Thank you, THANK YOU!!
Thank you sooooo much, Andy, for doing this.
Another question: since I have Thumbs enabled in the gallery that feeds into the Daily's community, I'm wondering if the person can go there to Thumb it down and still throw it out of the Daily views?
Another question: since I have Thumbs enabled in the gallery that feeds into the Daily's community, I'm wondering if the person can go there to Thumb it down and still throw it out of the Daily views?
Super easy to see and try for yourself (the very best way to learn!) .. just go to your gallery logged out as a visitor.
The answer is YES. You can set the thumbs to be off if you like in gallery settings (see my posts above!).
You have that gallery specifically set to Appearance = SmugMug - this ignores any and all customizations. Please change that in gallery settings to "Custom" and you will be all set.
Please share me a link. I cannot help without a direct link to a photo that shows the thumbs in the community gallery. If it's a personal gallery that is UP TO the gallery owner to show or not show the thumbs.
You have that gallery specifically set to Appearance = SmugMug - this ignores any and all customizations. Please change that in gallery settings to "Custom" and you will be all set.
It works - WOW!!!
Thank you, so, so much!!!
Can we please repeat the steps here for all the others to know what to do?
I'm not sure about what RuSu says regarding IE, cause I'm on Mac...
2. Go to your home page and from the top menu choose: Tools: Easy Customizer, and on that page click on the right side on "Advanced Site-wide Customization".
2a. Once there go to the bottom where you read: Bottom JavaScript (optional & advanced)
2b. in the box insert this: displaySmugPopular = false;
2c. click Update
3. Go back to your daily gallery and from the settings page, at the bottom, Under Community - choose Appearance -> Community.
I figured it out. Yes, if you're in the Daily Community, no thumbs appear. I had mistakenly gone to SM's general 'browse popular photos' where, of course, thumbs appear as you did the master change only for the community. So, if some one wants to continue his/her nasty ways, all they need do is browse the day's popular photos where most of the community members' photos do appear.
I think the temporary fix is good, but the bottom line is that until SM deals with the core thumbs issue, it's far from perfect.
At the end I'd like to express my big gratitude to John (johnloguk) who put such a tremendous effort for all this to be resolved!
Thanks to him, our Daily community is back to a normal friendly community of passionate photographers whose only scope is to honestly share their creations with others, in a friendly way, without targeting unmerited honors.
Thanks to him, we can now again benefit from each others work, learning and progressing into this beautiful art form.
Thank you, thank you John and also thank you Andy for your understanding and help. clap
Your fix has been hacked, Andy...
Well, it was a good try, Andy - worked for about 24 hrs. But, as of this writing (4:15PM EST), the #1 photo has 19 comments. #2 - 29; #3-25; #4-26.
Nothing's perfect in this world, but until the thumbs are totally removed from SM, you're going to hear nothing but complaints. Has nothing to do with my shot being #2 - I'll take 2nd any day, but your system stinks. I've been with SM 3 yrs. &, like many others, am getting pretty fed up...
Well, it was a good try, Andy - worked for about 24 hrs. But, as of this writing (4:15PM EST), the #1 photo has 19 comments. #2 - 29; #3-25; #4-26.
Nothing's perfect in this world, but until the thumbs are totally removed from SM, you're going to hear nothing but complaints. Has nothing to do with my shot being #2 - I'll take 2nd any day, but your system stinks. I've been with SM 3 yrs. &, like many others, am getting pretty fed up...
Sorry to have to write this.
Sorry, nothing's been "hacked". I'm doing everything I can do right now to help and assist you and everyone in this community, and be responsive to your requests. I'm sorry you are upset. Why would you even say it's been "hacked?" We've laid out the plans with the new gallery style, I hope you can wait for that. Thanks!
You are correct. Hacked isn't the right word. Should have said the thumbs are still being abused & that until they're no longer an option site-wide, they will continue to be abused - the ugly side of human nature.
The new gallery style's been a long time in the offing.
Sorry, nothing's been "hacked". I'm doing everything I can do right now to help and assist you and everyone in this community, and be responsive to your requests. I'm sorry you are upset. Why would you even say it's been "hacked?" We've laid out the plans with the new gallery style, I hope you can wait for that. Thanks!
You are correct. Hacked isn't the right word. Should have said the thumbs are still being abused & that until they're no longer an option site-wide, they will continue to be abused - the ugly side of human nature.
The new gallery style's been a long time in the offing.
I see why you don't like the thumbs, but those of us that don't participate in smugmug communities don't necessarily share your view. I know that thumbs are gone in the new gallery style. Only time will tell how the new system works. But for me, thumbs work ok. I sure hope comments aren't needed for determining popularity... Especially if Facebook is required to leave comments. Thumbs give me just a tiny bit of control. And they are an easy way for visitors to say "i like this" anonymously. I'd hate for that kind of ability to be taken away. My site is my site... It's not a competition or a community. My photos are only "ranked" against my photos. Smugmug needs to decide how to deal with people like me and people that use smugmug more like flikr... Where their guests are more broad. My guests wouldn't understand why search results offers pictures I didn't take.
I just tried to give Thumbs Up to John's Picture today and on the side bar instead of one green and one red it had too red thumbs down, tried again, same thing, tried to take a screen shot and it changed green and red...what the HECK is going on?
Happens all the Andy said, it's a glitch. Probably javascript or whatever programming is involved. Click a different picture, then come back, and the problem is usually solved.
A simple solution to the Thumbs problem is as follows: Only availability to use the thumbs is when you are logged in. The rule to day is that once logged in you can only use the thumb one time for each picture.
Not sure what the new setup is going to offer, but this problem doesn't exist on sites like G+ or 500px as examples. 500px you have an option to "like" only once and only if you are logged in and the same goes for G+ where you can +1 something only once and only when logged in ~ can't see why smug can't do the same?? Many folks don't like to write comments or have time and a it's great to have a "hey I like this" system that is easy. (and maybe like G+ show how many "likes" a shot has) I really never felt the thumbs down was helpful or don't like it, you don't do anything...just my two cents worth....
Despite all the work people have put in, both in contributing to this discussion, and Andy changing things at Smug, there is still something very odd going on with the rankings. How can a pic with 4 comments be ranked above one with 9 for instance? Is there a simple way to explain the ranking algorithm, I know it isn't just on comments, stars or thumbs?
Someone is still manipulating the gallery somehow. Either there is a ranking/popularity system that works and is fair, or there isn't.
This isn't about people desperate to be number 1, although some clearly exist, it is about transparency and fairness
Now this is really interesting. Since I added my last post complaining that someone was manipulating the rankings today, my photo has suffered hugely! So I deduce from that the scumbag manipulator is reading this thread
OK moron, if you're out there, stop playing little children and hiding behind anonymity, what exactly is your game, is your life so sad and empty that you take pleasure in manipulating the rankings on a tiny little photographic community?
I've got a bit of spare time myself today, let's have a little chat
Thank you sooooo much, Andy, for doing this.
Another question: since I have Thumbs enabled in the gallery that feeds into the Daily's community, I'm wondering if the person can go there to Thumb it down and still throw it out of the Daily views?
Here is the link of my today photo in the dailies gallery:!i=1823056138&k=BvKBgJk
- no thumbs.
And here is the link to the same photo in my gallery linked to the dailies:!i=1823056138&k=BvKBgJk
- it shows both thumbs
*** If I turn the ranking off for this gallery, the photo disappears from the dailies gallery
I hope there will be a solution for this...
Thanks, ...... Facebook
Super easy to see and try for yourself (the very best way to learn!) .. just go to your gallery logged out as a visitor.
The answer is YES. You can set the thumbs to be off if you like in gallery settings (see my posts above!).
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There is and I have already posted it above. Read the help page I linked, and you can add this to your bottom javascript box:
displaySmugPopular = false;
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You mean like this?
I did it and it doesn't work - the same situation: thumbs on:!i=1823056138&k=BvKBgJk
Please help.
Thanks, ...... Facebook
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It works - WOW!!!
Thank you, so, so much!!!
Can we please repeat the steps here for all the others to know what to do?
I'm not sure about what RuSu says regarding IE, cause I'm on Mac... ...... Facebook
Doesn't matter about browser.
I've said it numerous times
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IE8, no thumbs.
It works.
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I will recap here the steps, if you don't mind, so everybody will know how to do this:
1. Go to this page:
- scroll down to: "What? You don't want thumbs?" and read what to do.
2. Go to your home page and from the top menu choose: Tools: Easy Customizer, and on that page click on the right side on "Advanced Site-wide Customization".
2a. Once there go to the bottom where you read: Bottom JavaScript (optional & advanced)
2b. in the box insert this: displaySmugPopular = false;
2c. click Update
3. Go back to your daily gallery and from the settings page, at the bottom, Under Community - choose Appearance -> Community.
It works!!! ...... Facebook
Andy you sent me directions on how to turn off photo rank when I explained that I still have thumbs on my daily gallery.
I tried turning off photo rank and my friends emailed and said they couldn't see my pictures.
There are actually several of us in this same boat.
We need to all be on the same playing field.
Using the same method Smug turned off the thumbs yesterday, I would like mine to be turned off today just like everyone else's.
People did not go in individually and remove their thumbs yesterday, it was done automatically.
Hi. Please show me a gallery link
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Here's the link.!i=1822162686&k=FhB5LBL
Billie you have not put the code into your customizing page. Please follow the instructions here and put the code here:
Also you have that gallery set to Appearance = SmugMug you must change that to Custom.
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Got it, followed Tatiana's instructions. I still don't understand why the majority of people did not have to do this.
But it's done now.
Maybe most of them had the settings in the gallery to "Community" ...... Facebook
I think the temporary fix is good, but the bottom line is that until SM deals with the core thumbs issue, it's far from perfect.
Anyway, thanks for your help.
Is there any way to keep one's community (Daily) gallery set to community style, yet still retain one's logo/identity heading?
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Thanks to him, our Daily community is back to a normal friendly community of passionate photographers whose only scope is to honestly share their creations with others, in a friendly way, without targeting unmerited honors.
Thanks to him, we can now again benefit from each others work, learning and progressing into this beautiful art form.
Thank you, thank you John and also thank you Andy for your understanding and help. ...... Facebook
Well, it was a good try, Andy - worked for about 24 hrs. But, as of this writing (4:15PM EST), the #1 photo has 19 comments. #2 - 29; #3-25; #4-26.
Nothing's perfect in this world, but until the thumbs are totally removed from SM, you're going to hear nothing but complaints. Has nothing to do with my shot being #2 - I'll take 2nd any day, but your system stinks. I've been with SM 3 yrs. &, like many others, am getting pretty fed up...
Sorry to have to write this.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
The new gallery style's been a long time in the offing.
I see why you don't like the thumbs, but those of us that don't participate in smugmug communities don't necessarily share your view. I know that thumbs are gone in the new gallery style. Only time will tell how the new system works. But for me, thumbs work ok. I sure hope comments aren't needed for determining popularity... Especially if Facebook is required to leave comments. Thumbs give me just a tiny bit of control. And they are an easy way for visitors to say "i like this" anonymously. I'd hate for that kind of ability to be taken away. My site is my site... It's not a competition or a community. My photos are only "ranked" against my photos. Smugmug needs to decide how to deal with people like me and people that use smugmug more like flikr... Where their guests are more broad. My guests wouldn't understand why search results offers pictures I didn't take.
Happens all the Andy said, it's a glitch. Probably javascript or whatever programming is involved. Click a different picture, then come back, and the problem is usually solved.
Someone is still manipulating the gallery somehow. Either there is a ranking/popularity system that works and is fair, or there isn't.
This isn't about people desperate to be number 1, although some clearly exist, it is about transparency and fairness
OK moron, if you're out there, stop playing little children and hiding behind anonymity, what exactly is your game, is your life so sad and empty that you take pleasure in manipulating the rankings on a tiny little photographic community?
I've got a bit of spare time myself today, let's have a little chat