Using Firefox or IE when I right click on a picture in a gallery I get a message that the image is copyright protected (as expected), but a second right click brings up the normal right click menu and lets me download the image. Is this how it should work?
Whenever I do that (or whenever I did that in the past, I no longer right click protect my galleries) I never got the actual image, I always got a blank spacer.gif image or something like that.
Y'all don't want to hear me, you just want to dance.
My SmugMug Wish List
Hi, I am enjoying my smugmug account very much, but I wanted to share what I think would be a very cool feature. I am using my account to basically archive everything I have on disk. I am kind of paranoid about making everything public, since I have pictures of my kids along with other people's kids, and I'm not sure I want my kids' images to be public, much less other peoples' kids without their consent. So I am making all my albums private, and when I want to share I send a URL for a gallery to my family. I know I can also do share groups to group entire galleries together. What I think would be REALLY great is if I could tag individual photos to share in some kind of a virtual album, like a share group. I don't necessarily want to share all the images in an album, just the best ones, but I don't want to have to separate out all the sheep from the goats into a new gallery.
To elaborate, I wrote myself a little Microsoft .Net application to upload bunches of files (point it to a directory and it will go through every subdirectory uploading all image files.) It automatically creates galleries based upon the subdirectory name, and puts the images in that subdirectory into that gallery. I have everything on disk in a time-based directory structure, i.e. 2005 > August > 08.12.2005. So my little tool is tailored to bulk upload and somewhat recreate my directory structure in galleries using categories (year names) and subcategories (month names). So I get a category of 2005, subcategory of August, and the gallery name contains the date of the pictures in it.
I want to leave the images in that structure, but create "virtual" gallleries composed of selected images from one or more galleries. For instance, I could take the best images from the subdirectories from the past week and create a virtual gallery for our 2005 vacation, and just share the virtual gallery.
I thinking allowing the creation of share groups from individual albums would work really well for this. If my galleries were public I could use key words, and just send links to key word searches, but I really don't want to have to make everything public to accomplish this.
Well, that's it! Sorry to be so wordy but I wanted to explain the way I am using Smugmug. I'm open to suggestions as to a better way to go!
upgrade to pro now, before the price increase, for $50 you'll have your wish
Uh, no, he won't. I upgraded and I still don't have any stats for prints ordered.
P.S. Yes, I know, if I go through and set prices for everything, then I will get stats. But the point remains that just upgrading to Pro won't do it, even though your reply implies that one upgrades to Pro and boom! there are the stats. Moreover, some of us would prefer to not have any income at all from sales because it's an tax/accounting/legal/social hassle that isn't worth the $10/year in sales.
Uh, no, he won't. I upgraded and I still don't have any stats for prints ordered.
P.S. Yes, I know, if I go through and set prices for everything, then I will get stats. But the point remains that just upgrading to Pro won't do it, even though your reply implies that one upgrades to Pro and boom! there are the stats. Moreover, some of us would prefer to not have any income at all from sales because it's an tax/accounting/legal/social hassle that isn't worth the $10/year in sales.
So, what I did is set my default prices for all prints to $0.01 more than the smugmug default and I did not fill out the tax form yet (requires pro account). This gives me reporting on all sales, but smugmug never sends me a check because I haven't filled out the tax form. This will help me figure out if it's worth setting real custom prices and trying to collect any real money for my prints.
I agree with the general point that smugmug would probably get more pro accounts if they could provide sales information to power user accounts because knowing how many sales you could profit from is a great reason to upgrade to a pro account and actually set your own prices. But, not knowing how many sales there are in a power user account leaves you wondering if the pro account would be worth it.
Bugs (Enhancements?) in the new interface released today 8/16
I have been a smugmug member (standard user) for a several months and really love the service. After viewing my pictures & galleries post upgrade during the past hour or so I have found some interesting issues (bugs? enhancements?):
1. When viewing a gallery in the "smugmug style", vertical oriented photos (i.e. 4 wide x 6 tall) are alligned to the left of the display panel. I believe in the previous version of smugmug, each picture was centered in the panel. I believe both the picture and associated comments should be centered in this display panel.
2. When clicking on "slideshow" within a gallery, a full screen display is shown that downloads Original images ... is this what is intended? Or can we set the default a smaller size?
By the way ... thanks for all of your hardwork ... I really love the service.
more feature requests
First of all.... the new features and new look are great!
Here are 2 suggestions for your next improvement project:
1. There's one thing I'd LOVE to have in my control panel :
an order history that shows who (user name is enough) ordered what kind and how many prints/gifts of what photos (gallery name and image name are enough, thumbnails are not necessary) when (including myself)... that'd be great (this does NOT refer to the power user feature where you get paid for ordered prints...)
2. When saving an image, is there any way you can download it with the "original" file name and not the number you assign it in the database? Or maybe adding a "smugmug downloader" so I can check off multiple files at a time to download to another computer? just wondering...
Please add file number to cart screen.
Please, please, please, please, please, please, please ad the file number(name) to the cart screen. When I place an order I go by the file name and it is very hard to match up pictures. You have to keep going back and forth to get the ones you want.
Uh, no, he won't. I upgraded and I still don't have any stats for prints ordered.
P.S. Yes, I know, if I go through and set prices for everything, then I will get stats. But the point remains that just upgrading to Pro won't do it, even though your reply implies that one upgrades to Pro and boom! there are the stats. Moreover, some of us would prefer to not have any income at all from sales because it's an tax/accounting/legal/social hassle that isn't worth the $10/year in sales.
hiya alan - welcome to dgrin. you've totally lost me, can you elaborate
hiya alan - welcome to dgrin. you've totally lost me, can you elaborate
Let's say I have an order from a customer that says they want:
2 - 5x7 of IMG_4000
4 - 8x10 of IMG_4000
3 - 5x7 of IMG_4002
So I go and find those pics and add them to the cart. Now when I am in the shopping cart I can't tell which picture is what image number. Which one is IMG_4002. When you have an order that has 30 different poses and they want a total of a hundred prints of all different sizes it becomes very difficult to get the order correct.
If in the shopping cart I could see what the file number (or name) it would be much easier to check my shopping cart against my order. This seems like it would be a very easy change to add the file name to the next to or above the thumbnail in the shopping cart.
Let's say I have an order from a customer that says they want:
2 - 5x7 of IMG_4000
4 - 8x10 of IMG_4000
3 - 5x7 of IMG_4002
So I go and find those pics and add them to the cart. Now when I am in the shopping cart I can't tell which picture is what image number. Which one is IMG_4002. When you have an order that has 30 different poses and they want a total of a hundred prints of all different sizes it becomes very difficult to get the order correct.
If in the shopping cart I could see what the file number (or name) it would be much easier to check my shopping cart against my order. This seems like it would be a very easy change to add the file name to the next to or above the thumbnail in the shopping cart.
yes, Yes, YES!!! I have the same trouble when people place orders with me instead of online. It would be AMAZINGLY helpful to be able to see the file number with each image once in the shopping cart. It's not a big deal when only one or two poses are ordered, but it's a serious pain with lots of images.
1. When viewing a gallery in the "smugmug style", vertical oriented photos (i.e. 4 wide x 6 tall) are alligned to the left of the display panel. I believe in the previous version of smugmug, each picture was centered in the panel. I believe both the picture and associated comments should be centered in this display panel.
I noticed this too but figured out how to fix it. If you go into the customize section of the control panel and add #displayPhoto { text-align: center } to the CSS section it will center the vertical photos.
I believe this can only be changed if you are a Power Users and Pro User.
I noticed this too but figured out how to fix it. If you go into the customize section of the control panel and add #displayPhoto { text-align: center } to the CSS section it will center the vertical photos.
I believe this can only be changed if you are a Power Users and Pro User.
Correct, I am suprised this is not the default, maybe an oops.
Correct, I am suprised this is not the default, maybe an oops.
I think this is deliberate. If you look at the design it makes sense. given the structure of the elements and such. When I took away the dotted lines the lego-block type structure fell apart and it made more sense to have a centered vertical image, but while they're still there, I think the left justify is the right way to do it.
Y'all don't want to hear me, you just want to dance.
Phase 2 bug? Impervious Galleries...??
OK, I've been sitting on this for a couple days now just to make sure I wasn't doing something stupid (no guarantee though ).
My CSS customization is not being carried through to all galleries. Let me outline what I have done just to make sure I didn't miss anything.
0 - No CSS effects observed in galleries so...
1 - To make sure I don't have anything conflicting, I temporarily removed all customization, except for some CSS.
2 - I had previously had my gallery appearance as Custom so that CSS can modify the look of the gallery.
With this, some galleries were ok, some were not. Fine I say, and customize the gallery and modify the appearance radio button and save.
Nothing... hmmm....
I try this with the normal Customize Gallery button, as well as the pull-down variety. Nothing. OK, I go ahead and remove ALL CSS, with the exception of 1 code. Still nothing.
At this point, I clear the cache, exit the browser (Firefox), and try again. Nothing...
Fine... IE6.0? Nope.... no change there. I try a broad stroke to fix this by using the bulk gallery thing but that doesn't work either.
Fine... we'll try tomorrow!
NO CHANGE. Work computer? No change... ermm.....
So at this point, with hardly any customization in effect, I have three outcomes... a) galleries with customization that I CAN change. b) galleries without customization that I can't change. c) loss of thumnails in protected galleries (from using the bulk gallery template).
"c" is of a lesser extent of the last time I tried this, where ALL thumbs were lost, whereas this time, it seems it's hit or miss...
Bulk Geo Data Editing
I love the new geography, Google Map, and Google Earth features in Phase 2. Great job guys. This is great inovation. I've already started entering geo data in some of my galleries. But, doing so is quite tedeous.
So, smugmug team, can we get a bulk geography data editor in the near future?
I noticed this too but figured out how to fix it. If you go into the customize section of the control panel and add #displayPhoto { text-align: center } to the CSS section it will center the vertical photos. Chris
THANKS for that great tip...
This code does center my vertical photos BUT...
the associated caption is still left align.
Any ideas on how to fix?
BaldyRegistered Users, Super ModeratorsPosts: 2,853moderator
I love the new geography, Google Map, and Google Earth features in Phase 2. Great job guys. This is great inovation. I've already started entering geo data in some of my galleries. But, doing so is quite tedeous.
So, smugmug team, can we get a bulk geography data editor in the near future?
Yeah, we've noticed... I actually blogged about this a little:
OK, I seem to have figured out how to duplicate this problem... the Hide Owner option changes link to the generic Enabling this will successfully cause the CSS customization to fail. Disabling it afterwards (saving takes you into the gallery to view) shows as not fixing the problem, until you exit and reenter the gallery, where it will show CSS functionality again. I've tried this on both galleries and it works...
JT/Baldy -- will Hide Owner continue to have a negative effect on CSS customization??
OK, I seem to have figured out how to duplicate this problem... the Hide Owner option changes link to the generic Enabling this will successfully cause the CSS customization to fail. Disabling it afterwards (saving takes you into the gallery to view) shows as not fixing the problem, until you exit and reenter the gallery, where it will show CSS functionality again. I've tried this on both galleries and it works...
JT/Baldy -- will Hide Owner continue to have a negative effect on CSS customization??
yes, Yes, YES!!! I have the same trouble when people place orders with me instead of online. It would be AMAZINGLY helpful to be able to see the file number with each image once in the shopping cart. It's not a big deal when only one or two poses are ordered, but it's a serious pain with lots of images.
I second that request!
A resounding Me TOO! Lots of images and lots of sizes within images. Also hoping for backprinting some day with filename and brief copyright notice. And the last thing is I really want the ability to do package pricing so that smugmug can do all my fulfillment. It just doesn't make sense to charge someone the same price as the first print for subsequent copies of the same thing.
A resounding Me TOO! Lots of images and lots of sizes within images. Also hoping for backprinting some day with filename and brief copyright notice. And the last thing is I really want the ability to do package pricing so that smugmug can do all my fulfillment. It just doesn't make sense to charge someone the same price as the first print for subsequent copies of the same thing.
Lynne (as long as we're askin'...)
Yes to all of these things. The last release of style changes and maps are cool but I have no use for them. More funciton would be nice. Like:
1. Being able to charge a specific tax.
2. Back printing copyright info and file name.
3. Putting file number on shopping cart page and the add multiple picture to shopping cart page.
4. Being able to show price of pictures without having the ordering enabled.
5. Being able to chage the word "Proof" in the watermarking. Maybe change the size and position of the word or phrase also.
6. Being able to have multiple credit cards saved to order from. I have a personal credit card that is my default, but I would like to have my business card info save as well so that I can just choose which one I want to be charged.
7. Being able to give discounts for multipe orders of same picture or size of picture.
8. Being able to print any photo if I am logged in regardless of if printing is turned on.
4. Being able to show price of pictures without having the ordering enabled.
5. Being able to chage the word "Proof" in the watermarking. Maybe change the size and position of the word or phrase also.
Oh, yeah, I'd like to be able to change the opacity level of the word "Proof", I don't use the feature at all after first putting it on everything, but that's much further down my wish list.
You can show the price of photos by creating a journal page with a link within your gallery descriptions. That's what I'm going to do, but I have a tiered pricing schedule. Sure want that package pricing...
the best thing about smugmug is the continual enhancements, like having your own web developer without the big bucks needed. Well, besides the great previews, they are so much better than what the other sites offer.
OK, I seem to have figured out how to duplicate this problem... the Hide Owner option changes link to the generic Enabling this will successfully cause the CSS customization to fail. Disabling it afterwards (saving takes you into the gallery to view) shows as not fixing the problem, until you exit and reenter the gallery, where it will show CSS functionality again. I've tried this on both galleries and it works...
JT/Baldy -- will Hide Owner continue to have a negative effect on CSS customization??
Smugmug or Smugmug Small, but it appears to not have effect on any views...
I think he was expecting stats on no profit sales.
Sort. I would like to know what prints have been ordered from my galleries without having to set any prices or charging more than the Smugmug default. But my real point is that you don't get that information from having a Pro level account. You have to have a Pro level account and go and set higher prices on all of your prints. Saying "upgrade to Pro if you want that data" is misleading. If you don't want to set those prices for whatever reason, you get no sales information despite having a Pro account.
For me personally, I do a lot of sport photography for my children's sports and try to provide pictures to the other parents. I don't want to charge for the, but I have no idea, if any other parent every orders a print. It'd be very nice to have some even rough count to see if it's worth the effort or not of populating the galleries.
Sort. I would like to know what prints have been ordered from my galleries without having to set any prices or charging more than the Smugmug default. But my real point is that you don't get that information from having a Pro level account. You have to have a Pro level account and go and set higher prices on all of your prints. Saying "upgrade to Pro if you want that data" is misleading. If you don't want to set those prices for whatever reason, you get no sales information despite having a Pro account.
For me personally, I do a lot of sport photography for my children's sports and try to provide pictures to the other parents. I don't want to charge for the, but I have no idea, if any other parent every orders a print. It'd be very nice to have some even rough count to see if it's worth the effort or not of populating the galleries.
Go in and add one penny accross the board and you will know, it is the only way I know of.
Sort. I would like to know what prints have been ordered from my galleries without having to set any prices or charging more than the Smugmug default. But my real point is that you don't get that information from having a Pro level account. You have to have a Pro level account and go and set higher prices on all of your prints. Saying "upgrade to Pro if you want that data" is misleading. If you don't want to set those prices for whatever reason, you get no sales information despite having a Pro account.
For me personally, I do a lot of sport photography for my children's sports and try to provide pictures to the other parents. I don't want to charge for the, but I have no idea, if any other parent every orders a print. It'd be very nice to have some even rough count to see if it's worth the effort or not of populating the galleries.
I agree that all accounts should be able to get a report on how many prints have been ordered. It's an obvious question you want an answer to when trying to decide if you should upgrade to pro or not, so it is a bit of a conundrum that it's not knowable until after you upgrade to pro. When I upgraded to a pro account for other reasons, I set my default pricing to 1 cent above the smugmug price so that I'd start getting this reporting and that technique works fine, but only on pro accounts.
Hi, I am enjoying my smugmug account very much, but I wanted to share what I think would be a very cool feature. I am using my account to basically archive everything I have on disk. I am kind of paranoid about making everything public, since I have pictures of my kids along with other people's kids, and I'm not sure I want my kids' images to be public, much less other peoples' kids without their consent. So I am making all my albums private, and when I want to share I send a URL for a gallery to my family. I know I can also do share groups to group entire galleries together. What I think would be REALLY great is if I could tag individual photos to share in some kind of a virtual album, like a share group. I don't necessarily want to share all the images in an album, just the best ones, but I don't want to have to separate out all the sheep from the goats into a new gallery.
To elaborate, I wrote myself a little Microsoft .Net application to upload bunches of files (point it to a directory and it will go through every subdirectory uploading all image files.) It automatically creates galleries based upon the subdirectory name, and puts the images in that subdirectory into that gallery. I have everything on disk in a time-based directory structure, i.e. 2005 > August > 08.12.2005. So my little tool is tailored to bulk upload and somewhat recreate my directory structure in galleries using categories (year names) and subcategories (month names). So I get a category of 2005, subcategory of August, and the gallery name contains the date of the pictures in it.
I want to leave the images in that structure, but create "virtual" gallleries composed of selected images from one or more galleries. For instance, I could take the best images from the subdirectories from the past week and create a virtual gallery for our 2005 vacation, and just share the virtual gallery.
I thinking allowing the creation of share groups from individual albums would work really well for this. If my galleries were public I could use key words, and just send links to key word searches, but I really don't want to have to make everything public to accomplish this.
Well, that's it! Sorry to be so wordy but I wanted to explain the way I am using Smugmug. I'm open to suggestions as to a better way to go!
Uh, no, he won't. I upgraded and I still don't have any stats for prints ordered.
P.S. Yes, I know, if I go through and set prices for everything, then I will get stats. But the point remains that just upgrading to Pro won't do it, even though your reply implies that one upgrades to Pro and boom! there are the stats. Moreover, some of us would prefer to not have any income at all from sales because it's an tax/accounting/legal/social hassle that isn't worth the $10/year in sales.
So, what I did is set my default prices for all prints to $0.01 more than the smugmug default and I did not fill out the tax form yet (requires pro account). This gives me reporting on all sales, but smugmug never sends me a check because I haven't filled out the tax form. This will help me figure out if it's worth setting real custom prices and trying to collect any real money for my prints.
I agree with the general point that smugmug would probably get more pro accounts if they could provide sales information to power user accounts because knowing how many sales you could profit from is a great reason to upgrade to a pro account and actually set your own prices. But, not knowing how many sales there are in a power user account leaves you wondering if the pro account would be worth it.
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JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
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I have been a smugmug member (standard user) for a several months and really love the service. After viewing my pictures & galleries post upgrade during the past hour or so I have found some interesting issues (bugs? enhancements?):
1. When viewing a gallery in the "smugmug style", vertical oriented photos (i.e. 4 wide x 6 tall) are alligned to the left of the display panel. I believe in the previous version of smugmug, each picture was centered in the panel. I believe both the picture and associated comments should be centered in this display panel.
2. When clicking on "slideshow" within a gallery, a full screen display is shown that downloads Original images ... is this what is intended? Or can we set the default a smaller size?
By the way ... thanks for all of your hardwork ... I really love the service.
First of all.... the new features and new look are great!
Here are 2 suggestions for your next improvement project:
1. There's one thing I'd LOVE to have in my control panel
an order history that shows who (user name is enough) ordered what kind and how many prints/gifts of what photos (gallery name and image name are enough, thumbnails are not necessary) when (including myself)... that'd be great
2. When saving an image, is there any way you can download it with the "original" file name and not the number you assign it in the database? Or maybe adding a "smugmug downloader" so I can check off multiple files at a time to download to another computer? just wondering...
Thanks, guys!
Please, please, please, please, please, please, please ad the file number(name) to the cart screen. When I place an order I go by the file name and it is very hard to match up pictures. You have to keep going back and forth to get the ones you want.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
2 - 5x7 of IMG_4000
4 - 8x10 of IMG_4000
3 - 5x7 of IMG_4002
So I go and find those pics and add them to the cart. Now when I am in the shopping cart I can't tell which picture is what image number. Which one is IMG_4002. When you have an order that has 30 different poses and they want a total of a hundred prints of all different sizes it becomes very difficult to get the order correct.
If in the shopping cart I could see what the file number (or name) it would be much easier to check my shopping cart against my order. This seems like it would be a very easy change to add the file name to the next to or above the thumbnail in the shopping cart.
yes, Yes, YES!!!
I second that request!
I believe this can only be changed if you are a Power Users and Pro User.
OK, I've been sitting on this for a couple days now just to make sure I wasn't doing something stupid (no guarantee though
My CSS customization is not being carried through to all galleries. Let me outline what I have done just to make sure I didn't miss anything.
0 - No CSS effects observed in galleries so...
1 - To make sure I don't have anything conflicting, I temporarily removed all customization, except for some CSS.
2 - I had previously had my gallery appearance as Custom so that CSS can modify the look of the gallery.
With this, some galleries were ok, some were not. Fine I say, and customize the gallery and modify the appearance radio button and save.
I try this with the normal Customize Gallery button, as well as the pull-down variety. Nothing. OK, I go ahead and remove ALL CSS, with the exception of 1 code. Still nothing.
At this point, I clear the cache, exit the browser (Firefox), and try again. Nothing...
Fine... IE6.0? Nope.... no change there. I try a broad stroke to fix this by using the bulk gallery thing but that doesn't work either.
Fine... we'll try tomorrow!
NO CHANGE. Work computer? No change... ermm.....
So at this point, with hardly any customization in effect, I have three outcomes... a) galleries with customization that I CAN change. b) galleries without customization that I can't change. c) loss of thumnails in protected galleries (from using the bulk gallery template).
"c" is of a lesser extent of the last time I tried this, where ALL thumbs were lost, whereas this time, it seems it's hit or miss...
Anybody else experiencing effect "b"?
"a" gallery example (perfect)
"b" gallery example (not so perfect)
I love the new geography, Google Map, and Google Earth features in Phase 2. Great job guys. This is great inovation. I've already started entering geo data in some of my galleries. But, doing so is quite tedeous.
So, smugmug team, can we get a bulk geography data editor in the near future?
THANKS for that great tip...
This code does center my vertical photos BUT...
the associated caption is still left align.
Any ideas on how to fix?
We've been talking to Google about opening their API a little more to help us do better location lookup.
"a" gallery example (perfect)
"b" gallery example (not so perfect)
OK, I seem to have figured out how to duplicate this problem... the Hide Owner option changes link to the generic Enabling this will successfully cause the CSS customization to fail. Disabling it afterwards (saving takes you into the gallery to view) shows as not fixing the problem, until you exit and reenter the gallery, where it will show CSS functionality again. I've tried this on both galleries and it works...
JT/Baldy -- will Hide Owner continue to have a negative effect on CSS customization??
A resounding Me TOO! Lots of images and lots of sizes within images. Also hoping for backprinting some day with filename and brief copyright notice. And the last thing is I really want the ability to do package pricing so that smugmug can do all my fulfillment. It just doesn't make sense to charge someone the same price as the first print for subsequent copies of the same thing.
Lynne (as long as we're askin'...)
Galleries here Upcoming Ranch/Horse Workshop
1. Being able to charge a specific tax.
2. Back printing copyright info and file name.
3. Putting file number on shopping cart page and the add multiple picture to shopping cart page.
4. Being able to show price of pictures without having the ordering enabled.
5. Being able to chage the word "Proof" in the watermarking. Maybe change the size and position of the word or phrase also.
6. Being able to have multiple credit cards saved to order from. I have a personal credit card that is my default, but I would like to have my business card info save as well so that I can just choose which one I want to be charged.
7. Being able to give discounts for multipe orders of same picture or size of picture.
8. Being able to print any photo if I am logged in regardless of if printing is turned on.
That is all I have for now.
Oh, yeah, I'd like to be able to change the opacity level of the word "Proof", I don't use the feature at all after first putting it on everything, but that's much further down my wish list.
You can show the price of photos by creating a journal page with a link within your gallery descriptions. That's what I'm going to do, but I have a tiered pricing schedule. Sure want that package pricing...
Galleries here Upcoming Ranch/Horse Workshop
Sort. I would like to know what prints have been ordered from my galleries without having to set any prices or charging more than the Smugmug default. But my real point is that you don't get that information from having a Pro level account. You have to have a Pro level account and go and set higher prices on all of your prints. Saying "upgrade to Pro if you want that data" is misleading. If you don't want to set those prices for whatever reason, you get no sales information despite having a Pro account.
For me personally, I do a lot of sport photography for my children's sports and try to provide pictures to the other parents. I don't want to charge for the, but I have no idea, if any other parent every orders a print. It'd be very nice to have some even rough count to see if it's worth the effort or not of populating the galleries.
I agree that all accounts should be able to get a report on how many prints have been ordered. It's an obvious question you want an answer to when trying to decide if you should upgrade to pro or not, so it is a bit of a conundrum that it's not knowable until after you upgrade to pro. When I upgraded to a pro account for other reasons, I set my default pricing to 1 cent above the smugmug price so that I'd start getting this reporting and that technique works fine, but only on pro accounts.
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JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
Always include a link to your site when posting a question