"Arrange Photos" not saving the arrangement

Remember how "Arrange Galleries" was not "sticking" or saving changes awhile back? Well, "Arrange Photos" has been doing the same thing. Under "Tools > Many Photos> Arrange > Arrange Photos" I've had a number of galleries now where my arrangement didn't stick on the first try & I've had to go back & do it again. On one occasion, it didn't save on the first or second try. This happened last week already, but it's happening more frequently this week. No particular gallery-- it's happened in a bunch of galleries. Just like in the old gallery arrange problem, it's as if the "Save" button is simply not registering the save.
Anna Lisa Yoder's Images - http://winsomeworks.com ... Handmade Photo Notecards: http://winsomeworks.etsy.com ... Framed/Matted work: http://anna-lisa-yoder.artistwebsites.com/galleries.html ... Scribbles: http://winsomeworks.blogspot.com
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I thought this problem was finally fixed. I have been struggling with my pictures rearranging themselves ever since I joined Smugmug. For the last six months (year?, I can't remember) my pictures have finally stayed where I put them. Thank God.
Now it's happening all over again. I uploaded a picture to a gallery and instead of being at the top like they have been doing of late it was at the bottom and random pictures from the middle are now at the beginning and mixed up throughout without any logical pattern. I checked and the gallery settings are still set at none and descending.
Here is the gallery...
I can not tell you how frustrating this is. It takes forever to arrange the pictures in the order I want them in. All I want is for the pictures to stay put and a newly uploaded picture to be put at the top.
Now I have to start all over again with no confidence they will stay put.
SmugMug Technical Account Manager
Travel = good. Woo, shooting!
I left everything alone. The last picture is the one I uploaded. All I did was upload the picture. The first picture now was somewhere in the middle before the upload. You can do what you want to that gallery as it is already screwed up. I will wait to hear from you before I rearrange it.
Hi Dennis,
I've been testing a little in this gallery, and with some galleries on my own site, and I thought I had this issue reproduced, but then I couldn't reproduce it any more. From what I'm seeing, I think there is something going on, but I'm having a hard time finding out exactly what might be at the root cause of the problem. My gut instinct is that the autosort sort direction setting in the gallery settings is having some kind of unintended effect on the arrangement of the photos in the gallery, but I haven't been able to find any hard evidence to support this claim as of yet. I did collect my findings into a bug report, and we'll continue to investigate further for you. Sorry I don't have a definitive answer for you, but we'll keep researching this problem and see what we can find out.
SmugMug Support Hero
Can I remind you this problem of pictures rearranging themselves has a long history. It is very tedious to have to try and recreate the order of a gallery with hundreds of pictures. As to the autosort direction there is no chronological order to the chaos that was created. With autosort set to off the autosort direction should only define whether a newly uploaded file should be put at the top or bottom of the gallery.
Hi, I just wanted to say I've been having the same problem over the last few days. I rearrange photos in the order I want them (using either the Arrange Photo tool or the Drag to Arrange tool - problem occurs either way) and they stay that way for awhile, and then anywhere from 5 minutes to several hours later, they are in a different order. Very frustrating! I thought there must be some auto-sort gallery setting that was overriding my manual sort, but the settings say "Auto Sort: None."
Here's a link to one photo in the gallery: http://janik.smugmug.com/Travel-Diving/Africa/15866679_bBbmw#P-17-12
... that I have repeatedly put next to this photo: http://janik.smugmug.com/Travel-Diving/Africa/15866679_bBbmw#1191481880_SUd2i
... with the intention of comparing and deleting one. But it just won't stick.
This is a problem with multiple photos within both galleries I'm working on right now, the one above just makes an easy example because the two photos are nearly identical and thus it's obvious when they move.
I just moved this image http://janik.smugmug.com/Travel-Diving/Africa/15866679_bBbmw#1191481880_SUd2i after this one http://janik.smugmug.com/Travel-Diving/Africa/15866679_bBbmw#1208373590_R38uW and after 15 minutes it is still there. Please, if possible, don't touch this gallery as I'm trying to reproduce your problem.
This is screwing up all my hard work.
It all started after the so called fix recently.
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I just saw a similar post, so I'm guessing it's an issue but I figured you should know it's happening to me as well.
I have tried to arrange by clicking on the "arrange" box on a single page, that didnt' work. Then I arranged several different shots in the same album, by either dragging them and saving and then when that didn't work, by selecting them and moving them with an arrow to the position I want and it still won't stay. It's time consuming to keep trying it and not having it saved.
This is the album I've tried it on for the last couple of days. Kind of frustrating.
Thanks for your help.
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I will check this--thank you. I don't usually mess with the settings and use the default. I just saw that others were having similar issues.
Will check when I get home. Gracias.
After 19 hours those two photos remain where i put them. I also notice that one image was uploaded after that and it got placed at the end.
I'm wondering if this particular case is a connection issue. How is your internet connection? Do you see a "Saving Position" small message sliding down from the top left corner of the screen after you drag&drop the photo to its new position? It could be the case that your connection is slow and even though you see the photo in the place you dropped it, the request to change the position is not making it to our database. Then when you refresh the page or look at the gallery later on, you will see the photo in its original place.
I'm going to make sure we give a proper message when a request doesn't make it to our database.
Thanks for your patience while we figure out what is going on.
It happens right away after an upload or arrange. Once set they usually stay where they are.
Maybe there is more than one issue going on, but this does not explain how an uploaded picture goes to the bottom instead of the top like it's supposed to.
And pictures that have stayed in the same place for months suddenly rearrange themselves. Do a search of the messages for arrange problems and you will find plenty of posts complaining.
This problem has been around for years and only went dormant recently to reappear again now.
The more I think about it this could be the problem. I have moved a picture over one position and it appears to be saved but the next time I look it's back where it was. Could this broken connection somehow corrupt the database causing the random file rearranging? Can a more secure handshaking process be made?
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I think you are right John. This could explain some of the problems, but not all of them. I'm still working to get to the bottom of this. Thanks for your feedback!.
I came home changed the settings on my gallery to smugmug default. Arranged my shots--saved my shots and went back to the gallery to find my arrangement had not saved once again.
I posted here on dgrin about it--went back to the gallery and it was there--all neatly arranged-- so I deleted my comment. Came back to the gallery later and processed another shot on picnik, when my edit saved, I looked and noticed my shots were once again out of order :bash:bash:bash
by the way the gallery settings did not save either--I changed it to smugmug default and it's back to "set everything manually".
Hi, just wanted to let you know this continues to be a problem with both new galleries I'm currently working on (other one is http://janik.smugmug.com/Travel-Diving/Rwanda-February-2011/16092652_7ug6c). In fact I saw the photo order change in front of my eyes this evening while I was viewing with someone else!
Both gallery settings are definitely set to Auto Sort: Off. Also, someone was hypothesizing this might be due to an Internet connection problem. I have tried rearranging photos on both my work and home computers, with the same result; both locations have strong Internet connections and I've not had a problem with this before.
Hope this is helpful as you continue investigating. Thanks again.
Can someone please address the above issue or just tell me if there is a timeline to fix the glitch. I would like to send this album out in an order that makes sense to the viewers as the shots were taken over a week period and the gallery as is has no flow. It is not a paid gig, but still I want the album complete and in order prior to sending it.
If there is no timeline I will go ahead and send it as is and just grit my teeth.
Liz, we're working on it and have some ideas on what's going on how to solve it. It's hard because only a portion of our users are experiencing the problems and we have not been able to reproduce it consistently on our test environments.
In the mean time, please try the following:
1. go to "Tools/Arrange/Drag to Arrange"
2. move the last photo to the beginning
3. wait for the "Saving Positions" message (on the top left corner) to disappear
3. move the first photo back to the end
4. press the done button
after doing these, you should be able to rearrange without any problems.
If you continue having issues, please let us know with as much detail as possible what steps are you taking and which galleries you're having issues with.
Can you elaborate a little on how this happened? Which view were you on when you saw the photos changing order? was it just one photo moving to the next positon? or moving a few positions over?
I just noticed that the photos I moved next to each other 2 days ago are now appart again as you described in an earlier post. This is very strange (unless you moved them appart). The only scenario I can see this happening is for the photos being arranged on 2 different computers (or even on the same computer but on different browser windows or tabs) at the same time. Could this be the case?
Thanks for your feedback. It's really helpful.
Well, it is nice that hitting save changes takes us back to the gallery instead of the gallery doesn't exist message. Not so nice that everything looks fine, just the way you arranged it, and then a day later everything is back to the way it was before arranging the photos, or many photos have randomly moved around. Is this effecting only recently created galleries, or do we need to start going through all of our galleries looking for damage?
All of this seems to have started with the update a couple of weeks ago. How about rolling Smugmug back to an earlier version so we don't have to be beta testers for the current version?