Then why are Windows PCs used by soooo many more people than Macs'? Microsoft must be doing something better than Apple.:D
This is a very good question that doesnt have just one definitive answer. But, I CAN tell you that its not because Windows is the best, it does indeed have more to do with marketing. If there is one thing Bill Gates is a genius at its marketing, and NOT making great software/hardware.
You really have to dig in deep to the history of MS, as well as Apple to understand what I mean. A great movie to watch is Pirates Of Silicon Valley. There are also many books & websites that go into things in more detail. Remember, this computer stuff is still pretty new. Win 95 is just over 10 years old. And if there is one thing history has taught us is that empires crumble & no one stays on top forever.
just make sure she removes incriminating images before you take it to get it fixed.
true story, our client, army civilian GS15, real hardass, brought her daughters computer in to get it fixed up...daughter failed to remove pictures of her and her girlfriend.
These PC vs Mac arguments always make me laugh because usually the people saying that Macs suck have never even used one for an extended period of time. Just because you have the lousy PC version of iTunes doesnt mean you know Macs, sorry people. There is a reason why those who switch to Mac never go back to a PC, unless they have to for work or something.
Now, does that mean Macs do everything better than a PC? Of course not. But, if you have used both platforms then you cant deny that Macs look better, are waaay more secure, have more upscale software available, have a way better OS that never crashes, and is overall more intuitive/user friendly.
Someone wanna prove me wrong??
See, this is a good one.
I don't hear many people say Macs suck. It's the Mac owners who loudly and repeatedly (hi David!) tell you how much Windows sucks and how superior are their Macs. Earlier in this thread I explained why I think this is.
I work with all day with people who do their jobs on Macs. The Macs crash, just like any other computer. They have issues, just like any other computer. They're just different, that's all.
Well if we want to link this to a time = money and money = value argument. The real way to tell which one is better I think would be to take a look at a computer tech who works on nothing but macs, and a computer tech who works on nothing but pc's and see who is busier and makes more money.
I can tell you that all my friends who are mac only techs are just as busy, and make just as much money as I do. They see just as many problems with macs daily as I see with pcs. Just like how some people have nothing but problems with pc's some people have nothing but problems with macs. Depends on the user. SO THE ARGUMENT IS NULL AND VOID CAUSE THEY BOTH SUCK.
1/ Don't use Internet Explorer. I think I remember Gus saying he doesn't like Mozilla Firefox. But I must say, it's a lot cheaper than buying a Mac.
2/ Use a free firewall. If you don't like XP's, then download and install ZoneAlarm. 10 minutes, one time deal.
3/ Clean up your computer regularly. Download and use the free versions of: Adaware and Spybot Search and Destroy. You can run Adaware in the time it takes you to leak and wash your hands. Spybot takes about 15 minutes, so I start it before going to bed each night. Huuuuuge time consumption here, David.
So, for zero dollars and about 30 minutes, Gus can have a problem-free computer. Or he can spend $600-$1,000 on a Mac.
I don't hear many people say Macs suck. It's the Mac owners who loudly and repeatedly (hi David!) tell you how much Windows sucks and how superior are their Macs. Earlier in this thread I explained why I think this is.
The Mac people are more outspoken about it because they have all usually used PCs exclusively until they got their first Mac & they are just trying to tell you about it. This sounds funny, but usually when you hear a Mac person telling you to stop wasting your time with PCs, its outta love because frankly every "switcher" I have ever known feels like a sucker for having put up with Windows BS for so long. They are honestly just trying to help you, even though sometimes it comes off as a bit preachy.
Well if we want to link this to a time = money and money = value argument. The real way to tell which one is better I think would be to take a look at a computer tech who works on nothing but macs, and a computer tech who works on nothing but pc's and see who is busier and makes more money.
I can tell you that all my friends who are mac only techs are just as busy, and make just as much money as I do. They see just as many problems with macs daily as I see with pcs. Just like how some people have nothing but problems with pc's some people have nothing but problems with macs. Depends on the user. SO THE ARGUMENT IS NULL AND VOID CAUSE THEY BOTH SUCK.
Now this is just asinine & a redicioulous argument. I dont care what kind of electronics product a tech works on, you are gonna see problems. After all, all they see are broken machines all day long. That is their job, you know. That goes with anything else too. Thats like a proctologist coming home after his first day on the job & saying " My god, im looking at a$$holes all day long! Who knew?"
You can run Adaware in the time it takes you to leak and wash your hands. Spybot takes about 15 minutes, so I start it before going to bed each night. Huuuuuge time consumption here, David.
Now this is just asinine & a redicioulous argument. I dont care what kind of electronics product a tech works on, you are gonna see problems. After all, all they see are broken machines all day long. That is their job, you know. That goes with anything else too. Thats like a proctologist coming home after his first day on the job & saying " My god, im looking at a$$holes all day long! Who knew?"
I think that's his point. Mac techs aren't like the Maytag repairman. They actually have to work for a living!
Now this is just asinine & a redicioulous argument. I dont care what kind of electronics product a tech works on, you are gonna see problems. After all, all they see are broken machines all day long. That is their job, you know. That goes with anything else too. Thats like a proctologist coming home after his first day on the job & saying " My god, im looking at a$$holes all day long! Who knew?"
How do you figure it is irrelevant. If a mac was truly that much more reliable than a PC then mac techs wouldn't be as busy as they are. People wouldn't need to call techs to come out and fix their software or their hardware. It's a perfectly valid statement.
I work with all day with people who do their jobs on Macs. The Macs crash, just like any other computer. They have issues, just like any other computer. They're just different, that's all.
I don't know what you're running, but I have never seen OSX crash unless there was some bad RAM. Sure, apps crash, but the OS is rock-solid.
I don't know what you're running, but I have never seen OSX crash unless there was some bad RAM. Sure, apps crash, but the OS is rock-solid.
Does it matter why they crash? What I can safely say is that both editors (FinalCutPro, Motion, Livetype) and artists (Photoshop, Acrobat etc.) experience system freezes and crashes.
And they work on Macs.
You can nitpick (be pedantic? ) if you wish. All I know is that they work on Macs and the Macs crash. Not a big deal. All computers crash.
I don't know what you're running, but I have never seen OSX crash unless there was some bad RAM. Sure, apps crash, but the OS is rock-solid.
And not all fords are bad vehicles. David lets face it you may not have seen the OS crash yourself. That doesn't mean it doesn't happen on a daily basis. I can gaurantee you that OSX is in fact capable of and does crash.
It's a VERY TOUGH choice. People are used to the same old same old. Macs are different. In many ways. Sysadmin is one of them. In the past 15 months I've saved *at least* 60 hours of time by NOT HAVING to admin four different PeeCees in my life. My time is valuable. My Macs just work, period. My PeeCees needed work, period.
It's a tough choice for people, yeah. It was for me, too. After 23 years using PeeCees I switched and would never look back.
Does it matter why they crash? What I can safely say is that both editors (FinalCutPro, Motion, Livetype) and artists (Photoshop, Acrobat etc.) experience system freezes and crashes.
And they work on Macs.
You can nitpick (be pedantic? ) if you wish. All I know is that they work on Macs and the Macs crash. Not a big deal. All computers crash.
Sure it matters. Are they fully updated? What version of OS X are they running?
And not all fords are bad vehicles. David lets face it you may not have seen the OS crash yourself. That doesn't mean it doesn't happen on a daily basis. I can gaurantee you that OSX is in fact capable of and does crash.
We have 130 employees in our company, all but a small handful are on Macs. In my department, where I always know the state and health of our Macs, none of them crash unless there's a hardware problem. That's about 20 Macs here. Not a single system crash in over a year. FCP crashes. The system doesn't. And when FCP does crash, the system's prtotected, so you just restart the app. Sure, OS X CAN crash, but it's really few and far between. Tiger is very, very stable.
Look, I'm not stupid. Macs do need maintenance, they're not problem free. If your Macs are crashing, (the OS, mind you, not FCP), then your tech department is incompetent.
We have 130 employees in our company, all but a small handful are on Macs. In my department, where I always know the state and health of our Macs, none of them crash unless there's a hardware problem. That's about 20 Macs here. Not a single system crash in over a year. FCP crashes. The system doesn't. And when FCP does crash, the system's prtotected, so you just restart the app. Sure, OS X CAN crash, but it's really few and far between. Tiger is very, very stable.
I manage 3 servers, 2 surveillence dvr's, 25 user computers, printers etc, every single day. I have been at this company for over a year now. All pcs and server are windows based. I have never ever ever had one crash here that was caused by the OS. Any crash or problem we have ever had was always caused by an ID 10 T error (for non-tech's thats the error code for an idiot sitting at the keyboard). Never has it been windows fault, it has always been the fault of the end user doing something they weren't supposed to be doing (going to porn sites, opening porn mail), or something the didn't know how to do (editing code cause it looks like fun). Windows will run perfectly for years as long as you don't put a moron in front of the keyboard.
I manage 3 servers, 2 surveillence dvr's, 25 user computers, printers etc, every single day. I have been at this company for over a year now. All pcs and server are windows based. I have never ever ever had one crash here that was caused by the OS. Any crash or problem we have ever had was always caused by an ID 10 T error (for non-tech's thats the error code for an idiot sitting at the keyboard). Never has it been windows fault, it has always been the fault of the end user doing something they weren't supposed to be doing (going to porn sites, opening porn mail), or something the didn't know how to do (editing code cause it looks like fun). Windows will run perfectly for years as long as you don't put a moron in front of the keyboard.
Fair enough. I have no experience with Windows crashing, only heard it through the grapevine.
I can just go by my own experience. I have had several Fords & a Chevy, all new. Both gave me multiple problems from the start. I bought a Toyota & havent had one single problem in 3 years! Not one.
I had multiple PCs since 1994. ALL gave me problems of some kind, some major some minor. Some were Windows problems, other hardware problems. Now, fastforward to the year 2000 when I got my first iMac Cube. Used it for 2 years & not one single problem. I have since traded up several times to new Macs & NONE of them have ever broken on me in anyway. Sure, some apps crash & even the OS has crashed before. But, I can coun t the # of times its happened on one hand since 2000.
All im saying is, it cant all be just coincidence. Macs & Toyotas have a higher resale value than PCs & Fords for a reason. Im not saying they are ALL junk, just not as consistently well made.
Look, I'm not stupid. Macs do need maintenance, they're not problem free. If your Macs are crashing, (the OS, mind you, not FCP), then your tech department is incompetent.
I thought your time had value.
And why should a Mac need techs?!
Look, all I'm saying is that this Windows vs Mac thing is as silly as the Canon vs Nikon thing. Both have strengths and weaknesses. Neither is worth a eulogy.
All im saying is, it cant all be just coincidence. Macs & Toyotas have a higher resale value than PCs & Fords for a reason. Im not saying they are ALL junk, just not as consistently well made.
Macs do have a higher resale value but that is because of the laws of supply and demand. The supply of used macs is much much smaller than used pcs because macs don't get upgraded as often because they are so much more expensive.
Look, all I'm saying is that this Windows vs Mac thing is as silly as the Canon vs Nikon thing. Both have strengths and weaknesses. Neither is worth a eulogy.
Well, see, I have all this free time leftover. You know, not running virus software....
Sid, really, I dunno. I think Windows is fugly, and inefficient and stupid, and sometimes I like to hear myself run off at the mouth.
Macs do have a higher resale value but that is because of the laws of supply and demand. The supply of used macs is much much smaller than used pcs because macs don't get upgraded as often because they are so much more expensive.
Wrong. It's because they stay useable for longer.
A three year old Mac is now faster and more stable than it was when new. The OS has improved, and there's no registry to muck things up.
Thread title: Why Mercedes Suck
"My Ford works just fine. Afterall, more people drive Fords than Mercedes, so Mercedes must suck!"
"Then why are Fords driven by soooo many more people than Mercedes?
Ford must be doing something better than Mercedes.:D "
Yeah, whatever. Once you've 'driven' a Mac, you'll see. (And someday, I will get a Mercedes to match my Macs!
You really have to dig in deep to the history of MS, as well as Apple to understand what I mean. A great movie to watch is Pirates Of Silicon Valley. There are also many books & websites that go into things in more detail. Remember, this computer stuff is still pretty new. Win 95 is just over 10 years old. And if there is one thing history has taught us is that empires crumble & no one stays on top forever.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
See, this is a good one.
I don't hear many people say Macs suck. It's the Mac owners who loudly and repeatedly (hi David!) tell you how much Windows sucks and how superior are their Macs. Earlier in this thread I explained why I think this is.
I work with all day with people who do their jobs on Macs. The Macs crash, just like any other computer. They have issues, just like any other computer. They're just different, that's all.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Far from free. My time has value.
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
I can tell you that all my friends who are mac only techs are just as busy, and make just as much money as I do. They see just as many problems with macs daily as I see with pcs. Just like how some people have nothing but problems with pc's some people have nothing but problems with macs. Depends on the user. SO THE ARGUMENT IS NULL AND VOID CAUSE THEY BOTH SUCK.
Oh, please.
1/ Don't use Internet Explorer. I think I remember Gus saying he doesn't like Mozilla Firefox. But I must say, it's a lot cheaper than buying a Mac.
2/ Use a free firewall. If you don't like XP's, then download and install ZoneAlarm. 10 minutes, one time deal.
3/ Clean up your computer regularly. Download and use the free versions of: Adaware and Spybot Search and Destroy. You can run Adaware in the time it takes you to leak and wash your hands. Spybot takes about 15 minutes, so I start it before going to bed each night. Huuuuuge time consumption here, David.
So, for zero dollars and about 30 minutes, Gus can have a problem-free computer. Or he can spend $600-$1,000 on a Mac.
Tough choice.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
Now this is just asinine & a redicioulous argument. I dont care what kind of electronics product a tech works on, you are gonna see problems. After all, all they see are broken machines all day long. That is their job, you know. That goes with anything else too. Thats like a proctologist coming home after his first day on the job & saying " My god, im looking at a$$holes all day long! Who knew?"
Or you can go spend $600-$1000 on a Mac.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
How do you figure it is irrelevant. If a mac was truly that much more reliable than a PC then mac techs wouldn't be as busy as they are. People wouldn't need to call techs to come out and fix their software or their hardware. It's a perfectly valid statement.
I don't know what you're running, but I have never seen OSX crash unless there was some bad RAM. Sure, apps crash, but the OS is rock-solid.
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
Does it matter why they crash? What I can safely say is that both editors (FinalCutPro, Motion, Livetype) and artists (Photoshop, Acrobat etc.) experience system freezes and crashes.
And they work on Macs.
You can nitpick (be pedantic?
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
And not all fords are bad vehicles. David lets face it you may not have seen the OS crash yourself. That doesn't mean it doesn't happen on a daily basis. I can gaurantee you that OSX is in fact capable of and does crash.
It's a tough choice for people, yeah. It was for me, too. After 23 years using PeeCees I switched and would never look back.
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Sure it matters. Are they fully updated? What version of OS X are they running?
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
It was, earlier in this thread. And many others.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
We have 130 employees in our company, all but a small handful are on Macs. In my department, where I always know the state and health of our Macs, none of them crash unless there's a hardware problem. That's about 20 Macs here. Not a single system crash in over a year. FCP crashes. The system doesn't. And when FCP does crash, the system's prtotected, so you just restart the app. Sure, OS X CAN crash, but it's really few and far between. Tiger is very, very stable.
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
Look, I'm not stupid. Macs do need maintenance, they're not problem free. If your Macs are crashing, (the OS, mind you, not FCP), then your tech department is incompetent.
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
Windows doesn't suck. It blows.
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
I manage 3 servers, 2 surveillence dvr's, 25 user computers, printers etc, every single day. I have been at this company for over a year now. All pcs and server are windows based. I have never ever ever had one crash here that was caused by the OS. Any crash or problem we have ever had was always caused by an ID 10 T error (for non-tech's thats the error code for an idiot sitting at the keyboard). Never has it been windows fault, it has always been the fault of the end user doing something they weren't supposed to be doing (going to porn sites, opening porn mail), or something the didn't know how to do (editing code cause it looks like fun). Windows will run perfectly for years as long as you don't put a moron in front of the keyboard.
Fair enough. I have no experience with Windows crashing, only heard it through the grapevine.
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
I had multiple PCs since 1994. ALL gave me problems of some kind, some major some minor. Some were Windows problems, other hardware problems. Now, fastforward to the year 2000 when I got my first iMac Cube. Used it for 2 years & not one single problem. I have since traded up several times to new Macs & NONE of them have ever broken on me in anyway. Sure, some apps crash & even the OS has crashed before. But, I can coun t the # of times its happened on one hand since 2000.
All im saying is, it cant all be just coincidence. Macs & Toyotas have a higher resale value than PCs & Fords for a reason. Im not saying they are ALL junk, just not as consistently well made.
And why should a Mac need techs?!
Look, all I'm saying is that this Windows vs Mac thing is as silly as the Canon vs Nikon thing. Both have strengths and weaknesses. Neither is worth a eulogy.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Macs do have a higher resale value but that is because of the laws of supply and demand. The supply of used macs is much much smaller than used pcs because macs don't get upgraded as often because they are so much more expensive.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Well, see, I have all this free time leftover. You know, not running virus software....
Sid, really, I dunno. I think Windows is fugly, and inefficient and stupid, and sometimes I like to hear myself run off at the mouth.
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
Wrong. It's because they stay useable for longer.
A three year old Mac is now faster and more stable than it was when new. The OS has improved, and there's no registry to muck things up.
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops