Has anyone been able to get a good rating in the search engines?
I have spent almos a year trying to get my site recognized by the search engines. I am have a lot of trouble. If you do a search for Dean malaxos you will find me. However, if you do a search for Lakeland Florida wedding Photographer, you will never find me in a million years. What am I doing wrong, what did you do...Dean
Dean Malaxos Photography
Margaretville New York (Catskill Mnts)
Margaretville New York (Catskill Mnts)
you might want to have a look at gus's posting history, he had a few posts about 2-4 weeks ago about this subject. He had one gallery ranking really well and another one not so good, but the not so good one ended up ranking highly on google.
Hope this helps,
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Try "hudson river photographer" in google.
I'm also doing an experiment, just added some new keywords, we'll see what happens in a couple weeks, maybe a month - give me a shout..
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I was a washed up wedding photographer with a torn coat.. bad breath & holes in my shoes until andy introduced me to networking with keywords. Now i drive a 7 series & own several department stores.
Keywords in your album titles particularly & also your photos is where its at Malaxos1
My Gallery
Very good andy. I saw you were #2. I did a search for Hudson Ny photographer and didn't find your site though. I need to work this out...Dean
Margaretville New York (Catskill Mnts)
Hudson, NY is a town about 120 miles up the river from me
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I can't do questions by private message. Everything in the forum please, so that an answer from one can benefit many....
I keyword the heck out of all my photos that I want searchable. So my answer, is yeah, put those words in your photos.
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That's fine, I just want to make sure that you saw it. Too often I will post an update or new question in the same thread and it goes un noticed. So when in NY are you from? I moved to Portland from NY almost five years ago. I was born in Brooklyn and moved to the Catskills in 1987...Dean
Margaretville New York (Catskill Mnts)
When I do a search for lakeland florida wedding photographer one of my threads that I started (serious problem with my website) makes it onto the 1st or second page in the search engine, but not dean malaxos photography. It is still nowhere to be found. My smugmug membership will expire in May, I have been trying for almost a year to get recognized by the search engines. I would love for it to happen at least once
Please remember I not talking about doing a search for dean malaxos photography or dean malaxos, you will get a page or two in every search engine. I am talking about doing a search for Lakeland Florida (or Brandon, Tampa, orland, etc...) and finding dean malaxos photography.
Margaretville New York (Catskill Mnts)
Dean - too many threads, and they are related - so I'm keeping your discussion organized by merging this latest post
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This is due to the high ranking that dgrin gets - lots of cross-links from other sites, etc.
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Have you keyworded your public portfolio galleries? If so, how? Have you started a blog? Are you working on getting listed and linked by other websites?
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I feel like you're not listening to the really good advice we've been giving you, Dean:
This gallery has NO keywords, you main pricing gallery.
Then, this gallery, whoa - look at the keyword you entered:
"florida, central, lakeland, orlando, brandon, tampa, st petersberg, hillsboro florida, wedding, polk, photographer, hillsboro, senior, portrait, landscapes, bradenton, ybor, mulberry, city, plant, winter,heaven"
you can see your keywords here:
It looks like this attachment. That's ONE KEYWORD that Nobody will ever enter.. and Google probably ignores it or something.
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I suggest re-doing your keywords. Something like this:
wedding photography photographer lakeland florida "lakeland florida" "lakeland photographer" "lakeland wedding" polk hillsboro "lakeland senior portrait" etc etc
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Margaretville New York (Catskill Mnts)
BTW you do NOT need to have keywords showing on your homepage to have them work. You can also have keywords display hidden with CSS. They MUST be in public galleries, though.
They do work, I promise! We want you to succeed, Dean.
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Margaretville New York (Catskill Mnts)
Dean: post #16, of mine, to you, just above...
you have ALL of your keywords inside one set of quotes. Nowhere in our help section does it say that
Trust me on this, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE re-read what I posted. And Dean: you have to put keywords in ALL your public galleries - why not make the best chance possible to be seen?
Nobody ever promised this was easy, it's hard work what we do as pros - but you do have to be thorough, and diligent. And avail yourself of all the great resources and help that's given.
I hope this helps. Please post more here if you need further help!
All the best,
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I know, I didn't put them in quotes and went back last night an expiremented. I cut what I had and put it back into the replace with box, without the quotes it aitomatically puts the quotes in there. I did it a few times to make sure it wasn'e, and sure enough the quotes go there without my doing it...Dean
Margaretville New York (Catskill Mnts)
I'm working now with my 6yr old on homework - but I'll get to your site in a little while and show you, exactly ...
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Cool, can we di am IM thing or something? I am checking and I cannot make the quotes go away unless I do each box seperately instead of the bulk keyword way...Dean
Margaretville New York (Catskill Mnts)
Dean here are your keywords in this gallery:
make them like this:
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I'm sorry Dean - it's here on Dgrin is how we'll do this. Here are the steps:
1. go to this gallery http://malaxos1.smugmug.com/gallery/1167492
2. go to photo tools>edit keywords bulk
3. ADD EMPTY to all KEYWORDS, preview and SAVE
4. go to photo tools>edit keywords bulk
5. copy and paste my list above into the box, each word, then preview it
6. click Preview
7. click Save
8. post here and I'll check how you did.
Can you see the difference between your keyword list and mine? ONLY multi-word keywords belong inside quotes. Like "bbq ribs" but not chateaubriand
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google ad words
and if you register thru yahoo.com , fill out the form for "local search"
Dean - how are you making out with the changes?
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Is there anything I should know about the photo captions? I don't have anything in most of them, will that matter?...Dean
Margaretville New York (Catskill Mnts)
Captions are good, Dean.. why do anything half-way, right?
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OK, I did all of the keywords. It took six full hours to complete as I needed to copy and past the keywords into each box as not to get the quotation marks. Anyway, what did you have in mind for key words. I am thinking of making the unisversal. Any suggestions? Also, what else do I need to do?...Dean
Margaretville New York (Catskill Mnts)
Dean, did you follow the step-by-step I gave you above,
and the suggested keywords, from here:
This should not take six hours
How did you go about doing this?
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