A three year old Mac is now faster and more stable than it was when new. The OS has improved, and there's no registry to muck things up.
Hmmm thats funny cause my 5 year old pcs are just as fast and useable as they where when they made them. And sometimes faster if I've made "improvements" to them. The problem with pc's are that the technology expands faster and has given us faster hardware. Apple hasn't had that till now. Now that they are intel based they can start giving out upgraded hardware alot faster. But odds are that they won't because they can control their pricing and resale value better that way.
The problem with pc's are that the technology expands faster and has given us faster hardware. Apple hasn't had that till now. Now that they are intel based they can start giving out upgraded hardware alot faster. But odds are that they won't because they can control their pricing and resale value better that way.
Apple is always first at embracing new technology, even in hardware. Powermac G5 quad kicked everyones a$$ when it came out, so did the Powerbook G4 & was also the first 17inch notebook. So there goes that theory. Why do you think you see all these Pro's using Macs??
Now, how long has it been since MS updated their OS?? Hmmm, like over 5 years now & counting. Yet, Apple releases a major upgrade about every year with multiple updates in between, constantly improving on an already great OS, while you Windows users get screwed by Billy boy.
Apple is always first at embracing new technology, even in hardware. Powermac G5 quad kicked everyones a$$ when it came out, so did the Powerbook G4 & was also the first 17inch notebook. So there goes that theory. Why do you think you see all these Pro's using Macs??
Now, how long has it been since MS updated their OS?? Hmmm, like over 5 years now & counting. Yet, Apple releases a major upgrade about every year with multiple updates in between, constantly improving on an already great OS, while you Windows users get screwed by Billy boy.
Wake up.
yeah uh-huh. The new windows version is being beta'd right now and there has been a new windows version almost every year they just don't get as much hype. Windows 2000 in 2000, windows XP Home in 2002, Windows XP Pro 6 months later, Windows Server 2003, Windows Media Center, Windows Media Center 2005, Now Windows Vista is due out soon. So there goes that argument. And the G5 quad kicked everyones ass because of how many processor it had. And to be honest there had been quad proc windows server for awhile just not for home users. Their processors have always been slower mhz wise, and if the motorola processors were really that good why did they have to switch to intel processors to keep up? And laptop screen size. HP had had big screens like that for awhile most users didn't want them cause they were a pain to travel with though. Keep up, apple wasn't the first with these technologies or options, they just marketed it better. Now who's getting screwed.
I manage 3 servers, 2 surveillence dvr's, 25 user computers, printers etc, every single day. I have been at this company for over a year now. All pcs and server are windows based. I have never ever ever had one crash here that was caused by the OS. Any crash or problem we have ever had was always caused by an ID 10 T error (for non-tech's thats the error code for an idiot sitting at the keyboard). Never has it been windows fault, it has always been the fault of the end user doing something they weren't supposed to be doing (going to porn sites, opening porn mail), or something the didn't know how to do (editing code cause it looks like fun). Windows will run perfectly for years as long as you don't put a moron in front of the keyboard.
I have roughly 30 servers and 2000 workstations at this district alone. I have had Winblows servers self distruct from OS related errors, true it is not as common as it once once and not as common as people like to think but it does happen. The bigger issue is the side problems with 3rd party apps integrating with the OS, I have one Windows 2003 server right now that can't keep tomcat running for more than a few days without total failure from memory issues, have you ever heard of that happening with tomcat on anyother OS? Me nether. Not really that big a deal just have to reboot it ever couple days, but a real pain when you are used to servers that can run years without a reboot.
I have roughly 30 servers and 2000 workstations at this district alone. I have had Winblows servers self distruct from OS related errors, true it is not as common as it once once and not as common as people like to think but it does happen. The bigger issue is the side problems with 3rd party apps integrating with the OS, I have one Windows 2003 server right now that can't keep tomcat running for more than a few days without total failure from memory issues, have you ever heard of that happening with tomcat on anyother OS? Me nether. Not really that big a deal just have to reboot it ever couple days, but a real pain when you are used to servers that can run years without a reboot.
I'm suprised tomcat doesn't have a whitepaper on that, let alone a tech that could walk you through the fix. As with anything I'm sure they have a way to fix it. It's just a programming error it could be fixed. And at that point with a district that size I would be running linux on the servers.
I've had the same problem happen on 2003 servers running exchange server but the problem there was caused when the companies previous tech setup the software wrong.
But either way at that point is a problem with the way the software interacts, which is a program with the way it was programmed. Problems can be fixed. Computers only do what they are told afterall....
I can't believe there are already over 100 posts in this thread. Not even the Nikon Canon debates get this kind of traffic.
I know and it almost makes me look like a fan of windows . Oh well can't let windows get accused of having tons of problems when macs have the same problems. The only difference between the two os's is the end user. It's just which flavor you like.
All you Mac haters out there better recognize. All your Smugmug photos & info are being stored on Apple servers, the creators all use Macs, and im willing to bet every other part of Smugmug was created on a Mac, so there.
Let that eat away at you tonight. Now, this thread has worn me out & I need to recharge. Nighty night.
P.S. Might as well go ahead and slap this on your SM page:
If they are so damned good why have they jumped to PC ????
Seriously i want someone to tell me why they cant stand alone.
Raw speed. That's just about it. Intel chips have been improving faster than PowerPC chips, especially with AMD pushing them. The software is the same.
Sorry that I'm late to the game. People around here should know I have opinions on this subject....
I just want to share two screenshots (not mine, but I've seen similar screens on my Mac and on my Windows desktop, and on neither my RAM is faulty) that prove my point that both OSes have issues.
Mac OS X Kernel Panic:
Windows BSOD:
I have to agree with DavidTO: the Mac one looks prettier. So pick a Mac, your crashes will never be the same!
Zoolander: Oh. I thought you were going to tell me what a bad eugugalizer I am.
Matilda: A what?
Zoolander: A eugugalizer-one who speaks at funerals, or did you think I'd be too stupid to know what a eugugoly is?
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Hated the movie, tho.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Hmmm thats funny cause my 5 year old pcs are just as fast and useable as they where when they made them. And sometimes faster if I've made "improvements" to them. The problem with pc's are that the technology expands faster and has given us faster hardware. Apple hasn't had that till now. Now that they are intel based they can start giving out upgraded hardware alot faster. But odds are that they won't because they can control their pricing and resale value better that way.
I wonder how much Apple pays you to advertise here then. You can't possibly be spending all this time for free right
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
Have you had any urges to put on a sheet and go down to the airport and pass out flowers? That brain seems throughly washed.
"Tis better keep your mouth shut and be thought of as an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"
Now, how long has it been since MS updated their OS?? Hmmm, like over 5 years now & counting. Yet, Apple releases a major upgrade about every year with multiple updates in between, constantly improving on an already great OS, while you Windows users get screwed by Billy boy.
Wake up.
Nah. But what I said is true. My 3yo PowerBook is faster and more stable than when I bought it.
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How long did THAT take you?
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and how much ram have you added?
I have roughly 30 servers and 2000 workstations at this district alone. I have had Winblows servers self distruct from OS related errors, true it is not as common as it once once and not as common as people like to think but it does happen. The bigger issue is the side problems with 3rd party apps integrating with the OS, I have one Windows 2003 server right now that can't keep tomcat running for more than a few days without total failure from memory issues, have you ever heard of that happening with tomcat on anyother OS? Me nether. Not really that big a deal just have to reboot it ever couple days, but a real pain when you are used to servers that can run years without a reboot.
None. 1gb from the start.
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
I'm suprised tomcat doesn't have a whitepaper on that, let alone a tech that could walk you through the fix. As with anything I'm sure they have a way to fix it. It's just a programming error it could be fixed. And at that point with a district that size I would be running linux on the servers.
I've had the same problem happen on 2003 servers running exchange server but the problem there was caused when the companies previous tech setup the software wrong.
But either way at that point is a problem with the way the software interacts, which is a program with the way it was programmed. Problems can be fixed. Computers only do what they are told afterall....
What's next? A thread titled "Why my Canon is better than your Mac!"
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
Sit back, have a beer, and try not to get your panties in a bunch
Woah! Yikes, I stand corrected. Lemme try that statement again...
Why your Mac is worse than my Canon!
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Let that eat away at you tonight. Now, this thread has worn me out & I need to recharge. Nighty night.
P.S. Might as well go ahead and slap this on your SM page:
Seriously i want someone to tell me why they cant stand alone.
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
I just want to share two screenshots (not mine, but I've seen similar screens on my Mac and on my Windows desktop, and on neither my RAM is faulty) that prove my point that both OSes have issues.
Mac OS X Kernel Panic:
Windows BSOD:
I have to agree with DavidTO: the Mac one looks prettier. So pick a Mac, your crashes will never be the same!
That's right, baby!
Hey, wait a minute.....
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