Abusive Comments and Thumbs Up/Down



  • LauraJohnsonLauraJohnson Registered Users Posts: 1 Beginner grinner
    edited July 22, 2012
    This is getting ridiculous! I know that this is a community that's "just for fun," according to the smug heroes...but being attacked on a regular basis takes a great deal away from the fun. It is NOT fun when people are abused like that and it needs to stop. We keep hearing promises from the smugmug powers-that-be, and still nothing ACTUALLY gets done about it!

    An accusation was leveled at me today that it was me who was the "red-thumber" or "thumbs-down snake" (or as I call them, "Lex Luthor") and that I have been the one attacking everyone in the Dailies. It was hurtful and mean, and I don't know where it's coming from. I haven't always paid much attention to what's been going on politically in the Dailies lately, but I know it's been a long time since I've been the top photo of the day and to my knowledge I have not even had any photos in a position that the number of comments did not justify; I frequently find that my photo has been thumbed-down a little ways in my own populars; and I have never been anything but supportive of my fellow Daily users -- so I'm not sure where the accusation comes from. If someone has been setting things up to look that way, I haven't been wary enough to see it, but that shouldn't happen, either!

    I was told that they simply couldn't get rid of the thumbs-up without simultaneously removing the thumbs-down option...that it's not possible somehow? Then thumbs need to be completely eliminated, if that's the case. But I look at other sites and they manage just fine. Facebook, google+, 500px, even flickr has a "favorite" option to show support of a photo, without having a negative equivalent. And at least, in all of those cases, you have to be a signed-in member in order to use it! We should at LEAST be given that option! Smugmug keeps a record of which photos you've thumbed so you can't do it again.

    This has GOT to stop. I'm tired of hearing the promises and then having this whole thing get uglier and uglier every time. It's wrong.
  • murechmurech Registered Users Posts: 11 Big grins
    edited August 5, 2012
    kds1 wrote: »
    So no, I definitely do NOT want them to change something just for this ridiculous person who is affecting photo rank and then have all my galleries not able to be customized!

    If I am reading this thread today is because I had not posted anything in quite some time. I posted a 'daily' today and it is when I notices the change, my gallery does not show customized, I was going to start posting again on a more or less daily basis, but I will have to think about it. If my gallery can't be customized, I may even just leave the community.

    A final comment, about Ranking. I never understood why all comments are five star ones. It is juts ridiculous.

    Miguel (aka MAU)
    Best regards,


  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited August 5, 2012
    murech wrote: »
    If I am reading this thread today is because I had not posted anything in quite some time. I posted a 'daily' today and it is when I notices the change, my gallery does not show customized, I was going to start posting again on a more or less daily basis, but I will have to think about it. If my gallery can't be customized, I may even just leave the community.

    A final comment, about Ranking. I never understood why all comments are five star ones. It is juts ridiculous.

    Miguel (aka MAU)
    See if this works for you. None of your customizations will show but adding them to your gallery
    description should. In this gallery
    replace the whole description with this.
    <div id="customHeaderContainer"></div>
    <div id="my_banner"></div>
    <div id="navcontainer">
    <li><a href="/">Home - Inicio</a></li>
    <li><a href="/Sopitas">Dailies - Sopitas</a></li>
    <li><a href="/galleries">Galleries - Albumes</a></li>
    <li><a href="/popular">Popular Photos</a></li>
    <li><a href="/gallery/11438900_pYN5g">Guestbook - Libro de Visitas</a></li>
    <style type="text/css">
    #header_wrapper {display: none; }
    body { color: #909090; font-family: arial !important; }
    .nav, .nav .title, a.nav, a.nav:visited, a.nav:active, a.nav:hover, .pageNav, a.down, a.down:active, a.down:hover, a.down:visited, .nav a.down { color: #796F15 !important; font-family: arial !important; }
    .title, #userName.title, #userName .title, #userHome.title { font-family: arial !important; color: #005F0D !important; }
    .boxBottom a, .boxBottom a:hover, .boxBottom a:visited, .boxBottom a:active, #albumDescription a, #albumDescription a:hover, #albumDescription a:visited, #albumDescription a:active, #displayPhoto a, #displayPhoto a:hover, #displayPhoto a:visited, #displayPhoto a:active {color: #A1A5A9; font-family: arial !important; }
    .description { color: #909090 !important;font-family: arial !important; }
    .foreground { color: #909090; font-family: arial !important; }
    .updated { color: #909090 !important; font-family: arial !important; }
    .alert, a.alert { color: #909090; font-family: arial !important; }
    #userName, #userHome { display: none; }
    #homepage #breadcrumb { background-color: transparent !important; border: none; margin-bottom: 5px; }
    /*====Start Banner Code====*/
     width: 750px;
     height: 150px;
     margin: 0 auto;
     background: url(http://www.rancho-k.com/photos/798036929_GxYFz-O.jpg) no-repeat;
    /* turn off the cart link on the minifooter */
    .cartlink_footer { 
    display: none; 
    #photoKeywords { 
    display: none; 
    .homepage #mapsButton {display:none;}
    .exifBox .photoInfo #DateTime,
    .exifBox .photoInfo #originalSize,
    .exifBox .photoInfo #fileSize,
    .exifBox .photoInfo #ExposureMode,
    .exifBox .photoInfo #LightSource,
    .exifBox .photoInfo #WhiteBalance,
    .exifBox .photoInfo #DigitalZoomRatio,
    .exifBox .photoInfo #Contrast,
    .exifBox .photoInfo #Saturation,
    .exifBox .photoInfo #Sharpness,
    .exifBox .photoInfo #SubjectDistanceRange,
    .exifBox .photoInfo #SensingMethod {display: none;}
    #navcontainer ul {
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        list-style-type: none;
        text-align: center;
    #navcontainer ul li {
        display: inline;
    /* 25-2-12 Cambio background de 00510B a 000000 */
    #navcontainer ul li a {
        text-decoration: none;
        padding: .2em 1em;
        color: #909090;
        background-color: #000000;
    #navcontainer ul li a:hover {
        color: #fff;
        background-color: #796F15;
    Español - El año pasado se me ocurrió la idea de tratar de hacer al menos una foto diaria y publicarla en esta galería, por eso la llamé 'Sopa del Día'. Posteriormente descubrí la comunidad <a href="http://www.smugmug.com/community/DailyPhotos">DailyPhotos</a> y que muchos otros aficionados a la fotografía habían tenido la misma idea mucho antes que yo. Por supuesto me apunté, traté de cumplir con mi 'compromiso' y, aunque no era fácil, conseguí publicar 212 fotos. Ahora, para organizar mejor mi página, he pasado las 'sopitas' del año 2009 a <a href="http://www.rancho-k.com/Recientes/Sopas2009/11471080_3BApe">Sopitas 2009</a> y en esta seguiré subiendo las se me vayan ocurriendo este año 2010. La fotos más reciente aparecerán siempre las primeras.<br>
    English - Last year I came up with the idea of shooting at least one picture a day and publishing it in this gallery, that's why I called it 'Soup of the Day'. Later on I discovered the <a href="http://www.smugmug.com/community/DailyPhotos">DailyPhotos</a> community and that many other photography fans had had the same idea much before I did. Obviously enough I joined the community, I tried to achieve my 'compromise' and, although it wasn't easy, I was able to publish 212 photos. Now, to better organise my site, I have moved the 2009 'soups' to <a href="http://www.rancho-k.com/Recientes/Sopas2009/11471080_3BApe">Soups 2009</a> and in this one I will upload those that I may come up with in 2010. The most recent photo will always show first.
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • murechmurech Registered Users Posts: 11 Big grins
    edited August 6, 2012
    Popularity algorithm is still broken
    Allen wrote: »
    See if this works for you. None of your customizations will show but adding them to your gallery
    description should. In this gallery
    replace the whole description with this.

    Hello Allen,

    Thank you for taking the time to reply and for the tip. I have tried what you suggest and it does work, I get most of my customization back. But that is not the issue, I don't want to fight with a workaround the consequences of another workaround (the changes made in CSS to not display Thumbs Up/Down).

    If the whole issue was that something strange was happening with Popular Photos (i.e. photos disappearing or not in the right order), I must state that something is still broken. As I understand it, popularity now should only be based on number of comments, right? Well, this morning (my morning, I am in Spain) I was browsing Today's Popular (now yesterday's) and was surprised to see the photo I posted yesterday as #61 with only 1 comment, while #62 (Hershy's) had 31 comments and #63 had over 40 comments. It shouldn't be that way, should it? With only 1 comment mine should have been way behind Hershy's, correct? So, to me, something was and still is broken in what I call the popularity algorithm.

    It is not that I personally care much about my dailies becoming more or less popular, I joined the DailyPhoto community over 3 years ago to share my photos with other people with similar interest. I do appreciate comments, everyone does, specially if they really say something and not just a WOW!, but I could never understand that, when commented, all my photos are ranked with 5 stars. Everybody's photos are always ranked with 5 stars and that is just ridiculous. I would rank most of my photos with 3 stars and perhaps a few with 4.

    Anyway, my main issue with the changes made is that galleries in the DailyPhoto community loose my customization, which is the one I chose and I like for my galleries. Fortunately and hopefully, my galleries are not only visited by DailyPhoto community members, they are visited by others who perhaps are not even SmugMugers, and I want them to see my galleries the way I designed and customized them. It is obviously up to me to stay in the community or just leave, I will have to think about it.

    Anyway, to sum up, and unless someone proves the contrary, the popularity algorithm is still broken.

    Best regards,


  • HershyHershy Registered Users Posts: 23 Big grins
    edited August 6, 2012
    Daily gallery problem
    The problem is that they have removed the THUMBS feature from the Daily gallery BUT it is still available in http://www.smugmug.com/browse/ gallery.

    The people who are playing this game are using this gallery to move the pictures Up or Down so the number of comments do not have too much value.

    Quite a few members of the Daily are aware of this problem and we have written to the people at Smugmug but no action has been taken. Some of the members have left the Daily community in disgust and most are not making any noise as it seems fruitless. Sadly it seems the otherwise very helpful and prompt people at Smugmug are not bothered at all.

    warm regards,

    Harsh / Hershy

    murech wrote: »
    Hello Allen,

    Thank you for taking the time to reply and for the tip. I have tried what you suggest and it does work, I get most of my customization back. But that is not the issue, I don't want to fight with a workaround the consequences of another workaround (the changes made in CSS to not display Thumbs Up/Down).

    If the whole issue was that something strange was happening with Popular Photos (i.e. photos disappearing or not in the right order), I must state that something is still broken. As I understand it, popularity now should only be based on number of comments, right? Well, this morning (my morning, I am in Spain) I was browsing Today's Popular (now yesterday's) and was surprised to see the photo I posted yesterday as #61 with only 1 comment, while #62 (Hershy's) had 31 comments and #63 had over 40 comments. It shouldn't be that way, should it? With only 1 comment mine should have been way behind Hershy's, correct? So, to me, something was and still is broken in what I call the popularity algorithm.

    It is not that I personally care much about my dailies becoming more or less popular, I joined the DailyPhoto community over 3 years ago to share my photos with other people with similar interest. I do appreciate comments, everyone does, specially if they really say something and not just a WOW!, but I could never understand that, when commented, all my photos are ranked with 5 stars. Everybody's photos are always ranked with 5 stars and that is just ridiculous. I would rank most of my photos with 3 stars and perhaps a few with 4.

    Anyway, my main issue with the changes made is that galleries in the DailyPhoto community loose my customization, which is the one I chose and I like for my galleries. Fortunately and hopefully, my galleries are not only visited by DailyPhoto community members, they are visited by others who perhaps are not even SmugMugers, and I want them to see my galleries the way I designed and customized them. It is obviously up to me to stay in the community or just leave, I will have to think about it.

    Anyway, to sum up, and unless someone proves the contrary, the popularity algorithm is still broken.

  • murechmurech Registered Users Posts: 11 Big grins
    edited August 6, 2012
    Anyway, my main issue with the changes made is that galleries in the DailyPhoto community loose my customization, which is the one I chose and I like for my galleries. Fortunately and hopefully, my galleries are not only visited by DailyPhoto community members, they are visited by others who perhaps are not even SmugMugers, and I want them to see my galleries the way I designed and customized them. It is obviously up to me to stay in the community or just leave, I will have to think about it.

    And I forgot something. If my visitors can't see and use the Thumbs Up, that does also affect my own Popular Photos at my site, doesn't it?
    Best regards,


  • rainforest1155rainforest1155 Registered Users Posts: 4,566 Major grins
    edited August 14, 2012
    travelways wrote: »
    Hi all,

    I know this post doesn't belong here, but I'm inserting it here because it's really important for all the dailies people and it will also be seen by the admin. people at SmugMug.

    Apparently some dishonest guys got a free account with smugmug, so they can have a smugmug e-mail address which conferes credibility.
    Melanie works for SmugMug and there are no bad intentions behind her emails. If you don't wish to participate, please let Melanie know via email.

    Note that signing up for a SmugMug account or free trial, does not give you a @smugmug.com email address. We don't offer any email address services.

    If you have any further concerns, please contact our HelpDesk directly.
    SmugMug Support Hero
  • travelwaystravelways Registered Users Posts: 7,854 Major grins
    edited August 14, 2012
    Hi Sebastian,

    Thank you for the clarification. If this is the case I apologize, but I think she should have explained that she was working for SmugMug. The messages sounded doubtable to me... how would I have known...?

    I'm sorry for the confusion.
    Melanie works for SmugMug and there are no bad intentions behind her emails. If you don't wish to participate, please let Melanie know via email.

    Note that signing up for a SmugMug account or free trial, does not give you a @smugmug.com email address. We don't offer any email address services.

    If you have any further concerns, please contact our HelpDesk directly.

    I deleted the original message posted by me - since it was a total confusion :)
    Tatiana - Seeing the world through my camera
    TravelwaysPhotos.com ...... Facebook
  • jhickmanjhickman Registered Users Posts: 2 Beginner grinner
    edited August 18, 2012
    I have a bit of a different issue. Most of my clients (even after talking to them and walking them through comments) end up using the thumbs up/down button to try and indicate to me which photos they like or dislike. But I have not yet been able to find a way for me to see these on a gallery by gallery basis unless I double my work by creating a new event for each gallery. Anyone else know how I can see this feedback from my clients?


    (sorry about the red text)
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited August 18, 2012
    jhickman wrote: »
    I have a bit of a different issue. Most of my clients (even after talking to them and walking them through comments) end up using the thumbs up/down button to try and indicate to me which photos they like or dislike. But I have not yet been able to find a way for me to see these on a gallery by gallery basis unless I double my work by creating a new event for each gallery. Anyone else know how I can see this feedback from my clients?


    (sorry about the red text)

    Curious, if you're sorry about the red text, why did you make it red? headscratch.gif

    Use Events to send galleries to your clients, and let them choose favorites, which you can easily see.

  • jhickmanjhickman Registered Users Posts: 2 Beginner grinner
    edited August 18, 2012
    It was red because as my first post I wasn't sure if the white lettering on grey background would stay or if I needed to go to black text in case the grey box went to white after posting. My Macs all show white on grey when I view the forums, my PC's are split - some show the white on grey, some black on white even when I view the same forum from different machines. Red text covered me for either a grey background or a white...

    I appreciate your assistance, Andy. In my original post I did mention the process of creating a gallery and then creating an event, I've even done so. It just seems there should be a simple way for a client to do a quick thumbs up or down that I can see without doubling my time creating on-line spaces. Post production work on the portraits takes plenty of time, so being able to just up-load the images to a gallery that the client can go to strikes me as a more logical approach.

    The event concept is not a bad solution when I have multiple venues for a single client, say: groom's dinner, bridal party, wedding and reception and want to separate the images by venue; but when I'm doing a one hour studio shoot, creating an event on top of the gallery seems redundant.

    Was just curious if there was a simple solution.
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited August 18, 2012
    jhickman wrote: »
    Was just curious if there was a simple solution.

    There is. EVENTS. Make an event, let your client choose their favorites by clicking on the heart icon. I'm sorry, but what is so hard about that? I really think you're overthinking this.
  • SynappedPhotoSynappedPhoto Registered Users Posts: 5 Beginner grinner
    edited September 22, 2012
    I'm SOOOOO frustrated! The Daily Photos Community is my main connection with people on this site. This Thumbs Down issue has curtailed all my interaction with people. I don't know if that person is smart enough to have designed some kind of program to automatically thumb any of my shots out of the group, but I can never get anything to even initially SHOW UP in the Dailies anymore. It is thoroughly ruining my experience on Smugmug, and I'm tempted to change to a different site, tho I would miss my pals here. I don't know what to do...
  • SynappedPhotoSynappedPhoto Registered Users Posts: 5 Beginner grinner
    edited September 22, 2012
    I noticed another person's comment that they'd lost a number of shots from the All Time Popular section, which sent me looking in there. I no longer have even ONE image in there. I find it very annoying that one person is able to skew the whole view of photos on the site. I don't understand how it's happening, now that Thumbs Down is suppressed. Something very strange is happening here...
  • dspdsp Registered Users Posts: 19 Big grins
    edited September 22, 2012
    I have no dog in this fight. I have photo rank off for all galleries and don't go to the dailies. I've seen this thread pop up and have skimmed through wondering what all the fuss is about. Here's another way to look at things: If you go to Browse Smugmug>Popular Photos>today you'll see it is top heavy with photos from the dailies. And if you read somewhere up in this thread you'll see that someone eluded to some unwritten requirement that everyone in the dailies give others in the dailies 5 stars and comments. Do you seriously think all the images that have pages of 5 star ratings are really worthy? So, if the folks in the dailies maybe rated images honestly and stopped skewing all their photos up, there would be no need for someone to want to skew things down. Seems both sides here are guilty of the same thing. Really, is it that important to be validated by some internet popularity contest? The solution is simple, turn off photo rank and get on with life.
  • SynappedPhotoSynappedPhoto Registered Users Posts: 5 Beginner grinner
    edited September 23, 2012
    dsp wrote: »
    I have no dog in this fight. I have photo rank off for all galleries and don't go to the dailies. I've seen this thread pop up and have skimmed through wondering what all the fuss is about. Here's another way to look at things: If you go to Browse Smugmug>Popular Photos>today you'll see it is top heavy with photos from the dailies. And if you read somewhere up in this thread you'll see that someone eluded to some unwritten requirement that everyone in the dailies give others in the dailies 5 stars and comments. Do you seriously think all the images that have pages of 5 star ratings are really worthy? So, if the folks in the dailies maybe rated images honestly and stopped skewing all their photos up, there would be no need for someone to want to skew things down. Seems both sides here are guilty of the same thing. Really, is it that important to be validated by some internet popularity contest? The solution is simple, turn off photo rank and get on with life.

    No, I definitely don't think every top-rated image is worthy, which makes it all the more annoying when many of the better quality shots are being thrown out of there. However, the bigger issue is that's the forum where I interact with the friends I've made on SM. We give each other feedback and learn from each other. That was a large part of my life for several years. It's quite annoying to lose that...
  • AFWAFW Registered Users Posts: 1 Beginner grinner
    edited December 25, 2012
    No, I definitely don't think every top-rated image is worthy, which makes it all the more annoying when many of the better quality shots are being thrown out of there. However, the bigger issue is that's the forum where I interact with the friends I've made on SM. We give each other feedback and learn from each other. That was a large part of my life for several years. It's quite annoying to lose that...

    This forum appears to be closed
  • juanherediajuanheredia Registered Users Posts: 345 Major grins
    edited July 23, 2013
    Andy wrote: »
    So I just did something. Turns out that the owner of the Dailies community is one of our Heroes, Sebastian. I put some CSS on his site that hides the thumbs (BOTH of them, can't hide just one with CSS). And the Dailies community is now set to Sebastian's cobranding (generic SmugMug). Would you guys like me to leave it this way?

    I'm totally agree with this, but when I put my gallery into the Dailies community may gallery losses my custom and footer header (it doesn't happen with other communities). Can you please fix this or tell me what to do?
  • rainforest1155rainforest1155 Registered Users Posts: 4,566 Major grins
    edited July 23, 2013
    I'm totally agree with this, but when I put my gallery into the Dailies community may gallery losses my custom and footer header (it doesn't happen with other communities). Can you please fix this or tell me what to do?
    It's not possible to retain your customizations in the community for the hiding of the photorank thumbs to work.
    SmugMug Support Hero
  • juanherediajuanheredia Registered Users Posts: 345 Major grins
    edited July 23, 2013
    It's not possible to retain your customizations in the community for the hiding of the photorank thumbs to work.

    Thanks for your help.

    Sent from my Galaxy S3 with Tapatalk 4
  • murechmurech Registered Users Posts: 11 Big grins
    edited July 26, 2013
    It's not possible to retain your customizations in the community for the hiding of the photorank thumbs to work.

    Not being able to retain my customizations was what made me decide to leave the community.
    Best regards,


  • juanherediajuanheredia Registered Users Posts: 345 Major grins
    edited July 26, 2013
    murech wrote: »
    Not being able to retain my customizations was what made me decide to leave the community.

    Yes, I understand. I did the same. Then I found a similar community called "The daily post". It let's to keep the customizations.

    Sent from my Galaxy S3 with Tapatalk 4
  • murechmurech Registered Users Posts: 11 Big grins
    edited July 28, 2013
    Yes, I understand. I did the same. Then I found a similar community called "The daily post". It let's to keep the customizations.

    Sent from my Galaxy S3 with Tapatalk 4

    Yes, I know. I did join "The Daily Post", but I have not published anything in a long time now.
    Best regards,


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