boy do i enjoy your street work, gubby! this shot could be improved by a tiny bit faster shutter, the people are just a bit too blurred imo. also it's a bit u.e. imo. a fun scene though, and perfect for the theme. keep at it, train stations are great spots for movement!
__________________ andy :andy
Thanks andy,
The dissapointment is me behind now .... back to onwards and upwards (hopefully)
These really are challenges, I look and look at the pictures and often miss the point. The idea of this picture was to try and get a current of people flowing through the station. So I darkened it with a solid black layer, trying to get the people to sort of become one?? Maybe I succeeded in doing that but at the expense of the overall picture (??) here is the original with only a minor level adjustment.
Thanks again for all the work andy!! Very much apreciated
Thanks to all who helped me, particularly David and Ginette, who logged on last night giving me valuable suggestions. I am going to use it as my screen saver.
I don't think I would feel so good about it, if I had not borrowed the suggestions and implemented some of them in my way.
I am so happy. Thanks to all!
Ginger... Thank-you... And you SHOULD be proud... You have done well!
"In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
Originally Posted by gubbs
boy do i enjoy your street work, gubby! this shot could be improved by a tiny bit faster shutter, the people are just a bit too blurred imo. also it's a bit u.e. imo. a fun scene though, and perfect for the theme. keep at it, train stations are great spots for movement!
andy :andy
Thanks andy,
The dissapointment is me behind now
These really are challenges, I look and look at the pictures and often miss the point. The idea of this picture was to try and get a current of people flowing through the station. So I darkened it with a solid black layer, trying to get the people to sort of become one?? Maybe I succeeded in doing that but at the expense of the overall picture (??) here is the original with only a minor level adjustment.
Thanks again for all the work andy!! Very much apreciated
Thank you, gubbs!
I have good models.
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And you SHOULD be proud... You have done well!