64 Bit ApertureToSmugMug Plugin
Not the first, but I'm looking for comments/suggestions/complaints with a export plugin for Aperture I'm working on. If you would like to help, please download, unzip and place in the following directory. If you have no other export plugins, you will need to create the directory.
/Users/yourusername/Library/Application Support/Aperture/Plug-Ins/Export/
Thank you!
EDIT: Sept 10, 2009: V.30 here. (Snow Leopard, and Aperture 2 compatible)
/Users/yourusername/Library/Application Support/Aperture/Plug-Ins/Export/
Thank you!
EDIT: Sept 10, 2009: V.30 here. (Snow Leopard, and Aperture 2 compatible)
Updated to 0.13, added keywords preview.
- minor UI update
- uses Aperture unique image name instead of version name
- navigate thumbnails with left/right arrow keys
- added photo size to metadata display
- sorts albums in drop down selection
- description added to new album screen
- password for private album added to new album screen
Updated to ApertureToSmugMug 0.17:
- fixed some focus issues
- option to open album after export
Verion 0.18 is now available, with the ability to choose subcategory for album/gallery.
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Hey guys. I've added most of the SmugMug gallery options now to album creation in version 0.19.
Hope it is helping out your workflow, comments/suggestions always appreciated.
Version 0.21 is available for download and fixes a bug with opening album after export.
Very nice plugin. Just what I needed! Keep up the good work
It's a nice idea. I can think of a bunch of roadblocks, mostly because of the options available to an export plugin. I'll keep it in mind.
Howdy guys. Version 0.22 is available for download. This update adds per image upload progress indicator.
1) If you create a gallery with an ampersand (&), only the part before the ampersand gets created. There is no error or anything. I'm not sure if this is an API issue - if so, you should give an error message. If not, then it should just work.
2) I'd love to be able to save my default settings. For instance, I always keep the "originals" setting disabled.
3) It's probably more of a limitation of Aperture itself, but I'd really like to be able to queue up multiple aperture projects for upload, each into their own gallery. It seems that the only way to do it now is one at a time (or send the whole batch up, and divide them manually on smugmug).
Thanks again for all your hard work!
1) Yep, bug. Cocoa function to URL encode is not encoding ampersands. I'll have a fix tomorrow.
2) Already on the list to add.
3) Yes that would be nice. I can think of a way to hack it, but I'd rather not. I'll give it some more thought though.
ApertureToSmugMug has been updated to version 0.23. Fixes error with ampersand in new album title.
That's on the list to fix. If SM is down when you launch the plug-in you will get an error message and won't be able to upload. You must have launched it, and then SM became unavailable before you could upload. Not an unlikely scenario given last night's issues.
Thanks for the quick turnaround on the ampersand fix - I'll check it out tonight.
Btw, you should put a paypal link on your website for donations...
What version of OS X are you running? I haven't seen any issues with the installer yet. You can download the manual install version, unzip it and place it in your user Library/Application Support/Aperture/Plug-Ins/Export directory. You will need to create the directory if you haven't installed any other plug-ins.
I'm running 10.4 on an Intel iMac. Are there any logs that I can send you to narrow the problem down?
The installer does not generate anything to the Console from what I've seen. Does it get through the other screens of the installer correctly and error at the end?
Yes, this is the only screen that indicates there is any problem at all. All prior screens looked fine to me.
Installed the latest version in the correct location. Started Aperture EXPORT VERSION > APERTURETOSMUGMUG - login window appears - however, I get an error message when I try to log in to Smugmug. I test logging into Smugmug directly (through Safari) and it works fine. Note, there is an ampersand in my password (if that matters).
MacBook Pro (intel)
Aperture 1.5.2
OS X 10.4.8
Prescott, AZ
Thanks for bringing that to light. Verion 0.24 is available and fixes the issue with an ampersand in the SM password.
Login (with a password containing an ampersand) works fine now. One follow up question - once the Aperture plugin "connection" with Smugmug is created and an image(s) is uploaded, am I supposed to be able to then go to Smugmug directly (without logging on) or do I have to login on directly with Smugmug to make any image gallery adjustments, etc.? I had to login to do anything. Not sure if that's the way the plugin is supposed to work.
Prescott, AZ
You will need to login to SM site to make any changes to your gallery. The plugin uses the same cookies that Safari does, so if you use Safari you should be already logged in after using the plugin.