Ginger, I'm not good with abstract stuff, I think I need a point of focus to maintain the reality, if you know what I mean?. I think the colours are very strong in the 1st shot but I prefer the other 2 & the 2nd one over the last one. I think because of the colours and racket pattern. I seem to like the shots that combine blurs and clarity.
As for the "darn dog" it catches a moment. The dogs expression, where he is, the rain, all tell the story very well. Its slightly abstract but the expression in his eye is clear....... Rule of thirds might help though
I really like this one, but find the part in front a bit distracting somehow..
I'm having a bit of a hard time giving comments, but that's a challenge then as well I guess. But to look at somebody elses pictures this way makes me more aware of what works and what doesn't, and if everybody just says what he/she thinks is nice..we're not going anywhere!
So; I think the top part is really strong and a bit overruled by the lower part..
Oh it seems like I don't want anybody to say what's he/she think is nice; that's not what i mean! Am I the only one having trouble with this commenting?
I really like this one, but find the part in front a bit distracting somehow..
I'm having a bit of a hard time giving comments, but that's a challenge then as well I guess. But to look at somebody elses pictures this way makes me more aware of what works and what doesn't, and if everybody just says what he/she thinks is nice..we're not going anywhere!
So; I think the top part is really strong and a bit overruled by the lower part..
Oh it seems like I don't want anybody to say what's he/she think is nice; that's not what i mean! Am I the only one having trouble with this commenting?
Thanks Simone,
I too have a hard time giving comments (unless of course they're good ones), I'm pretty new to all this and kinda think that I'm not qualified to comment.
I've always got a very strong feeling of what I like/dislike but am not always sure why.. The more pictures I look at, the more idea I have of these reasons.... and DG is a fantastic place to do this
I know how much I apreciate any comments, good or bad, so I thought what the heck, and am now trying to comment (time permitting) more and say why I like or dislike something. keep the comments coming
As for the picture, I know what you mean, I did try cropping out the pavement but it seemed to upset the balance, I'll have go again this evening.
As for the "darn dog" it catches a moment. The dogs expression, where he is, the rain, all tell the story very well. Its slightly abstract but the expression in his eye is clear....... Rule of thirds might help though
I thought about the fact that the dog is centered, thought about it last night.
I am of Andy's thinking on that, rules of thirds, or 10 o'clock, whatever, I think of them as suggstions, but do not feel bound by them. I was just saying that when I put up a picture here, well there, I am going to be able to explain why.
In fact, I am going to be able to explain why I put any picture up for a challenge, etc. Even if the explanation is that "I want to", but I am going to try to go beyond that...........
I would not change the placement on the dog, the light bulb went off with him at that position, but since I have not seriously considered that picture as a contender, I have not addressed the issue. I thought about that last night, too. I hope to address the dog today or tomorrow, I will definitely. I am not sure if I can say why I do deviate from a rule like the rule of thirds when I do.
Remember that is why I said I was choosing a shot over the others. I could explain it all.
I have admired center placement for almost as many years as I have admired Earnest Haas' blur. There was a period in my life, in the seventies, when I ate and breathed this stuff. I had four children, took care of them by day and spent the night in the darkroom. I was younger then. And I studied and studied, just read all I could. And I discovered that a well done center placement pleased me greatly. So I have not really tried to stay away from it, I know the "rules" (I took classes and went to workshops), but center placement was not an issue for me. Most of the time I was working for myself. Also the seminars and teachers that I had did encourage independent thinking, know the rules, then go forth and make a good photograph, not bound by rules. Now I have to go back and think, why it pleased me, or why it pleases me now, as in the dog picture. Or I could try changing the dog picture, might. Anyway, I have been thinking, have to get ready for tennis. Don't think I am taking my camera, lol.
Cool shot, great blend of blurs and focus. The converging lines give it depth & make you think he' s travelling to our left, but he must be going right?? (I think)
I like this better and better, he needs that left side to go into, but I would be aware. He is not really centered, as I thought.
Anyway, from what I know about sports, he is going to the right, can tell by looking at his feet and the lean of his body.
ginger (Did I say I have to get ready to play tennis, NOW)
There are so many great shots it's going to hard to compete. Here are a few more from the park, the parade and walking the dog. This has been so much
fun, and I do think it is making me a better photographer.
I love the colors in this picture, and the composition in general. The sun just off the water, birds obviously in motion. And that person walking in the distance. Really good shot.
How did you get that shot? Camera, lens, focal length, exposure settings, any filters? Thanks.
I love the colors in this picture, and the composition in general. The sun just off the water, birds obviously in motion. And that person walking in the distance. Really good shot.
How did you get that shot? Camera, lens, focal length, exposure settings, any filters? Thanks.
-- Bill
Thanks for the comments Bill.
Canon 10D
Caon 28-135 IS USM lens at 135 (approx. 210 in 35mm) Manual focus on infinity.
F/16 at 1/30th w/ tripod
White Balance - Sunny (to increase orange/yellow effect) No filter.
Cropped and slightly adjusted levels in PS CS. No color correction. At least not yet.
There are so many great shots it's going to hard to compete. Here are a few more from the park, the parade and walking the dog. This has been so much
fun, and I do think it is making me a better photographer.
I am far from being 'good' compared to others in this group, but if you don't mind I'll share some thoughts.
The clown/puppet one does not give me any feeling of motion so not for this challenge.
The kids on the swing are wonderful. Somefolks here might want to clone out the blue posts from the right and from behind the head.
The kid at bat would be also really nice but the caution horse folded up behind the batter messes it up badly. I am thinking that would be very hard to edit out.
The guy (playing basketball?) is also good, I probably would like to see his feet.
The woman with hat/flowers just doesn't ring any bells for me.
My 2 favorites are the swing and the shirtless guy with the swing being the clear leader.
Just my thoughts...
Charles Richmond IT & Security Consultant
Operating System Design, Drivers, Software
Villa Del Rio II, Talamban, Pit-os, Cebu, Ph
The kids on the swing are wonderful. Somefolks here might want to clone out the blue posts from the right and from behind the head.
I agree! Lovely shot! When you look at this it seems hard to believe there's something else than just fun in this world; it makes me smile.. Great capture of movement too.
[/QUOTE]I love the kids on the swing too, I also love this one..woman in a top hat and flowers... has a touch of Dagas about it somehow.. I'd like the kids on the swing to have a little more punch, maybe a little saturation and contrast.. I don't know.. great shot.
The kid at bat would be also really nice but the caution horse folded up behind the batter messes it up badly. I am thinking that would be very hard to edit out.
I hope you don't mind, I tried a little photoshop magic on your picture. I love the way you can see the boy looking right at the ball. Nice shot.
I love the kids on the swing too, I also love this one..woman in a top hat and flowers... has a touch of Dagas about it somehow.. I'd like the kids on the swing to have a little more punch, maybe a little saturation and contrast.. I don't know.. great shot.[/QUOTE]
I also like the lady and the hat. Just the right amount of blur/motion. Abstract, but you know what it is. The white building? is a little distracting. Perhaps it could be cloned out? Really nice.
I agree with SeeMoon about the foreground being distracting on this shot by Gubb. I would darken the foreground. Maybe some lighting effects would work to highlight the important parts. Just an idea.
Driving Rain, beginning to end
It was the first day of the challenge, I wanted a picture, but did not want to go anywhere to get it, so it was outside with my very much photographed dogs.
They would not play, it was drizzling. Merry Chapel went into the topless enclosure to escape the rain, well, I sit on the walk, and I shoot any and everything. Never know. This is the first picture, the picture from whence all others came.
Not much, a few other shots, but just different head postition, and they were no better. I thought this was the best to work with. I tried a motion zoom. I had read about motion blur but never used it. Now I needed motion, I decided to play. So I did the zoon. Then I did the other one (senior moment), and it looked promising. Actually both the zooms helped. Then for kicks I went to sepia. That is how you all first saw it. Then I was reading about using noise for enhancing movement in another method, I decided to try it with my sepia shot. I liked it, so I traded and put that one in here. I never thought anything of that picture, I was so excited about the tennis shots, and I am, or am not, a purist. I did like that I had not had to do much with the tennis player, but that the dog was basically photoshopped. Besides, I have so many dog pictures, and "rain" for movement, I thought that was a bit funny and stretching the assignment. But I got comments. I didn't want to tell how heavily photoshopped it was as I had gotten the feeling that some other people are purists, to a degree, and I wanted to have that shot in my back pocket as a contender. Silly, because I always meant to tell how it was done. Then I realized that the dog was centered, and I wondered about that. Now I have cropped that photo in several different ways. You all could tell me what you think on the centering and the "10 o'clock type" placement. That is one of my favorites in composition. This is not an example of thirds, I am not sure what it is called. A grid is usually shown and different placements are shown according to the photograph and effect desired.
I like center placement. I am looking now for a book to take out of the library on composition, or maybe I will find the info on the internet. I brought home too many books for me to carry this morning. The man at the library carried them. But I have seen pictures in the past where center placement is used, and I love them. What comes to mind is the use of a vertical "S" as in a flower, not my usual thing, but it is usually an example, that is a simple example, there are many more complicated examples of center placement, but I think it is something you feel is right, or you don't. I want to look at more.
In this dog picture, I felt like the vine to my left kind of made the picture weighted to the left, with an "L" shape, another one of my favorites, but I just didn't know if it was strong enough to fly. OK, I have cropped that picture, here it is.
This is the one you all first saw with the small amt of noise in it. The head is centered, but I still like it, and I think it might be because of the vine to my left.
What say you all? And now you cannot say you don't know how this picture was done. It did give me something for the first day, I never dreamed it would come to here. ginger
(I signed on to correct a typo, now I am liking the first picture best.) It has the edge of the vine, the head is not exactly centered, but neither is it hanging in space. I think of the top picture as an L shape, modified....... not quite a classical type. I do like that one. Not that I am going to enter it. Sure wish one could enter three, this would definitely be one. Oh I think one needs that space on the right for the "rain" to come from. To those who say I think too much, I don't, not in placement, I do that by feel, but my feel tends to fit into one of the established examples, or at least I can explain it after the fact. The original picture, at the bottom here, I don't think it is as good as the top picture. Say you all, anything?
This is the one you all first saw with the small amt of noise in it. The head is centered, but I still like it, and I think it might be because of the vine to my left.
I agree with you that it is fine to have some things centered. However, I kind of like this shot with the dog slightly to the left so he's looking into the picture. It helps to give me the feeling that he has somewhere to look. I wouldn't crop it too tight. I'd like a little less blur so there is a little more definition to the subject. However, it's all subjective. You have to be the final judge. I like the shot... Photoshop or not, photography is an art. Good job!!
Sandy's batter
I hope you don't mind, I tried a little photoshop magic on your picture. I love the way you can see the boy looking right at the ball. Nice shot.[/QUOTE]____________________
I really like the way you fixed the batter, just love it. Did you move the ball?
That is something I don't know how to do. Wish we could have an assignment on it.
Anyway, it is my favorite now. The boys and the swing are good, but the batter is my favorite..........................with the ball moved, however that was done. Smile.
I tried out some very long exposure shots at dusk tonight. Any comments? Pushing the limits of artistic blur, perhaps just blurry?
I think the blur is fine, because it ends up with something recognizable, a little boy. I would have problems knowing that it was a beach, or what he is doing, but the blur is not a problem to me.
Ginger, I'm not good with abstract stuff, I think I need a point of focus to maintain the reality, if you know what I mean?. I think the colours are very strong in the 1st shot but I prefer the other 2 & the 2nd one over the last one. I think because of the colours and racket pattern. I seem to like the shots that combine blurs and clarity.
As for the "darn dog" it catches a moment. The dogs expression, where he is, the rain, all tell the story very well. Its slightly abstract but the expression in his eye is clear.......
Thanks for the message!!
I really like this one, but find the part in front a bit distracting somehow..
I'm having a bit of a hard time giving comments, but that's a challenge then as well I guess. But to look at somebody elses pictures this way makes me more aware of what works and what doesn't, and if everybody just says what he/she thinks is nice..we're not going anywhere!
So; I think the top part is really strong and a bit overruled by the lower part..
Oh it seems like I don't want anybody to say what's he/she think is nice; that's not what i mean! Am I the only one having trouble with this commenting?
I too have a hard time giving comments (unless of course they're good ones), I'm pretty new to all this and kinda think that I'm not qualified to comment.
I've always got a very strong feeling of what I like/dislike but am not always sure why.. The more pictures I look at, the more idea I have of these reasons.... and DG is a fantastic place to do this
I know how much I apreciate any comments, good or bad, so I thought what the heck, and am now trying to comment (time permitting) more and say why I like or dislike something. keep the comments coming
As for the picture, I know what you mean, I did try cropping out the pavement but it seemed to upset the balance, I'll have go again this evening.
Thanks again
I like this better and better, he needs that left side to go into, but I would be aware. He is not really centered, as I thought.
Anyway, from what I know about sports, he is going to the right, can tell by looking at his feet and the lean of his body.
ginger (Did I say I have to get ready to play tennis, NOW)
"Morning Commute"
TML Photography
TML Photography
fun, and I do think it is making me a better photographer.
I love the colors in this picture, and the composition in general. The sun just off the water, birds obviously in motion. And that person walking in the distance. Really good shot.
How did you get that shot? Camera, lens, focal length, exposure settings, any filters? Thanks.
-- Bill
A former sports shooter
Follow me at:
My Etsy store:
Canon 10D
Caon 28-135 IS USM lens at 135 (approx. 210 in 35mm) Manual focus on infinity.
F/16 at 1/30th w/ tripod
White Balance - Sunny (to increase orange/yellow effect) No filter.
Cropped and slightly adjusted levels in PS CS. No color correction. At least not yet.
TML Photography
The clown/puppet one does not give me any feeling of motion so not for this challenge.
The kids on the swing are wonderful. Somefolks here might want to clone out the blue posts from the right and from behind the head.
The kid at bat would be also really nice but the caution horse folded up behind the batter messes it up badly. I am thinking that would be very hard to edit out.
The guy (playing basketball?) is also good, I probably would like to see his feet.
The woman with hat/flowers just doesn't ring any bells for me.
My 2 favorites are the swing and the shirtless guy with the swing being the clear leader.
Just my thoughts...
Operating System Design, Drivers, Software
Villa Del Rio II, Talamban, Pit-os, Cebu, Ph
I agree! Lovely shot! When you look at this it seems hard to believe there's something else than just fun in this world; it makes me smile.. Great capture of movement too.
TML Photography
I also like the lady and the hat. Just the right amount of blur/motion. Abstract, but you know what it is. The white building? is a little distracting. Perhaps it could be cloned out? Really nice.
TML Photography
Here are a few whirlybird shots. I'd appreciate comments on your preferences etc. Thanks.
No. 1
No. 2
No. 3
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
It was the first day of the challenge, I wanted a picture, but did not want to go anywhere to get it, so it was outside with my very much photographed dogs.
They would not play, it was drizzling. Merry Chapel went into the topless enclosure to escape the rain, well, I sit on the walk, and I shoot any and everything. Never know. This is the first picture, the picture from whence all others came.
Not much, a few other shots, but just different head postition, and they were no better. I thought this was the best to work with. I tried a motion zoom. I had read about motion blur but never used it. Now I needed motion, I decided to play. So I did the zoon. Then I did the other one (senior moment), and it looked promising. Actually both the zooms helped. Then for kicks I went to sepia. That is how you all first saw it. Then I was reading about using noise for enhancing movement in another method, I decided to try it with my sepia shot. I liked it, so I traded and put that one in here. I never thought anything of that picture, I was so excited about the tennis shots, and I am, or am not, a purist. I did like that I had not had to do much with the tennis player, but that the dog was basically photoshopped. Besides, I have so many dog pictures, and "rain" for movement, I thought that was a bit funny and stretching the assignment. But I got comments. I didn't want to tell how heavily photoshopped it was as I had gotten the feeling that some other people are purists, to a degree, and I wanted to have that shot in my back pocket as a contender. Silly, because I always meant to tell how it was done. Then I realized that the dog was centered, and I wondered about that. Now I have cropped that photo in several different ways. You all could tell me what you think on the centering and the "10 o'clock type" placement. That is one of my favorites in composition. This is not an example of thirds, I am not sure what it is called. A grid is usually shown and different placements are shown according to the photograph and effect desired.
I like center placement. I am looking now for a book to take out of the library on composition, or maybe I will find the info on the internet. I brought home too many books for me to carry this morning. The man at the library carried them. But I have seen pictures in the past where center placement is used, and I love them. What comes to mind is the use of a vertical "S" as in a flower, not my usual thing, but it is usually an example, that is a simple example, there are many more complicated examples of center placement, but I think it is something you feel is right, or you don't. I want to look at more.
In this dog picture, I felt like the vine to my left kind of made the picture weighted to the left, with an "L" shape, another one of my favorites, but I just didn't know if it was strong enough to fly. OK, I have cropped that picture, here it is.
This is the one you all first saw with the small amt of noise in it. The head is centered, but I still like it, and I think it might be because of the vine to my left.
What say you all? And now you cannot say you don't know how this picture was done. It did give me something for the first day, I never dreamed it would come to here. ginger
(I signed on to correct a typo, now I am liking the first picture best.) It has the edge of the vine, the head is not exactly centered, but neither is it hanging in space. I think of the top picture as an L shape, modified....... not quite a classical type. I do like that one. Not that I am going to enter it. Sure wish one could enter three, this would definitely be one. Oh I think one needs that space on the right for the "rain" to come from. To those who say I think too much, I don't, not in placement, I do that by feel, but my feel tends to fit into one of the established examples, or at least I can explain it after the fact. The original picture, at the bottom here, I don't think it is as good as the top picture. Say you all, anything?
This is the one you all first saw with the small amt of noise in it. The head is centered, but I still like it, and I think it might be because of the vine to my left.
I agree with you that it is fine to have some things centered. However, I kind of like this shot with the dog slightly to the left so he's looking into the picture. It helps to give me the feeling that he has somewhere to look. I wouldn't crop it too tight. I'd like a little less blur so there is a little more definition to the subject. However, it's all subjective. You have to be the final judge. I like the shot... Photoshop or not, photography is an art. Good job!!
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
I hope you don't mind, I tried a little photoshop magic on your picture. I love the way you can see the boy looking right at the ball. Nice shot.[/QUOTE]____________________
I really like the way you fixed the batter, just love it. Did you move the ball?
That is something I don't know how to do. Wish we could have an assignment on it.
Anyway, it is my favorite now. The boys and the swing are good, but the batter is my favorite..........................with the ball moved, however that was done. Smile.
Social motion didn't seem to cut it, so I looked for more concrete motion.
In the playground:
Martial arts class for 100 children of parents at a conference:
And I PS'ed away some color/brightness problems for an oldie (way back on 17 June):
I love this one! The simple silhouettes and the red.... Great!!
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
"Beach Combing"
I tried out some very long exposure shots at dusk tonight. Any comments? Pushing the limits of artistic blur, perhaps just blurry?
TML Photography
I think the blur is fine, because it ends up with something recognizable, a little boy. I would have problems knowing that it was a beach, or what he is doing, but the blur is not a problem to me.