@JAG said: @Jørgen_Bjerring and @pegelli
"I have no need for a moderator. It's obvious that the unique shape of a maple leaf cann't meet a demand for "chestnut leaf shape"
Apparently by the exchange that I just read, you do need a moderator.
Jorgen, I think that his leaf was close enough, thus why it was accepted. I also think that posting things that do not get another picture put up in a couple days because the subject matter is too specific and difficult to come up with, then the one who posted the difficult subject should go in an change it to something more reasonable.
Thus said, from this point on, I will moderate by saying lets play by the rules already set forth. No more two subject, subjects. Thus you can no longer ask for a color and a shape of something. It's one or another. You may ask for 2 or 3 colors in one image, but you may not add it as an object (ie, shape or pattern). You can say something like, mulitple circles or mulitple squares, but you cannot say mulitiple circles and squares. Calling for a color and asking that it not be a certain pattern or shape of an object will also be ok as long as the request is not an impossible one.
Also, any posted subject that is so specific and no one has come up with one in 3 to 7 days (whenever I happened to see it and it hasn't changed), the original person who posted the difficult subject should edit it themselves, but if it is not changed by the 7th day, I will edit it for them.
Let's all have fun. It's not a matter of stumping everyone, its a matter of showing our best work if possible. Have a great day
When I tried to make a little fun with "spiral", @denisegoldberg wrote "... thread I expect to see the shape requested in the photo" (p. 32) and she used Wikipedia to teach me about spiral shape. When I ask for "chestnut leaf" I don't expect to see a maple leaf, that has a unique shape with an unbroken "surface". A chestnut leaf has distinctive fingers but of course you can arrange these fingers into an unbroken "surface". That doesn't justify that a maple leaf can comply with a demand for "a chestnut leaf".
You wrote "... change it to something more reasonable". That was exactly what I did.
And I can now understand that this is also OK to you.
I personally think it is interesting to see different people's interpretations of the requested shape, color, texture or pattern; many times it is not what I would expect. That helps me to expand my vision.
I also see a lot of texture in that owl photo that can only be attributed to feathers, from the hairy tips on the face to the soft layered texture of feathers on the chest and leg, to the more distinct yet seemingly soft textures of the wing and tail feathers. It seems trivial to quibble about people's interpretations because they are different from your expectations.
I can only repeat: I just feel like the very gods contending in vain, but the Internet is a goldmine to intelligent people who want to improve their knowledge.
Hey Jørgen,
I saw your request to delete your account. I hope you will reconsider--the little spat you got into with Pegelli hardly seems worth it, but of course, it's entirely up to you.
We can close your account, which will remove identifying information from your posts, but deleting the content would seriously harm threads like The Dgrin Game, which rely on the sequence of images to make sense. Please also note that it is not possible to restore your account once it is deleted, so all your badges and reactions will be lost permanently.
Why don't you give it a day or two to think about it, then let me know whether you still want to proceed.
My answer was:
Hey Richard
@pegelli is in fact no problem. ..... The problem is the moderators.
On p. 31-32 you can see that I made some fun with a "spiral shape" demand from @pegelli. I posted a photo with a square winding staircase in a square tower. @pegelli objected to that and in the following discussion he said: "I agree, it should be fun and it's not tremendously important, however part of the fun is to meet the challenge and not take it too liberal". @denisegoldberg interfered with the words: "In the case of the perpetual shapes, color, etc. thread I expect to see the shape requested in the photo. While I understand that looking within that square staircase you can imagine a spiral, I don't think that the photo shows a spiral. When I looked up the definition of spiral, I found this on wikipedia: …". Then I deleted my picture.
On p. 33 you can see that @pegelli objected to the crane picture I posted on his demand for "steel cable". To me it was obvious that the crane had two steel cables and @pegelli accepted that with the words: "OK, since I didn't see any texture and looked at the way they were attached they looked like steel rods to me, but if they are cables that's fine." A couple of days later I passed the crane, took a closer look and got aware, that @pegelli was right. I then corrected myself and uploaded a new picture with a steel cable.
That is my attitude to fairness, when people wants to run things as strictly as @pegelli. If I had followed the guideline, that @pegelli apparently runs for himself, I should from the start had alleged, that a steel chain was close enough to a steel cable.
When @pegelli posted a picture of a maple leaf on my "chestnut leaf shape" demand, I objected. Despite my using of name dropper, @pegelli was rough enough not to react.
Any moderator present at that time? No.
To me a common chestnut leaf has distinct and wide spreaded fingers and the shape can never come close to the unique shape of a maple leaf. When I opened the discussion with @pegelli I got aware that things didn't have to run strictly anymore. In the following discussion @pegelli crossed beyond the border of politeness with these hypocritical words: "I wish there was a "thumbs down" option, life's too short for this nonsence."
Any moderator present at that time? No.
In the following discussion politeness suffered. To save his neck in the discussion @pegelli posted a chestnut leaf pic (not his own) with the leaves arranged in an unnatural way.
When @JAG came to the conclusion that Pegelli's pic was close enough I lost the respect for the moderators. Remember the words from @denisegoldberg: "In the case of the perpetual shapes, color, etc. thread I expect to see the shape requested in the photo."
My sense of fairness is violated and I think, I will maintain my demand, but I will reconsider until tomorrow.
@Jørgen_Bjerring said:
2. On p. 33 you can see that @pegelli objected to the crane picture I posted on his demand for "steel cable". To me it was obvious that the crane had two steel cables and @pegelli accepted that with the words: "OK, since I didn't see any texture and looked at the way they were attached they looked like steel rods to me, but if they are cables that's fine." A couple of days later I passed the crane, took a closer look and got aware, that @pegelli was right. I then corrected myself and uploaded a new picture with a steel cable.
That is my attitude to fairness, when people wants to run things as strictly as @pegelli. If I had followed the guideline, that @pegelli apparently runs for himself, I should from the start had alleged, that a steel chain was close enough to a steel cable.
Just for the record, I never "objected", I asked the question because I couldn't see it. If you would have said a rod or chain is close enough to a cable I would probably have left it at that.
@Jørgen_Bjerring said:
3. When @pegelli posted a picture of a maple leaf on my "chestnut leaf shape" demand, I objected. Despite my using of name dropper, @pegelli was rough enough not to react.
Just for the record, you didn't "object", you said "May be - among others - the Canadians (Wikipedia) will be a little surprised " which I took for a funny remark which didn't require an answer or reaction from my part
@Jørgen_Bjerring said:
To me a common chestnut leaf has distinct and wide spreaded fingers and the shape can never come close to the unique shape of a maple leaf. When I opened the discussion with @pegelli I got aware that things didn't have to run strictly anymore. In the following discussion @pegelli crossed beyond the border of politeness with these hypocritical words: "I wish there was a "thumbs down" option, life's too short for this nonsence."
Only after you made a denigrating comment as if I didn't know the difference between a chestnut leaf and a maple leaf. I still believe my comment was no more rude then your post before but if you want I'll apologise.
@Jørgen_Bjerring said:
In the following discussion politeness suffered. To save his neck in the discussion @pegelli posted a chestnut leaf pic (not his own) with the leaves arranged in an unnatural way.
You can say that! You insulted me by saying I blundered and accused me by saying "And remember, that you are first in line, when something doesn't fulfill your demands in all details" In my opinion neither are true.
The Chestnut picture I posted was the very first Google turned up and looked very much like the chestnut tree leaves in the street I grew up in. The fact it isn't my own is because you asked: "Do me a favour. Search "chestnut leaves" on the Internet, look at the pics and find one that have a shape close to maple leaf."
To close out: my apologies to Sara, I really wanted to stop but I also wanted to make sure both sides of the story can be read here.
I do believe that things have gone a little too far on this subject. First off @Jørgen_Bjerring, I have a life outside of dgrin and am not here 24 hours 7 days a week. The fact that this issue has bothered you this much is perplexing to me. You may know more than I do about leafs, but frankly, a images that I saw as the comparison had similar outlines and if both where nothing but silhouettes, it would be hard to tell them apart. However, I have never seen a chestnut leaf and felt that since your subject was up a few days before @pegelli posted his, it was as close as anyone can get.
I have found that everyone does have different interpretations. I have posted many a subjects thinking of a certain image I would like to see, such as close up brick texture, and yet you would post a building that was made of bricks. It didn't satisfy what I was technically looking for, but I do not say anything because the game goes on. If you cannot get by this, then I do not know what to do for you. It's just a game!
This forum and these games were meant to have fun. We try to stick to rules, but sometimes things go a little off, however it usually gets back on track by itself. I hope you do not leave, but if you are that unhappy, I hope the best for you in life.
@JAG said:
I do believe that things have gone a little too far on this subject. First off @Jørgen_Bjerring, I have a life outside of dgrin and am not here 24 hours 7 days a week. The fact that this issue has bothered you this much is perplexing to me. You may know more than I do about leafs, but frankly, a images that I saw as the comparison had similar outlines and if both where nothing but silhouettes, it would be hard to tell them apart. However, I have never seen a chestnut leaf and felt that since your subject was up a few days before @pegelli posted his, it was as close as anyone can get.
I have found that everyone does have different interpretations. I have posted many a subjects thinking of a certain image I would like to see, such as close up brick texture, and yet you would post a building that was made of bricks. It didn't satisfy what I was technically looking for, but I do not say anything because the game goes on. If you cannot get by this, then I do not know what to do for you. It's just a game!
This forum and these games were meant to have fun. We try to stick to rules, but sometimes things go a little off, however it usually gets back on track by itself. I hope you do not leave, but if you are that unhappy, I hope the best for you in life.
Thanks for your kind thoughts. I am not bothered. I am not unhappy. I am no expert on leaves. I just have a strong feeling of fairness (and justice) and I have a more than excellent memory. Whatever happened has to be seen in the light of the spiral discussion and the words from @pegelli and @denisegoldberg in that discussion.
Thanks for your kind thoughts. I am not bothered. I am not unhappy. I am no expert on leaves. I just have a strong feeling of fairness (and justice) and I have a more than excellent memory. Whatever happened has to be seen in the light of the spiral discussion and the words from @pegelli and @denisegoldberg in that discussion.
I have not looked back that far in history, but I do remember the reference. I think your handling on Denise's request for a proper spiral was stellar and I breathed a sigh of relief you took it as such. In this matter, I really do not think anyone was trying to get on you or trying to make you look bad. Peiter admitted his leaf was not the one you were asking for, however it was very similar to what you were asking for in shape. Seeing that no one had come up with a proper chestnut leaf, the one he posted was close enough to get the game going again since several days had passed. I remember the spiral one clearly, because I was looking for a spiral in my albums when you posted your first image of a staircase that day.
I hope you reconsider leaving and just let this go. I do not understand your need for "fairness or justice" since this happened quite a few pages back on that game thread (I have gone back 3 pages and didn't see it).
As for the last two images you have posted in that thread today, even though they are stretching it and I know you could come up with some spectacular antler images, I will let them stand as they are. By the way, I do like that image of the bubble girl, she is a cutie. It would be nice if we all can get back on track and play the game to the rules as best as we can.
Thanks for your kind thoughts. I am not bothered. I am not unhappy. I am no expert on leaves. I just have a strong feeling of fairness (and justice) and I have a more than excellent memory. Whatever happened has to be seen in the light of the spiral discussion and the words from @pegelli and @denisegoldberg in that discussion.
I have not looked back that far in history, but I do remember the reference. I think your handling on Denise's request for a proper spiral was stellar and I breathed a sigh of relief you took it as such. In this matter, I really do not think anyone was trying to get on you or trying to make you look bad. Peiter admitted his leaf was not the one you were asking for, however it was very similar to what you were asking for in shape. Seeing that no one had come up with a proper chestnut leaf, the one he posted was close enough to get the game going again since several days had passed. I remember the spiral one clearly, because I was looking for a spiral in my albums when you posted your first image of a staircase that day.
I hope you reconsider leaving and just let this go. I do not understand your need for "fairness or justice" since this happened quite a few pages back on that game thread (I have gone back 3 pages and didn't see it).
As for the last two images you have posted in that thread today, even though they are stretching it and I know you could come up with some spectacular antler images, I will let them stand as they are. By the way, I do like that image of the bubble girl, she is a cutie. It would be nice if we all can get back on track and play the game to the rules as best as we can.
You are very kind and I really appreciate your efforts to get back on track. Therefore this will be my last comment to this mess.
@denisegoldberg used Wikipedia to teach me about spirals. She used the words "I expect to see the shape requested". She has been here since late 2006. She has more than 11.000 posts. She is a Super Moderator. So I said to myself: What did you learn in school today. To stay cultural a moment: I am not Gregory Peck and this mess has nothing to do with To Kill a Mockingbird but to me it is not playing fair that Denise has chosen not to participate in this discussion but - from my point of view - has chosen a shelter of silence.
I've been a Dgrin member for over 12 years and a mod for most of that time and I have to say that this is the craziest food fight I've ever seen here, if not the nastiest. How about we all just let this drop and go out shooting, OK? It's only a game.
When I tried to make a little fun with "spiral", @denisegoldberg wrote "... thread I expect to see the shape requested in the photo" (p. 32) and she used Wikipedia to teach me about spiral shape. When I ask for "chestnut leaf" I don't expect to see a maple leaf, that has a unique shape with an unbroken "surface". A chestnut leaf has distinctive fingers but of course you can arrange these fingers into an unbroken "surface". That doesn't justify that a maple leaf can comply with a demand for "a chestnut leaf".
You wrote "... change it to something more reasonable". That was exactly what I did.
And I can now understand that this is also OK to you.
There is a lot of feathers, but no texture. Whatever let's go on, it's just fun.
I think time has come for me to leave dgrin for good.
I personally think it is interesting to see different people's interpretations of the requested shape, color, texture or pattern; many times it is not what I would expect. That helps me to expand my vision.
I also see a lot of texture in that owl photo that can only be attributed to feathers, from the hairy tips on the face to the soft layered texture of feathers on the chest and leg, to the more distinct yet seemingly soft textures of the wing and tail feathers. It seems trivial to quibble about people's interpretations because they are different from your expectations.
DGrin - a place to have fun with photos!
A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
My vision on this is very similar to lkbart, plenty of feather textures to be seen.
That's a pity, I enjoy most of the photo's you post. It's also sad when toes are longer then arms can reach
My SmugMug
I don’t feel sad. Just like the very gods contending in vain.
Wasn't it Israel and not Gods contending in vain? (Jeremiah 2)
My SmugMug
I prefer Friedrich Schiller.
Yes, indeed an important German philosopher, "Raum für alle hat die Erde" from "Der Alpenjöger"
My SmugMug
Not bad but I prefer Die Jungfrau von Orleans
Btw, it's Friedrich von Schiller, but if I followed his advice maybe it would have been better not to say that
"Es kommen Fälle vor im Menschenleben, wo’s Weisheit ist, nicht allzu weise sein;
Iphigenie in Aulis
My SmugMug
I can only repeat: I just feel like the very gods contending in vain, but the Internet is a goldmine to intelligent people who want to improve their knowledge.
I wouldn't be surprised if the feeling we have about the famous quote from "Die Jungfrau von Orleans" is entirely mutual
But from now on I think it's better for me in this discussion to follow Schiller's advice from my previous post.
My SmugMug
OMG. What a terrific conclusion to reach for a long distance runner, but a blind chicken can also find a grain.
OK boys, that's enough now!!!
My SmugMug
I got the following message from @Richard:
Hey Jørgen,
I saw your request to delete your account. I hope you will reconsider--the little spat you got into with Pegelli hardly seems worth it, but of course, it's entirely up to you.
We can close your account, which will remove identifying information from your posts, but deleting the content would seriously harm threads like The Dgrin Game, which rely on the sequence of images to make sense. Please also note that it is not possible to restore your account once it is deleted, so all your badges and reactions will be lost permanently.
Why don't you give it a day or two to think about it, then let me know whether you still want to proceed.
My answer was:
Hey Richard
@pegelli is in fact no problem. ..... The problem is the moderators.
On p. 31-32 you can see that I made some fun with a "spiral shape" demand from @pegelli. I posted a photo with a square winding staircase in a square tower. @pegelli objected to that and in the following discussion he said: "I agree, it should be fun and it's not tremendously important, however part of the fun is to meet the challenge and not take it too liberal". @denisegoldberg interfered with the words: "In the case of the perpetual shapes, color, etc. thread I expect to see the shape requested in the photo. While I understand that looking within that square staircase you can imagine a spiral, I don't think that the photo shows a spiral. When I looked up the definition of spiral, I found this on wikipedia: …". Then I deleted my picture.
On p. 33 you can see that @pegelli objected to the crane picture I posted on his demand for "steel cable". To me it was obvious that the crane had two steel cables and @pegelli accepted that with the words: "OK, since I didn't see any texture and looked at the way they were attached they looked like steel rods to me, but if they are cables that's fine." A couple of days later I passed the crane, took a closer look and got aware, that @pegelli was right. I then corrected myself and uploaded a new picture with a steel cable.
That is my attitude to fairness, when people wants to run things as strictly as @pegelli. If I had followed the guideline, that @pegelli apparently runs for himself, I should from the start had alleged, that a steel chain was close enough to a steel cable.
Any moderator present at that time? No.
To me a common chestnut leaf has distinct and wide spreaded fingers and the shape can never come close to the unique shape of a maple leaf. When I opened the discussion with @pegelli I got aware that things didn't have to run strictly anymore. In the following discussion @pegelli crossed beyond the border of politeness with these hypocritical words: "I wish there was a "thumbs down" option, life's too short for this nonsence."
Any moderator present at that time? No.
In the following discussion politeness suffered. To save his neck in the discussion @pegelli posted a chestnut leaf pic (not his own) with the leaves arranged in an unnatural way.
When @JAG came to the conclusion that Pegelli's pic was close enough I lost the respect for the moderators. Remember the words from @denisegoldberg: "In the case of the perpetual shapes, color, etc. thread I expect to see the shape requested in the photo."
My sense of fairness is violated and I think, I will maintain my demand, but I will reconsider until tomorrow.
Best regards
Just for the record, I never "objected", I asked the question because I couldn't see it. If you would have said a rod or chain is close enough to a cable I would probably have left it at that.
Just for the record, you didn't "object", you said "May be - among others - the Canadians (Wikipedia) will be a little surprised " which I took for a funny remark which didn't require an answer or reaction from my part
Only after you made a denigrating comment as if I didn't know the difference between a chestnut leaf and a maple leaf. I still believe my comment was no more rude then your post before but if you want I'll apologise.
You can say that! You insulted me by saying I blundered and accused me by saying "And remember, that you are first in line, when something doesn't fulfill your demands in all details" In my opinion neither are true.
The Chestnut picture I posted was the very first Google turned up and looked very much like the chestnut tree leaves in the street I grew up in. The fact it isn't my own is because you asked: "Do me a favour. Search "chestnut leaves" on the Internet, look at the pics and find one that have a shape close to maple leaf."
To close out: my apologies to Sara, I really wanted to stop but I also wanted to make sure both sides of the story can be read here.
My SmugMug
I do believe that things have gone a little too far on this subject. First off @Jørgen_Bjerring, I have a life outside of dgrin and am not here 24 hours 7 days a week. The fact that this issue has bothered you this much is perplexing to me. You may know more than I do about leafs, but frankly, a images that I saw as the comparison had similar outlines and if both where nothing but silhouettes, it would be hard to tell them apart. However, I have never seen a chestnut leaf and felt that since your subject was up a few days before @pegelli posted his, it was as close as anyone can get.
I have found that everyone does have different interpretations. I have posted many a subjects thinking of a certain image I would like to see, such as close up brick texture, and yet you would post a building that was made of bricks. It didn't satisfy what I was technically looking for, but I do not say anything because the game goes on. If you cannot get by this, then I do not know what to do for you. It's just a game!
This forum and these games were meant to have fun. We try to stick to rules, but sometimes things go a little off, however it usually gets back on track by itself. I hope you do not leave, but if you are that unhappy, I hope the best for you in life.
Thanks for your kind thoughts. I am not bothered. I am not unhappy. I am no expert on leaves. I just have a strong feeling of fairness (and justice) and I have a more than excellent memory. Whatever happened has to be seen in the light of the spiral discussion and the words from @pegelli and @denisegoldberg in that discussion.
I have not looked back that far in history, but I do remember the reference. I think your handling on Denise's request for a proper spiral was stellar and I breathed a sigh of relief you took it as such. In this matter, I really do not think anyone was trying to get on you or trying to make you look bad. Peiter admitted his leaf was not the one you were asking for, however it was very similar to what you were asking for in shape. Seeing that no one had come up with a proper chestnut leaf, the one he posted was close enough to get the game going again since several days had passed. I remember the spiral one clearly, because I was looking for a spiral in my albums when you posted your first image of a staircase that day.
I hope you reconsider leaving and just let this go. I do not understand your need for "fairness or justice" since this happened quite a few pages back on that game thread (I have gone back 3 pages and didn't see it).
As for the last two images you have posted in that thread today, even though they are stretching it and I know you could come up with some spectacular antler images, I will let them stand as they are. By the way, I do like that image of the bubble girl, she is a cutie. It would be nice if we all can get back on track and play the game to the rules as best as we can.
You are very kind and I really appreciate your efforts to get back on track. Therefore this will be my last comment to this mess.
@denisegoldberg used Wikipedia to teach me about spirals. She used the words "I expect to see the shape requested". She has been here since late 2006. She has more than 11.000 posts. She is a Super Moderator. So I said to myself: What did you learn in school today. To stay cultural a moment: I am not Gregory Peck and this mess has nothing to do with To Kill a Mockingbird but to me it is not playing fair that Denise has chosen not to participate in this discussion but - from my point of view - has chosen a shelter of silence.
I've been a Dgrin member for over 12 years and a mod for most of that time and I have to say that this is the craziest food fight I've ever seen here, if not the nastiest. How about we all just let this drop and go out shooting, OK? It's only a game.
@denisegoldberg I love the colors and light in this one. It really says spring. I am so ready for spring...
Thanks Barbara!
I am more than ready for spring too, looking forward to the colors of flowers.
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
This is wonderful!
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Thanks Denise, it was taken in Köln on the Hohenzollern bridge last monday. I took it with "show us your art" in mind but it fitted here well.
My SmugMug
Great association Richard!!!
I think you skipped a page (or 2)
My SmugMug
You're missing a "next" indication in the last post of the Perpetual Shapes... thread.
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Sorry folks, now corrected. Denise thanks for pointing this out.
My SmugMug
I have a tin shape, but it's not shaped with tin, so I don't think it qualifies
Does nobody have a picture of a tin beaker, pitcher or bowl? I searched my entire collection and I didn't find one
My SmugMug