SM footer link no longer hidden



  • mbonocorembonocore Registered Users Posts: 2,299 Major grins
    edited February 13, 2014
    beardedgit wrote: »
    Well, for starters it would have shown good manners.

    Ok. Then you can blame me for not notifying you. I take full responsibility
  • beardedgitbeardedgit Registered Users Posts: 854 Major grins
    edited February 13, 2014
    mbonocore wrote: »
    Ok. Then you can blame me for not notifying you. I take full responsibility

    This isn't about blame and responsibility, it's about manners, morals and continuous improvement. Merely blaming you, even if you have the authority to claim such responsibility, won't stop this sort of fiasco happening again.
    Yippee ki-yay, footer-muckers!
  • psenior1psenior1 Registered Users Posts: 125 Major grins
    edited February 13, 2014
    mbonocore wrote: »
    Ok. Then you can blame me for not notifying you. I take full responsibility

    as a SM employee your attitude in your responses to this thread suck.
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  • AperturePlusAperturePlus Registered Users Posts: 374 Major grins
    edited February 13, 2014
    psenior1 wrote: »
    as a SM employee your attitude in your responses to this thread suck.

    Here's where I wish there were a 'like' button.
  • psenior1psenior1 Registered Users Posts: 125 Major grins
    edited February 13, 2014
    the thing is I can see where SM are coming from, it would just have been courteous (and easy) to let people know they were plugging a loophole. It would also be nice to have the ability to choose how the 'photo sharing by smugmug' appeared, perhaps a cool little logo rather that some archaic looking text to spoil the look of our swish new designs.
    website -
    facebook - my facebook page please LIKE me!
  • Ed LOEd LO Registered Users Posts: 7 Beginner grinner
    edited February 13, 2014
    I can't believe what I've just read.

    So, I woke this morning, and with a clear day ahead of me, I thought I'd do some tinkering with my smart Smugmug website - of which I am actually quite proud. I mean, I'm always playing around with colours and layout etc cos there are so many options... I wonder a lot about how I can make it a bit more SEO friendly, or worry about security for my clients, or, or, or.... So many choices - love it...

    Then I notice that today the little login link at the bottom of EVERY page of my website, that also gives you guys at SM a little bit love and credit (which I've never minded in the past - and in fact have been quite proud of) has for some reason dropped out of the shaded footer area of my website (where it happily resided), ON EVERY PAGE, thus making a little clear line along the bottom of every page BELOW my footer.

    Now, I'm a reasonable guy so I just thought there was something wrong temporarily. Tried a few simple switch it off, switch it on type solutions. No luck. So I tried extending the shading through CSS. No luck. So then I thought I'd move it back into the footer. No luck. So by now I was getting frustrated, so I thought I'd try and kill it. Got onto Google, found a brilliant tutorial about how to hide it. Read that it was supposed to be there and I wasn't allowed to move it. Fair enough, so I thought I'd build my own link to SM and to my Login page and move it back into my theme. No luck.

    Ok. So, what?! WHAT?! I can't move it. I can't hide it. I can't cover it or extend the theme that you guys made such a song and dance about when it launched last year. I can't do anything except live with the fact that I've got a white strip along the bottom of EVERY PAGE of my website, telling everyone that I am 'Photo Sharing by Smugmug'. Really? REALLY?! Wtf?

    And then I read this thread.


    My jaw dropped. I literally couldn't believe what I was reading.

    BeardedGit, AperturePlus and others have hit the nail squarely, and firmly on the head. SM - you guys are behaving like a spoilt child, in the playground, having a tantrum. I couldn't believe the indefensible position that you were adopting, and trying to defend; all that nonsense about it always being like that, and Nike and Canon defending their brand. Astonishing. Astonishing, and bo**ocks.

    Cos then something slightly more sinister occurred to me. I shell out in excess of £180 sterling a year for the pleasure of your site - and don't get me wrong, normally it is a pleasure. In fact, I have two smugmug accounts, both of which are pro. And both of which now have this problem. So in fact, I shell out in excess of nearly £400 pa because your product is beautiful, easy to use for me and my clients, and it makes me look and feel like the professional photographer I am.

    But what makes us professional photographers? Aside from technical understanding, creative juices and a good business brain, the thing that separates good photographers from awesome photographers is...? What? Any ideas, class? I'll tell you... ATTENTION TO DETAIL.

    And you, SM, have just screwed me sideways to the tune of £400 by changing something centrally that has impacted on both my websites (and not just mine by the sounds of it), over which I HAVE NO CONTROL, which takes away from my almost OCD tendencies toward attention to detail.

    In other words, you are undermining EVERYTHING I do as professional photographer, who is quietly pottering along, minding my own business, knowing (/thinking) I have good suppliers to back me up to help me make money so that they do too, and, not only that but you are doing it ON EVERY SINGLE PAGE.

    Smugmug, please, PLEASE, for LOVE OF GOD, see sense on this one. And do it soon. Otherwise, I might just ask for my money back, and move to a competitor, or jump of Chelsea Bridge, or, or, or.... I dunno, something.

    I just can't believe you've reneged on something so fundamental as the ability to completely personalise our own websites. FTLOG, that is your MAIN USP. And you've just gone and spat it out the window. I hope you are ashamed of yourselves.

    What's the quote? "Help us to help you. HELP US TO HELP YOU."
  • FergusonFerguson Registered Users Posts: 1,345 Major grins
    edited February 13, 2014
    mbonocore wrote: »
    No where do we say you can remove it. Will you show me exactly where it says "You can remove SmugMug footer"?

    Can I suggest this whole line of childish argument is of no benefit. Smugmug owns this site. Their terms of service say they can change the terms of service at will (yes, with notice, but if it came to that what's 30 days). Basically they can restrict our sites any way they want. Trying to argue that they missed a bullet point in their terms will only end up getting them to add a bullet point.

    I think as users we should not let the willingness of SM heros to follow us down a spiral into childishness to encourage us to do so.

    What's really at issue here is SM made a policy decision that clearly baffles some of us. I think it's clearly within their right to do so. But I also believe it would be useful if we could gain some insight into WHY? The whole idea of "we are proud of what we do" doesn't really fly, you know. Not that you are not, and should not be... but this change affects such a tiny, tiny percentage of your page views I can't believe someone sat around in a board room saying "we need that 0.1% to show it also".

    Maybe it's a legal issue handed down from some GC. Right or wrong, I could get that. (Lawyers, if asked "how can I be most protected" will drive you to extremes, and many a company has failed by treating lawyer advice as directive instead of advice).

    Maybe it's a technical-ego issue -- someone in management realized users had a workaround, got offended their "security" was breached, and required a fix to support their ego rather than asking if it was a business reason.

    Maybe it was something else?

    Do we as users have a right to such insight? No.

    But as users, it sure would make us happier if we were treated like supporting cast members as opposed to uninvolved extras without a vested interest. After all -- we're on DGRIN, where a huge percentage of your support comes from these same users.

    Let me close this too-long posting with a completely irrelevant story.

    In 1945, at the World Series, the owner of a bar called the Billy Goat Tavern came into Wrigley Field with a goat. Kind of an unofficial mascot of sorts. The venue's management decided it was against policy to have a goat there, and ejected him. They lost sight, somewhat, of the tradition and the power of ritual, of keeping their fans happy.

    The Cubs not only lost the series, but have never won a series since, cursed by the ejected goat (or the goat's owner, depending on how you view it) Since that time Cubs fans and management have tried increasingly aggressive means to overcome this curse, without avail. Of such a small issue half a century of effort has railed against the curse without success. Well, if you believe in such things. Could be the Cubs just haven't had what it takes since.

    I'm sure that Cubs policy enforcement has nothing to do with Smugmug's enforcement, but it's a cute story. Look it up if you don't believe me, a Chicago legend.
  • mbellotmbellot Registered Users Posts: 465 Major grins
    edited February 13, 2014
    mbonocore wrote: »
    No where do we say you can remove it. Will you show me exactly where it says "You can remove SmugMug footer"?

    It is very clearly implied on your home page.
    Other companies restrict you to templates. We give you complete control over your site design, so you can be you.

    And for what it's worth, "Powered by SmugMug" that you keep quoting wouldn't bother me, but "Photo Sharing by SmugMug" (as shown in the screen shot in the OP) bothers the cr@p out of me when I'm trying to sell photos, not share them.
  • pilotdavepilotdave Registered Users Posts: 785 Major grins
    edited February 13, 2014
    Smugmug has explained this policy multiple times in the past. Here's probably the first time, back when the ceo had time to post on dgrin... see onethumb's response in this thread from 2005:

    I joined in 2006 and we were able to hide the footer back then. It would take more searching but I could find the thread when they first "grandfathered" people that had been hiding the footer to continue to do so, then later forced the footer on all. This is nothing new... same arguments from both sides every time. What's new now is that they're working on this crap when there's a feature request forum full of great ideas and a bug reporting forum full of needed fixes.

  • mishenkamishenka Banned Posts: 470 Major grins
    edited February 13, 2014
    mbonocore wrote: »
    I understand your position Ferguson and Tomo....I really do. But again, we do not allow you to hide the "Powered By SmugMug" text on the footer. I will gladly listen to your arguments, but I can tell you this will not be changing anytime soon.
    Thanks for your understanding.

    Seems as you are deliberately not answering any of my direct questions:)

    rich56k wrote: »
    As if this isn't bad enough (see all above comments) the pages load so slow that virtually every page /gallery you click on is initially blank except for the "footer" showing briefly (but blatantly) at the TOP OF THE PAGE.

    That is now expected and very easily explained behavior: when the footer elements are bearing these properties - "display:block!important;opacity:1!important;visibility:visible!important;" - they naturally take priority over a bit slower content area of the page, thus being shown on the page quicker and slightly before the rest of your content. Of course, a lot depends on the browser and speed of the system you are using.

    TOS, rules, etc.... Please clarify the following, prominently advertised features of the SmugMug's service. With the SmugMug branding and/or logo displayed on every page the below advertised features are clearly not being delivered to me and the rest of your customers for the subscriptions levels advertised. If you are not authorized to answer this question, please, provide me with the contact of the person who I can direct this question.

    Thank you very much Michael,



  • A Still In TimeA Still In Time Registered Users Posts: 4 Beginner grinner
    edited February 14, 2014
    Extremely Disappointed
    After months of comparing sites and deciding to go with SmugMug because of its falsely advertised statement of giving its users "complete control", I have become extremely dissatisfied with SM. I paid for the "Business" plan so that I could use a feature that their main competitor includes at a lower tier, and for the main reason that I would be able to start building my brand, and only my brand. Now, not only am I disturbed at the blatant SM branding on each and every page of my site, but I do agree with another posters comment about it saying "sharing". I'm not paying for the most expensive plan to be "sharing" my photos.

    Now I realize that SM branding on the page is not new (I conceded to it even though I was not happy about it as a top plan customer) and I was hoping that with enough pleas from the community that SM would change this. It now seems that they are rigid in their thinking and essentially is squashing any hopes that this would have changed. Now seeing the link makes me more disgruntled that it did before.

    Ironically, just this last weekend I was showing off my site to a fellow semi-professional photographer who was very interested in finding a platform to display some of his pictures and build his brand. I did enthusiastically recommend SM. Now, in good conscience, I don't think I can say that SM is overwhelmingly better than their main competitor and I will have to mention to him this new development.

    SmugMug, with the current false promises of "complete control" on your website, why can you not fulfill those promises at least for your top tiered plans?

    I truly hope that a satisfactory solution can be reached before my year expires because as much as I am going to hate uploading pictures to another site, I will do so. I know my one account probably does not amount to much in the grand scheme of SmugMug things, but I will move my feather on the scale.

    I was excited when SM added the ability for customers to pay via PayPal (which its competitors already did) and thought that SM was taking good steps forward to really distance itself from the rest. I don't know about that now.

    Extremely saddened

    A Still In Time
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited February 14, 2014
    Instead of "Photo Sharing by SmugMug" something like "Powered by Smugmug" might be better. After all
    it's their code, their engine, that's running your site.
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • Ed LOEd LO Registered Users Posts: 7 Beginner grinner
    edited February 14, 2014
    As I think I alluded to in my rather lengthier post yesterday, the vast majority of the SM users are perfectly happy to display a little SM link - I know I am. And if it was written into the TOS, then none of us would have a leg to stand on.

    What I'm find completely unacceptable is that I can't control how it is displayed, or where, or what it says; I can't even format it. So much so, that the prescribed format/link is damaging the layout of my website and I can't change it. In fact, yesterday I had to redesign/recolour and re everything just to accommodate it (which btw is testament to the power and ease that SM have made it to do so!!). It's almost as though SM doesn't care... I think I might take this to the social media channels and see what comes back...

    For those of us in this forum who care even about a small link, I think your points about chasing the 0.1% are valid, but ultimately, as Allen says above, it's their code, their platform, and their work, and I think they should be credited... In the same way we as photographers expect it.

  • LPCLPC Registered Users Posts: 481 Major grins
    edited February 14, 2014
    It has completely broken the scrolling on every page, I feel like my site has been vandalized. I had arranged every page so you didn't have to scroll to see the whole page on everything from a 19 to a 24 inch screen and that has now been broken with no way to fix it. It's the way that the line has been added in a completely insensitive 'anti-design' manner that offends me so much as it goes against everything SM had previously promised. Can it not be at least made to float rather than be a new line which you need to scroll down to see on every page? It just looks so careless after all the work I had put it to make it look professional.
  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,422 moderator
    edited February 14, 2014
    Allen wrote: »
    Instead of "Photo Sharing by SmugMug" something like "Powered by Smugmug" might be better. After all
    it's their code, their engine, that's running your site.
    I would agree, "Powered by SmugMug" would be preferred as a tag line.
    LPC wrote: »
    Can it not be at least made to float rather than be a new line which you need to scroll down to see on every page? It just looks so careless after all the work I had put it to make it look professional.
    That sounds like a reasonable request.

    The funny thing is that I hadn't removed the smug footer on my site but I had aligned it with my copyright statement, copyright on the left side and smug footer on the right, both on the same (vertical) line. With this change the smug footer was bumped down, no longer on the same line as my copyright. Given that one was on the right and one on the left it looked very sloppy. After messing around a bit to try to align them again I gave up and set the smug footer on the left so it is under my copyright. I did manage to move it over so it lines up with the copyright.

    --- Denise
  • tomoscotttomoscott Registered Users Posts: 92 Big grins
    edited February 14, 2014
    I would agree, "Powered by SmugMug" would be preferred as a tag line.

    That sounds like a reasonable request.

    --- Denise

    Something tells me that the word "reasonable" does not pertain to this issue.
  • mishenkamishenka Banned Posts: 470 Major grins
    edited February 14, 2014
    In contrast with above posts, I disagree with "After all it's their code, their engine,...", "I would agree, "Powered by SmugMug" would be preferred...", etc. I have an enormous respect for all of you for all you do on thess pages and for all the help I personally got from you! But why are you so easy to compromise on the issues that is clearly illegal and, not kosher at best. SmugMug advertises services that they DO NOT provide. Don't you see it?!?!?!?!

    Allen - no one takes, steals, claims their code. In fact I PAY to use their code and their service. I chose their service because they are the ONLY company that provides the most customizable and personalized online gallery service short of building and maintaining the whole site myself. They have bugs - that's understandable, they don't let you use javascript - well, that sucks, but that is not offered in the Features list, and they are trying hard (but slow) to include out-of-the-box functionality to replace what was possible with javascript. But there is no justification for nor explanation of their brand on service interface they sold me!
  • FergusonFerguson Registered Users Posts: 1,345 Major grins
    edited February 14, 2014
    mishenka wrote: »
    But why are you so easy to compromise on the issues that is clearly illegal and, not kosher at best. SmugMug advertises services that they DO NOT provide. Don't you see it?!?!?!?!

    I am not a lawyer, but if it's "Clearly illegal" I would offer the observation that NOTHING is ever "clearly" anything when dealing with the legal system in the US.

    If you really think it's that clear, just file suit for an injunction to prevent it.

    I think the most damning argument, frankly, is the one circled under "ads and spam". The complete customization aspect to me doesn't preclude something like a copyright statement, and this is almost that. Certainly one could read those as very clear, but there's a hint of common practice that might belie it.

    But the "no ads and spam" to me is very clear - this is absolutely, completely an ad on the screen.

    But given they can change those, and the TOS, anytime they want, really, this is not a legal dispute of any practicality. This is a matter of whether the opinions of enough customers can or will sway them.

    So if you are hanging out there lurking to see how this comes out -- on either side -- say something. And/or write their help desk. Their minds will not be changed by 6 people complaining here.
  • pilotdavepilotdave Registered Users Posts: 785 Major grins
    edited February 14, 2014
    Legacy smugmug footer includes "Portions © 2014 SmugMug, Inc." That's a copyright statement. "Photo sharing by smugmug" is an ad. They serve different purposes.

  • Soul Gaze PhotographySoul Gaze Photography Registered Users Posts: 263 Major grins
    edited February 14, 2014
    Oh SmugMug...I've always been a proud Smugger. I've eagerly awaited a chance to be chosen as a Support Hero. I've had nothing but support and positive words. Yet, right now I'm feeling turmoil. Confusion. Frustration. Lots of big words that should never coincide with such an amazing company and product. We all knew there was the request (I say request because it was never a published rule via terms) to retain the 'Photo Sharing by SmugMug'. I had found code posted and created a work around to please both the users and I'd though SmugMug too. Rather than the advertisement like 'Photo Sharing by SmugMug', I'd created a code to require the user to have 'SmugMug | Login' in the footer and EVEN BETTER the code linked to the user's referral code. This forced change advertises SmugMug in a distracting and unprofessional way, it could've at least included our referral link or other options for location and wording. On my site, it's off separate from everything else and totally not discreet. I've also noticed issues with my website code since this change and had to spend the time to go through my code to find what's conflicting. I understand that SmugMug is providing us an amazing service, has the right to exercise full control and we have the choice whether or not to use the service. However, I agree with others that there were so many other things more important to address. Something just seems off...I'm actually nauseous right now. Besides, why force advertising and branding to those who pay for portfolio and especially for business. Provide a credit to those who display the branding or allow customization provided there is some way to alert viewers the site wasn't all our creation. Most importantly, provide a disclosure to the existence and now forced inclusion of the 'Powered by SmugMug' so there is no visual dishonesty when viewers read the make your site your own blurb as screenshot show in earlier reactions to this thread. A good idea would be to add 'Powered by SmugMug' into the boxes here: so that everyone knows they will be forced to display those words...OR do this, but uncheck the box for Business (maybe even Portfolio) -- pretty please? $300 of please?

    Point is, please SmugMug...don't hurt your loyal followers by treating us like naughty children. We want to support you for you support us. SmugMug is supposed to be a loyal family. We should be working together - not arguing. Time should've never been spent on forcing this issue unless there was a compromise. I truly don't understand why users are forced to wear this badge of advertising honor without the ability to at least make it their own via better wording, seamless location and most of all the referral link or even to be allowed to at least be required to have a 'credits' page on their site as I have that credits SmugMug. To create the feeling of violation is very disturbing and many were already upset over the forced requirement for comments to require a social media account. Then there was a survey that had some disturbing potential changes to the service. I truly hope SmugMug doesn't change...for what we know and love is fine as it is - with a few tweaks and compromises to reflect individuality and include credit to our hardworking service provider. By the way, SmugMug is credited in the cart anyway.
    Photographic Artist Amber Flowers of Soul Gaze Photography, LLC.
    SmugMug setup & customization services. Contact me! :D
    Proud & helpful Smugger since 2009. Please hire me for Support Hero!!
    I first contacted Jill V. in April 2011 & I even wrote a poem.

  • AdamNPAdamNP Registered Users Posts: 178 Major grins
    edited February 14, 2014
    Absolutely. The wording on legacy was fine. The wording on new SM is not. I do not use SM as a social media site. I'm not sharing anything. This site is for business purposes. Legacy was a copyright notice, new SM is spam. Spam and ads are used by FREE services to cover their costs. Not services that cost hundreds per year.

    I'm not going to go through and add all my agreements with everything people have said here. It's been clear for a long time that either A) different people are running SM now or B) those people stopped caring about customers, 100%. This company is in no way similar to what it was years ago (and that's not a compliment).
  • mishenkamishenka Banned Posts: 470 Major grins
    edited February 14, 2014
    SmugMug - remove false advertisement from your website.
  • AdamNPAdamNP Registered Users Posts: 178 Major grins
    edited February 14, 2014
    mishenka wrote: »
    SmugMug - remove false advertisement from your website.

    Good luck with that. They only have time to fix issues that aren't actually issues these days.
  • CharlyCharly Registered Users Posts: 86 Big grins
    edited February 14, 2014
    Between the search smugmug, my site meta title not spaced, no self fulfillment and now this, I'm glad I've been working for weeks on a store in WP. Should have it live in the next week or so and can very easily make it my main site. This will definitely be my last month with SM, as I'm done paying for something I'm not receiving... My "own personal site on my own personal URL".

    Edit: Oh my dear, I just saw it said "Photo Sharing"!!! Now that can be misleading folks to believe they can take and use any photo found on SM. Think even though I'm not quite ready, I'll go live this weekend and dump SM like a hot potato! | Serving the DFW area of Texas and beyond
  • AdamNPAdamNP Registered Users Posts: 178 Major grins
    edited February 14, 2014
    "Photo Sharing" really is maybe the stupidest phrase that could possibly have been chosen, given that most Portfolio/Business accounts are the exact opposite of that. One of those choices you see SM make that really makes you wonder if anyone is even home there any more - kind of like the case sensitive URL madness, that any middle schooler with HTML knowledge would say "lol, no" to when suggested.
  • pbandjpbandj Registered Users Posts: 237 Major grins
    edited February 14, 2014
    Just adding my voice...I'm personally fine with giving credit to Smugmug but agree with everything folks have already said...primarily:
    1) "Photo Sharing by Smugmug" is very unprofessional; the legacy copyright footer was much better
    2) The "features" documentation should disclose, specifically, the requirement that a site display this advertisement for Smugmug, rather than claiming that Smugmug is ad-free.
    3) Why, oh why, was this more important than all of the bugs?
  • SunGloSunGlo Registered Users Posts: 382 Major grins
    edited February 15, 2014
    I just renewed my membership only to discover you have added amateurish wording to my professional site. I can get that type of wording from other providers at a greatly reduced cost.

    "Photo Sharing by SmugMug"...UGH.

    We all worked hard to transition our sites to the new design only to have you "slap a bumper sticker" on them for all the world to see.

    I agree with others, if we have to tolerate your advertising, "Powered by SmugMug" would be more appropriate and more professional.

    I was not going to respond to this thread, but the more I looked at what you did to my hard work, the more upset I became.

    SunGlo Photography
  • mbonocorembonocore Registered Users Posts: 2,299 Major grins
    edited February 15, 2014
    Thank you all for your feedback. I have passed it on and will update you if anything changes.
  • thenickdudethenickdude Registered Users Posts: 1,302 Major grins
    edited February 15, 2014
    Guys, this is pretty easy. Nobody at SmugMug has the time (or the desire) to examine every website manually to see if it has hidden the footer link or not. Nor did they in the past, which is why it was common amongst those interested in really customising their site to hide it on Legacy, even though it was just as much against the rules back then as it is now.

    So just find a photographer who has figured out how to re-hide it, send them a private message about it, add the CSS to your site and enjoy your hidden SmugMug notice.
  • DanCarl97DanCarl97 Registered Users Posts: 139 Major grins
    edited February 15, 2014
    How long should we hold our breathe waiting for you to notify us of any changes?

    Not sure if this has been mentioned yet, as I have only scanned this thread, but I am certainly not liking the "browse photos" link in the smugmug footer.
    It is very misleading because it takes viewers to images that are not mine as well as directs them away from my site
    This is affecting us NOW, we deserve answers NOW.


    I think this is an issue with the configuration of your site. On my site, it only said "Photo Sharing by Smugmug". Are you sure you switched off the SmugMug footer?

    You can do this in 'Customise' > 'Customise Site', then 'Settings' and set 'Smugmug Footer' to 'Off'.
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