Voted, but I really hope this is a formality. People have been voting on some very reasonable things for years, and have been totally ignored. As I have said many times, this is a feature that should take MINUTES to implement. The comment I saw Baldy make about scoping it out, things about major customer IT departments understanding security, and "we have not yet begun work" are frankly scary. It doesn't get easier than this. If you are worried about Adsense Javascript security you shouldn't even own a computer... lol.
This insinuates that unless it gets a bunch of votes it's history.
The discussion is here not on that feedback page which hardly any one sees.
Exactly. The entire feature request and voting system became a joke years ago. It tooks years if it ever happened. And, somehow, after a 2 year rebuild, most all of them STILL are not in.
Getting tired of saying it, but I'll keep doing it. This is a minutes-long addition. If you are worried about Adsense security, then come out and say, right now, that no JS will ever be allowed in any form. It is *ludicrous* to see people talking about security and Adsense in the same post. It's only slightly less scary to see high-ups at SM talk about this like it is some major project. Again... MINUTES to do.
Now here is a MAJOR problem with voting. The only people who will vote are those who came to DGRIN and stumbled across the ADSENSE thread, new what adsense is, opened the thread, saw you could vote, and then voted. That is not many. If people did not know what it was, they might have actually wanted it once explained. And then there are the majority of SmugMug users who do not come to DGRIN at all, so they won't ever have a chance to vote. This gives credence to having an email sendout to all users concerning Feature Requests so they will know what just MIGHT become available to them if they go to the original thread and vote. If you don't know about it, you can't vote. And the majority of folks don't even know there is a place you can vote on things. In this area, its not location, location, location, - its communications, communications, communications! It seems SM seems to think that EVERYONE knows about DGRIN and comes here all the time. Sorry....
The people who keep repeating that this can be done in 'MINUTES' have clearly never done any software development in their lifetimes. You cannot implement and test this in minutes and end up with something that will work more than 50% of the time. It'll take more than MINUTES just to register for an account at Adsense in order to have something to test with.
It could, however, be comfortably done and dusted in a week, particularly if you didn't attempt to support mobile devices (though I can hear the complaints rolling in now - why is my ad banner too large to fit on a phone screen, breaking my layout? This could be fixed in MINUTES! MINUTES!). I imagine that developers are probably busy fixing problems with features that have already been released, though, which as you can imagine would take priority over adding new features.
Ok guys, I will not be adding anymore feature requests to the user voice forum. We can just keep it in house here in DGrin.
yeah I agree with the others, the voting stuff is less than ideal, particularly when comparing new issues with stuff that has been requested (and voted on) for years.
One useful thing that uservoice has is flags for 'planned' and 'under consideration'. Would be good if these could be carried over, even informally, on dgrin (or via some sort of document/spreadsheet, whatever works best). Its great when someone from Smugmug pops up on one of the threads and says "yep, its on the list, but we don't know when" or "noted, we're hoping to roll this out soon" or "ok, but this is pretty tricky". What does that mean though, for the threads that don't get a reply?
I note that my Google +1 thread never had a rubber stamp of acknowledgement
The people who keep repeating that this can be done in 'MINUTES' have clearly never done any software development in their lifetimes. You cannot implement and test this in minutes and end up with something that will work more than 50% of the time. It'll take more than MINUTES just to register for an account at Adsense in order to have something to test with.
It could, however, be comfortably done and dusted in a week, particularly if you didn't attempt to support mobile devices (though I can hear the complaints rolling in now - why is my ad banner too large to fit on a phone screen, breaking my layout? This could be fixed in MINUTES! MINUTES!). I imagine that developers are probably busy fixing problems with features that have already been released, though, which as you can imagine would take priority over adding new features.
Actually I have done quite a bit, thank you. I realize it cannot literally be minutes. But it could be pretty close. Do you realize how basic this request is? One option is simply to whitelist the *single* URL that the Adsense Javascript is loaded from. We do not paste any actual Javascript when adding an Ad... it simple loads from Google's own server. Another is a content block that simply asks for the few parameters each Adsense ad has. Minutes? Maybe not. Something VERY simple to do? Yes.
The exaggeration comes from some of the ludicrous statements I see SM people make here, talking as if this is some massive undertaking with all sorts of risks and plans needed. It also comes from their *terrible* history when it comes to adding new features. When you build a reputation over many years of getting nothing done, or getting it done insanely slowly, it sticks with you until you prove otherwise.
Actually I have done quite a bit, thank you. I realize it cannot literally be minutes. But it could be pretty close. Do you realize how basic this request is? One option is simply to whitelist the *single* URL that the Adsense Javascript is loaded from. We do not paste any actual Javascript when adding an Ad... it simple loads from Google's own server. Another is a content block that simply asks for the few parameters each Adsense ad has. Minutes? Maybe not. Something VERY simple to do? Yes.
The exaggeration comes from some of the ludicrous statements I see SM people make here, talking as if this is some massive undertaking with all sorts of risks and plans needed. It also comes from their *terrible* history when it comes to adding new features. When you build a reputation over many years of getting nothing done, or getting it done insanely slowly, it sticks with you until you prove otherwise.
Is there anything you like about Smugmug?
In this thread - (which you participate in) it mentions how you can have Adsense on Zenfolio, and as much of it as you want. If it's such a dealbreaker for you I don't know why you wouldn't jump ship immediately? Reading the many threads about this it does sound as if it might be done, it might not be done and if it is done who knows how long it would take. If you are dependent on the what, 100 dollars a year, two hundred? - it might be easier just to move everything over. It sounds like you would be much happier and a couple of hundred dollars a year better off!
In this thread - (which you participate in) it mentions how you can have Adsense on Zenfolio, and as much of it as you want. If it's such a dealbreaker for you I don't know why you wouldn't jump ship immediately? Reading the many threads about this it does sound as if it might be done, it might not be done and if it is done who knows how long it would take. If you are dependent on the what, 100 dollars a year, two hundred? - it might be easier just to move everything over. It sounds like you would be much happier and a couple of hundred dollars a year better off!
Obviously there are things I like about it, or I wouldn't have been here so long. Even recently, I have complimented the new design a lot. I love almost everything about it. There are tons of reasons not to "jump ship immediately". Changing hosts is a massive undertaking, not to mention losing years of indexed links and data.
I am annoyed at the history I have seen, and how HUGE a deal they make everything sound, and how impossible it is to ever get a straight answer. You said it perfectly yourself... "it might be done, it might not be done and if it is done who knows how long". That's the exact problem. As for your dollar amount assumption, you are quite low on that, but obviously I'm not going to talk specifics.
LPC - what a total BS statement you made. We are trying to get SM up to par in CERTAIN areas where it is lacking. And your advice is to go somewhere else. In MY company, you would have just been fired.:rambo
LPC - what a total BS statement you made. We are trying to get SM up to par in CERTAIN areas where it is lacking. And your advice is to go somewhere else. In MY company, you would have just been fired.:rambo
Likewise fella. All you have done in these forums is start 100 threads saying the same pointless things and then complain that there are too many threads for you to find anything useful
Most of the things you complain about endlessly are pertinent to a very small number of people (by the way, I can't see any adverts on your website?) In my company you would have been gently pointed towards other places where you might be happier. There are plenty of options available, might be worth seeing if they can offer exactly what you want (whatever that actually is)
Adsense Help
This is crazy, adsense is what make me able to pay my smugmug bill. Can we get an official answer on when this will be resolved? Please we want to love you SmugMug!
I'm adding in my bump. We need the ability to allow such a basic java-script. A lot of us depend on AdSense. It's an easy fix that will make a lot of smuggers happy
I think this is a total disgrace, I would have imagined before releasing the new smugmug, their developers or at least one of them would have thought about google adsense .. I like many others on here are losing money, this is what covers my monthly fee for smugmug. I have messaged smugmug asking about the google adsense and if it's at all possible to switch back to smugmug legacy, to which I received the automatic email within a day saying the usual stuff
"This is a confirmation email letting you know that we have received your email. Due to the overwhelming response and interest in New SmugMug, and for the first time in our company's history", then i received another the following day saying
"Thanks for contacting SmugMug support
I'm certainly sorry that Google Adsense is not available with new SmugMug at this time. The JavaScript coding is something we're working on, and there will be more information in the future.
Unfortunately, once you unveil your new site, we are unable to revert your account back to legacy SmugMug. I apologize for any inconvenience!
Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns.
Kind Regards,"
I feel we're all getting fobbed off instead of someone actually coming out and saying "it's not going to happen" or if it is .. when !!!!!
SMUGMUG don't keep us in the dark .. after all we are paying customers ........
I agree with you, there is no excuse to not at least have an official answer by now.
And I certainly see why the Javascript supporters are getting more and more concerned. SM keeps telling us "hey, just tell us why you need Javascript and we'll add the features you needed it for." Well... it doesn't get much easier, or more mainstream, than Adsense. And yet we get nothing. Adding Adsense should NOT be a big deal, and more and more people are joining me to say they are losing REAL money because of this. Wake up SM. If you can't add something this simple, how can we ever trust you to add anything?
I agree with you, there is no excuse to not at least have an official answer by now.
And I certainly see why the Javascript supporters are getting more and more concerned. SM keeps telling us "hey, just tell us why you need Javascript and we'll add the features you needed it for." Well... it doesn't get much easier, or more mainstream, than Adsense. And yet we get nothing. Adding Adsense should NOT be a big deal, and more and more people are joining me to say they are losing REAL money because of this. Wake up SM. If you can't add something this simple, how can we ever trust you to add anything?
There have actually been some official answers, but in other thread(s). I'm pretty sure some of them were in that thread entitled "SmugMug Update by Baldy", where a lot of discussion about Javascript has taken place. And another thread with a title including Javascript & Customizers, maybe? Anyway, none of it so far has been the answers you're wanting to hear, however. It's basically, "We're working on figuring out if we can find a way to employ Javascript 'safely', maybe by allowing some customizers to use it or maybe by approving certain JS code for use by the masses". That's my nutshell version. And I feel for you. I'm sitting on pins & needles about it too, not cuz I've used AdSense, but for other missing features. Apparently, the "figuring out" part is going to take a lot of patience on our parts...
Yeah, I understand figuring out full Javascript use taking some time. However, Adsense, along with some other things, could be done by adding VERY simple content blocks. They already did it with things like Wufoo forms and Vimeo. Adsense has a direct financial impact on myself and several others - and the entire point of Pro accounts is the ability to make a profit. I find it outrageous that they have not yet found the time to implement Adsense, considering its simplicity.
I think they made a big deal over those three (wufoo ,vimeo ,statcounter )as proof of concept. Was vimeo inclusion really a priority?? nothing since I don't think..... Really really easy stuff like Google +1s haven't been added. Yet they expect us to believe that they can react quick enough to customers needs to justify binning js
I'm certainly sorry that Google Adsense is not available with new SmugMug at this time. The JavaScript coding is something we're working on, and there will be more information in the future.
Unfortunately, once you unveil your new site, we are unable to revert your account back to legacy SmugMug. I apologize for any inconvenience!
We I think it's that they Wont not that they can't. I remember a thread from a few weeks ago from someone who had unveiled but was having massive problems because of the "no small case in urls" change & an offer was made to him to revert his site back to Legacy.
SM really needs to add some form of Java support back in. It's not just AdSense that uses it, all of the advertising companies similar to AdSense use Java as well. Do we need full Java support? No I don't think so, but at least enough to run some banner ads to generate a little revenue to help pay for the fees.
I think we need a date on adsense
I am need of a date on the ad-sense issue I have sent three requests to customer service and not one replay to my e-mail even saying they "don't know"
We need a date on when ad-sense comes back or many of us need to find a new home
In my opinion if it's placed in the development cue SM can certainly even give us a date like January 1st with a testing date and soft roll out December 15th
I am need of a date on the ad-sense issue I have sent three requests to customer service and not one replay to my e-mail even saying they "don't know"
We need a date on when ad-sense comes back or many of us need to find a new home
In my opinion if it's placed in the development cue SM can certainly even give us a date like January 1st with a testing date and soft roll out December 15th
BUMP this whole thread
I agree. This is getting beyond ridiculous. It's a stupidly easy feature to implement. Lots of people want it. I don't understand the problem.
We may have got a new version of SM software, but the rest of it is the same as always. Terrible communication, ignoring customer requests, and glacial development. Sigh.
This is still being investigated by our product team. I will get an update next week
Would you please explain what "investigated" means? There's nothing to investigate. . It's probably the most commonly used, most vetted, most tested JS in the world. It is used absolutely everywhere. It's just a simple content block addition. All it would need to do is ask for a couple of parameters, the JS is drawn straight from Google's servers.
Voted, but I really hope this is a formality. People have been voting on some very reasonable things for years, and have been totally ignored. As I have said many times, this is a feature that should take MINUTES to implement. The comment I saw Baldy make about scoping it out, things about major customer IT departments understanding security, and "we have not yet begun work" are frankly scary. It doesn't get easier than this. If you are worried about Adsense Javascript security you shouldn't even own a computer... lol.
Exactly. The entire feature request and voting system became a joke years ago. It tooks years if it ever happened. And, somehow, after a 2 year rebuild, most all of them STILL are not in.
Getting tired of saying it, but I'll keep doing it. This is a minutes-long addition. If you are worried about Adsense security, then come out and say, right now, that no JS will ever be allowed in any form. It is *ludicrous* to see people talking about security and Adsense in the same post. It's only slightly less scary to see high-ups at SM talk about this like it is some major project. Again... MINUTES to do.
Photo Blog
It could, however, be comfortably done and dusted in a week, particularly if you didn't attempt to support mobile devices (though I can hear the complaints rolling in now - why is my ad banner too large to fit on a phone screen, breaking my layout? This could be fixed in MINUTES! MINUTES!). I imagine that developers are probably busy fixing problems with features that have already been released, though, which as you can imagine would take priority over adding new features.
Please check out my gallery of customisations for the New SmugMug, more to come!
yeah I agree with the others, the voting stuff is less than ideal, particularly when comparing new issues with stuff that has been requested (and voted on) for years.
One useful thing that uservoice has is flags for 'planned' and 'under consideration'. Would be good if these could be carried over, even informally, on dgrin (or via some sort of document/spreadsheet, whatever works best). Its great when someone from Smugmug pops up on one of the threads and says "yep, its on the list, but we don't know when" or "noted, we're hoping to roll this out soon" or "ok, but this is pretty tricky". What does that mean though, for the threads that don't get a reply?
I note that my Google +1 thread never had a rubber stamp of acknowledgement
Actually I have done quite a bit, thank you. I realize it cannot literally be minutes. But it could be pretty close. Do you realize how basic this request is? One option is simply to whitelist the *single* URL that the Adsense Javascript is loaded from. We do not paste any actual Javascript when adding an Ad... it simple loads from Google's own server. Another is a content block that simply asks for the few parameters each Adsense ad has. Minutes? Maybe not. Something VERY simple to do? Yes.
The exaggeration comes from some of the ludicrous statements I see SM people make here, talking as if this is some massive undertaking with all sorts of risks and plans needed. It also comes from their *terrible* history when it comes to adding new features. When you build a reputation over many years of getting nothing done, or getting it done insanely slowly, it sticks with you until you prove otherwise.
Is there anything you like about Smugmug?
In this thread - (which you participate in) it mentions how you can have Adsense on Zenfolio, and as much of it as you want. If it's such a dealbreaker for you I don't know why you wouldn't jump ship immediately? Reading the many threads about this it does sound as if it might be done, it might not be done and if it is done who knows how long it would take. If you are dependent on the what, 100 dollars a year, two hundred? - it might be easier just to move everything over. It sounds like you would be much happier and a couple of hundred dollars a year better off!
Obviously there are things I like about it, or I wouldn't have been here so long. Even recently, I have complimented the new design a lot. I love almost everything about it. There are tons of reasons not to "jump ship immediately". Changing hosts is a massive undertaking, not to mention losing years of indexed links and data.
I am annoyed at the history I have seen, and how HUGE a deal they make everything sound, and how impossible it is to ever get a straight answer. You said it perfectly yourself... "it might be done, it might not be done and if it is done who knows how long". That's the exact problem. As for your dollar amount assumption, you are quite low on that, but obviously I'm not going to talk specifics.
Likewise fella. All you have done in these forums is start 100 threads saying the same pointless things and then complain that there are too many threads for you to find anything useful
Most of the things you complain about endlessly are pertinent to a very small number of people (by the way, I can't see any adverts on your website?) In my company you would have been gently pointed towards other places where you might be happier. There are plenty of options available, might be worth seeing if they can offer exactly what you want (whatever that actually is)
This is crazy, adsense is what make me able to pay my smugmug bill. Can we get an official answer on when this will be resolved? Please we want to love you SmugMug!
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I think this is a total disgrace, I would have imagined before releasing the new smugmug, their developers or at least one of them would have thought about google adsense .. I like many others on here are losing money, this is what covers my monthly fee for smugmug. I have messaged smugmug asking about the google adsense and if it's at all possible to switch back to smugmug legacy, to which I received the automatic email within a day saying the usual stuff
"This is a confirmation email letting you know that we have received your email. Due to the overwhelming response and interest in New SmugMug, and for the first time in our company's history", then i received another the following day saying
"Thanks for contacting SmugMug support
I'm certainly sorry that Google Adsense is not available with new SmugMug at this time. The JavaScript coding is something we're working on, and there will be more information in the future.
Unfortunately, once you unveil your new site, we are unable to revert your account back to legacy SmugMug. I apologize for any inconvenience!
Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns.
Kind Regards,"
I feel we're all getting fobbed off instead of someone actually coming out and saying "it's not going to happen" or if it is .. when !!!!!
SMUGMUG don't keep us in the dark .. after all we are paying customers ........
And I certainly see why the Javascript supporters are getting more and more concerned. SM keeps telling us "hey, just tell us why you need Javascript and we'll add the features you needed it for." Well... it doesn't get much easier, or more mainstream, than Adsense. And yet we get nothing. Adding Adsense should NOT be a big deal, and more and more people are joining me to say they are losing REAL money because of this. Wake up SM. If you can't add something this simple, how can we ever trust you to add anything?
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
Posted from Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
We I think it's that they Wont not that they can't. I remember a thread from a few weeks ago from someone who had unveiled but was having massive problems because of the "no small case in urls" change & an offer was made to him to revert his site back to Legacy.
Digi-Scapes | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest
Nikon D800 & D850 | Nikkor 70-200 f2.8 VR II | Nikkor 16-35 f/4 | Nikon TC-20E-III | Nikkor 70-300mm VR | Nikkor 50mm f1.8 | Nikon 24-120mm f/4G ED VR | Micro-Nikkor 105mm f/2.8G
I am need of a date on the ad-sense issue I have sent three requests to customer service and not one replay to my e-mail even saying they "don't know"
We need a date on when ad-sense comes back or many of us need to find a new home
In my opinion if it's placed in the development cue SM can certainly even give us a date like January 1st with a testing date and soft roll out December 15th
BUMP this whole thread
I agree. This is getting beyond ridiculous. It's a stupidly easy feature to implement. Lots of people want it. I don't understand the problem.
We may have got a new version of SM software, but the rest of it is the same as always. Terrible communication, ignoring customer requests, and glacial development. Sigh.
Photo Blog
Would you please explain what "investigated" means? There's nothing to investigate. . It's probably the most commonly used, most vetted, most tested JS in the world. It is used absolutely everywhere. It's just a simple content block addition. All it would need to do is ask for a couple of parameters, the JS is drawn straight from Google's servers.