"Arrange Photos" not saving the arrangement



  • dbddbd Registered Users Posts: 216 Major grins
    edited March 19, 2011
    Andy wrote: »
    Hi folks, we pushed a fix last night, can you give it a try now and let us know how we did?

    I tried a 45 image gallery I loaded earlier this month, not loaded in order. I sorted by filename and then there were only 15 images left (in order though).

    I reloaded the images in another gallery. Several images failed to upload so I reloaded all, assuming "skip duplicates" would skip duplicates. "Skip duplicates" didn't (skip duplicates), but most images uploaded. Here are the galleries:


    Dale B. Dalrymple
    "Give me a lens long enough and a place to stand and I can image the earth."
    ...with apology to Archimedies
  • RichardRichard Administrators, Vanilla Admin Posts: 20,012 moderator
    edited March 19, 2011
    It's still broken. I just added a pic to an old gallery and it destroyed the arrangement.
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited March 19, 2011
    Richard wrote: »
    It's still broken. I just added a pic to an old gallery and it destroyed the arrangement.

    I need details Richard - so I can show Julian. What gallery, how was it arranged prior to you adding a pic to the gallery? How exactly did you upload the photo? Thank you.
  • RichardRichard Administrators, Vanilla Admin Posts: 20,012 moderator
    edited March 19, 2011
    I sent a note to the help desk right after I posted--it's a continuation of ticket #249891.

    The gallery had been sorted manually. I uploaded the new pic using the older SmugMug Java drag and drop version for Windows, which I started directly from the gallery view (Upload to this gallery).
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited March 19, 2011
    Richard wrote: »
    I sent a note to the help desk right after I posted--it's a continuation of ticket #249891.

    The gallery had been sorted manually. I uploaded the new pic using the older SmugMug Java drag and drop version for Windows, which I started directly from the gallery view (Upload to this gallery).

    Hi Richard, answered you from the HD. We'll carry on there.
  • dennismullendennismullen Registered Users Posts: 709 Major grins
    edited March 20, 2011
    Is this problem fixed?
    Some seem to still be having problems.
    I'm waiting for confirmation before starting the long process of putting my galleries back in order.
    See my gallery at http://www.dennismullen.com
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited March 20, 2011
    Is this problem fixed?
    Some seem to still be having problems.
    I'm waiting for confirmation before starting the long process of putting my galleries back in order.

    Yes, the issue is fixed. We announced the fix here in this thread and in our release notes Thursday night http://news.smugmug.com
  • Lesley BrayLesley Bray Registered Users Posts: 143 Major grins
    edited March 20, 2011
    The issue isn't fixed for me - I have been working on an album for the past two days - found my photos were moving and had to keep reorganizing - finally got them back in the order they were taken. Woke up this morning and checked my album - four photos had moved - frustrating !
  • dawn5282dawn5282 Registered Users Posts: 11 Big grins
    edited March 20, 2011
    Andy wrote: »
    Yes, the issue is fixed. We announced the fix here in this thread and in our release notes Thursday night http://news.smugmug.com

    I was so pleased to read that the problem had been fixed - but so far my results are not promising. Today I uploaded and rearranged some photos in our Dubai album - which as I'd mentioned before was the only one of my recently created albums that had NOT experienced the rearranging problem - but I stepped away for a cup of coffee and when I came back the latest rearrangement had been undone. This appears to only have mostly affected the newer photos added to the album - but one of the older photos in the album was shuffled randomly as well.

    I am at home using drag-and-drop upload on Firefox, on a Mac. I've just rearranged the album back to the order I wanted, and saved that order as a pdf here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/15864558/Dubai%20album%20Sunday%201-37pm.pdf. The Dubai album is here: http://janik.smugmug.com/Travel-Diving/Dubai/15867011_ioBdx.
  • newhannibalnewhannibal Registered Users Posts: 8 Beginner grinner
    edited March 20, 2011
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited March 20, 2011
    Andy wrote: »
    Yes, the issue is fixed. We announced the fix here in this thread and in our release notes Thursday night http://news.smugmug.com

    Well. We're investigating these reports above. Thanks and stay tuned.
  • girardimagesgirardimages Registered Users Posts: 78 Big grins
    edited March 21, 2011
    I've just reordered the gallery that kept getting out of order... will update this after a few hours and see if it's still in order!


  • wayne861wayne861 Registered Users Posts: 96 Big grins
    edited March 22, 2011
    Andy wrote: »
    Well. We're investigating these reports above. Thanks and stay tuned.

    This is still not repaired. I should have known better, but I added two images to a gallery with 601 images in it and now the gallery is being randomly rearranged, the same as last week and the week before that, going back to when the code was changed to allow sorting collections.
  • carolinecaroline Registered Users Posts: 1,302 Major grins
    edited March 22, 2011
    I'm experiencing these problems too with this gallery
    Every time I add anew pic the order changes. Thank heavens there aren't many images and it's only a personal project, still annoying.

    Mendip Blog - Blog from The Fog, life on the Mendips
    www.carolineshipsey.co.uk - Follow me on G+

  • capturingimagescapturingimages Registered Users Posts: 66 Big grins
    edited March 22, 2011
    Also still experiencing the same issue. Have been using both the Arrange mode in the gallery itself and the Tools > Arrange function, and am still having problems with a few images that are randomly re-arranging in the galleries or not sticking where I want them to be. Very frustrating, but appreciate that SM are looking into this.
  • dawn5282dawn5282 Registered Users Posts: 11 Big grins
    edited March 23, 2011
    Andy wrote: »
    Well. We're investigating these reports above. Thanks and stay tuned.

    ARRGHH!! Definitely not fixed. I just rearranged our Rwanda album again (http://janik.smugmug.com/Travel-Diving/Rwanda-February-2011/16092652_7ug6c) to the order shown in the pdf uploaded here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/15864558/Rwanda%20album%203-23.pdf. Two minutes later as I was deleting a duplicate photo, it rearranged itself. It did not revert to the older order, it completely reshuffled to a random new order.

    We're visiting family tomorrow and were hoping to share trip photos; this is so very frustrating and disappointing.

    Thanks for your continued efforts to find a solution.
  • docwalkerdocwalker Registered Users Posts: 1,867 SmugMug Employee
    edited March 23, 2011
    I have been able to replicate this issue. I have spoken directly with the programmer that is working on the issue and he is aware of how important it is to you. It is a difficult problem to fix but be assured that it is being worked on. Hopefully we can get it fixed soon.
    SmugMug Support Hero
  • girardimagesgirardimages Registered Users Posts: 78 Big grins
    edited March 23, 2011
    At least for one, and I've only checked my one sharegroup that was messing up... it's no longer messing up! (fingers crossed)... hopefully the bug will get fixed for everyone soon though.


  • jasonscottphotojasonscottphoto Registered Users Posts: 711 Major grins
    edited March 24, 2011
    I definitely still think there is an issue with this. I had two thumbnail style galleries that I had to manually arrange 3 times yesterday before they finally "stuck."



    (They seem right now, but it took several tries!)
    Posts by Allyson, the wife/assistant...

    Jason Scott Photography | Blog | FB | Twitter | Google+ | Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube
  • mitrajoonmitrajoon Registered Users Posts: 14 Big grins
    edited March 24, 2011
    Had the same problem awhile back. Thought it was fixed but added a pic today and everything was scrambled.
  • bgatesbgates Registered Users Posts: 100 Major grins
    edited March 24, 2011
    Tried three different times to rearrange, seemed to stick then went back later and it was messed up.

    This gallery:


    On the upside, it's great to have a problem and come here and see that it is already reported and being worked on.

  • gyrogyro Registered Users Posts: 13 Big grins
    edited March 24, 2011
    Awwww, I spent all afternoon arranging photos, and now this has happened again (twice, first time was march 20). The gallery completely lost my painstaking arrangement after simply adding five additional images (to the original gallery of nearly 400 photos).

    Everything seemed to be okay after the addition of the five new images. Gallery has no autosort and is set as ascending, I think this is the smugmug default (gallery style is smugmug). All of the added photos end up on the final page of the gallery, this is as normal. I then used the tools menu to go to arrange one of the newly-added photos, bingo, the entire gallery is shuffled like a deck of cards.

    The same "shuffled" effect also occurred a few days ago, but that time it happened when I simply tried to make a copy of a photo (within the gallery). I'd hope to avoid the bug if I simply added images (instead of making a copy), apparently I did not outsmart it.

    I'm working on a large gallery of family history, my project will have to stop until this bug is corrected by smugmug. Two times now large amounts of work/time have gone out the window with a click, very disheartening each time i must admit.

    I will be paying attention to the blog, in hopes that you guys have some announcement soon.


    Gallery is: http://gmeredith.smugmug.com/Family/All-Family/
  • DaladoDalado Registered Users Posts: 27 Big grins
    edited March 25, 2011
    This just happened to me as well. Rearranged not only photos that I just moved, but photos I moved several days ago....

    Bout fed up here...
  • lizzard_nyclizzard_nyc Registered Users Posts: 4,056 Major grins
    edited March 25, 2011
    Dalado wrote: »
    This just happened to me as well. Rearranged not only photos that I just moved, but photos I moved several days ago....

    Bout fed up here...

    I will hold off on rearranging again until this is fixed. Very time consuming and pretty frustrating.
    Liz A.
  • WinsomeWorksWinsomeWorks Registered Users Posts: 1,935 Major grins
    edited March 25, 2011
    I saw in the blog that some parts of this issue were supposedly fixed, but it would sure be nice if one of the gurus would comment here soon to let us know if the whole problem is fixed. It wasn't clear that the whole problem was fixed. Everyone's afraid to try, because the losses are so time-consuming if the issues still exist.
    Anna Lisa Yoder's Images - http://winsomeworks.com ... Handmade Photo Notecards: http://winsomeworks.etsy.com ... Framed/Matted work: http://anna-lisa-yoder.artistwebsites.com/galleries.html ... Scribbles: http://winsomeworks.blogspot.com
    DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!) http://daybreakfolk.com
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited March 25, 2011
    I saw in the blog that some parts of this issue were supposedly fixed, but it would sure be nice if one of the gurus would comment here soon to let us know if the whole problem is fixed. It wasn't clear that the whole problem was fixed. Everyone's afraid to try, because the losses are so time-consuming if the issues still exist.

    You can always try in a test gallery of just a few photos :) We fixed the case where making a copy messed up the arrangement last night. We fixed uploading new photos messing up arrangement last week.
  • bgatesbgates Registered Users Posts: 100 Major grins
    edited March 25, 2011
    Andy wrote: »
    You can always try in a test gallery of just a few photos :) We fixed the case where making a copy messed up the arrangement last night. We fixed uploading new photos messing up arrangement last week.

    Well this suggests that everything was fixed last week, which clearly isn't the case. Can you tell us what wasn't fixed or give some idea when it will be safe to go back in the water?


  • docwalkerdocwalker Registered Users Posts: 1,867 SmugMug Employee
    edited March 25, 2011
    Bob, There was and is a couple different bugs that are related to how arrangements are stored. We fixed most of them and still have some work to do on a couple others. The last one that is going to be the hardest to squash deals with how the data base updates the positions on multiple slave servers. When the information is replicated it is resetting things. From talking with the sorcerers involved, we have to be very careful about how we fix it to prevent making the problem worse. I can assure you that they are working on it. I will let you know when it is all clear.
    SmugMug Support Hero
  • wayne861wayne861 Registered Users Posts: 96 Big grins
    edited March 25, 2011
    bgates wrote: »
    Well this suggests that everything was fixed last week, which clearly isn't the case. Can you tell us what wasn't fixed or give some idea when it will be safe to go back in the water?



    Adding new photos still screwed up the arrangement on March 22nd. I am so tired of fighting with this, I haven't tried anything since.
  • DaladoDalado Registered Users Posts: 27 Big grins
    edited March 25, 2011
    wayne861 wrote: »
    Adding new photos still screwed up the arrangement on March 22nd. I am so tired of fighting with this, I haven't tried anything since.

    I just tried again, and the same thing happened.

    The only thing I am doing is saving my photos 20 at a time so I can recontrast and such. The upload goes fine, along with initial arrangement and deletion of the old files. And then it just mixes everything up.

    Someone please let us know when this is fixed so I can not waste any more time.
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