As previously said ... many thanks for your support which has got me back up and running.
However, as previously said I think there is an issue with the handling of keywords.
I have a set of photos (smart gallery at the LR end) which are all tagged with a keyword "Favourite_Chamonix_Plants_and_Wildlife" which has been set to not export ...
If I mark all these tagged photos as requiring republishing and then publish ... this keyword still remains on them in SmugMug.
If I attempt to force all the keywords to be updated by adding a new keyword ("XRepub") which is set to export then LR realises the images need republishing because of this, but if I republish they are all still tagged with "Favourite_Chamonix_Plants_and_Wildlife" and the new XRepub keyword.
Something is screwed up somewhere, hope this makes sense.
Should I raise this as a new problem thread or what - I appreciate you are undoubtedly very busy at the moment but I am also keen to ensure this gets looked at sometime and would at least like an acknowledgement for now.
For this to work you need to ensure that you have 'Write Keywords as Lightroom Hierarchy' selected in the Publish Manager...if this isn't not check, Lightroom will return whatever keywords have been entered against the image REGARDLESS of their settings. Please note that this is LR functionality which I have no control over.
This still isn't working for me based on what quick settings I use when creating a gallery.
Are you trying to use your quick setting "Unlisted Unwatermarked" or whatever it's called ?
If so, the Watermark associated with that quicksetting has been deleted, so the API is currently rejecting that request. I've passed it into the API developer to look at...but in the meantime you might want to update that quick setting on the SmugMug and resync the change using the 'Refresh..' from the quick settings menu.
For this to work you need to ensure that you have 'Write Keywords as Lightroom Hierarchy' selected in the Publish Manager...if this isn't not check, Lightroom will return whatever keywords have been entered against the image REGARDLESS of their settings. Please note that this is LR functionality which I have no control over.
Thanks again for your excellent support ... I'll look into it.
The plugin recognized that there was an upgrade available ( today, so I upgraded.
It is now seeing more images than it was before (Mac LR 4.4) but it is still missing some. One of my main galleries has 418 images, but the plugin sees 405 images.
I have also noticed that it has somehow duplicated some galleries, for instance, there is a private gallery in 'other', which now appears twice in LR, and finds nothing in this gallery). In fact, everything that was in the legacy 'other' section, now has been duplicated.
Working in LR5. Installed the latest version of the SmugMug Plugin, version
Created a new gallery via LR. Added a photo to test the upload. Tried to Publish and got this error dialog box below. So I tried to add an image to an existing gallery which I have used with LR many times and got the same error.
Can anyone help?
I've been wrangling with this for 3 days. After getting that error over and over my entire smugmug disappeared.
Then LR5 could not unzip and install the latest plugin. Then LR5 said it uploaded my gallery but there is zero on smugmug. Thank you SO MUCH for publishing this, I haven't heard a peep from the heros, I wish someone would say something, but now I know it's not just me!
I called Lightroom and the tech fixed it
after 3 days of failure with the new plugin for LR5, paying Dell for tech help (and they failed) in unzipping and installing it, a technician at Lightroom correctly installed it for me.
The SM plugin DOES NOT update or install from clicking as it directs in LR. In my case it had to be manually installed. It is residing in my program files/adobe/adobe photoshop lightroom 5/modules folder. For some reason it was difficult to unzip. I have posted this as a bug. I did not get any response from SM on this. They gave me an address for lightroom modules in Roaming, but that appears to be hidden on Windows OS. I still don't understand why this is so difficult to do.
I've been trying to publish a Smart Gallery from LR. I deleted the Smart Gallery because I kept getting an error trying to publish it. I redid it and it's still giving me the error.
So I went into the plugin and did "Sync Folders" (unchecking the "Sync Photos"). All of my new arrangement of galleries are there, but the one that doesn't publish. Then I click on the Photos and click "Sync Photos". Now I'm getting a "Conflict Resolution" window where I'm having to match up my Smugmug and LR photos manually (about 915). Last time I tried it, it got about half way and then crashed! I'm very frustrated right now.
For this to work you need to ensure that you have 'Write Keywords as Lightroom Hierarchy' selected in the Publish Manager...if this isn't not check, Lightroom will return whatever keywords have been entered against the image REGARDLESS of their settings. Please note that this is LR functionality which I have no control over.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Are you trying to use your quick setting "Unlisted Unwatermarked" or whatever it's called ?
If so, the Watermark associated with that quicksetting has been deleted, so the API is currently rejecting that request. I've passed it into the API developer to look at...but in the meantime you might want to update that quick setting on the SmugMug and resync the change using the 'Refresh..' from the quick settings menu.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Please send me a zipped version of your .lrcat file to look at...
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Thanks again for your excellent support ... I'll look into it.
The plugin recognized that there was an upgrade available ( today, so I upgraded.
It is now seeing more images than it was before (Mac LR 4.4) but it is still missing some. One of my main galleries has 418 images, but the plugin sees 405 images.
I have also noticed that it has somehow duplicated some galleries, for instance, there is a private gallery in 'other', which now appears twice in LR, and finds nothing in this gallery). In fact, everything that was in the legacy 'other' section, now has been duplicated.
I've been wrangling with this for 3 days. After getting that error over and over my entire smugmug disappeared.
Then LR5 could not unzip and install the latest plugin. Then LR5 said it uploaded my gallery but there is zero on smugmug. Thank you SO MUCH for publishing this, I haven't heard a peep from the heros, I wish someone would say something, but now I know it's not just me!
after 3 days of failure with the new plugin for LR5, paying Dell for tech help (and they failed) in unzipping and installing it, a technician at Lightroom correctly installed it for me.
The SM plugin DOES NOT update or install from clicking as it directs in LR. In my case it had to be manually installed. It is residing in my program files/adobe/adobe photoshop lightroom 5/modules folder. For some reason it was difficult to unzip. I have posted this as a bug. I did not get any response from SM on this. They gave me an address for lightroom modules in Roaming, but that appears to be hidden on Windows OS. I still don't understand why this is so difficult to do.
But it does work now, so soldier on!
So I went into the plugin and did "Sync Folders" (unchecking the "Sync Photos"). All of my new arrangement of galleries are there, but the one that doesn't publish. Then I click on the Photos and click "Sync Photos". Now I'm getting a "Conflict Resolution" window where I'm having to match up my Smugmug and LR photos manually (about 915). Last time I tried it, it got about half way and then crashed! I'm very frustrated right now.