I use the journal style on my site, and my only complaint is the inability of visitors to see whether pictures have comments. I'd like to have the option to display [via the journal style] the number of comments each picture has, similar to how individual posts on a blog show the number of comments.
I figure this would not only push visitors to read the comments (which I expect often go overlooked), but it would also promote the use of the comments function.
Making Keywords Easier to Add I'm a pro user, and most of my galleries have more than one keyword. I can't always remember what I have used for keywords in a category. I have to log out, check the list of my keywords, then log back in to add them. When adding keywords, having a pop-up list of the ones showing on my site would be very helpful. This should be available on the Customize Gallery page, as well as when using the customize keywords/captions singly and bulk under the photos. Thanks for considering this. <<<Bob>>>
3. Uploader that doesn't 'time out' if your upload speed is too slow -- some of us are stuck with low upload speeds, and I hate always having to burn my pictures on a RW CD, take them to work, and THEN upload.
4. More intelligent handling of subcategories -- arg, I hate not being able to create a subcategory on the same screen as "Create New Gallery" -- right now the process for creating a subcategory is like this:
A) From your main page, create a new subcategory Go BACK to the main page because there's no direct link from subcategory creation to 'Create a New Gallery'
C) Click 'Create a New Gallery' and choose the subcat you just created
I have used SM for about 2 weeks now - even talked my work to start using SM. Since then I have noticed a few things that would make some things a lot easier and effecient.
1. Being able to change pricing and custom templates by categories/subcategories. Maybe have an area where you can select the cat/sub cat you want to apply a pricing template or a specific custom template.
2. Being able to change an existing template and it would make the change automatically to everything associated with that template.
3. Of course the ability to purchase downloads.
4. It would also be nice to be able to add a description the a category and subcategory. If this is already available I would appreciate someone letting me know since I can't find where it can be updated.
5. I second FTP uploading.
These are just my suggestions at this point. I am sure as I continue to use the system I will come up with some other ideas.
Firefox -- tabs opening
I just noticed that when pressing ctrl-click to select multiple items (for example on photo rotate or move), Firefox will open a new blank tab for each click. I know now that you don't need to hold down ctrl to select multiple items in Smugmug, but we're all trained that way by Windows programs!
I don't know if it's possible within the javascript to disable the ctrl-click opening of new tabs only for those 'links' that are for selection, but that would save a least a few people some difficulty!
Since going to package pricing I have increased the sales per customer dramatically. They can easlily see that for a mere $5 more they can get addtional 5x7's. There is no additional work on my end producing the photo. Its already done.
I'd really like to see SmugMug develope some package pricing options. We all would benefit.
"More photo details"
Hello all,
Don't know if this came up before. regarding the feature "More photo details". First, if it brings a pop-up window with the details I wish it could stay 'on top' and refresh at any image click. Better yet, can it be a part of the viewing page like in pbase?
Is there a easy way to set all prices at zero. I want to offer only one size of particular prints. I have been manually setting all those zeros and then putting in the one price for the size I want to sell. Am I missing something obvious? A check box for each catagory of prints would help. Even better a button to set all prices to zero at the picture, gallery and portfolio level. Thanks for your consideration.
Is there a easy way to set all prices at zero. I want to offer only one size of particular prints. I have been manually setting all those zeros and then putting in the one price for the size I want to sell. Am I missing something obvious? A check box for each catagory of prints would help. Even better a button to set all prices to zero at the picture, gallery and portfolio level. Thanks for your consideration.
I use the journal style on my site, and my only complaint is the inability of visitors to see whether pictures have comments. I'd like to have the option to display [via the journal style] the number of comments each picture has, similar to how individual posts on a blog show the number of comments.
I figure this would not only push visitors to read the comments (which I expect often go overlooked), but it would also promote the use of the comments function.
As an aside, how often do feature requests get implemented? Not in terms of "5 out of 50 requests"; in terms of "every 3 months or so." In other words, when are changes such as my request made?
ok I am really new here...can u help?
I am not a pc wizard, nor am I pcignorant! I for the life of me cannot, find where to post new...?! Is that crazy? or am I really missing the boat here? anyone can help, most appreciative!
I like what I see here, very much, am an avid fan of great photo work, I am amatuerish by nature, but wanna be better! I would love to post a few of my personal favorites, if I can figure how to do it!
My name is Debbe (btw) and found this site quite by accident! though a pleasant one at that...
I am not a pc wizard, nor am I pcignorant! I for the life of me cannot, find where to post new...?! Is that crazy? or am I really missing the boat here? anyone can help, most appreciative!
I like what I see here, very much, am an avid fan of great photo work, I am amatuerish by nature, but wanna be better! I would love to post a few of my personal favorites, if I can figure how to do it!
My name is Debbe (btw) and found this site quite by accident! though a pleasant one at that...
I often find that I like to copy specific photos to a 'favorites' album and the process is a bit tedious. Currently, the only way that I know of doing this is to make a second copy then move -- which is something that would have to be done to each pic individually.
It would be great if there was a way to do this in bulk, by highlighting all target files and create a second copy in a destination gallery.
Preferred image size?
My preferred image size seems to be stuck on large no matter what I select. Is anyone else having this problem? I can change it on the current picture, but whenever I choose a different picture/album, it always stays as large, but the pulldown will show it as whatever I selected.
I'm using Firefox + XP, and I tried clearing the cache and restarted the browser with no success. I'm also finding this in IE as well.
Not sure if this has been mentioned yet, but how about adding some tags to each photo where the image owner can specify what lens was used to take the photo. The camera used is already in the EXIF info i believe.
Then it would be great if the search engine were modified slightly so that anyone can come in and do a search under a specific camera/body (taken from EXIF) or a specific lens (as specified by user in above paragraph). This would make the search engine very much similar to a "competitor's" and put you guys way over the top. I can't imagine how many times i've wanted to see examples of a photo taken w/ a specific camera or lens and had to use the "other" site for it. Not only does this bring traffic to one's gallery, but it also makes SmugMug a research tool when camera/lens shopping. In turn, this will attract many people to the site who could be potential customers/members. If you guys did this, i'd be a member for life.
First post in the support thread... associating a category with a community?
i did a search and couldn't find a post on this so i hope this isn't a dupe question/request...
is it possible to associate a category with a community instead of having to associate each gallery in that category individually?
example: i just created a "PhotoBlog" community. i have a category called "photoblog" in which about a dozen galleries reside (and adding more every week!). on my own home page, i can choose to display categories or galleries, but since i have so many galleries under this particular category, it made sense to choose to display by category. in the same vein therefore, wouldn't it be useful to offer the option of displaying a category in a community?
New Bug, 7/12
I noticed that on the newly redesigned smugmug that if I'm on my photo home page and I logout, I can't log back in from my davidrosenthal.smugmug.com page. I have to go to smugmug.com in order to log back in.
I noticed that on the newly redesigned smugmug that if I'm on my photo home page and I logout, I can't log back in from my davidrosenthal.smugmug.com page. I have to go to smugmug.com in order to log back in.
I noticed that on the newly redesigned smugmug that if I'm on my photo home page and I logout, I can't log back in from my davidrosenthal.smugmug.com page. I have to go to smugmug.com in order to log back in.
I'm on Safari, OSX 10.4.1.
JT beat me to it (big surprise ), but I've been having the same problem and I was also told its a login/out bug, fixed very shortly, I'm sure.
See this thread too, post #69 is where I brought it up in detail. See if your experience is the same.
BUG: Can't add protected gallery to communty
When a password protected gallery is added to a community it doesn't show up on the community page.
I would prefer to be able to password protect a community instead of only album level.
*Use Case*
Several SmugMuggers want to share photos from an event (such as a wedding or family picnic) in a single place but prevent access by the general public. Currently, we are forced to choose between security and convenience.
Password protection has obviously already been justified as it exists at the gallery level.
BUG: "this is me" photo is not me
My 'this is me" photo suddenly changed, without my doing so. Not only did it change, but it changed into an image that is not mine. The other odd thing about this is this image is one I was looking at in CafePress earlier. But I did not download it onto my computer, or upload it here or anything. When I tried to change it back to my logo from my gallery, it came back with the shirt picture again. When I look at my logo in my gallery, it is my logo. Some kind of mysterious cross feed or something!!
buggy keywords
ok, so we really like the keyword functionality and are using it heavily on our smugmug site (http://blotter.smugmug.com). we have discovered two minor problems however.
keyword problem #1:
in the keyword list on the homepage, the first keyword on each line seems to be difficult for the mouse to hover on. go to our smugmug page and try to hover/click on the words "daniel" or "lindsay" for example. this problem seems to be unique to the first keyword in each line.
keyword problem #2:
non-existant keywords seem to keep showing up as related links. example: go to our smugmug page and click on keyword "daniel". notice that the keyword "blotter" shows up as a related keyword link. however there are no photos under related keyword "blotter". blotter is not a keyword that we are using. seems like a bug to me, unless i don't properly understand the use of keywords?
"Hide Owner" gallery config
When configuring galleries at our smugmug page, we get unexpected results when checking the "Hide Owner" feature. After this feature is enabled for a specific gallery, the gallery photo on our homepage shows as a broken link. Also, we lose the customization for that gallery (headers, footers) when "Hide Owner" is enabled.
Example: go to our smugmug home page at http://blotter.smugmug.com
Notice how the photo link for "Maui - January 2005" gallery is broken. Now click on that particular gallery. Notice that this gallery page does not include our customized header and footer.
Is this a smugmug bug, or expected functionality when "Hide Owner" is enabled?
When configuring galleries at our smugmug page, we get unexpected results when checking the "Hide Owner" feature. After this feature is enabled for a specific gallery, the gallery photo on our homepage shows as a broken link. Also, we lose the customization for that gallery (headers, footers) when "Hide Owner" is enabled.
Example: go to our smugmug home page at http://blotter.smugmug.com
Notice how the photo link for "Maui - January 2005" gallery is broken. Now click on that particular gallery. Notice that this gallery page does not include our customized header and footer.
Is this a smugmug bug, or expected functionality when "Hide Owner" is enabled?
It's my understanding that there's no customization on galleries where Hide Owner has been selected. My expectation is that the idea behind Hide Owner is to conceal the identity of the owners of the photos. Since your customization could be considered a unique "signature" revealing the owner of the gallery, it's not used for those Hide Owner galleries.
Right-click immunity for owners?
I enjoy the right-click protect feature, but I find that I like to have access to my own photos via right-click when the need may arise. Since I have all my galleries set as RC protected by default, I have to unprotect/protect each time I want to right click.
Is there any way that the right-click protection can be keyed to the main user's account so that it allows free access to those that are logged on?
I enjoy the right-click protect feature, but I find that I like to have access to my own photos via right-click when the need may arise. Since I have all my galleries set as RC protected by default, I have to unprotect/protect each time I want to right click.
Is there any way that the right-click protection can be keyed to the main user's account so that it allows free access to those that are logged on?
I think this is one of my major annoyances too. I do not use right click protection because of it. This fix would be a nice change.
Y'all don't want to hear me, you just want to dance.
... Is there any way that the right-click protection can be keyed to the main user's account so that it allows free access to those that are logged on?
Also be allowed to view and save originals when logged on.
Possible Right Click bug
Using Firefox or IE when I right click on a picture in a gallery I get a message that the image is copyright protected (as expected), but a second right click brings up the normal right click menu and lets me download the image. Is this how it should work?
Using Firefox or IE when I right click on a picture in a gallery I get a message that the image is copyright protected (as expected), but a second right click brings up the normal right click menu and lets me download the image. Is this how it should work?
I'm a pro user, and most of my galleries have more than one keyword. I can't always remember what I have used for keywords in a category. I have to log out, check the list of my keywords, then log back in to add them.
When adding keywords, having a pop-up list of the ones showing on my site would be very helpful. This should be available on the Customize Gallery page, as well as when using the customize keywords/captions singly and bulk under the photos.
Thanks for considering this.
1. More support for firefox! Please!
2. FTP uploading -- could it be done?
3. Uploader that doesn't 'time out' if your upload speed is too slow -- some of us are stuck with low upload speeds, and I hate always having to burn my pictures on a RW CD, take them to work, and THEN upload.
4. More intelligent handling of subcategories -- arg, I hate not being able to create a subcategory on the same screen as "Create New Gallery" -- right now the process for creating a subcategory is like this:
A) From your main page, create a new subcategory
C) Click 'Create a New Gallery' and choose the subcat you just created
This is a bit ridiculous, I think!
Anyway, I do love smugmug, don't get me wrong!
1. Being able to change pricing and custom templates by categories/subcategories. Maybe have an area where you can select the cat/sub cat you want to apply a pricing template or a specific custom template.
2. Being able to change an existing template and it would make the change automatically to everything associated with that template.
3. Of course the ability to purchase downloads.
4. It would also be nice to be able to add a description the a category and subcategory. If this is already available I would appreciate someone letting me know since I can't find where it can be updated.
5. I second FTP uploading.
These are just my suggestions at this point. I am sure as I continue to use the system I will come up with some other ideas.
I just noticed that when pressing ctrl-click to select multiple items (for example on photo rotate or move), Firefox will open a new blank tab for each click. I know now that you don't need to hold down ctrl to select multiple items in Smugmug, but we're all trained that way by Windows programs!
I don't know if it's possible within the javascript to disable the ctrl-click opening of new tabs only for those 'links' that are for selection, but that would save a least a few people some difficulty!
When I do my own printing I offer many different Packages. For Example:
PKG 1) 2-5x7 $25
PKG 2) 1 - 8x10 $25
PKG 3) 2 - 5x7, 1 - 8x10 $30
PKG 4) 2 - 5x7, 1 - 8x10, 12 wallets $35
Since going to package pricing I have increased the sales per customer dramatically. They can easlily see that for a mere $5 more they can get addtional 5x7's. There is no additional work on my end producing the photo. Its already done.
I'd really like to see SmugMug develope some package pricing options. We all would benefit.
Hello all,
Don't know if this came up before. regarding the feature "More photo details". First, if it brings a pop-up window with the details I wish it could stay 'on top' and refresh at any image click. Better yet, can it be a part of the viewing page like in pbase?
'Good photographers never die, they just get replaced'
TML Photography
As an aside, how often do feature requests get implemented? Not in terms of "5 out of 50 requests"; in terms of "every 3 months or so." In other words, when are changes such as my request made?
I am not a pc wizard, nor am I pcignorant! I for the life of me cannot, find where to post new...?! Is that crazy? or am I really missing the boat here? anyone can help, most appreciative!
I like what I see here, very much, am an avid fan of great photo work, I am amatuerish by nature, but wanna be better! I would love to post a few of my personal favorites, if I can figure how to do it!
My name is Debbe (btw) and found this site quite by accident! though a pleasant one at that...
It would be great if there was a way to do this in bulk, by highlighting all target files and create a second copy in a destination gallery.
Is this something that would be implemented?
My preferred image size seems to be stuck on large no matter what I select. Is anyone else having this problem? I can change it on the current picture, but whenever I choose a different picture/album, it always stays as large, but the pulldown will show it as whatever I selected.
I'm using Firefox + XP, and I tried clearing the cache and restarted the browser with no success. I'm also finding this in IE as well.
Then it would be great if the search engine were modified slightly so that anyone can come in and do a search under a specific camera/body (taken from EXIF) or a specific lens (as specified by user in above paragraph). This would make the search engine very much similar to a "competitor's" and put you guys way over the top.
i did a search and couldn't find a post on this so i hope this isn't a dupe question/request...
is it possible to associate a category with a community instead of having to associate each gallery in that category individually?
example: i just created a "PhotoBlog" community. i have a category called "photoblog" in which about a dozen galleries reside (and adding more every week!). on my own home page, i can choose to display categories or galleries, but since i have so many galleries under this particular category, it made sense to choose to display by category. in the same vein therefore, wouldn't it be useful to offer the option of displaying a category in a community?
thanks for listening to me babble
I noticed that on the newly redesigned smugmug that if I'm on my photo home page and I logout, I can't log back in from my davidrosenthal.smugmug.com page. I have to go to smugmug.com in order to log back in.
I'm on Safari, OSX 10.4.1.
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
See this thread too, post #69 is where I brought it up in detail. See if your experience is the same.
...and it works! Thanks.
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
When a password protected gallery is added to a community it doesn't show up on the community page.
I would prefer to be able to password protect a community instead of only album level.
*Use Case*
Several SmugMuggers want to share photos from an event (such as a wedding or family picnic) in a single place but prevent access by the general public. Currently, we are forced to choose between security and convenience.
Password protection has obviously already been justified as it exists at the gallery level.
My 'this is me" photo suddenly changed, without my doing so. Not only did it change, but it changed into an image that is not mine. The other odd thing about this is this image is one I was looking at in CafePress earlier. But I did not download it onto my computer, or upload it here or anything. When I tried to change it back to my logo from my gallery, it came back with the shirt picture again. When I look at my logo in my gallery, it is my logo. Some kind of mysterious cross feed or something!!
ok, so we really like the keyword functionality and are using it heavily on our smugmug site (http://blotter.smugmug.com). we have discovered two minor problems however.
keyword problem #1:
in the keyword list on the homepage, the first keyword on each line seems to be difficult for the mouse to hover on. go to our smugmug page and try to hover/click on the words "daniel" or "lindsay" for example. this problem seems to be unique to the first keyword in each line.
keyword problem #2:
non-existant keywords seem to keep showing up as related links. example: go to our smugmug page and click on keyword "daniel". notice that the keyword "blotter" shows up as a related keyword link. however there are no photos under related keyword "blotter". blotter is not a keyword that we are using. seems like a bug to me, unless i don't properly understand the use of keywords?
When configuring galleries at our smugmug page, we get unexpected results when checking the "Hide Owner" feature. After this feature is enabled for a specific gallery, the gallery photo on our homepage shows as a broken link. Also, we lose the customization for that gallery (headers, footers) when "Hide Owner" is enabled.
Example: go to our smugmug home page at http://blotter.smugmug.com
Notice how the photo link for "Maui - January 2005" gallery is broken. Now click on that particular gallery. Notice that this gallery page does not include our customized header and footer.
Is this a smugmug bug, or expected functionality when "Hide Owner" is enabled?
I enjoy the right-click protect feature, but I find that I like to have access to my own photos via right-click when the need may arise. Since I have all my galleries set as RC protected by default, I have to unprotect/protect each time I want to right click.
Is there any way that the right-click protection can be keyed to the main user's account so that it allows free access to those that are logged on?
My Website index | My Blog
Using Firefox or IE when I right click on a picture in a gallery I get a message that the image is copyright protected (as expected), but a second right click brings up the normal right click menu and lets me download the image. Is this how it should work?
Blocking the right click menu completely on any page prevents access to some other options that we felt you should have access to.