[Implemented] Add Adsense Content Block

mbonocorembonocore Registered Users Posts: 2,299 Major grins
edited October 5, 2013 in SmugMug Feature Requests
Request from dgrin user jrporcaro

I have a site of photographs for a local High School Team. I provide Free downloads to the kids and parents. I use Javascript to provide local advertising banners to allow sponsors to offset my costs. This is great in the legacy site. I have been working in the sandbox for the new smugmug and have no way to allow a random banner ad from a gallery that has a click URL.

I tried the slideshow but there is no way to cleanly add a url when clicking on the image (i did try html in the comment and then show comment). The slideshow is never random so I cannot control which image it starts with. The margins of the slideshow are too big and my banner is only 60 pixels tall and the fixed size requires 200 as a minimum. I can set to a fixed 3x1 aspect and it looks ok, but it always starts with the same image. and again I cannot click to go to the url.

Please help by giving me a easy random rotating banner capability with URL link or just give me my simple javascript ability back for the header.



  • draglistdraglist Registered Users Posts: 2 Beginner grinner
    edited August 9, 2013

    I think SmugMug completely overlooked our type of business model as they considered the new design.

    I feature photos taken by dozens of volunteers. I do not want to sell these photos, so there is no 'store' aspect. But I do run banner ads on the pages in order to try to get back some of my $200 a year. Without the ability to run JavaScript, I no longer can run the banner ads.

    I don't think SmugMug considered my type of user (business display only, not sell), but I am out here and have been since 2006 at least...

    I think the new design looks great and I've done my updates.

    I would be ready to hit UNVEIL but I can't unless I can at least partially monetize the site.

    Please turn on the ability to use JavaScript in the HTML sections.

    If you can't do that, I am going to need to end our multi year relationship.

    Please reconsider restoring this functionality in light of a different type of SmugMug user.
  • AdamNPAdamNP Registered Users Posts: 178 Major grins
    edited August 9, 2013
    This is my biggest issue with the new SM. I had an Adsense banner on all of my pages in legacy SM. I am now losing hundreds of dollars a year in income. It would be *so* simple to make a new Adsense content block, if SM will not allow JS in general. I realize it may not be a feature the masses need, but it really would be so simple to implement. Surely no one at SM is going to claim Adsense code is a security issue to allow?
  • thenickdudethenickdude Registered Users Posts: 1,302 Major grins
    edited August 9, 2013
    They're adding support for other specific third party JavaScript blocks, so you should put in a feature request for an Adsense ad block.
  • AdamNPAdamNP Registered Users Posts: 178 Major grins
    edited August 10, 2013
    Adsense content block
    PLEASE consider adding support for Adsense, and soon. It is JS, but obviously not malicious script and not a security problem. A simple content block that allows Adsense code, or even a change to the HTML block to NOT filter Adsense code, is all it would take. I realize people are making millions of feature requests, but this one should really be VERY quick and easy.

    I was more than covering my SM payment with these ads, and now I am simply out those several hundred dollars a year. That's not acceptable. Other than this, I love the new design. My annual fee is due in less than two weeks... it would be a shame if I had to leave SM over something so easy to fix.
  • AdamNPAdamNP Registered Users Posts: 178 Major grins
    edited August 13, 2013
    Bump. I am losing money every single day that this very simple issue is not resolved.
  • eddiefeddief Registered Users Posts: 60 Big grins
    edited August 14, 2013
    I need Adsense too. Although I love the new Smug, I am already looking for a backup photo hosting site. Perhaps the answer is host your own via GoDaddy hosting applications, for example.
  • AdamNPAdamNP Registered Users Posts: 178 Major grins
    edited August 19, 2013
  • jrporcarojrporcaro Registered Users Posts: 20 Big grins
    edited August 20, 2013
    mbonocore wrote: »
    Request from dgrin user jrporcaro

    I have a site of photographs for a local High School Team. I provide Free downloads to the kids and parents. I use Javascript to provide local advertising banners to allow sponsors to offset my costs. This is great in the legacy site. I have been working in the sandbox for the new smugmug and have no way to allow a random banner ad from a gallery that has a click URL.

    I tried the slideshow but there is no way to cleanly add a url when clicking on the image (i did try html in the comment and then show comment). The slideshow is never random so I cannot control which image it starts with. The margins of the slideshow are too big and my banner is only 60 pixels tall and the fixed size requires 200 as a minimum. I can set to a fixed 3x1 aspect and it looks ok, but it always starts with the same image. and again I cannot click to go to the url.

    Please help by giving me a easy random rotating banner capability with URL link or just give me my simple javascript ability back for the header.


    Here is the code I use for my banners. This is then placed in the header of the entire site.
    <!--// == ROTATING HEADER BANNER CODE== //-->
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    var how_many_ads = 4;
    var now = new Date()
    var sec = now.getSeconds()
    var ad = sec % how_many_ads;
    ad +=1;
    if (ad==1) {
    bannername = "PF1";
    if (ad==2) {
    bannername = "PF2";
    if (ad==3) {
    bannername = "FHM";
    if (ad==4) {
    bannername = "FHM";
    document.write('<a href=\"' + url + '\" target=\"_blank\" >');
    document.write('<img src=\"' + banner + '\" width=');
    document.write(width + ' height=' + height + ' ');
    document.write('alt=\"' + alt + '\" border=0 >');
  • AdamNPAdamNP Registered Users Posts: 178 Major grins
    edited August 20, 2013
    AdamNP wrote: »
    Bump. I am losing money every single day that this very simple issue is not resolved.

    Going to keep bumping til I get some sort of acknowledgement. I am losing a ton of money, and it would take someone about 5 minutes to add this.
  • eddiefeddief Registered Users Posts: 60 Big grins
    edited August 20, 2013
    Separate Homepage
    AdamNP wrote: »
    Going to keep bumping til I get some sort of acknowledgement. I am losing a ton of money, and it would take someone about 5 minutes to add this.

    For my Adsense, I pretty much get most of my clicks on my homepage. So I now host my own root home page (picturesofvancouver.com), then made a subdomain (in my case it's 'gallery.picturesofvancouver.com') for my SmugMug part of things. So I just point a CNAME of 'gallery' to 'domains.smugmug.com'.
  • HylanderHylander Registered Users Posts: 73 Big grins
    edited August 20, 2013
    YES PLEASE! This and the full homepage slideshow are the two 'biggie' Javascript solutions that I need.
  • AdamNPAdamNP Registered Users Posts: 178 Major grins
    edited August 20, 2013
    eddief wrote: »
    For my Adsense, I pretty much get most of my clicks on my homepage. So I now host my own root home page (picturesofvancouver.com), then made a subdomain (in my case it's 'gallery.picturesofvancouver.com') for my SmugMug part of things. So I just point a CNAME of 'gallery' to 'domains.smugmug.com'.

    I can see how that would work, but in my situation it wouldn't. I already have a very extensive main site on the national parks. My SM site comes into play when they want to view larger versions of my images. Very occasionally I sell a print, but the large majority of my income comes from Adsense clicks while they are viewing my images on SM.

    I really wish someone from SM would say something. This would take minutes to add, and I know a lot of people want this, even if only a couple have posted here.
  • AdamNPAdamNP Registered Users Posts: 178 Major grins
    edited August 21, 2013
    Daily bump
  • pilotdavepilotdave Registered Users Posts: 785 Major grins
    edited August 21, 2013
    One more perfect example of why relying on smugmug to create content blocks for every possible little feature just isn't realistic. We need javascript or we'll be seeing thousands of threads like this in the future. And most of them will be ignored. Maybe Andy will chime in with "stay tuned" every once in a while for nostalgia sake.

  • HylanderHylander Registered Users Posts: 73 Big grins
    edited August 22, 2013
    I'm bumping to give Adam a days rest. ;)
  • eddiefeddief Registered Users Posts: 60 Big grins
    edited August 22, 2013
    We need to look for an alternative photo hosting site. It really sucks being held hostage like this.
  • HylanderHylander Registered Users Posts: 73 Big grins
    edited August 22, 2013
    Unfortunately, I didn't have much time to decided. The new SmugMug was released literally days before my subscription was set to renew. I played with the new system and discovered many of it's nice new features, and regrettably many of it's flaws and poor compromises. It was quite disappointing considering the "explanation" of why they needed to increase pricing and this was the resulting product. I was frustrated, and did consider Zen and even just going with something like SquareSpace. However, In the end, I've been with SmugMug as a Pro subscriber for many years and decided to give them the opportunity to fix many of these flaws. I've been frustrated by the glacier speed of requested features in the past, so I'm not holding out alot of hope for it to change quickly now either, but hoping is all I can do at this point. Luckily, it's just a 'hobby' for me - but if things don't get fixed I will move and not renew again.
  • southeasternphotographysoutheasternphotography Registered Users Posts: 647 Major grins
    edited August 23, 2013
    +1 Hmmmm....include a way to have a clickable spot for "Hey, if you liked viewing my images, drop me a few bucks through PayPal so I can afford to continue taking these images and displaying them here!". Any of you Nikon users ever send PayPal bucks to Ken Rockwell who SUPPORTS his family that way on his site? I have.
  • thenickdudethenickdude Registered Users Posts: 1,302 Major grins
    edited August 23, 2013
    +1 Hmmmm....include a way to have a clickable spot for "Hey, if you liked viewing my images, drop me a few bucks through PayPal so I can afford to continue taking these images and displaying them here!". Any of you Nikon users ever send PayPal bucks to Ken Rockwell who SUPPORTS his family that way on his site? I have.

    You can easily do this with an HTML block, no JavaScript is required. Just create a donate button on PayPal and they'll give you the HTML code to paste into your site.
  • southeasternphotographysoutheasternphotography Registered Users Posts: 647 Major grins
    edited August 23, 2013
  • dennismullendennismullen Registered Users Posts: 709 Major grins
    edited August 23, 2013
    If the slideshow would allow a minimum height of 20 pixels it would be easy to create flashing text banners.

    See my gallery at http://www.dennismullen.com
  • AzDewAzDew Registered Users Posts: 1 Beginner grinner
    edited August 23, 2013
    I Agree we need Google Adsense Content Block
    I agree, a simple content block that allows Adsense code, or a change to the HTML block to allow Adsense code, is all it would take. Adsense funds my yealy Smugmug fees. Its a Win Win. Please.

  • mbonocorembonocore Registered Users Posts: 2,299 Major grins
    edited August 23, 2013
    AdamNP wrote: »
    PLEASE consider adding support for Adsense, and soon. It is JS, but obviously not malicious script and not a security problem. A simple content block that allows Adsense code, or even a change to the HTML block to NOT filter Adsense code, is all it would take. I realize people are making millions of feature requests, but this one should really be VERY quick and easy.

    I was more than covering my SM payment with these ads, and now I am simply out those several hundred dollars a year. That's not acceptable. Other than this, I love the new design. My annual fee is due in less than two weeks... it would be a shame if I had to leave SM over something so easy to fix.

    Heya Adam,

    This has been on the books since almost day 1. Sorry for not acknowledging.
  • AdamNPAdamNP Registered Users Posts: 178 Major grins
    edited August 24, 2013
    mbonocore wrote: »
    Heya Adam,

    This has been on the books since almost day 1. Sorry for not acknowledging.

    Well, that is good. I hope "on the books" means it will be coming within a few days, like some of the other early requests were (wufoo, vimeo, statcounter, etc). Adsense would be extremely simple to do. The JavaScript for it is loaded from a direct link to Google... if you guys don't trust Google's Java, then I don't know who's you ever would.

    I don't mean to be cynical, but things like "on the books" or "stay tuned" have in the past translated to "several years" or "never", as anyone who's been around a while can attest to. I hope that is wrong this time, as literally every day is a few more dollars lost.
  • AdamNPAdamNP Registered Users Posts: 178 Major grins
    edited August 25, 2013
  • southeasternphotographysoutheasternphotography Registered Users Posts: 647 Major grins
    edited August 25, 2013
    This is one of those requests that if we had a Features Request Acknowledged thread, we would see if it was truly SM acknowledged, a priority, and perhaps a delivery date.
  • mbonocorembonocore Registered Users Posts: 2,299 Major grins
    edited August 26, 2013
    This is one of those requests that if we had a Features Request Acknowledged thread, we would see if it was truly SM acknowledged, a priority, and perhaps a delivery date.

    Here you go. Cast your votes!

  • southeasternphotographysoutheasternphotography Registered Users Posts: 647 Major grins
    edited August 26, 2013
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited August 26, 2013
    mbonocore wrote: »
    This insinuates that unless it gets a bunch of votes it's history.

    The discussion is here not on that feedback page which hardly any one sees.
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • mbonocorembonocore Registered Users Posts: 2,299 Major grins
    edited August 26, 2013
    Allen wrote: »
    This insinuates that unless it gets a bunch of votes it's history.

    The discussion is here not on that feedback page which hardly any one sees.

    Ha, no Allen, not at all. Someone asked for official recognition of this....so that's official recognition. The more votes it gets, though, the more leverage I have with it.
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