Jeeping pics from India
This was a 2009 trip. At that time, I used to like going out with the jeepers.
Most of the jeeps are diesel engined army disposal pieces. People buy them at scrap prices, and then overhaul. Most of them are powered by 50-80bhp engines, and can run at 50mph max with some parts falling here and there.
Thats me trying an unsuccessful run to the top. Nobody could make it
The whole trail is like that. I think it comes more from the number of vehicles that travel the trails in that area.
The rock is pretty course, so it chews off some tread. The Easter Jeep Safari that runs there every spring brings the markings back to life each year. When tires do manage to slip the barking they omit is pretty cool. Sometimes those tire marks were the only thing that let us know where we were supposed to go.
My husband and I did a Jeep camp once, it was awesome! I was scared senseless that I was going to flip the hell over...Lovin all the pics...very cool
Know the rules well, so you can break them effectively. - Dalai Lama XIV
It is vain to do with more what can be done with less. - William of Occam (c. 1288-1348)
I know it's a cell phone picture and I apologize for that, but if any of you get Peterson's 4WD might see a familiar rig Our truck got the Hot Shot coverage and takes up a good amount of page space.
I know it's a cell phone picture and I apologize for that, but if any of you get Peterson's 4WD might see a familiar rig Our truck got the Hot Shot coverage and takes up a good amount of page space.
Congrats! Is that the August issue? There's a pretty rad 4Runner with my bumper on it in the July issue.
Getting ready for Sierra Trek--another week and change. Should be fun!
It's the october issue, but it is out this month. Only thing that sucks is Peterson's doesn't do photo credit, but i'm still proud of the fact that my picture of our awesome truck is taking up more than half a page in a popular magazine Next goal - cover shot and feature article.
I went to Sierras for the SUV run Sierra Trek offered. The past president of California Association of 4WD Clubs led the tour along with one of the guys who serves on the committee for the night Fordyce run.
This was the first year they've offered an overnight trip. There were a couple of glitches at the start but that didn't affect my enjoyment of the trip at all--I had a great time as did the dog--well, in some sections he was pretty wedged into his seat
The camp is about 35 miles from Truckee, CA at Meadow Lake. Even though the last 16 miles are dirt, you see a lot of motor coaches, trailers and tons of gear.
On the trail into Meadow Lake.
Sierra Trek HQ
A lot of Sierra Trek is short wheelbase Jeep trails. They had an option for an overnight "SUV" run which I went on. Most of what we did, I wouldn't drive a Grand Cherokee on though
There were four on the trip. Two Jeeps (lead and sweep), my Tacoma and an older Toyota P/U. We started at Alder Meadow. California school kids should recognize this as the spot the Donner Party lived for a time.
Run participants.
Alder Meadow.
We drove a lot of pretty dusty trails. Many of which are just accessible due to the winter's high snow load.
View from the top of the hill. Looking toward South Lake Tahoe.
Got myself into a tiny pickle getting turned around and smacked a small rock.
Camp for the night was Richardson Lake. Riley spent his time productively.
Camp did not suck.
This trail would have been way better with a locker. It was a challenge for sure and a real sense of accomplishment.
Had a hot chick on the run too.
Amazing views everywhere.
Truck toward the end of the trip.
When it comes around next time, or even before then, it's an amazing place to wheel.
Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
" The hardest thing about owning a Jeep is telling your parents your gay." :0)
Did you do Fins & Things?
Yes, loved it.
I spent 6 days away from home, three on trails in Moab:
Onion Creek; Thompson Canyon, Polar Mesa; Top of the World; Hell's Revenge; Fins-N-Things; and Long Canyon.
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This was a 2009 trip. At that time, I used to like going out with the jeepers.
Most of the jeeps are diesel engined army disposal pieces. People buy them at scrap prices, and then overhaul. Most of them are powered by 50-80bhp engines, and can run at 50mph max with some parts falling here and there.
Thats me trying an unsuccessful run to the top. Nobody could make it
When you get stuck
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The whole trail is like that. I think it comes more from the number of vehicles that travel the trails in that area.
The rock is pretty course, so it chews off some tread. The Easter Jeep Safari that runs there every spring brings the markings back to life each year. When tires do manage to slip the barking they omit is pretty cool. Sometimes those tire marks were the only thing that let us know where we were supposed to go.
Link to my Smugmug site
When they say "Only in a Jeep".....places like this are what I think of:
Onion Creek Trail, Moab Utah.
Posted a thread with all of my pictures from our Moab outings - check em out
A lover of all things photography.
Olympus E-500
My Smugmug Gallery
It is vain to do with more what can be done with less. - William of Occam (c. 1288-1348)
Thank goodness! Another Tacoma/Hilux owner
That's ok, we'll forgive you. Thanks for contributing....
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We've done plenty of that over the years.....
A lover of all things photography.
Olympus E-500
My Smugmug Gallery
Very cool.....congrats!
Getting ready for Sierra Trek--another week and change. Should be fun!
It's the october issue, but it is out this month. Only thing that sucks is Peterson's doesn't do photo credit, but i'm still proud of the fact that my picture of our awesome truck is taking up more than half a page in a popular magazine
A lover of all things photography.
Olympus E-500
My Smugmug Gallery
Does that count as wheeling?
This is offroading.....
I really need to find a weekend to wheel.
Sierra Trek is this weekend....just sayin
This was the first year they've offered an overnight trip. There were a couple of glitches at the start but that didn't affect my enjoyment of the trip at all--I had a great time as did the dog--well, in some sections he was pretty wedged into his seat
The camp is about 35 miles from Truckee, CA at Meadow Lake. Even though the last 16 miles are dirt, you see a lot of motor coaches, trailers and tons of gear.
On the trail into Meadow Lake.
Sierra Trek HQ
A lot of Sierra Trek is short wheelbase Jeep trails. They had an option for an overnight "SUV" run which I went on. Most of what we did, I wouldn't drive a Grand Cherokee on though
There were four on the trip. Two Jeeps (lead and sweep), my Tacoma and an older Toyota P/U. We started at Alder Meadow. California school kids should recognize this as the spot the Donner Party lived for a time.
Run participants.
Alder Meadow.
We drove a lot of pretty dusty trails. Many of which are just accessible due to the winter's high snow load.
View from the top of the hill. Looking toward South Lake Tahoe.
Got myself into a tiny pickle getting turned around and smacked a small rock.
Camp for the night was Richardson Lake. Riley spent his time productively.
Camp did not suck.
This trail would have been way better with a locker. It was a challenge for sure and a real sense of accomplishment.
Had a hot chick on the run too.
Amazing views everywhere.
Truck toward the end of the trip.
When it comes around next time, or even before then, it's an amazing place to wheel.
Looks like a good time, with good scenery.