Yes, that was my first request. I limit my customer's choices to wallet, 3.5x5, 4x6, 5x7, 8x10, 11x14, 16x20 and 20x24. For me the list is very short and one list would be great.
I think that smugmug should group everything together into one dropdown if the photographer limits the number of choices to just a few.
I really like sorting my galleries into categories, but I find it odd that I can't sort these categories on my front page. I'd love to even be able to just have them in alphabetical order, but they are controlled by the order of the galleries within them.
So would it be possible to do this?
I totally argee. It's very hard to sort categories now.
IMHO adding description to subcategories will be nice too.
I totally argee. It's very hard to sort categories now.
IMHO adding description to subcategories will be nice too.
Please correct me if I am mistaken, but this seems about as easy a feature upgrade as is possible. I would guess that to implement this change, one data field would need to be added to the db, and a few lines of code would need to be added in a couple of places.
I often use non-english letter for captions. It seems to me, that in traditional style galleries non-english captions longer then 11 letters are being trunctuated. For english captions this limit is much larger.
Well, not a big deal at all, and probably I'm the only person who is affected but I just wanted to mention it, in case you run out of possible improvments
Sales stats for Power Users
Even though I don't receive any money from print sales on my Power User Account, I would still like to see some stats on sells. Though most my photos are candids of friends and family I still want to improve my photographic ability. Knowing which photo's are being requested for prints and how many would help me understand what people find appealing.
I don't need anything as complicated as the sell screen used by the pro-users but an additional counter on the stats page would be nice.
I'm easy to please, I won't even ask to have it broken down by print size.
Even though I don't receive any money from print sales on my Power User Account, I would still like to see some stats on sells. Though most my photos are candids of friends and family I still want to improve my photographic ability. Knowing which photo's are being requested for prints and how many would help me understand what people find appealing.
I don't need anything as complicated as the sell screen used by the pro-users but an additional counter on the stats page would be nice.
upgrade to pro now, before the price increase, for $50 you'll have your wish
upgrade to pro now, before the price increase, for $50 you'll have your wish
If I knew how many prints I was generating I would know if the upgrade was worth it. But If only 2 prints are requested all year paying the extra $50 is just a waste of money.:cry
Standard and power user print sales stats
Nice one. I second a request for basic print sales stats for standard and power users. Only, I would recommend the sales statistics be presented cumulatively, rather than for just the current month as the hit statistics are presented.
It would be cool if those statistics could be broken down by print size. But, I'd be more than pleased with just the number of prints sold of each image, regardless of size.
Nice one. I second a request for basic print sales stats for standard and power users. Only, I would recommend the sales statistics be presented cumulatively, rather than for just the current month as the hit statistics are presented.
It would be cool if those statistics could be broken down by print size. But, I'd be more than pleased with just the number of prints sold of each image, regardless of size.
Hmmm. On second thought, I guess this is a bit extravegant for standard users. Power users on the other hand...
Even though I don't receive any money from print sales on my Power User Account, I would still like to see some stats on sells. [...]
I don't need anything as complicated as the sell screen used by the pro-users but an additional counter on the stats page would be nice.
I'm easy to please, I won't even ask to have it broken down by print size.
That's a wonderful suggestion, I second that!
With some basic stats about sales I would actually make some print galleries and see how it is going. Now I disabled it everywhere, because I don't have a tiniest bit of control over it. :uhoh
Yup......... happened to me Baldy!
Man oh man did that make me nervous the first time I took notice of the prices showing at COST. Only after I logged out and checked the prices as the consumer would see them, did I realize all was ok.
Yeah, a little communication on that customization page would go a long way!
Okay, one small step for mankind... This should be working now.
One unanticipated outcome is some pros get a shock when they conclude that their prints are being sold at cost and their custom pricing is not taking effect. Actually, the custom pricing is showing up for everyone else as normal, just not them when they're logged in. They can check it by logging out.
We need to figure out a way to tell them this to prevent future heart attacks. :yikes:yikes:yikes
Canon AE1 - it was my first "real camera"
Canon 20D - no more film!
Would it be possible to make the watermark less obtrusive? Instead of having one huge watermark, maybe have a bunch of smaller ones. While trying to protect the image make it a little more visually appealing.
A request re: the "clean" feature.
I'm not sure how seriously these requests are taken, but I figure all I can do is try.
I would like to be able to remove the "updated: ..." written in white font that traditionally appears below the title of each gallery (see my page, e.g., See this page for an example of what I'd like to do.
I understand this option ("clean", I think it's called) is currently only available to professional users. I'm a power user, however, and I believe it would be reasonable to offer this option to power users - it's just taking out a bit of text, not adding anything.
I'm not sure how seriously these requests are taken, but I figure all I can do is try.
I would like to be able to remove the "updated: ..." written in white font that traditionally appears below the title of each gallery (see my page, e.g., See this page for an example of what I'd like to do.
I understand this option ("clean", I think it's called) is currently only available to professional users. I'm a power user, however, and I believe it would be reasonable to offer this option to power users - it's just taking out a bit of text, not adding anything.
Any feedback is welcome. Thanks!
as with most levels of products and services, there have to be differentiating features this is one of them. now's a good time to go pro account, before the price increase
I can't afford the extra cash. Plus I'm happy with the site/service, other than that little annoyance I complained about previously. I understand that there needs to be differentiating features ... I was just hoping to convince the powers that be that this shouldn't be one. Ha!
Hmmm.. well, I'm a power user and the "Clean" option shows up in my gallery customization page. Is this supposed to be a feature unique to the "Pro" accounts?
Has anyone had problems with the Your Photos link at the top of the screen? It seems to take me to the address first instead of my page when I have the hide owner/clean options enabled. A second click takes me back to my page, but it's kind of a nag...
Hmmm.. well, I'm a power user and the "Clean" option shows up in my gallery customization page. Is this supposed to be a feature unique to the "Pro" accounts?
Bug report - Some help windows in customize gallery page obscured
If you go to the customize gallery page in IE and hover over one of the question marks next to each line of options, you normally get a popup window with some help text in it.
If you hover over one that is near a drop-down field (like the setting for default color), the popup window is partially obscured by the drop-down fields and you can't read the help text. Visually, it's as if the drop-down control is on top of the help text obscuring it. If someone needs help understanding what this is, I can make a screen shot, but it's pretty easy to see for yourself by just hoving over the ? by the Default Color option.
Want a sub-site with local breadcrumbing, not global breadcrumbing
Here are a couple feature requests after creating a bunch of galleries and uploading photos to each of them in order to display the school talent show photos.
1) Can we have an option to tell smugmug to remember what method we want to use for uploading. Since I always choose the Windows IE uploader, I'd like to skip the screen where I always have to tell it the exact same thing. Ideally, this pref would be remembered in a persistent cookie so it would be specific to this particular computer on my account, but might be different on a different computer accessing the same account. This would save me an extra step in every gallery whenever I'm doing repeated gallery uploads.
2) I'd like the ability to create a sub-part of my site that doesn't have any links back to the rest of my site. Here's my example. I've uploaded 40 galleries of photos that are all the different acts and scenes in a school talent show. I'd like to share a single link with the school parents that allows them to see a top-level page for the talent show and then lets them freely navigate among all the different galleries for the talent show. I used multiple galleries to help them find the specific part of the talent show where their kids of friends will be (probably by act and scene number) rather than putting everything in one giant gallery and making them page through to find their kids or friends. My problem is that this is my smugmug pro account that I use for many other things and I don't really want the whole rest of the school accidentally wandering through all the rest of my images or all the rest of the other events I do photography for. Most of the rest of my images are not private (if they are, I have protected the galleries in one of the various ways), but, at the same time, I don't really intend to bring the rest of my galleries to the attention of the whole school.
Today, these are the options I'm aware of:
1) I can make a custom category for the talent show and put all the galleries for it in that category and send the link to that category. One really nice advantage of this method is that the URL to the custom category is nice and pretty The disadvantage of this is that the category and all galleries have the breadcrumbs navigation that easily leads a user to my top level gallery listing just by clicking on my name. What I'd like is to have the breadcrumb navigation, but with the top level of the breadcrumbs set as the category. Sure, users can still manipulate the URL to get to the top level, but there will be nothing in the window to click on that would take them to the top level. That would be enough for me.
2) I can make a sharegroup. This has the disadvantage that it's not a pretty URL like a custom category is and it has the same breadcrumb issues as above.
3) I can hide all the rest of my galleries for a little while. This is actually doable in this instance, but for only a short time (as I need to use the rest of my site). It's also a real hassle and it also precludes me ever having photos up for multiple events at the same time (something I'd like to do).
4) I can make a new account for each event. This isn't financially feasible for me.
5) I can get an external ISP, make a top level page for the event, link to each individual gallery from there and turn off all breadcrumbing on those galleries. First of all, I don't have an external ISP for HTML pages. Second of all, it's a lot of work to create all the galleries and then manually build the HTML page to refer to all of them. Third, I'm using smugmug precisely because I don't want to have to do this manual work and I'm happy to pay someone for quick and easy tools.
In my opinion, this would be a nice capability for the pro accounts. I assume that a lot of pro accounts are used for event photography and whenever the event extends beyond the same group of family and friends, it seems like you'd like to "publish" some pictures that you can send a link out to that does NOT contain links to all your other photos that have nothing to do with this event. I'm not asking for true security here, just the ability to look clean, to avoid confusing the user and go avoid ever leading the user to non-event photos via clicking.
Here are a couple feature requests after creating a bunch of galleries and uploading photos to each of them in order to display the school talent show photos.
1) Can we have an option to tell smugmug to remember what method we want to use for uploading. Since I always choose the Windows IE uploader, I'd like to skip the screen where I always have to tell it the exact same thing. Ideally, this pref would be remembered in a persistent cookie so it would be specific to this particular computer on my account, but might be different on a different computer accessing the same account. This would save me an extra step in every gallery whenever I'm doing repeated gallery uploads.
This would be nice. Like a little "remember my preference" checkbox? Alternatively, you can purchase the basic S*E version and harness the unlimited upload capability for 14.99. This would be more beneficial for you if you're doing a lot of uploads in multiple galleries.
2) I'd like the ability to create a sub-part of my site that doesn't have any links back to the rest of my site. Here's my example. I've uploaded 40 galleries of photos that are all the different acts and scenes in a school talent show. I'd like to share a single link with the school parents that allows them to see a top-level page for the talent show and then lets them freely navigate among all the different galleries for the talent show. I used multiple galleries to help them find the specific part of the talent show where their kids of friends will be (probably by act and scene number) rather than putting everything in one giant gallery and making them page through to find their kids or friends. My problem is that this is my smugmug pro account that I use for many other things and I don't really want the whole rest of the school accidentally wandering through all the rest of my images or all the rest of the other events I do photography for. Most of the rest of my images are not private (if they are, I have protected the galleries in one of the various ways), but, at the same time, I don't really intend to bring the rest of my galleries to the attention of the whole school.
In my opinion, this would be a nice capability for the pro accounts. I assume that a lot of pro accounts are used for event photography and whenever the event extends beyond the same group of family and friends, it seems like you'd like to "publish" some pictures that you can send a link out to that does NOT contain links to all your other photos that have nothing to do with this event. I'm not asking for true security here, just the ability to look clean, to avoid confusing the user and go avoid ever leading the user to non-event photos via clicking.
I use the journal style on my site, and my only complaint is the inability of visitors to see whether pictures have comments. I'd like to have the option to display [via the journal style] the number of comments each picture has, similar to how individual posts on a blog show the number of comments.
I figure this would not only push visitors to read the comments (which I expect often go overlooked), but it would also promote the use of the comments function.
It would be too cool if pro users with a lot of sales have new sales e-mail notification...
Any chance of that?
One other thing I would like, but I'm sure it's more an EZPrints thing...die cut wallets would be awesome! Maybe a little nudging could be done?
IMHO adding description to subcategories will be nice too.
How about it, Don?
Well, not a big deal at all, and probably I'm the only person who is affected but I just wanted to mention it, in case you run out of possible improvments
Even though I don't receive any money from print sales on my Power User Account, I would still like to see some stats on sells. Though most my photos are candids of friends and family I still want to improve my photographic ability. Knowing which photo's are being requested for prints and how many would help me understand what people find appealing.
I don't need anything as complicated as the sell screen used by the pro-users but an additional counter on the stats page would be nice.
I'm easy to please, I won't even ask to have it broken down by print size.
upgrade to pro now, before the price increase, for $50 you'll have your wish
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Nice one. I second a request for basic print sales stats for standard and power users. Only, I would recommend the sales statistics be presented cumulatively, rather than for just the current month as the hit statistics are presented.
It would be cool if those statistics could be broken down by print size. But, I'd be more than pleased with just the number of prints sold of each image, regardless of size.
Hmmm. On second thought, I guess this is a bit extravegant for standard users. Power users on the other hand...
With some basic stats about sales I would actually make some print galleries and see how it is going. Now I disabled it everywhere, because I don't have a tiniest bit of control over it. :uhoh
Sebastian (who has just gone 'power'
SmugMug Support Hero
Man oh man did that make me nervous the first time I took notice of the prices showing at COST. Only after I logged out and checked the prices as the consumer would see them, did I realize all was ok.
Yeah, a little communication on that customization page would go a long way!
Keep up the great work, Smugmug!
Canon AE1 - it was my first "real camera"
Canon 20D - no more film!
Is it possible to implement the feature of setting passwords to multiple galleries, like the Move Photo (expert) style?
Would it be possible to make the watermark less obtrusive? Instead of having one huge watermark, maybe have a bunch of smaller ones. While trying to protect the image make it a little more visually appealing.
Just a thought.
Yes, I have an interest in more structure in passwords -- but it looks like we're a small group here!!
I'm not sure how seriously these requests are taken, but I figure all I can do is try.
I would like to be able to remove the "updated: ..." written in white font that traditionally appears below the title of each gallery (see my page, e.g., See this page for an example of what I'd like to do.
I understand this option ("clean", I think it's called) is currently only available to professional users. I'm a power user, however, and I believe it would be reasonable to offer this option to power users - it's just taking out a bit of text, not adding anything.
Any feedback is welcome. Thanks!
as with most levels of products and services, there have to be differentiating features
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
If you go to the customize gallery page in IE and hover over one of the question marks next to each line of options, you normally get a popup window with some help text in it.
If you hover over one that is near a drop-down field (like the setting for default color), the popup window is partially obscured by the drop-down fields and you can't read the help text. Visually, it's as if the drop-down control is on top of the help text obscuring it. If someone needs help understanding what this is, I can make a screen shot, but it's pretty easy to see for yourself by just hoving over the ? by the Default Color option.
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JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
Always include a link to your site when posting a question
Here are a couple feature requests after creating a bunch of galleries and uploading photos to each of them in order to display the school talent show photos.
1) Can we have an option to tell smugmug to remember what method we want to use for uploading. Since I always choose the Windows IE uploader, I'd like to skip the screen where I always have to tell it the exact same thing. Ideally, this pref would be remembered in a persistent cookie so it would be specific to this particular computer on my account, but might be different on a different computer accessing the same account. This would save me an extra step in every gallery whenever I'm doing repeated gallery uploads.
2) I'd like the ability to create a sub-part of my site that doesn't have any links back to the rest of my site. Here's my example. I've uploaded 40 galleries of photos that are all the different acts and scenes in a school talent show. I'd like to share a single link with the school parents that allows them to see a top-level page for the talent show and then lets them freely navigate among all the different galleries for the talent show. I used multiple galleries to help them find the specific part of the talent show where their kids of friends will be (probably by act and scene number) rather than putting everything in one giant gallery and making them page through to find their kids or friends. My problem is that this is my smugmug pro account that I use for many other things and I don't really want the whole rest of the school accidentally wandering through all the rest of my images or all the rest of the other events I do photography for. Most of the rest of my images are not private (if they are, I have protected the galleries in one of the various ways), but, at the same time, I don't really intend to bring the rest of my galleries to the attention of the whole school.
Today, these are the options I'm aware of:
1) I can make a custom category for the talent show and put all the galleries for it in that category and send the link to that category. One really nice advantage of this method is that the URL to the custom category is nice and pretty The disadvantage of this is that the category and all galleries have the breadcrumbs navigation that easily leads a user to my top level gallery listing just by clicking on my name. What I'd like is to have the breadcrumb navigation, but with the top level of the breadcrumbs set as the category. Sure, users can still manipulate the URL to get to the top level, but there will be nothing in the window to click on that would take them to the top level. That would be enough for me.
2) I can make a sharegroup. This has the disadvantage that it's not a pretty URL like a custom category is and it has the same breadcrumb issues as above.
3) I can hide all the rest of my galleries for a little while. This is actually doable in this instance, but for only a short time (as I need to use the rest of my site). It's also a real hassle and it also precludes me ever having photos up for multiple events at the same time (something I'd like to do).
4) I can make a new account for each event. This isn't financially feasible for me.
5) I can get an external ISP, make a top level page for the event, link to each individual gallery from there and turn off all breadcrumbing on those galleries. First of all, I don't have an external ISP for HTML pages. Second of all, it's a lot of work to create all the galleries and then manually build the HTML page to refer to all of them. Third, I'm using smugmug precisely because I don't want to have to do this manual work and I'm happy to pay someone for quick and easy tools.
In my opinion, this would be a nice capability for the pro accounts. I assume that a lot of pro accounts are used for event photography and whenever the event extends beyond the same group of family and friends, it seems like you'd like to "publish" some pictures that you can send a link out to that does NOT contain links to all your other photos that have nothing to do with this event. I'm not asking for true security here, just the ability to look clean, to avoid confusing the user and go avoid ever leading the user to non-event photos via clicking.
Homepage • Popular
JFriend's javascript customizations • Secrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
Always include a link to your site when posting a question
I couldn't have said it better myself. Thank you!
I figure this would not only push visitors to read the comments (which I expect often go overlooked), but it would also promote the use of the comments function.
I created this image as an example.