Get a Sneak Peek at SmugMug's new design!



  • W.W. WebsterW.W. Webster Registered Users Posts: 3,204 Major grins
    edited July 30, 2013
    When I display an image in the lightbox, the caption in the bottom left hand corner of the screen shows one and a half lines(!) only, and the viewer must click the arrow to see the rest - which is very disruptive when scanning through a gallery. In SmugMug view, s/he sees all the caption. I presume this is a bug?
  • TalkieTTalkieT Registered Users Posts: 491 Major grins
    edited July 30, 2013
    zacHer0 wrote: »
    Neil, great questions. I can't answer them all right now since we are so busy, sorry! Please feel free to email us at the help desk and we will spend some one on one time with you answering those (if we can). Remember, new SmugMug is new to us too :). Feel free to migrate over to the new SmugMug and play around with it in the sandbox mode.

    Since the site still allows for CSS and customizing, I don't see why there would be a problem any of these points but I can't be sure of that right now. The one thing we are doing now is all sites will have SmugMug as part of the footer.
    zacHer0 wrote: »
    Javascript will no longer be supported
    PayPal integration will be fine since it is html

    You can still use HTML and CSS on the new SmugMug.

    No, you've just utterly broken Paypal... You've also broken almost all of the customisations I mentioned above in my larger post.


    I put literally hundreds of hours into my customisation because Smugmug was the only place that allowed that level and in a stroke, it's all gone and I now have to deal with your sub-par international currency support and lose paypal for self fulfilment.

    It looks better for most people, yep, I'll give you that. You just screwed your most enthusiastic customers.

    Cheers - N
    -- (
  • WinsomeWorksWinsomeWorks Registered Users Posts: 1,935 Major grins
    edited July 30, 2013
    zacHer0 wrote: »
    Javascript will no longer be supported
    PayPal integration will be fine since it is html

    You can still use HTML and CSS on the new SmugMug.

    I just learned this in another thread... can you please confirm?? (If the following #1 is true, then that completely contradicts at least one of the answers I got here earlier!) This is why I'm going to have to wait, because I'm not hearing 100% agreement about what exactly happens once you click "Preview"!! Good grief, this stuff is so important, and it's getting tossed around like it's nothing. Imagine what hundreds of people are going to feel like if they've had sites here for years and they nonchalantly hit "Preview" as is being suggested, & then this happens: (I knew about #2, but #1 ???)
    JL Photo wrote: »
    After you click migrate;

    1.) you will no longer be able to access your customizations on your old Smugmug site.

    2.) when you upload images for your old site you may have to find them in a preview folder and then move them to the correct gallery.
    Anna Lisa Yoder's Images - ... Handmade Photo Notecards: ... Framed/Matted work: ... Scribbles:
    DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
  • mbonocorembonocore Registered Users Posts: 2,299 Major grins
    edited July 30, 2013
    Allen wrote: »
    I have nine years of customization now and have to start from catch all over again.
    Absolutely nothing from my customizations was migrated over. :pissed

    Sorry Allen. All I can tell you is that I have built over 20 incredibly beautiful custom websites in the last 2 my free time, which I barely had any of. Full, beautiful, unique websites. And I only had used html and css a tad in one of those sites. I understand you like your customization, but just looking at your site, I do not see anything that can't be easily recreated with the New SmugMug.

    Reminder, you have many months to live with your current SmugMug.
  • zacHer0zacHer0 Registered Users Posts: 655 Major grins
    edited July 30, 2013
    TalkieT wrote: »
    No, you've just utterly broken Paypal... You've also broken almost all of the customisations I mentioned above in my larger post.


    I put literally hundreds of hours into my customisation because Smugmug was the only place that allowed that level and in a stroke, it's all gone and I now have to deal with your sub-par international currency support and lose paypal for self fulfilment.

    It looks better for most people, yep, I'll give you that. You just screwed your most enthusiastic customers.

    Cheers - N

    Neil, please email us directly :). Html is still allowed on new SmugMug so PayPal integration shouldn't be a problem. deal.gif

    What content migrates? Your photo and video files as well as all the data associated with each: stuff like captions, keywords, geotagging, etc. If you’re a Portfolio or Business account holder, your pricing, marketing tools and pro sales will work normally during migration as well as when you’re in the new SmugMug. (No profits left behind!)

    What won’t migrate? Unfortunately, advanced customizations made in the old system aren’t compatible with the new system. This was a very hard decision because we know many of you put a lot of blood, sweat and tears into customizing your sites. However, it’s so much easier to customize your site and the designs are so much more compelling, we hope you’ll forgive us.
    Zac Williams
    Support Hero
  • mbonocorembonocore Registered Users Posts: 2,299 Major grins
    edited July 30, 2013
    shniks wrote: »
    Hi Allen,

    On the blog for the announcement, they mention that advanced customization will not get migrated over. It's really annoying given that we are not allowed to migrate our customizations over. They do say that one can use CSS and HTML5, but I want to know how we can do that to make our site look as our legacy one. I completely understood SM's pricing increase, but fail to understand how they can, in one blow, just decide to destroy all our hard work on our sites. I mentioned somewhere else, that my business cards etc. are based off my site colors, logo and design. It's really frustrating and no one from SM is answering our customization questions. Everyone just keeps saying, the new site is better. For me it's not - as I want to keep my site the way it is. Frustrating to say the least.


    Please list out every part of your original site that you cannot recreate in the new SmugMug, and I will be more than happy to provide answers as to how I think you can accomplish this.

    Again, you are not being forced to migrate today. Or tomorrow. Or September, etc. You have many months to play around with the new SmugMug. You will be given plenty of notice before we make any customizations that may affect your next site.


  • zacHer0zacHer0 Registered Users Posts: 655 Major grins
    edited July 30, 2013
    I just learned this in another thread... can you please confirm?? (If the following #1 is true, then that completely contradicts at least one of the answers I got here earlier!) This is why I'm going to have to wait, because I'm not hearing 100% agreement about what exactly happens once you click "Preview"!! Good grief, this stuff is so important, and it's getting tossed around like it's nothing. Imagine what hundreds of people are going to feel like if they've had sites here for years and they nonchalantly hit "Preview" as is being suggested, & then this happens: (I knew about #2, but #1 ???)

    See my post in that thread. You can still get to the advanced customization on your legacy site. Same as always.
    Zac Williams
    Support Hero
  • ParisParis Registered Users Posts: 126 Major grins
    edited July 30, 2013
    So how long does this 'Rounding Up Your Stuff' migration take?
    It says minutes and so far I have been waiting for 30 minutes and this is the second try.

    I really want to give this a try BUT it just ain't working.
  • TalkieTTalkieT Registered Users Posts: 491 Major grins
    edited July 30, 2013
    zacHer0 wrote: »
    Neil, please email us directly :). Html is still allowed on new SmugMug so PayPal integration shouldn't be a problem.

    I am writing an email right now, but this bit in my bottom javascript really concerns me...
    function setPaypalForm(form) {
    urlToImage = webServer + "/gallery/" + AlbumID + "_" + AlbumKey + "/1/" + ImageID + "_" + ImageKey + " " + photoInfo[ImageID] ;
    form.item_name.value = urlToImage;

    Cheers - N
    -- (
  • mbonocorembonocore Registered Users Posts: 2,299 Major grins
    edited July 30, 2013
    mbellot wrote: »
    I would like this answered as well.

    I really don't like that new galleries get forced into a "Smug Preview" folder.

    This essentially means that I can't use my SM site for anything new until I'm prepared to fully migrate.

    I don't have time to replicate six years worth of customizations right now, and don't really look forward to another SM gun pointed to my head the way the new Pricelists went down.

    I'm starting to regret renewing in May. Had I known the "new" Smugmug was going to be this disruptive I would have jumped ship when I had time to re-do everything someplace else.

    Thanks SM. rolleyes1.gif

    If you create the folder or gallery in the New SmugMug, they will show in the Smug Preview folder, since they were created in the new software. You can still create categories and galleries on the old SmugMug and not be affected.

  • mbonocorembonocore Registered Users Posts: 2,299 Major grins
    edited July 30, 2013
    Paris wrote: »
    I tried the Migrate feature but the green bar just kept going and going with no migration.
    Then read that if my site is customized migration doesn't work.
    So what now?

    Hi Richard,

    Did your migration go through? Sorry for the delay, we are doing our best to keep up with the posts! Thank you for your understanding.

  • mbonocorembonocore Registered Users Posts: 2,299 Major grins
    edited July 30, 2013
    I'm completely with you & am extremely frustrated at this as well!!! I like the new look & think it will be huge in both the short & long term. It's taken me 4 years to get my site the way it is now & I created a Wordpress blog from scratch that mirrors my site exactly; it's virtually seamless! The changes are great but the possibility of potentially having to redo everything is a pain in the ass!


    You will have many months to still use your old SmugMug site, until you match your new site to your liking.

  • ParisParis Registered Users Posts: 126 Major grins
    edited July 30, 2013
    mbonocore wrote: »
    Hi Richard,

    Did your migration go through? Sorry for the delay, we are doing our best to keep up with the posts! Thank you for your understanding.

    Thanks Michael i realize you must be hectic.

    No... I waited forty-five minutes this time and the green slider just kept going. Reminds me of the old spinning ball from years past.
  • CraigKCraigK Registered Users Posts: 43 Big grins
    edited July 30, 2013
    When it says: "We've started you off with dozens of elegant themes" that means 24, am I correct?
    "Work hard, rock hard, eat hard, sleep hard, grow big, wear glasses if you need 'em!"
  • eddiefeddief Registered Users Posts: 60 Big grins
    edited July 30, 2013
    MIgration taking too long
    Still waiting on the Migration page 'Rounding up your stuff'. I've been waiting for 20 minutes. The green thingy keeps going left and right. :(

    Also, I hope we still get to add HTML to the home page!
  • GargaGarga Registered Users Posts: 67 Big grins
    edited July 30, 2013
    mbonocore wrote: »
    Hi Richard,

    Did your migration go through? Sorry for the delay, we are doing our best to keep up with the posts! Thank you for your understanding.


    I closed my "Rounding up your stuff" page down after awhile.. should I try again? or just wait for the email saying it's done?
  • mbonocorembonocore Registered Users Posts: 2,299 Major grins
    edited July 30, 2013
    Paris wrote: »
    Thanks Michael i realize you must be hectic.

    No... I waited forty-five minutes this time and the green slider just kept going. Reminds me of the old spinning ball from years past.

    Hi Richard,

    I am so sorry! We are having ALOT of customers migrate at the moment. You can actually safely "refresh" the page. Can you please try this and let me know if this works?

  • SventekozSventekoz Registered Users Posts: 500 Major grins
    edited July 30, 2013
    mbonocore wrote: »
    Hi Richard,

    I am so sorry! We are having ALOT of customers migrate at the moment. You can actually safely "refresh" the page. Can you please try this and let me know if this works?


    I just tried that (I've been waiting over 3 hours), and it took me back to the Preview button. I clicked that, and I'm back to Rounding Up Your Stuff.
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited July 30, 2013
    mbonocore wrote: »
    Sorry Allen. All I can tell you is that I have built over 20 incredibly beautiful custom websites in the last 2 my free time, which I barely had any of. Full, beautiful, unique websites. And I only had used html and css a tad in one of those sites. I understand you like your customization, but just looking at your site, I do not see anything that can't be easily recreated with the New SmugMug.

    Reminder, you have many months to live with your current SmugMug.
    I've completely lost my navigation around my site in 420 sub-cats. I couldn't give a ### how pretty
    the site is when I've lost all practical navigation content.

    How to add something like nav's that apply site wide?
    How to add a two line nav?
    How to specify only a category page, 1st level folder I guess in CSS.
    How to apply to a whole category and subs in CSS.
    How to specify only a sub-category page, 2st level folder I guess in CSS. I have 420 of these and
    each years set gets a different nav/html block on them.

    I was trying to move my menu above the breadcrumb and the breadcrumb disappeared. I clicked
    the edit in the menu on the right but nothing happened. I tried deleting, now I have no choice to
    add it back.
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • jxnpxjxnpx Registered Users Posts: 4 Beginner grinner
    edited July 30, 2013
    Sventekoz wrote: »
    I just tried that (I've been waiting over 3 hours), and it took me back to the Preview button. I clicked that, and I'm back to Rounding Up Your Stuff.

    Me too. Over 3 hours with same result. Should be no surprise, I suppose, but some indication of progress or a "we're under heavy load - try again tomorrow" message?
  • WinsomeWorksWinsomeWorks Registered Users Posts: 1,935 Major grins
    edited July 30, 2013
    Allen wrote: »
    I've completely lost my navigation around my site in 420 sub-cats. I couldn't give a ### how pretty
    the site is when I've lost all practical navigation content.

    How to add something like nav's that apply site wide?
    How to add a two line nav?
    How to specify only a category page, 1st level folder I guess in CSS.
    How to apply to a whole category and subs in CSS.
    How to specify only a sub-category page, 2st level folder I guess in CSS. I have 420 of these and
    each years set gets a different nav/html block on them.

    I was trying to move my menu above the breadcrumb and the breadcrumb disappeared. I clicked
    the edit in the menu on the right but nothing happened. I tried deleting, now I have no choice to
    add it back.

    Good grief. Why can't this navigation simply be preserved without having to do it all again. This is what I'm sick about too... I have hundreds & hundreds, sub-cats, galleries... aaaargh. And I assume you can't just switch back & forth constantly to even see how you had it in the first place. I honestly thought that at least THAT much would be preserved.
    Anna Lisa Yoder's Images - ... Handmade Photo Notecards: ... Framed/Matted work: ... Scribbles:
    DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
  • ButlerkidButlerkid Registered Users Posts: 260 Major grins
    edited July 30, 2013
    Losing the navbar is a big deal for me also!!!!!!!!!! And for visitors to my site!

    Since there are so many users frustrated right now by the system taking 2 or more hours to gather up their data, I haven't even tried to get to the preview step!

    But tell me, how is navigation handled in the new scheme of things?

    And I have been unable to determine if a full screen, stretchy slide show is available on the Home page. Yes, I understand I can add a section and insert a slide show, but it is then very small....certainly NOT full screen.
  • shanemeyersshanemeyers Registered Users, Administrators, Vanilla Admin Posts: 7 moderator
    edited July 30, 2013
    jxnpx wrote: »
    Me too. Over 3 hours with same result. Should be no surprise, I suppose, but some indication of progress or a "we're under heavy load - try again tomorrow" message?

    Once your site is migrated, you should receive an email. No need to leave your browser window open while you wait.
    Shane Meyers
    Operations Engineer at SmugMug
  • travischancetravischance Registered Users Posts: 642 Major grins
    edited July 30, 2013
    zacHer0 wrote: »
    When you migrate over your old customization will no longer be on the new SmugMug. Try the new SmugMug :). You won't have to mess around with code anymore (unless you want to). Watch the tutorial videos, check out the help pages, and jump in. Check out this post by Andy. Took about 15 minutes to change his old SmugMug site to the New SmugMug site and customize it from scratch to look like his old one.

    Maybe we're missing the point. Over a 4-year period, I spent timeless nights tweaking my site to what it is today; my vision from day 1. I then endured another year of Wordpress to create a blog that mirrors my site seamlessly (as have many many others). Now with the new designs/layouts, this has to be done all over again. Yes, you've removed the complexity of having to learn this, but you've also taken away what each of us has created. Great job on the new layout & themes; they look great! However, these changes have backed many of us into corners because it doesn't appear that we can take advantage of the image layout but retain our current design.

    Am I missing something?!?!?
    Travis M. Chance
    twin Mark IV's & a bunch of "L" glass
  • jxnpxjxnpx Registered Users Posts: 4 Beginner grinner
    edited July 30, 2013
    Once your site is migrated, you should receive an email. No need to leave your browser window open while you wait.

    Seems something is majorly awry. Been over 5 hours and nothing.
  • WinsomeWorksWinsomeWorks Registered Users Posts: 1,935 Major grins
    edited July 30, 2013
    Butlerkid wrote: »
    Losing the navbar is a big deal for me also!!!!!!!!!! And for visitors to my site!

    Since there are so many users frustrated right now by the system taking 2 or more hours to gather up their data, I haven't even tried to get to the preview step!

    But tell me, how is navigation handled in the new scheme of things?

    And I have been unable to determine if a full screen, stretchy slide show is available on the Home page. Yes, I understand I can add a section and insert a slide show, but it is then very small....certainly NOT full screen.
    Are there simply no navbars, or what? I don't even get that.... No, it doesn't sound like there's any full-screen show on the homepage, at least not now. I hope something will be available in the future but it's hard to believe they'd have left that out when it's something a huge percentage of people had in the past. I just worked on mine this past week. I don't want it to be gone.
    Anna Lisa Yoder's Images - ... Handmade Photo Notecards: ... Framed/Matted work: ... Scribbles:
    DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited July 30, 2013
    Butlerkid wrote: »
    Losing the navbar is a big deal for me also!!!!!!!!!! And for visitors to my site!

    Since there are so many users frustrated right now by the system taking 2 or more hours to gather up their data, I haven't even tried to get to the preview step!

    But tell me, how is navigation handled in the new scheme of things?

    And I have been unable to determine if a full screen, stretchy slide show is available on the Home page. Yes, I understand I can add a section and insert a slide show, but it is then very small....certainly NOT full screen.
    Just wait for your migration, then try it. You can do ANY navigation you like. Lots of options, easy to do.
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited July 30, 2013
    Are there simply no navbars, or what? I don't even get that.... No, it doesn't sound like there's any full-screen show on the homepage, at least not now. I hope something will be available in the future but it's hard to believe they'd have left that out when it's something a huge percentage of people had in the past. I just worked on mine this past week. I don't want it to be gone.

    Just TRY IT Anna Lisa. Yeesh :D TONS of nav options. Don't worry about stupid things like websites, SM has done that worrying for you.
  • OjaOja Registered Users Posts: 76 Big grins
    edited July 31, 2013
    Missing features
    Love the new designs and the customization options. I have a lot of custom scripts on my site that are unfortunately lost but I have to figure out. Full screen slideshow one the main page is one of those. I also have images that disappeared from random galleries after the upgrade (ticket is in already and folks are looking into it). There are a few more things that I dearly miss now the main one is the lack of indication whether images are originals or virtual copies. There is no longer a link to show virtual copies of images put in a gallery with collect or by smart gallery options in their original gallery. This is an unfortunate oversight. It is not just nice to be able to direct site users to more images from the same category, but also for my own organization purposes so that I know where the originals are. Also, you cannot see this in "organize" either.
  • TalkieTTalkieT Registered Users Posts: 491 Major grins
    edited July 31, 2013
    mbonocore wrote: »
    [snip] I do not see anything that can't be easily recreated with the New SmugMug.

    Reminder, you have many months to live with your current SmugMug.

    Please have a look at my site and tell me if you think the same...

    Personally I think I'm going to lose at least one critical piece of core functionality and many of my graphical customisations...

    Please review my post here -

    I know it won't change, but please don't just direct me to the helpdesk, you owe the people that have been customers for years (I've been here since 2005) some level of honesty.

    If the answer is "Due to changes in the back end system, and to reduce support issues we are going to make all javascript customisations impossible, thereby utterly breaking site functionality for a small number of long time customers - and give them no built in functionality to do the same things" then just say it.

    I expect it, I am already pretty sure that's true - but I want to hear you say it so I can stop hoping.

    Cheers - N
    -- (
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