I would like to have the possibility to upload both the master version (from aperture) and the edited version. That way I can get my master raw file into smugvault and also display the version that I may have edited using apertures tools or any other tools.
I have downloaded the export file and dragged it to the subfolder I created per the instructions. Now what, nothing shows up under export in Aperture.
When I use the plug-in (Aperture 3, OS 10.6.4, Macbook Pro), upon trying to upload a 2nd or 3rd time, I receive a smugmug login error message. If I quit and relaunch Aperture, all is well. I can repeat this consistently, although it doesn't always fail on try 2, it usually fails by try #3.
The drop-down list appears to be grouped by category, and alphabetized within the categories. The trouble is the categories do no show. I suggest the list be alphabetized with no other groupings. Alternatively the category names could be shown, but that would still require more time to find the target gallery than a singly-sorted list.
Bug Report
Aperture 3.0.3 with plug in .31 won't log on to Smugmug anymore. Restarted Aperture a couple times, updated the login info just to make sure and accessed smuggy from my the same Macbook using Firefox, no problems. Uploading manually works.
ApertureToSmugmug - can't log in through Aperture
I downloaded the ApertureToSmugmug plugin a while back and successfully uploaded images from Aperture to Smugmug.
Then I changed my Smugmug password and now the plugin won't work - I get a message when I try and upload which says Error - Error logging in
I downloaded and reinstalled the plugin, but it still gives me the same message.
I tried setting a brand new password in Smugmug but that didn't work either.
Please can anyone help.
PS. I posted this question about 6 weeks ago, but got no replies, so trying again. Must be someone out there who can help or who has had the same problem
Unzipping ApertureToSmugMug
This may sound like a dumb question, but I can not seem to open the download. Usually I just have to double click the icon and it opens. When I do that I get a message that Safari can not open this file. Do I need a specific program to open/unzip this plug-in?
Not the first, but I'm looking for comments/suggestions/complaints with a export plugin for Aperture I'm working on. If you would like to help, please download, unzip and place in the following directory. If you have no other export plugins, you will need to create the directory.
Location Info Exporter?
I'm trying to figure out if the this plugin will also export location information. I've done a couple uploads and there's no location info located on Smugmug. Is this a limitation of Aperture? Thanks.
uploads stalls
I am using aperturetosmugmug.31 and aperture 2.14 and 10.6.4 os of a mac book pro recent
I just upgraded from .29 (i think) to .31 because I was having the same or similar problem.
ats will start uploading and then quit at 2% 10% 70% or ? sometimes it will upload several picts and quit or even occasionally upload 6-10 files.
It seems like smugmug knows it is connected because the last couple of times i went to the upload drop down menu for upload and it indicated uploading and when I canceled it went away.
I have a ticket in help but thought it might make sense to try here also.
I am still completely confused about how to fix this. What instructions are you referring to? I can't find them anywhere.... so I know I must be looking in the wrong place! Help!!
Got it! David Holmes helped me locate my old 32-bit uploader. I didn't know that there is a "Root" Library and a User/Library. Go to your username in "Places" and find the Library there. You should be able to follow the instructions and find the old 32-bit uploader in an Export Folder. Then put the new 64-bit uploader in that folder. I also deleted the "Export" folder that I had created in the "root" library. And everything works. Hope this makes sense.
Running Aperture 3.1.1, OS 10.6.6, ApertureToSmugMug Plugin .31
I continue to get Error Logging In message when trying to export to SmugMug.
Have tried to change password on SmugMug and ensure it matches with the password which I use for the plug-in.
I have been using SmugMug for several years, but recently moved to the Mac and started to use Aperture.
I had been using PhotoShop and used the utility successfully before I switched.
I hunted around in the forums, but haven't found a solution which seems to solve the problem.
Any help or link to previously posted solutions is appreciated.
After many months, I've finally been able to track down why my ApertureToSmugmug plugin would always get "Error logging in". I reverted my SmugMug login to a previous password, and now the plugin would be able to log in. The only difference seems to be that the error-causing password had a non-alphanumeric character in it, while my previous one had none. So this is an issue with the code which could [probably] be fixed quickly.
Hope this helps others who may have had this problem.
Running Aperture 3.1.1, OS 10.6.6, ApertureToSmugMug Plugin .31
I continue to get Error Logging In message when trying to export to SmugMug.
Have tried to change password on SmugMug and ensure it matches with the password which I use for the plug-in.
I have been using SmugMug for several years, but recently moved to the Mac and started to use Aperture.
I had been using PhotoShop and used the utility successfully before I switched.
I hunted around in the forums, but haven't found a solution which seems to solve the problem.
Any help or link to previously posted solutions is appreciated.
For some reason, it all began to work after I sent the above message. I'm not sure what I did to make it work, but it's working flawlessly now in 64 bit mode with no issues on connecting to SmugMug. Yaayy.
exporting multiple sets sequentially
Hopefully this is the right forum to ask whether a feature is planned, or already in-work. I'm using v.31 of the plug-in, with Aperture 3.1.1. I believe this is the latest configuration. Love the plug-in, and use it regularly (Thanks!).
A feature I would like to see, is the ability to queue batch upload jobs. For example, I want to upload gallery A, which is quite large. I then have to wait until it is complete before queuing up gallery B, and so on.
Hopefully this is the right forum to ask whether a feature is planned, or already in-work. I'm using v.31 of the plug-in, with Aperture 3.1.1. I believe this is the latest configuration. Love the plug-in, and use it regularly (Thanks!).
A feature I would like to see, is the ability to queue batch upload jobs. For example, I want to upload gallery A, which is quite large. I then have to wait until it is complete before queuing up gallery B, and so on.
Any thoughts on such a feature?
I would second that request. Though I'm not sure if the developer is still updating this plug-in - last thing was support for the 64-bit 3.x aperture.
Does the Lightroom plugin developed by the SM team offer queuing? I'm sticking to Aperture no matter what.
Thanks for the plug in. I am new to Aperture and have just added the plug in.
I inadvertently put in the wrong password for the log in (when prompted to in the plugin) and the plugin is trying to log in using the wrong info. It hasn't timed out, or told me the log in details are incorrect, but is continually showing the blue and white stripped 'thinking' line.
I have quit A3 a few times and tried to export again, but when I get to the plug in, it still has the blue and white stripped 'thinking' line.
Would greatly appreciate any assistance in order to reset the log in.
I don't use aperture myself...but perhaps the plugin writes it's settings to a pref file, you might be able to find something by searching in ~/Library/Preferences ?
Look at your ~/Library/Preferences/org.davidholmes.ApertureToSmugMug.plist file. Mine contains the username and password for the SmugMug account I use with the plugin, I suspect yours does, too.
If you have the Developer Tools installed, you can use the /Developer/Application/Utilities/Property List Editor.app program to edit the plist; if not, any text editor that will save plaintext should do.
Thanks for the help. I may be blind, but I can't find "~/Library/Preferences/org.davidholmes.ApertureToSmugMug.plist file." I have looked in the preferences tab, but can't find anything that looks like what you have mentioned.
I'm a bit lost. I thought about deleting the plug in and trying again, but can't figure out how to do that either
First, let me note that I do not see the same symptoms—if I change my password to be incorrect and then try to use the plugin, I get the blue/white line briefly and then "Error logging in", at which point I can click the "Login" button and put in the correct info. However, let's assume for the moment that the incorrect password is stored and that is your problem—if replacing it with the correct password doesn't solve the problem, you've at least ruled out one possible cause.
Thanks for the help. I may be blind, but I can't find "~/Library/Preferences/org.davidholmes.ApertureToSmugMug.plist file." I have looked in the preferences tab, but can't find anything that looks like what you have mentioned.
I just looked again, and that file appears to be a red herring.
The tilde ("~") indicates your user's home directory (my username on my Mac is "kbroderick", so it's the "kbroderick" folder in the "Users" folder). Unless you've removed it, there should be a link to it in the sidebar of the Finder with a "home" icon. Within your home folder, you'll find a "Library" folder. Within that folder, you'll find a "Preferences" folder. This folder contains files that store most of the user-specific settings for applications on your Mac.
In that folder, I had a file named "org.davidholmes.ApertureToSmugMug.plist", which contained my SmugMug username and password; however, I have tried deleting it without any apparent effect on the plugin. I believe that the plugin now stores the username and password in the com.apple.Aperture.plist file. This makes life a little more tricky, assuming that you have Aperture settings that you care about; if not, you could remove that file (I'd suggest relocating it to your desktop) and let Aperture regenerate default settings. At that point, you'd also be prompted for your SmugMug credentials again.
For best results, do not attempt to modify or remove that .plist file while Aperture is open.
Assuming that you do want to preserve Aperture settings, you'll need to edit the file.
If you have Developer Tools installed on your Mac, you may be able to double-click the file to edit it (on my system, that opens the Property List Editor application); if so, change the incorrect password (the "ApertureToSmugMug.password" setting) to the correct one and save the file.
If your system doesn't know which application to use to edit the file, the best option would probably be to install Developer Tools on your Mac and use the Property List editor. Developer Tools is an optional install on the OS X DVD. Alternatively, you could use PrefSetter, which is a third-party tool that seems to work (at least with a very brief test on my part)—find the com.apple.Aperture domain in the main list, then double-click it to get a list of settings. Again, find ApertureToSmugMug.password and adjust it as necessary.
If you save the correct password and you still get stuck logging in, then the password is not the issue and I'd suggest checking for other possible sources of problems in your configuration (e.g. any firewall that might block outgoing traffic).
I just downloaded this plug in and can't figure out how to use it. Is there a tutorial on how? I've looked in the program itself and I can't seem to find it.
Delete 32 bit version first when installing 64 bit version
When installing on my laptop I downloaded and ran the installer and the 32 bit version wouldn't update.
I went to:
Users/yourusername/Library/Application Support/Aperture/Plug-Ins/Export/
and deleted the old version of aperture to smugmug. I then reran the installer and the new version showed up.
the SmugMug export plugin for Aperture crashes repeatedly. The problem is this is not a systematic behavior. Normally, it uploads all photos flawlessly and suddenly, at some particular album upload, I get the Plugin Crash report.
I have tried deleting the newly created gallery at SmugMug and creating a new one with the same or with different name. No luck the export procedure crashes again, at random points.
I am using Snow Leopard 10.6.7 at an iMac Core 2 Duo 2.4GHz.
Reports attached.
Any help is greatly appreciated since I am under great pressure to get my site up and running!
I have downloaded the export file and dragged it to the subfolder I created per the instructions. Now what, nothing shows up under export in Aperture.
When I use the plug-in (Aperture 3, OS 10.6.4, Macbook Pro), upon trying to upload a 2nd or 3rd time, I receive a smugmug login error message. If I quit and relaunch Aperture, all is well. I can repeat this consistently, although it doesn't always fail on try 2, it usually fails by try #3.
The drop-down list appears to be grouped by category, and alphabetized within the categories. The trouble is the categories do no show. I suggest the list be alphabetized with no other groupings. Alternatively the category names could be shown, but that would still require more time to find the target gallery than a singly-sorted list.
Thanks for this very useful plug-in!!
Aperture 3.0.3 with plug in .31 won't log on to Smugmug anymore. Restarted Aperture a couple times, updated the login info just to make sure and accessed smuggy from my the same Macbook using Firefox, no problems. Uploading manually works.
I downloaded the ApertureToSmugmug plugin a while back and successfully uploaded images from Aperture to Smugmug.
Then I changed my Smugmug password and now the plugin won't work - I get a message when I try and upload which says Error - Error logging in
I downloaded and reinstalled the plugin, but it still gives me the same message.
I tried setting a brand new password in Smugmug but that didn't work either.
Please can anyone help.
PS. I posted this question about 6 weeks ago, but got no replies, so trying again. Must be someone out there who can help or who has had the same problem
This may sound like a dumb question, but I can not seem to open the download. Usually I just have to double click the icon and it opens. When I do that I get a message that Safari can not open this file. Do I need a specific program to open/unzip this plug-in?
I'm trying to figure out if the this plugin will also export location information. I've done a couple uploads and there's no location info located on Smugmug. Is this a limitation of Aperture? Thanks.
I am using aperturetosmugmug.31 and aperture 2.14 and 10.6.4 os of a mac book pro recent
I just upgraded from .29 (i think) to .31 because I was having the same or similar problem.
ats will start uploading and then quit at 2% 10% 70% or ? sometimes it will upload several picts and quit or even occasionally upload 6-10 files.
It seems like smugmug knows it is connected because the last couple of times i went to the upload drop down menu for upload and it indicated uploading and when I canceled it went away.
I have a ticket in help but thought it might make sense to try here also.
Sorry sorry. User error, this works great actually.
I continue to get Error Logging In message when trying to export to SmugMug.
Have tried to change password on SmugMug and ensure it matches with the password which I use for the plug-in.
I have been using SmugMug for several years, but recently moved to the Mac and started to use Aperture.
I had been using PhotoShop and used the utility successfully before I switched.
I hunted around in the forums, but haven't found a solution which seems to solve the problem.
Any help or link to previously posted solutions is appreciated.
For some reason, it all began to work after I sent the above message. I'm not sure what I did to make it work, but it's working flawlessly now in 64 bit mode with no issues on connecting to SmugMug. Yaayy.
Hopefully this is the right forum to ask whether a feature is planned, or already in-work. I'm using v.31 of the plug-in, with Aperture 3.1.1. I believe this is the latest configuration. Love the plug-in, and use it regularly (Thanks!).
A feature I would like to see, is the ability to queue batch upload jobs. For example, I want to upload gallery A, which is quite large. I then have to wait until it is complete before queuing up gallery B, and so on.
Any thoughts on such a feature?
I would second that request. Though I'm not sure if the developer is still updating this plug-in - last thing was support for the 64-bit 3.x aperture.
Does the Lightroom plugin developed by the SM team offer queuing? I'm sticking to Aperture no matter what.
I inadvertently put in the wrong password for the log in (when prompted to in the plugin) and the plugin is trying to log in using the wrong info. It hasn't timed out, or told me the log in details are incorrect, but is continually showing the blue and white stripped 'thinking' line.
I have quit A3 a few times and tried to export again, but when I get to the plug in, it still has the blue and white stripped 'thinking' line.
Would greatly appreciate any assistance in order to reset the log in.
'alot' is two words "a_______lot":D
Can anyone help?
'alot' is two words "a_______lot":D
G'day Chris,
I don't use aperture myself...but perhaps the plugin writes it's settings to a pref file, you might be able to find something by searching in ~/Library/Preferences ?
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
'alot' is two words "a_______lot":D
He's on the right track.
Look at your ~/Library/Preferences/org.davidholmes.ApertureToSmugMug.plist file. Mine contains the username and password for the SmugMug account I use with the plugin, I suspect yours does, too.
If you have the Developer Tools installed, you can use the /Developer/Application/Utilities/Property List Editor.app program to edit the plist; if not, any text editor that will save plaintext should do.
Thanks for the help. I may be blind, but I can't find "~/Library/Preferences/org.davidholmes.ApertureToSmugMug.plist file." I have looked in the preferences tab, but can't find anything that looks like what you have mentioned.
I'm a bit lost. I thought about deleting the plug in and trying again, but can't figure out how to do that either
Thanks again.
'alot' is two words "a_______lot":D
I just looked again, and that file appears to be a red herring.
The tilde ("~") indicates your user's home directory (my username on my Mac is "kbroderick", so it's the "kbroderick" folder in the "Users" folder). Unless you've removed it, there should be a link to it in the sidebar of the Finder with a "home" icon. Within your home folder, you'll find a "Library" folder. Within that folder, you'll find a "Preferences" folder. This folder contains files that store most of the user-specific settings for applications on your Mac.
In that folder, I had a file named "org.davidholmes.ApertureToSmugMug.plist", which contained my SmugMug username and password; however, I have tried deleting it without any apparent effect on the plugin. I believe that the plugin now stores the username and password in the com.apple.Aperture.plist file. This makes life a little more tricky, assuming that you have Aperture settings that you care about; if not, you could remove that file (I'd suggest relocating it to your desktop) and let Aperture regenerate default settings. At that point, you'd also be prompted for your SmugMug credentials again.
For best results, do not attempt to modify or remove that .plist file while Aperture is open.
Assuming that you do want to preserve Aperture settings, you'll need to edit the file.
If you have Developer Tools installed on your Mac, you may be able to double-click the file to edit it (on my system, that opens the Property List Editor application); if so, change the incorrect password (the "ApertureToSmugMug.password" setting) to the correct one and save the file.
If your system doesn't know which application to use to edit the file, the best option would probably be to install Developer Tools on your Mac and use the Property List editor. Developer Tools is an optional install on the OS X DVD. Alternatively, you could use PrefSetter, which is a third-party tool that seems to work (at least with a very brief test on my part)—find the com.apple.Aperture domain in the main list, then double-click it to get a list of settings. Again, find ApertureToSmugMug.password and adjust it as necessary.
If you save the correct password and you still get stuck logging in, then the password is not the issue and I'd suggest checking for other possible sources of problems in your configuration (e.g. any firewall that might block outgoing traffic).
I'm out now but will look when I get home.
Thanks again
'alot' is two words "a_______lot":D
Fantastic tutorial. Worked a treat!
(the com.apple.Aperture file I moved to the desk top - do I still need that file or ca I delete it?)
'alot' is two words "a_______lot":D
You can most probably delete it, since Aperture has most likely generated a new file when you ran it again.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Thanks anyway...
When installing on my laptop I downloaded and ran the installer and the 32 bit version wouldn't update.
I went to:
Users/yourusername/Library/Application Support/Aperture/Plug-Ins/Export/
and deleted the old version of aperture to smugmug. I then reran the installer and the new version showed up.
Dear all
the SmugMug export plugin for Aperture crashes repeatedly. The problem is this is not a systematic behavior. Normally, it uploads all photos flawlessly and suddenly, at some particular album upload, I get the Plugin Crash report.
I have tried deleting the newly created gallery at SmugMug and creating a new one with the same or with different name. No luck the export procedure crashes again, at random points.
I am using Snow Leopard 10.6.7 at an iMac Core 2 Duo 2.4GHz.
Reports attached.
Any help is greatly appreciated since I am under great pressure to get my site up and running!