock to keep the time it took to upload. It's just more useful but not mandatory. If the simple uploader is fast, stable and reliable, I don't need anything better. The rest is just a plus.
Thanks for your brilliant work.
Ahh, as a reporting tool to the helpdesk in case of a problem etc, thats a good usecase. I just didn't want to take up space in the layout, but how bout this, once all the uploads are done and the queue is empty change the text from 'Time remaining: ***' to 'Time elapsed: ***'.
Ahh, as a reporting tool to the helpdesk in case of a problem etc, thats a good usecase. I just didn't want to take up space in the layout, but how bout this, once all the uploads are done and the queue is empty change the text from 'Time remaining: ***' to 'Time elapsed: ***'.
No joy in Firefox
Tried this, but no joy in Firefox 3.0.4 on Win XP. When I "add photos" and select "Simple" all I get is a short srceen saying "try a different uploader". No error message, no warning about java, java script, active-x, etc.
So I tried under IE 7.0 and it did work, after the dialogue about install active-x module.
Tried this, but no joy in Firefox 3.0.4 on Win XP. When I "add photos" and select "Simple" all I get is a short srceen saying "try a different uploader". No error message, no warning about java, java script, active-x, etc.
So I tried under IE 7.0 and it did work, after the dialogue about install active-x module.
So how to make it work under Firefox?
Did you change the url and add &applet=10 so that you're using the new new uploader, not the simple one? Try doing that in IE7 then pasting in the url into Firefox and let me know what happens.
Tried this, but no joy in Firefox 3.0.4 on Win XP. . . .
Has nothing to do with your upload situation, but I see you are several updates behind on Firefox. Most of the updates (they just released 3.0.9 today) are security fixes, so you might benefit from getting them. (There is a "check for updates" option under Help on you FF menu bar.)
I am not sure if it is noticeably faster than the original safe uploader or not.
All images were jpegs with an average size of 4mb
I am using FireFox 3.0.8 and comcast internet.
I've been using the new one lately, and today is the first time I ran into a problem.
I had 870 photos to upload, 2 to 4 MB each. I dragged them in and started uploading, then left the house. When I got back home, it was stuck. 157 photos had uploaded when I looked at the gallery. The uploader had the top two photos "checking", I guess - with the barber-shop spiral progress bar. I tried Stopping and Starting again, but it didn't budge. I ended up reloading the page to start over. Unfortunately, I had to delete the 157 images that had uploaded, since they weren't in any particular order. If it had been the first 157, I could have simply uploaded the rest.
If this happens again, is there any way to get any more debug info for you?
Running more than one?
Should we be able to run more than once instance of the uploader in multiple tabs? It could have been coincidence, but I had one upload going then I opened a second tab to upload a different batch of photos to another gallery. Both stopped working. The first one had three uploads at 100% and no new ones starting. The second one looked like it finished the first file at 100% but didn't start uploading the second file. Looking at the second gallery, there was no file there so I don't think it actually completed.
A couple thousand uploads later, and I have a few more things to report:
At my hotel room, I was getting anywhere from 100KB/s to over 3MB/s! Sometimes the uploading would just stop. If I clicked Stop Uploading and then Upload! again, it would resume. Not sure what it was doing... At the office, upload speeds were much more constant and I didn't see any stopping.
The Time Remaining gets off if you keep re-using the same uploader instance. For example, load a few hundred photos then let it sit for a while and drag in more to upload. Or, while it's loading add more. (Not sure which of those two actions got the time off, but in my case, it was off by about +9 minutes. For example, I had two files left, and Time Remaining still said "9:23")
Hope all this is helping! Thanks for the improvements.
A couple thousand uploads later, and I have a few more things to report:
At my hotel room, I was getting anywhere from 100KB/s to over 3MB/s! Sometimes the uploading would just stop. If I clicked Stop Uploading and then Upload! again, it would resume. Not sure what it was doing... At the office, upload speeds were much more constant and I didn't see any stopping.
The Time Remaining gets off if you keep re-using the same uploader instance. For example, load a few hundred photos then let it sit for a while and drag in more to upload. Or, while it's loading add more. (Not sure which of those two actions got the time off, but in my case, it was off by about +9 minutes. For example, I had two files left, and Time Remaining still said "9:23")
Hope all this is helping! Thanks for the improvements.
this all helps! I hadn't tried running it in two tabs before, I'll give that a go. I think it should work but I can think of a couple reasons why it wouldn't.
Love the new uploader Now I can drag and drop which is what I've always wanted. It'll be easier to find the photos I want to upload now. The problem with using Google Chrome or Firefox with the simple uploader in the past is you couldn't see the thumbnails of the files you were selecting so it was not so easy to be sure you got the right files. Now I can drag them over quickly from my windows explorer window Thanks!
much faster... Thanks!
just did an upload of 34 jpg's in firefox 3.0.10 on winxp sp3 with all windows updates installed except IE8 and ms office compatibility pack sp2. Java is up to date with version 6 update 13.
this puppy rocks!!! thanks guys for the obvious speed improvement. i have always used the simple uploader so i am an even happier camper now. i will continue to test it and let you know how it goes.
I only did a couple of minor tests, which (in my case) did not show any performance improvement over the normal uploader (without the applet=10) but it does look better and provodes helpful info.
There is one thing though... for some reason all files I upload get a mouse roll-over tag called "DSC_0119". they are not called that at all. I A using the SmugMug Style and this happens when I roll the mouse over the thumbnails and the preview. If I click on the preview (to go to the larger version) I actually get to see "DSC_0119" under the picture, as if it was the title.... other images in the same galery, loaded using the other uploader do not have this problem....
Not sure if this is a New Uploader prob, but I just had a bunch of photos go nowhere... I looked in the upload log and found a bunch of:
Message: upload problem: wrong bytes received
messages. I didn't get any errors reported by the new uploader. Now, I'm really wishing for that "skip files that already exist in the gallery" feature!
I'm not sure how I produced this bug. I had about 300 photos to upload. After successfully uploading about half of them, I paused the uploader and moved from home to a coffee shop, then resumed uploading. I'm not positive, but I think nothing from the coffee shop uploaded, although the uploader seemed to be chuging along just fine.
I think it's this coffee shop... They're using Meraki for "free" WiFi. It adds a search bar div to the top of every page served up by the coffee shop. I remember thinking my browser had been hijacked the first time I tried this coffee shop's free wifi. I think it only does it on port 80, since ssh and my IM client work fine. It might be messing with uploading to SmugMug, though, and the uploader doesn't seem to know that the files aren't really making it to the gallery.
Not sure if this is a New Uploader prob, but I just had a bunch of photos go nowhere... I looked in the upload log and found a bunch of:
Message: upload problem: wrong bytes received
messages. I didn't get any errors reported by the new uploader. Now, I'm really wishing for that "skip files that already exist in the gallery" feature!
I'm not sure how I produced this bug. I had about 300 photos to upload. After successfully uploading about half of them, I paused the uploader and moved from home to a coffee shop, then resumed uploading. I'm not positive, but I think nothing from the coffee shop uploaded, although the uploader seemed to be chuging along just fine.
Thanks, Andy. See my update to my post above.
I think the only thing to take away from this experience is that the uploader needs to let me know something isn't working.
Disclaimer: I haven't read through this entire thread so sorry if this is a repeat.
Just tried this today and I got a bunch of "wrong bytes received" errors. A file would start loading, get to some percentage and stop. About 10 seconds later the progress bar would go back to 0% and sit there. Hitting "stop upload" followed by "upload" started things going again, but it was not clear that there was an error. If I hadn't been looking at it happen, I wouldn't really know what was going on.
One time it stopped and after 7 or 8 seconds it suddenly continued to load; but it seemed that whenever the progress bar went back to 0% it never restarted itself.
I would like to see the uploader give an error message and then automatically try to upload the file again. Either that or put an error on the offending file and continue to the next file in the list. I don't think just hanging there looking like it is trying to do something makes much sense.
Also the green "cylon" effect - I know that means it is checking the file but why not put the actual words "checking file" in the progress bar too? If I hadn't used other uploaders before I wouldn't know what the green thingy was supposed to mean.
One other quibble - why update the "time remaining" so often? Every couple of seconds seems like it would be sufficient and it would smooth out some of the jitters that happen now. It jumps from 2:10 to 2:09 to 2:12 to 2:10 to... all within a second or so. I think slowing down the update rate would make it flow smoother as it counts down.
Overall I think I'll keep using this uploader over the others. It seems superior and the comments above are all minor nits.
I was just uploading photos with the new uploader and when I was at 972 photos and tried adding 120 more photos, it crashed Safari (V4 Public beta).
I also noticed that whenever I am uploading photos with this new uploader and start navigating on a different tap on a different site, it messes up my upload. Almost as if they are interfering.
I like what you have so far, keep up the good work
Edit:: I also just noticed that when you are uploading then add more photos while its uploading, the "Stop Uploading" button switches back to "Upload!"
Just did a batch of 39 photos (full 10mpix, untouched from the camera, so they are huge) via FiOS 20/20 circuit ... no errors and averaged 8.9mbps! and no crashes like the "Simple" uploader.
Thanks to Andy for sending me to this thread.
Johnny J. Chin ~ J. Chin Photography Facebook ♦ Flickr ♦ SmugMug
SmugMug referral coupon code: ix3uDyfBU6xXs
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Can I make this my default uploader now? Or we must wait until it is "live"?
Johnny J. Chin ~ J. Chin Photography Facebook ♦ Flickr ♦ SmugMug
SmugMug referral coupon code: ix3uDyfBU6xXs
(use this for a discount off your SmugMug subscription)
This happens to me with the "production" Simple uploader as well. Would be great if the Smug-ized version could overcome this.
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Since IE8 is taking up a lot of resources and is sooo slow on my machine (and when I open 10 or more tabs it freezes...) I opted for Google Chrome I don't like Firefox too much either and am now planning to use Opera as my main browser (it's the fastest, most customizable, most convenient and most feature-rich browser available -- I came to it thanks to a review in the German PC Praxis Magazine which reviewed all browsers and Opera won hands down, followed by Chrome). Overnight I became an Opera fan when I checked and tested the Browser on my machine!
That said: I first uploaded 4 photos, about 4MB each (total 17 MB) in 8 minutes with on average 320 Kb/s. No problems encountered at all. It would be nice if the "idle" notion after the upload finished would indicate "uploaded successfully" or something similar to avoid assumptions that the connection got lost or so...
I then uploaded 44 photos, each about 5.6 MB (total: 248 MB). In 1 hour and 43 minutes at a rate of 310 KB/s, often dropping to 240 Kb/s but then again going above 300 Kb/s, the upload finished successfully. The uploader seems to work stable. I also love the look of the uploader and the bar graphs.
I wonder if, aside from the time notation, there can be a "time elapsed" notation too.
Anyway, this uploader seems to be a winner so far and it works in Chrome too.
Tried it out last night and it works a lot better than than (9). Agree it would be nice to have the 'upload complete' or 'processing image' at the 100% stage. Upload speed seems to fluctuate between 1000 and 950 but still a lot more stable.
Thanks for you hard work guys
Take nothing but pictures. Leave nothing but footprints
Great suggestion, super great. I think there should be a dropdown like so:
[On Duplicate Image]:
-Upload *default*
-Don't upload
re: filenames yea, I'll be changing the width of the columns so the name column gets more space
@Scala: Another sorcerer noticed that as well, its on my list.
@Gnome: Its coming, I wanted it too and as easy as it sounds its not super easily done in Swing
@Luc De Jaeger: What is the use case for seeing time elapsed?
Pros would love it for doing Replace Photo on a bunch of images in the same gallery in a massively more efficient way than it has to be done today.
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Sam, imho, the "time elapsed" gives a better understanding and realistic view of the total time it took to upload. This way I don't need a clock to keep the time it took to upload. It's just more useful but not mandatory. If the simple uploader is fast, stable and reliable, I don't need anything better. The rest is just a plus.
Thanks for your brilliant work.
Ahh, as a reporting tool to the helpdesk in case of a problem etc, thats a good usecase. I just didn't want to take up space in the layout, but how bout this, once all the uploads are done and the queue is empty change the text from 'Time remaining: ***' to 'Time elapsed: ***'.
Yes, THAT would be nice indeed!!!
Tried this, but no joy in Firefox 3.0.4 on Win XP. When I "add photos" and select "Simple" all I get is a short srceen saying "try a different uploader". No error message, no warning about java, java script, active-x, etc.
So I tried under IE 7.0 and it did work, after the dialogue about install active-x module.
So how to make it work under Firefox?
Did you change the url and add &applet=10 so that you're using the new new uploader, not the simple one? Try doing that in IE7 then pasting in the url into Firefox and let me know what happens.
I finally realized the uploader needs full Java enabled. Works OK in Firefox with Java turned on.
Maybe I live under a rock, but I've never enabled Java and seem to be getting along well without it.
I don't remember reading anything about the Java requirement. Would be nice to be warned, or better yet to be told when you try to upload.
-High CPU usage on upload
-Vanishing top item if you click 'stop uploading'
redcrown: The only time I run into java content online is when its for uploading, but realistically there is no reason to have your JRE disabled.
Has nothing to do with your upload situation, but I see you are several updates behind on Firefox. Most of the updates (they just released 3.0.9 today) are security fixes, so you might benefit from getting them. (There is a "check for updates" option under Help on you FF menu bar.)
Overall time 1 hour 55 minutes.
Beginning speed 1.31 mb/s
Slowed to 1.01 mb/s after 20 images
Slowed to 1000 kb/s after 80 images
Slowed to 992 kb/s after 150 images
I am not sure if it is noticeably faster than the original safe uploader or not.
All images were jpegs with an average size of 4mb
I am using FireFox 3.0.8 and comcast internet.
looks good to me!
Firefox / Mac
I had 870 photos to upload, 2 to 4 MB each. I dragged them in and started uploading, then left the house. When I got back home, it was stuck. 157 photos had uploaded when I looked at the gallery. The uploader had the top two photos "checking", I guess - with the barber-shop spiral progress bar. I tried Stopping and Starting again, but it didn't budge. I ended up reloading the page to start over. Unfortunately, I had to delete the 157 images that had uploaded, since they weren't in any particular order. If it had been the first 157, I could have simply uploaded the rest.
If this happens again, is there any way to get any more debug info for you?
Should we be able to run more than once instance of the uploader in multiple tabs? It could have been coincidence, but I had one upload going then I opened a second tab to upload a different batch of photos to another gallery. Both stopped working. The first one had three uploads at 100% and no new ones starting. The second one looked like it finished the first file at 100% but didn't start uploading the second file. Looking at the second gallery, there was no file there so I don't think it actually completed.
- At my hotel room, I was getting anywhere from 100KB/s to over 3MB/s! Sometimes the uploading would just stop. If I clicked Stop Uploading and then Upload! again, it would resume. Not sure what it was doing... At the office, upload speeds were much more constant and I didn't see any stopping.
- The Time Remaining gets off if you keep re-using the same uploader instance. For example, load a few hundred photos then let it sit for a while and drag in more to upload. Or, while it's loading add more. (Not sure which of those two actions got the time off, but in my case, it was off by about +9 minutes. For example, I had two files left, and Time Remaining still said "9:23")
Hope all this is helping! Thanks for the improvements.Yup,
this all helps!
just did an upload of 34 jpg's in firefox 3.0.10 on winxp sp3 with all windows updates installed except IE8 and ms office compatibility pack sp2. Java is up to date with version 6 update 13.
this puppy rocks!!! thanks guys for the obvious speed improvement. i have always used the simple uploader so i am an even happier camper now. i will continue to test it and let you know how it goes.
I only did a couple of minor tests, which (in my case) did not show any performance improvement over the normal uploader (without the applet=10) but it does look better and provodes helpful info.
There is one thing though... for some reason all files I upload get a mouse roll-over tag called "DSC_0119". they are not called that at all. I A using the SmugMug Style and this happens when I roll the mouse over the thumbnails and the preview. If I click on the preview (to go to the larger version) I actually get to see "DSC_0119" under the picture, as if it was the title.... other images in the same galery, loaded using the other uploader do not have this problem....
just my input so far. Thanks !!
Message: upload problem: wrong bytes received
messages. I didn't get any errors reported by the new uploader. Now, I'm really wishing for that "skip files that already exist in the gallery" feature!
I'm not sure how I produced this bug. I had about 300 photos to upload. After successfully uploading about half of them, I paused the uploader and moved from home to a coffee shop, then resumed uploading. I'm not positive, but I think nothing from the coffee shop uploaded, although the uploader seemed to be chuging along just fine.
I think it's this coffee shop... They're using Meraki for "free" WiFi. It adds a search bar div to the top of every page served up by the coffee shop. I remember thinking my browser had been hijacked the first time I tried this coffee shop's free wifi. I think it only does it on port 80, since ssh and my IM client work fine. It might be messing with uploading to SmugMug, though, and the uploader doesn't seem to know that the files aren't really making it to the gallery.
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I think the only thing to take away from this experience is that the uploader needs to let me know something isn't working.
Just tried this today and I got a bunch of "wrong bytes received" errors. A file would start loading, get to some percentage and stop. About 10 seconds later the progress bar would go back to 0% and sit there. Hitting "stop upload" followed by "upload" started things going again, but it was not clear that there was an error. If I hadn't been looking at it happen, I wouldn't really know what was going on.
One time it stopped and after 7 or 8 seconds it suddenly continued to load; but it seemed that whenever the progress bar went back to 0% it never restarted itself.
I would like to see the uploader give an error message and then automatically try to upload the file again. Either that or put an error on the offending file and continue to the next file in the list. I don't think just hanging there looking like it is trying to do something makes much sense.
Also the green "cylon" effect - I know that means it is checking the file but why not put the actual words "checking file" in the progress bar too? If I hadn't used other uploaders before I wouldn't know what the green thingy was supposed to mean.
One other quibble - why update the "time remaining" so often? Every couple of seconds seems like it would be sufficient and it would smooth out some of the jitters that happen now. It jumps from 2:10 to 2:09 to 2:12 to 2:10 to... all within a second or so. I think slowing down the update rate would make it flow smoother as it counts down.
Overall I think I'll keep using this uploader over the others. It seems superior and the comments above are all minor nits.
My 2 cents - hope it helps.
I also noticed that whenever I am uploading photos with this new uploader and start navigating on a different tap on a different site, it messes up my upload. Almost as if they are interfering.
I like what you have so far, keep up the good work
Edit:: I also just noticed that when you are uploading then add more photos while its uploading, the "Stop Uploading" button switches back to "Upload!"
Just did a batch of 39 photos (full 10mpix, untouched from the camera, so they are huge) via FiOS 20/20 circuit ... no errors and averaged 8.9mbps!
Thanks to Andy for sending me to this thread.
Facebook ♦ Flickr ♦ SmugMug
SmugMug referral coupon code: ix3uDyfBU6xXs
(use this for a discount off your SmugMug subscription)
Facebook ♦ Flickr ♦ SmugMug
SmugMug referral coupon code: ix3uDyfBU6xXs
(use this for a discount off your SmugMug subscription)