manual sort upload choice top or bottom of gallery

My old smugmug galleries were set to Manual Sort and Descending.
Because Ascending / Descending with Manual Sort isn't available in the new smugmug the unveiled gallery breaks when you open Gallery Settings causing all the pictures to be rearranged oldest first!
This bug has blown the order of my pictures in every gallery.
Some galleries have hundreds of pictures that took many hours to arrange.
Ascending / Descending in Manual Sort is needed as it determines whether newly uploaded pictures are placed at the top or bottom of the gallery.
Not only has this change messed up all my galleries but I have to drag every new upload from the bottom of the gallery to the top now.
This is no easy task when a gallery has hundreds of pictures, waiting for all the picture thumbnails in Organizer to refresh, etc.
Please fix the option to have a choice of where new uploads are put in Manual Sort by allowing the 1-9 / 9-1 choice like it was in the old smugmug.
Because Ascending / Descending with Manual Sort isn't available in the new smugmug the unveiled gallery breaks when you open Gallery Settings causing all the pictures to be rearranged oldest first!
This bug has blown the order of my pictures in every gallery.
Some galleries have hundreds of pictures that took many hours to arrange.
Ascending / Descending in Manual Sort is needed as it determines whether newly uploaded pictures are placed at the top or bottom of the gallery.
Not only has this change messed up all my galleries but I have to drag every new upload from the bottom of the gallery to the top now.
This is no easy task when a gallery has hundreds of pictures, waiting for all the picture thumbnails in Organizer to refresh, etc.
Please fix the option to have a choice of where new uploads are put in Manual Sort by allowing the 1-9 / 9-1 choice like it was in the old smugmug.
See my gallery at
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Dropping new pictures to the bottom of the gallery is as far from where I want them as possible.
If you have hundreds of pictures in the gallery the only way to move the new picture to the top of the gallery is with the organizer.
You have to wait a very long time for all the thumbnails to draw and drag the picture from the bottom to the top.
When you unveil smugmug just opening "Gallery Settings" blows the order of your pictures in that gallery. A Major BUG!
There is more about this here...
Thank you for explaining what you'd like to see happen. I don't know enough about the original code to reliably say whether or not the way you had it working before was by design, was a bug or was just an oversight on our part, on the surface having manual sort and an option for ascending and descending would seem to be mutually exclusive. However, I certainly can see the appeal of what your saying and how it would be useful to you and your situation.
That said, this is a feature request, not a bug. I understand that it isn't how it was working before and that it's not how you'd like it to work, but that doesn't mean it's a bug. Take the 'Map This' option, for example. We got rid of it in the new SmugMug, that it doesn't exist isn't a bug and bringing it back would be a feature request (one that has been requested, actually.) The sorting is working as intended, you want to add functionality and that's fine, that's still a feature request. I will pass this along to those that make feature decisions and let them know of your use case. I completely agree with you that, in your situation, it would be helpful to have back. However, I will temper that by saying that we'd love to please everyone, but we simply can't. Like always, I can't make any guarantees that this gets implemented.
Allow me to sum up: You want the ability, in essence, to choose where newly uploaded images go, either to the beginning or the end of the gallery. Yes?
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Again I get a response refusing to acknowledge that everyone who unveils from the old smugmug with a gallery setting of Manual Sort and Descending will get their picture order scrambled when they use Gallery Settings!
Big Problem!
The ability to choose top or bottom used to be there and it was useful. I too would like to see it restored.
In any event, migration must not be allowed to change the existing sort order of legacy galleries, regardless of how that order was created. Unless the user chooses to change the sort after migration, I fail to see how altering the existing order can be considered a feature and not a bug.
This is in Feature Request. Dennis asked for reimplementing of the Manual Sort Ascending/Descending in this thread. That is a feature request.
Dennis' original issue reported in a sperate thread is being investigated, but has yet to be recreated.
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It's interesting that a gallery keeps the old settings after unveiling and uploaded pictures are dropped at the top of the gallery until the owner makes the mistake of using Gallery Settings.
Everyone who unveils from the old smugmug with a gallery setting of Manual Sort and Descending will get their picture order scrambled when they use Gallery Settings and from then on uploaded pictures are sent to the bottom of the gallery!
Ok, I really need to hear something "from above" saying it's an accepted bug (that simply accessing gallery settings when I unveil will cause all my photos to be re-arranged if I had manual sort) and that it will be fixed!!!! I will, in upcoming weeks, be starting to figure out what all I need to do, save, write down, or change in Legacy before trying the New Smug (because I have a huge site). But this is one thing that will make the entire process horrendous for me. I have many hundreds of galleries. Not only will having to re-arrange every single gallery make me extremely ticked... I don't even know how I'd find the time to do it. Please, please, please, please, please, SmugMug-- put this in Bug Reporting if you're really breaking everyone's gallery arrangements in this case when we unveil, because it's disingenuous to call it a "feature" to simply decide NOT to break our arrangements... especially when you're not telling people that's what unveiling will do to them!!!! It's extremely nasty to do that to your long-term paying customers. Just don't break our arrangements, and get this on the Bug list fast, before you get a lot more people angry. No matter how the old tools worked compared to the new, you can certainly get something in place that doesn't ruin what arrangements we had!
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
Makes me curse every day!
The unveiled gallery breaks when you open Gallery Settings if your old smugmug galleries were set to Manual Sort and Descending causing all the pictures to be rearranged oldest first.
This is because new smugmug is missing the option to choose a gallery setting of Ascending / Descending in Manual Sort and defaults to Ascending (1-9).
The bug also occurs when a quick setting from the old smugmug includes this setting.
Trying to use the old quick setting in the new smugmug causes the same situation where the picture order gets rearranged again.
Also the old quick setting can not be deleted.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
So, has anyone else actually experienced this?
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
You have already announced how you don't consider this a problem because you prefer your gallery to default to ascending and this problem is when your gallery is set to Manual Sort and Descending.
If you search for it in the forums all you get is one person reporting it and two people who are worried that it might happen to them when you would expect to find thread after thread. Seems strange - is there only one person using Smugmug who uses Manaul Sort/Descending?
[ETA: that silly title was not supposed to be the title. It was supposed to be the tags. And I spelled one wrong. Great. Could someone remove that title? Thanks!]
I think what you're not realizing is that probably most people who've migrated (many of whom never show up on DGrin anyway) may not have ever gone into their Gallery Settings yet on New Smug. And the great majority of people probably have their galleries set in the opposite order, the one that has been kept as an option (or rather default) in New Smug. so all of those people will be fine (for now, until they go into Settings & save, & if they had the now-non-existing option set before, they may not even realize it's now missing because they went into Settings for some other reason, not for re-organizing their pics. So they "save". After that, it could take awhile til they even figure out what it was that mixed their photos up. So it could be months down the road til a lot of people get mad about this.
Just because not knowing it's a bug may be the experience of the majority, doesn't mean it's not a huge PITA bug for a small minority. That small minority, of whom Dennis & Richard & I may be part, have a right to expect SmugMug to not completely rearrange 10s of 1000s of our photos, as we'll already have enough freaking work to keep us busy w/o that kind of silliness!
One more thing that seems to be completely forgotten in this discussion of whether it's a bug or not-- & Dennis has made this clear enough times so I don't get why the insistence on "it's not a bug":
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
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Saying it isn't a bug doesn't make it so.
I explain everything very carefully but you just don't read it.
The unveiled gallery breaks when you open Gallery Settings if your old smugmug galleries were set to Manual Sort and Descending causing all the pictures to be rearranged oldest first.
This is because new smugmug is missing the option to choose a gallery setting of Ascending / Descending in Manual Sort and defaults to Ascending (1-9).
The bug also occurs when a quick setting from the old smugmug includes this setting.
Trying to use the old quick setting in the new smugmug causes the same situation where the picture order gets rearranged again.
Also the old quick setting can not be deleted.
Yes, I do understand that, but adding this functionality will prevent the issue you describe. Either way, the solution is the same.
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Your insistence on dropping this into Features (for no good reason) is yet one more thing that keeps me & others from migrating!! It's just so incredibly frustrating how little care we're feeling around here, especially when yet another week goes by with so few fixes. That tells me this one will be months, maybe years down the road! So when I'm forced to migrate, you're gonna give me & others hours of needless work just because you can, instead of just fixing this promptly. Every time I start to get hopeful, I have to waste time re-explaining something that then still never makes it to the correct list, a list which is already 2 pages long & shrunk by maybe a couple fixes this week (not counting the stuff that's supposed to be on it & isn't) AAaaaaaaaargh!!
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
Bug - Functionality that is there, that isn't working properly
Feature - Functionality that is not there, but is requested.
As I have stated many many times, the label of bug vs request has ZERO impact on when it gets addressed. So lobbying to have it labled a bug does nothing to help get this addressed. In fact, the time I have to keep coming back to keep responding does, because it takes time away from me making a case to the people that will have this on their plate. We have received this, and it will be prioritized accordingly. I promise. Bug vs Feature will have zero impact on the state of it.
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It doesn't look that way. I edited my post. The SmugMug I used to know didn't treat people's time that way. That's why there should evidently be either a 3rd area, or a change of definition, to save what's left of Smug's integrity:
Bug - Functionality that is there, that isn't working properly
Quick Fix Needed -- Former Functionality that should still be there because when missing, it breaks stuff in transition, and shouldn't need to be begged for once again since we've already been there, done that.
Feature - Functionality that is not there, but is requested.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
Many bugs/features actually are quick fixes, based on how many people it affects. I have just a small handful who have reported this, and they are all here. This has never been brought up via help@smugmug, only the couple people here. I know it's important to you, and I have made that very clear in my dgrin issue review meetings.
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OK, so let me see if I've got this right. There are two issues: (1) the sort order breaks when migrating if the gallery is set to manual/descending and (2) in the new software, there is no choice about whether new pics are placed at the top or bottom in a manual sort gallery. Right, so far?
So is SmugMug now acknowledging that issue (1) exists and proposing to solve it by creating a feature will also address issue (2) if and when it is implemented?
Sorry if this beating a dead horse, but there is a huge difference between the above statement and a previous statement that issue (1) could not be recreated and (by implication) may not exist. Although I would like to see issue (2) addressed, it's not a show-stopper for me. Issue (1) is, so I'm looking for a promise from SmugMug that migrating is not going to screw up the manual sort order of any of my galleries.
Smugmug seems willing to let customers loose there picture arrangements, as happened to me, rather then fix this.
There is a third problem. (3) If you saved a quick setting with Manual Sort and Descending in legacy smugmug it follows you to new smugmug.
If you use it it sets up the same scenario again and looses your picture order, as happened to me, and quick settings can not be deleted.
The obvious solution is to put the choice of Ascending / Descending back.
has been documented many times as needed for manual sort to stick.
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In Manual Sort the use of Ascending / Descending, also known as (1-9) / (9-1), is just a switch to determine if newly uploaded pictures are dropped to the top or bottom of the gallery.
This is how it worked in legacy smugmug.