Lightroom Upload Problem
Working in LR5. Installed the latest version of the SmugMug Plugin, version
Created a new gallery via LR. Added a photo to test the upload. Tried to Publish and got this error dialog box below. So I tried to add an image to an existing gallery which I have used with LR many times and got the same error.
Can anyone help?
Created a new gallery via LR. Added a photo to test the upload. Tried to Publish and got this error dialog box below. So I tried to add an image to an existing gallery which I have used with LR many times and got the same error.
Can anyone help?
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
I've installed the plugin, and tried to republish one of the existing galleries.
UPDATE: Creating a new gallery and uploading it, works fine.
Here's the message I'm getting: SmugMug API returned an error message (function nil, message nil)
Just tried it with Lightroom 5.2 RC and got this message:
Can't update this collection. SmugMug API returned an error message (function nil, message Bad Request)
I just did some testing on a new, empty gallery. This is with Lightroom RC 5.2 and the newest plugin.
For me, it fails when you try to re-publish a modified photo that has been deleted or moved with the online Smugmug Organizer and not via the Lightroom Publish Service.
Publishing new photos works and re-publishing existing photos works, but only if there are no photos in that gallery that are marked "Modified Photos to Re-Publish" and are missing. Otherwise it will fail.
So check your problem published galleries to see if Lightroom lists any "Modified Photos to Re-Publish" that were deleted or moved from the gallery with the Organizer.
I just tried to create a gallery and upload new photos from Lighroom after the design change. Now I just keep getting this error over and over again? I depend on Lightroom publishing. HELP!
I see that you have updated to plugin version everything working for you now ?
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
This morning I upgraded to the latest plug-in version ( after publishing my site on the new SmugMug.
Then I tried to create and upload a new gallery (gallery created through Lightroom). The gallery did not appear on SmugMug, and the upload failed. I tried again with a new gallery name, same issue.
Next I got brave and decided to sync a folder. The results are terrible of course. The two new galleries that do not show up in the Smug Mug organizer have appeared as the only galleries in Lightroom. None of the galleries that are appearing in Smug Mug show any longer.
At this point it is not possible to use Lightroom to sync to my Smug Mug site.
Hopefully the attached image showing the plug in manager, my Smug Mug folder and it's contents, and the Lightroom view of the folder after syncing can give you a clue as to what is going on.
Same problem here. LR5. Latest update. Unveiled new site. Gallery upload no workey. Just jumping on the thread so that I can get the solution.
I've noticed a few things. It works "sometimes" on the Windows machine. It fails everytime I've tried it on the Mac since I've updated to version 2 of the plugin.
When first updating to version 2 of the plugin on the Mac and syncing, it lost ALL the images. I had to resync many times. Eventually I gave up and resynced on the PC and it got all the images back after several tries.
On the Mac in the last 30 minutes I have tried to add images to a gallery. I have tried deleting images from a gallery. I have tried updating images within a gallery. Each test was done with a single image at a time. Each test was done with an existing gallery with existing images. It failed every time with the error "SmugMug API returned an error message (function nil, message nil)"
I haven't managed the images via the smugmug organizer. I prefer to manage them exclusively via lightroom.
Plugin v2.0.1.5
1. Updating existing galleries doesn't work (message as in the original thread)
2. Creating new galleries works for me
While #1 is being debugged and fix, will use manual workarounds (getting images to smugmug via a new gallery and moving them to the existing via the organzer)
I noticed this again (this is a long standing bug) because originally trying to use the older plugin version messed up the folder structure in Lightroom.
I am still seeing this error on version when I republish an existing Gallery. I have found that deleting a gallery and recreating seems to reduce the problem - however I wont be sure about that until I completely republish all my gallery's and start adding updating them with more / edited photos.
Also - a question ... is this the best place to report bugs on the plugin? I'm half convinced there are issues around the plugin exporting keywords which are set to not export in Lightroom and would like to raise this.
PS - I should mention I am using smart galleries in LR (5.0) but doubt that is relevant.
Unfortunately, no. My workaround was to create the new gallery in the Organize tool of the website, then I could refresh the plugin and upload from there.
I've found deleting and re-creating my galleries within LR seems to help ... but jury is out on this.
Im getting an error trying to republish a gallery from LR 5.
Can't update this collection.
SmugMug API returned an error message (function nil, message Bad request)
Nothing weird that I can remember doing. But I do know that I had to change the gallery from Hide Owner...yes, to no, because if you create a gallery from LR with Hide owner at yes, the design gets all messed up. Really. I;m nor kidding.
But lets focus on this error.
Edit: Lightroom 5.
This version should...
1. This should fix the problem where albums fail to update after attempting to remove a photo
2. I've also added some additional debugging code in attempt to track down "Bad Request" errors or any other outstanding issues
if you are affected by #2, please enable Logging from within the SmugMug plugin on the Plugin Manager dialog. Once you have done this, please restart LR and retry whatever account is failing. You will find a "SmugMug LrPublish.log" file in your Documents directory, please email that to the helpdesk to my attention.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
This plug-in’s post-processing task did not finish successfully.
SmugMug API returned an error message (function nil, message Bad Request)
Please see my note in regard to enabling logging, i need this info if you want this resolved quickly.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
EDIT: got some messages coming through now, so emailed.
Save diagnostics to file gives this as the content ...
Plug-in error log for plug-in at: C:\Users\Alan\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Lightroom\Modules\SmugMug.lrplugin
**** Error 1
This plug-in’s post-processing task did not finish successfully.
can't parse JSON at char 1 of: ‹
and the open diagnostics in notepad gives ...
08/03/2013 01:30:59 DEBUG Logging enabled
08/03/2013 01:31:10 DEBUG exportServiceProvider.endDialog - start
08/03/2013 01:31:10 DEBUG exportServiceProvider.endDialog - end
08/03/2013 01:31:10 DEBUG exportServiceProvider.startDialog - start
08/03/2013 01:31:10 DEBUG exportServiceProvider.startDialog - end
08/03/2013 01:31:12 DEBUG exportServiceProvider.endDialog - start
08/03/2013 01:31:12 DEBUG exportServiceProvider.endDialog - end
08/03/2013 01:32:10 DEBUG exportServiceProvider.endDialog - start
08/03/2013 01:32:10 DEBUG exportServiceProvider.endDialog - end
08/03/2013 01:32:10 DEBUG exportServiceProvider.startDialog - start
08/03/2013 01:32:10 DEBUG exportServiceProvider.startDialog - end
08/03/2013 01:32:13 DEBUG exportServiceProvider.endDialog - start
08/03/2013 01:32:13 DEBUG exportServiceProvider.endDialog - end
08/03/2013 01:32:17 DEBUG exportServiceProvider.updateExportSettings - start
08/03/2013 01:32:17 DEBUG Format: JPEG
08/03/2013 01:32:17 DEBUG exportServiceProvider.updateExportSettings - end
08/03/2013 01:32:18 DEBUG exportServiceProvider.processRenderedPhotos - start
08/03/2013 01:32:19 DEBUG Checking Published Photo digest
08/03/2013 01:32:19 DEBUG Checking Published Photo digest
08/03/2013 01:32:19 DEBUG Checking Published Photo digest
08/03/2013 01:32:19 DEBUG Checking Published Photo digest
08/03/2013 01:32:19 DEBUG Checking Published Photo digest
08/03/2013 01:32:19 DEBUG Checking Published Photo digest
08/03/2013 01:32:19 DEBUG Wait for render
08/03/2013 01:32:23 DEBUG Render complete: C:\Users\Alan\AppData\Local\Temp\DBE7BF65-8E41-45D7-9DEB-CFAFC2596FA7\IMG_4433.jpg
08/03/2013 01:32:34 DEBUG Wait for render
08/03/2013 01:32:34 DEBUG Render complete: C:\Users\Alan\AppData\Local\Temp\DBE7BF65-8E41-45D7-9DEB-CFAFC2596FA7\IMG_4580.jpg
08/03/2013 01:32:42 DEBUG exportServiceProvider.endDialog - start
08/03/2013 01:32:42 DEBUG exportServiceProvider.endDialog - end
08/03/2013 01:32:42 DEBUG exportServiceProvider.startDialog - start
08/03/2013 01:32:42 DEBUG exportServiceProvider.startDialog - end
08/03/2013 01:32:46 DEBUG exportServiceProvider.endDialog - start
08/03/2013 01:32:46 DEBUG exportServiceProvider.endDialog - end
So I don't think solved yet, but many thanks for your hard work trying to resolve this.
PS - I am now in the situation where every time I press publish on this smart gallery I immediately get the error.