Just had a first look on the new design and it looks much promising, the speed has improved a lot, amazingly fast.
Now this thread is too long to read so I take the liberty to add my own main wish list.
More levels than the current 3, very important
A way to display "Date Time Original" as part of the caption. I am looking for a sort of placeholder like "DD MMM YYYY" to say where in the Caption it should shown and also which format should be used. This seems to be also called "By Date Taken". Also I ask for kind of a template so I don't have to add this to every photo. It must be part of the upload
I find the Gallery attribute "Hide Owner" extremely valuable and want to see this on any level. That is, if I today could use it on a Category level then the viewer should be able to go down to any sub-category and album but not up to to see other Categories. This way I could fence parts of the albums and create separate "corners". Maybe one for some friends and another for my family and so on
I want to be able to decide myself if photos in a Smart Gallery should have a link back to the original gallery or not. My idea is to have a larger gallery which holds many photos and then hand them out to smart galleries. But I do not want the viewer to be able to get back to the larger gallery.
Today we have Gallery Settings. The same should apply to any level. For example, I want to have a Description also for Categories and sub-Categories. For example, this would be the place to decide how many on a row, not two as is hard coded today
I have many galleries with the same name in different sub-categories, for example "Outside". Today it is sometimes impossible in some areas of SmugMug to specify which album I want since there seems to be the assumption that every Gallery has a unique name. Finding and selecting Galleries must be made much simpler and also have a common touch throughout the system.
What Camera Info that is displayed in the small box should be decided by me
I am in favour of people being able to leave comments. I also understand this can be a problem. But somehow there must be a way for me to authorise people so they can leave comments even if they are not SmugMug or Facebook or similar users. Believe me, there are a lot of other people around
I can move around the thumbnails to the left by point-and-click. I can also move with the left and right arrow keys. But the up down does not work. I would like them also to be available. There are time when I miss this a lot
Editing the Gallery Title and Description is now on another window. This was much easier when done in place, as is today.
The above is not a criticism, just a wish list. I could easily do a much longer list of things I am very happy about. To me SmugMug is one of the key tools to manage my Photo Archive.
Regards, Harald
My focus is on digitizing memories
Do you have to create your own theme now if you have the default selected? That dark gray doesn't really go with my site design and I usually leave it at the "default" theme.
Can we customize the "buy" button to match our site design?
I'd love a third party buy option...better yet, I'd love to be able to add my own products to the menu when they checkout. I think it would be so much easier if I could post my own products to the checkout list and they can pay all at once. Prints will ship directly from the lab and I'll ship my products separate.
anyone else feel the layout is a bit disjointed? the thumbnail layout next to the image preview with comments and stuff underneath... feels like it's just thrown out there without any real organization. Granted, this might be helped with customization, but I think the default look should look a bit cleaner. tbh, i think it's the top/bottom borders for the thumbs that really throws it all off (though, I have no idea what a solution would be)
But I don't understand why the caption box does not extend wider, both for images in the gallery and especially in the slideshow - it's pretty puny and would be the first customisation I would make.
I clicked join to see the new gallery and then clicked leave to leave it but my galleries are still in this very much dislike mode.....the gey text is too dark to be easily read, I do not like the lay out at all...my stuff is all askew.......I hope this is not going to be FORCED upon those of us already using the SmugMug gallery style...name this something different.
I also do not like the arrow on my other galleries to go to next gallery page...there still needs to be a drop down so you can go to the last page or any page in between with out clicking thru all the pages.......I cannot find anything I do like about this. sorry.
It was a miracle...got my site back to the way I like and want it..........do not know what I did but it is okay now.
Things I really, really dig:
1. The forward/back thumbs. A+, that's a big deal.
2. Fonts are great. Might customize, but default looks very pro.
3. BUY button is large and very visible. I'm OK with sacrificing design for function in this dept.
4. It all just looks much tighter.
5. LOVE that the mouse pointer changes to (+) when you hover over the preview image.
6. Like the outline around thumb currently being previewed
7. Like how the mouse movement over the thumbs highlights the thumbs (fade)
Things I don't see but would like to see:
1. I think I like the 'jump to page #" controls above the thumbs rather than below.
2. In addition to the BUY button obscurity issue (looks like it's much better now), I've always thought SmugMug could use some interface work when it comes to actually selecting images to buy. Why do my visitors have to see a popup when something like "[size] +1 -1 quant:[ ]" controls/labels could be placed directly over the preview image? This is somewhat how people are used to purchasing images at a kiosk. A flyout (like the previous resize javascript div) could have several popular sizes to +1 to quickly add to the cart.
3. Slideshow is still Flash (Yeah, I know #2 above and this #3 are not really about the SmugMug design)
4. When a user clicks on the preview image (+), I would really, really like next/prev arrows either directly on the image or to the left and right of the image, NOT AT THE TOP. I would actually prefer to see it as I have it on my portfolio site where hovering to the left side of the image gives you a < and to the right gives you > (both are links to the prev/next images) http://www.affinityseattle.com/#/Portfolio/Kaitlin%20&%20Derek/1
6. Like the outline around thumb currently being previewed
I agree, but would like to see the outline transition cleaned up if possible. Right now it starts square and goes to a rounded corner, and you can actually see this transition if you watch your mouse.
4. When a user clicks on the preview image (+), I would really, really like next/prev arrows either directly on the image or to the left and right of the image, NOT AT THE TOP. I would actually prefer to see it as I have it on my portfolio site where hovering to the left side of the image gives you a < and to the right gives you > (both are links to the prev/next images)
First, I didn't have a chance to read all 30ish pages, so pardon my potential ignorance. Lots of info may have changed since the original explanation, so please just let me know if I'm touching on anything that's been covered already.
Overall, it just seems larger to me than I'd like, but I'm sure that's something that can be modified with customization later. In particular, the buy button is very large, and very obtrusive. I can certainly see the appeal for drawing people to purchase your photos, but I do think it could be more cohesively done - a large button that's grayscale fits into the page overall, but is still noticeable enough to recognize. Similarly, there's a lot of space taken up with the breadcrumb, title, slideshow field, caption/keywords box, share bar, comments box... but again, I'm anticipating most of this will be modifiable via CSS, so I'm looking forward to tweaking. Couple of curiosity points:
Will we be able to collapse the comment field as we had before? And does the download link in the below-photo bar only show because I'm logged in as the owner?
In essence, my previous design was geared towards not ever making people need to scroll; the captions and keywords boxes are minimal and clean, the comments option is a button on the left, etc. This prevents the scroll bar from ever showing up unless you wanted to actively post a comment. The pictures are big and beautiful, and there's virtually nothing else to distract on the page. By making the comments field expanded by default and the keywords/caption so large, there's always a scroll bar and always extra noise under the photo. If this cleanliness can be replicated in CSS after the fact, I have no qualms.
I would agree that the arrows forward and back when in lightbox mode should move to the sides in line with the photo - it's a bit unintuitive to have to look to the top to find a pair of arrows in the middle of the screen. I suppose it does remove the need to dynamically redraw or reposition them based on image size, though, I suppose.
One last thing: I noticed you mentioned this earlier in the thread, but I would be interested in more numerous login options. Many of my colleagues and friends are not on or leaving Facebook, so other services (Google, Twitter, heck, OpenAuth ) would be much appreciated.
Looking forward to seeing what's coming up and checking out the customization thread. That one I *will* be reading front to back.
Huge Improvement!
I love the new look and feel. It improves upon the old design in every possible way. For me, the simplified and uncluttered look and feel is a welcome change as is the more prominent 'buy' button. I think you have done a fantastic job. Well done! As with others, I can't wait to roll this out!
Now, the tough question, when can we expect a revision of the shopping cart, which is, by today's standards, very outdated and needlessly complex and way too cumbersome for most users?
Yes, and I don't find it less cluttered than the old version. Remove the separator lines from the old version and it's very clean. The new version has stuff all over the page, more graphic elements and is less functionnal.
I have been trying this for a while and am getting used to it, however I would be interested in seeing more awareness of mobile devices. It does not work that well having the "Dots" to show multiple pages on the iPad
Exiting lightbox after playing a vireo is almost impossible. Nothing works other then clicking
the circled x in the upper right corner. It is hidden to viewers and totally not obvious. Make
it bright red or something that sticks out. Also why not use the word "exit" or best of
all "return to gallery"?
Printing is turned on for all the galleries here but only two of the seven has the very
very very very obnoxious print button showing. Viewing with IE9.
Give us the full width of the gallery description box by moving that obnoxious print button
up into the breadcrumb or gallery title line. Gallery title line probably better because the first
thing I'll do is turn off the breadcrumb.
Align the main photo to the top, looks terrible with it spaced down some. Or put the photo nav back up there.
Put back in the "next" and "prev" for the page nav. Why two clicks to advance the page? Not only after clicking
the circle you have to move mouse up to click next page. This also takes some thought to look to see what is
the next page number. These, although insignificant, little things drive us crazy.
Just happened to think that the page looks terrible with all the pieces of gradient all over
the place. Looks like a bunch of div's placed randomly below the thumbs and main photo.
My suggestion is stick with the engine improvements and leave the look up to us. At least
give us a default black or white theme with none of this on it so we can easiely customize
the page.
"Add a comment to rate photo..."
So to add a comment you have to rate the photo? Sounds like a rating system and not comments.
What if they don't want to rate the photo/gallery but still add a comment? And then you force them
to log in to something? Most of my visitors would have nothing to log in to. If people can't take the
heat then they can turn comments off or require approval. Why penalize all of us?
I am assuming/hoping that the new design will continue to support that. It would be great if heavy customization does not restrict the use of specific features of the new design (a-la-carte model).
I am assuming/hoping that the new design will continue to support that. It would be great if heavy customization does not restrict the use of specific features of the new design (a-la-carte model).
There are many things I like but I won't go into them too much.
My feedback below is based on my usage profile of SmugMug. I am an enthusiast, not a pro. I will not be seeking profit on photos except, perhaps, to cover the cost of a lens rental. If I did, it would become a job and be less fun. What drew me to SmugMug was the quality of the user interface, viewing modes, and bulk digital distribution (downloads) potential. In evaluating the new design I was viewing things in that light.
Areas for improvement:
1. Browsing controls are too modal to the point of verging on unacceptable. In the default view there are no next / previous picture controls. You do get them when you zoom on the picture, however. To go to the next picture in the default view you have to hunt and peck amongst the thumbnails. The user is taking their eyes away from my picture to do this. It did not appear to be a problem in the screen shot in the original forum post.
2. The little page selector circles are a nice improvement. Take them a step further and pop up a preview of the thumbnails on the page (perhaps half-sized, or something) as you hover over each one. Right now it just says "Page 2" in a text box. Who cares?
3. The next / previous thumbnail page controls are just a little bit non-intuitive. Simply inserting "Next" and "Previous" text in addition to the arrows would go a long ways. However, I really think it would be better to simply have buttons to the left and right of the little page selector circles. The reason I say it's non-intuitive is I saw the embedded thumbnail page buttons at first, then promptly forgot about them and started writing up a rant about how there were no next/previous page buttons.
4. Why are you taking away the our ability to let the user choose the viewing style? The default view (thumbnails + single-enlarged), journal view, and slideshow each have their advantages depending on what you're doing. Thumbnail-only view is pretty much obsolete. Most of the time, I want the user to be able to choose the view that they find most convenient. The odds of me arrogantly knowing the correct view in advance and forcing it on them are slim.
5. Journal view is a competitive advantage for Smugmug over, e.g., Flickr, where it has to be done through third-party interfaces. It's one of the main things that drew me here. I encourage you to put effort into making Journal view as good as it can be. It is the best way to view large sized photos at a pace you choose in the least-"mouse clicky" manner. This is particularly true on a mobile device. Slideshow is NOT a replacement, it's complementary.
6. An alternative to an explicit Journal view might be to have a "number of photos" control when you zoom in on a picture from the main view. I don't know.
7. The photo vs gallery comment selection buttons could be more intuitive. I don't have a good idea of what the solution is, though. Not a big deal.
8. Please put graphics AND text in the Download and Info buttons. Graphics-only buttons are an 80s fad.
9. The tag and caption box is a bit messy. Have some separation between the two. Put the Edit control for them on the same size of the box.
10. I really want (the option for) a Download All button. If bandwidth costs are an issue make them reduced size unless extra is paid somehow. Again, a potential for a distinct competitive advantage over Flickr-et-al for photo-sharing users like me.
5. Journal view is a competitive advantage for Smugmug over, e.g., Flickr, where it has to be done through third-party interfaces. It's one of the main things that drew me here. I encourage you to put effort into making Journal view as good as it can be. It is the best way to view large sized photos at a pace you choose in the least-"mouse clicky" manner. This is particularly true on a mobile device. Slideshow is NOT a replacement, it's complementary.
Agreed. A good 'journal' style gallery is quite nice to view -- e.g. Boston's Big Picture blog.
8. Please put graphics AND text in the Download and Info buttons. Graphics-only buttons are an 80s fad.
Speaking as someone who prefers less text so long as the meaning is clear without it... Better yet, please simply make this a site-wide or gallery option. Many programs (like Firefox, Mac's Preview, etc.) let you decide whether to have icons, text, or icons+text. Allowing this level of customization for us would be great.
Hoping SmugMug is still listening to all these suggestions. It's obviously a lot, but I'm still looking forward to seeing what comes out of the new design.
This happens to me too, but only at certain resolutions/windowsizes.
Does the new design allow more than 3 levels of hierarchy, beyond the Category - Sub-category - gallery?
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Just had a first look on the new design and it looks much promising, the speed has improved a lot, amazingly fast.
Now this thread is too long to read so I take the liberty to add my own main wish list.
- More levels than the current 3, very important
- A way to display "Date Time Original" as part of the caption. I am looking for a sort of placeholder like "DD MMM YYYY" to say where in the Caption it should shown and also which format should be used. This seems to be also called "By Date Taken". Also I ask for kind of a template so I don't have to add this to every photo. It must be part of the upload
- I find the Gallery attribute "Hide Owner" extremely valuable and want to see this on any level. That is, if I today could use it on a Category level then the viewer should be able to go down to any sub-category and album but not up to to see other Categories. This way I could fence parts of the albums and create separate "corners". Maybe one for some friends and another for my family and so on
- I want to be able to decide myself if photos in a Smart Gallery should have a link back to the original gallery or not. My idea is to have a larger gallery which holds many photos and then hand them out to smart galleries. But I do not want the viewer to be able to get back to the larger gallery.
- Today we have Gallery Settings. The same should apply to any level. For example, I want to have a Description also for Categories and sub-Categories. For example, this would be the place to decide how many on a row, not two as is hard coded today
- I have many galleries with the same name in different sub-categories, for example "Outside". Today it is sometimes impossible in some areas of SmugMug to specify which album I want since there seems to be the assumption that every Gallery has a unique name. Finding and selecting Galleries must be made much simpler and also have a common touch throughout the system.
- What Camera Info that is displayed in the small box should be decided by me
- I am in favour of people being able to leave comments. I also understand this can be a problem. But somehow there must be a way for me to authorise people so they can leave comments even if they are not SmugMug or Facebook or similar users. Believe me, there are a lot of other people around
- I can move around the thumbnails to the left by point-and-click. I can also move with the left and right arrow keys. But the up down does not work. I would like them also to be available. There are time when I miss this a lot
- Editing the Gallery Title and Description is now on another window. This was much easier when done in place, as is today.
The above is not a criticism, just a wish list. I could easily do a much longer list of things I am very happy about. To me SmugMug is one of the key tools to manage my Photo Archive.Regards, Harald
My focus is on digitizing memories
Do you have to create your own theme now if you have the default selected? That dark gray doesn't really go with my site design and I usually leave it at the "default" theme.
Can we customize the "buy" button to match our site design?
I'd love a third party buy option...better yet, I'd love to be able to add my own products to the menu when they checkout. I think it would be so much easier if I could post my own products to the checkout list and they can pay all at once. Prints will ship directly from the lab and I'll ship my products separate.
See this gallery.
Still in development. We will update post #2 when we h ave more news.
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CSS Block To Flow Down To Children Folders/Pages/Galleries
gallery-download-button-for-my-visitors"]bulk download option for clients[/URL]
But I don't understand why the caption box does not extend wider, both for images in the gallery and especially in the slideshow - it's pretty puny and would be the first customisation I would make.
It's like when mom would say
Kudos to the gurus, really, it's looking great.
We're in the midst of things!
Twitter: @imrphoto
I also do not like the arrow on my other galleries to go to next gallery page...there still needs to be a drop down so you can go to the last page or any page in between with out clicking thru all the pages.......I cannot find anything I do like about this. sorry.
It was a miracle...got my site back to the way I like and want it..........do not know what I did but it is okay now.
I have just enabled the new beta view.
Things I really, really dig:
1. The forward/back thumbs. A+, that's a big deal.
2. Fonts are great. Might customize, but default looks very pro.
3. BUY button is large and very visible. I'm OK with sacrificing design for function in this dept.
4. It all just looks much tighter.
5. LOVE that the mouse pointer changes to (+) when you hover over the preview image.
6. Like the outline around thumb currently being previewed
7. Like how the mouse movement over the thumbs highlights the thumbs (fade)
Things I don't see but would like to see:
1. I think I like the 'jump to page #" controls above the thumbs rather than below.
2. In addition to the BUY button obscurity issue (looks like it's much better now), I've always thought SmugMug could use some interface work when it comes to actually selecting images to buy. Why do my visitors have to see a popup when something like "[size] +1 -1 quant:[ ]" controls/labels could be placed directly over the preview image? This is somewhat how people are used to purchasing images at a kiosk. A flyout (like the previous resize javascript div) could have several popular sizes to +1 to quickly add to the cart.
3. Slideshow is still Flash
4. When a user clicks on the preview image (+), I would really, really like next/prev arrows either directly on the image or to the left and right of the image, NOT AT THE TOP. I would actually prefer to see it as I have it on my portfolio site where hovering to the left side of the image gives you a < and to the right gives you > (both are links to the prev/next images)
/// www.affinityseattle.com /// <-yes, you want to check that out.
I agree, but would like to see the outline transition cleaned up if possible. Right now it starts square and goes to a rounded corner, and you can actually see this transition if you watch your mouse.
Agree with this as well. <img src="https://us.v-cdn.net/6029383/emoji/thumb.gif" border="0" alt="" >
Overall, it just seems larger to me than I'd like, but I'm sure that's something that can be modified with customization later. In particular, the buy button is very large, and very obtrusive. I can certainly see the appeal for drawing people to purchase your photos, but I do think it could be more cohesively done - a large button that's grayscale fits into the page overall, but is still noticeable enough to recognize. Similarly, there's a lot of space taken up with the breadcrumb, title, slideshow field, caption/keywords box, share bar, comments box... but again, I'm anticipating most of this will be modifiable via CSS, so I'm looking forward to tweaking. Couple of curiosity points:
Will we be able to collapse the comment field as we had before? And does the download link in the below-photo bar only show because I'm logged in as the owner?
In essence, my previous design was geared towards not ever making people need to scroll; the captions and keywords boxes are minimal and clean, the comments option is a button on the left, etc. This prevents the scroll bar from ever showing up unless you wanted to actively post a comment. The pictures are big and beautiful, and there's virtually nothing else to distract on the page. By making the comments field expanded by default and the keywords/caption so large, there's always a scroll bar and always extra noise under the photo. If this cleanliness can be replicated in CSS after the fact, I have no qualms.
I would agree that the arrows forward and back when in lightbox mode should move to the sides in line with the photo - it's a bit unintuitive to have to look to the top to find a pair of arrows in the middle of the screen. I suppose it does remove the need to dynamically redraw or reposition them based on image size, though, I suppose.
One last thing: I noticed you mentioned this earlier in the thread, but I would be interested in more numerous login options. Many of my colleagues and friends are not on or leaving Facebook, so other services (Google, Twitter, heck, OpenAuth
Looking forward to seeing what's coming up and checking out the customization thread. That one I *will* be reading front to back.
Digital Lizard Photography
I love the new look and feel. It improves upon the old design in every possible way. For me, the simplified and uncluttered look and feel is a welcome change as is the more prominent 'buy' button. I think you have done a fantastic job. Well done! As with others, I can't wait to roll this out!
Now, the tough question, when can we expect a revision of the shopping cart, which is, by today's standards, very outdated and needlessly complex and way too cumbersome for most users?
Yes, and I don't find it less cluttered than the old version. Remove the separator lines from the old version and it's very clean. The new version has stuff all over the page, more graphic elements and is less functionnal.
Pictures | Website | Blog | Twitter | Contact
the circled x in the upper right corner. It is hidden to viewers and totally not obvious. Make
it bright red or something that sticks out. Also why not use the word "exit" or best of
all "return to gallery"?
My Website index | My Blog
very very very obnoxious print button showing. Viewing with IE9.
Give us the full width of the gallery description box by moving that obnoxious print button
up into the breadcrumb or gallery title line. Gallery title line probably better because the first
thing I'll do is turn off the breadcrumb.
My Website index | My Blog
Put back in the "next" and "prev" for the page nav. Why two clicks to advance the page? Not only after clicking
the circle you have to move mouse up to click next page. This also takes some thought to look to see what is
the next page number. These, although insignificant, little things drive us crazy.
My Website index | My Blog
the place. Looks like a bunch of div's placed randomly below the thumbs and main photo.
My suggestion is stick with the engine improvements and leave the look up to us. At least
give us a default black or white theme with none of this on it so we can easiely customize
the page.
"Add a comment to rate photo..."
So to add a comment you have to rate the photo? Sounds like a rating system and not comments.
What if they don't want to rate the photo/gallery but still add a comment? And then you force them
to log in to something? Most of my visitors would have nothing to log in to. If people can't take the
heat then they can turn comments off or require approval. Why penalize all of us?
My Website index | My Blog
I have done quite a bit of customization on my site that make heavy use of Album Description.
Some examples:
I am assuming/hoping that the new design will continue to support that. It would be great if heavy customization does not restrict the use of specific features of the new design (a-la-carte model).
My Website index | My Blog
My feedback below is based on my usage profile of SmugMug. I am an enthusiast, not a pro. I will not be seeking profit on photos except, perhaps, to cover the cost of a lens rental. If I did, it would become a job and be less fun. What drew me to SmugMug was the quality of the user interface, viewing modes, and bulk digital distribution (downloads) potential. In evaluating the new design I was viewing things in that light.
Areas for improvement:
1. Browsing controls are too modal to the point of verging on unacceptable. In the default view there are no next / previous picture controls. You do get them when you zoom on the picture, however. To go to the next picture in the default view you have to hunt and peck amongst the thumbnails. The user is taking their eyes away from my picture to do this. It did not appear to be a problem in the screen shot in the original forum post.
2. The little page selector circles are a nice improvement. Take them a step further and pop up a preview of the thumbnails on the page (perhaps half-sized, or something) as you hover over each one. Right now it just says "Page 2" in a text box. Who cares?
3. The next / previous thumbnail page controls are just a little bit non-intuitive. Simply inserting "Next" and "Previous" text in addition to the arrows would go a long ways. However, I really think it would be better to simply have buttons to the left and right of the little page selector circles. The reason I say it's non-intuitive is I saw the embedded thumbnail page buttons at first, then promptly forgot about them and started writing up a rant about how there were no next/previous page buttons.
4. Why are you taking away the our ability to let the user choose the viewing style? The default view (thumbnails + single-enlarged), journal view, and slideshow each have their advantages depending on what you're doing. Thumbnail-only view is pretty much obsolete. Most of the time, I want the user to be able to choose the view that they find most convenient. The odds of me arrogantly knowing the correct view in advance and forcing it on them are slim.
5. Journal view is a competitive advantage for Smugmug over, e.g., Flickr, where it has to be done through third-party interfaces. It's one of the main things that drew me here. I encourage you to put effort into making Journal view as good as it can be. It is the best way to view large sized photos at a pace you choose in the least-"mouse clicky" manner. This is particularly true on a mobile device. Slideshow is NOT a replacement, it's complementary.
6. An alternative to an explicit Journal view might be to have a "number of photos" control when you zoom in on a picture from the main view. I don't know.
7. The photo vs gallery comment selection buttons could be more intuitive. I don't have a good idea of what the solution is, though. Not a big deal.
8. Please put graphics AND text in the Download and Info buttons. Graphics-only buttons are an 80s fad.
9. The tag and caption box is a bit messy. Have some separation between the two. Put the Edit control for them on the same size of the box.
10. I really want (the option for) a Download All button. If bandwidth costs are an issue make them reduced size unless extra is paid somehow. Again, a potential for a distinct competitive advantage over Flickr-et-al for photo-sharing users like me.
Agreed. A good 'journal' style gallery is quite nice to view -- e.g. Boston's Big Picture blog.
Speaking as someone who prefers less text so long as the meaning is clear without it... Better yet, please simply make this a site-wide or gallery option. Many programs (like Firefox, Mac's Preview, etc.) let you decide whether to have icons, text, or icons+text. Allowing this level of customization for us would be great.
Hoping SmugMug is still listening to all these suggestions. It's obviously a lot, but I'm still looking forward to seeing what comes out of the new design.