This should not take six hours I just did a gallery on my test site in about 2 mins.
How did you go about doing this? I really want to help you, please re-read the step-by-step instructions that I've given...
I am on my way out to dinner and will look at the step by step later. The problem is that no matter how hard I tried, putting the keywords in the box and applying it to all the photos gave the keywords in quotations. I had no choice but to do it one photo at a time. I still did it in the caption/keywords bulk option. I just didn't type, or past anything into the box that would apply it to all. I pasted the keywords into each box one after the other. I have 3500+ photos on my site. The quotaion thing was killing me.
I am on my way out to dinner and will look at the step by step later. The problem is that no matter how hard I tried, putting the keywords in the box and applying it to all the photos gave the keywords in quotations. I had no choice but to do it one photo at a time. I still did it in the caption/keywords bulk option. I just didn't type, or past anything into the box that would apply it to all. I pasted the keywords into each box one after the other. I have 3500+ photos on my site. The quotaion thing was killing me.
This is exactly what I did but got the quotations automatically, I never added them my self. Here's what I did to GET the qoutes:
1. go to this gallery
2. go to photo tools>edit keywords bulk
3. ADD EMPTY to all KEYWORDS, preview and SAVE
4. go to photo tools>edit keywords bulk
5. copy and paste my list above into the box
6. click Preview
7. click Save
8. post here and I'll check how you did.
Andy, I do appreciate all of your help. I do think we are getting somewhere. I did a search for "brandon florida wedding photographer" and found "dean malaxos photography powered by smugmug". I was very excited, however, when I clicked on it I came to a page that had my header and oly my keywords. What else to do?...Dean
Is there a keyword limit?
I went and entered album keywords for 4 of my albums and clicked the Update button each time with I was done with them. Went back to check how I was doing and found....
I didn't have any problems like this when entering keywords for my photos.
I went and entered album keywords for 4 of my albums and clicked the Update button each time with I was done with them. Went back to check how I was doing and found....
I didn't have any problems like this when entering keywords for my photos.
Ahah - the " mess up the gallery keywords. I was able to enter the following:
bucks county pa carversville filmless photography linda richters pennsylvania
BTW, the Gallery keywords are primarily for assisting in searching from SmugMug - not sure of any Google value. You can read the helpie {?} by floating your mouse over it in the customize gallery screen.
Thanks Linda, I did that as well, but was told that it is better to add the keywords to each photo also.
Andy, if I wasn't messing up then how did the keywords get the quotations? I never added them myself. A few times I put just the keywords in there and added them to all photos, everytime I got the quotations. Well, the good news is that all of the photos have them anyway.
Now what do I do about captions? None of the weddings I have in my galleries were taken in Florida. They were taken everywhere else but. I do have a few coming up though. What can I put in there that will get me traffic and can I hide the captions so that if I put Florida in the fields they won't be seen by anyone?. thanks...Dean
Thanks Linda, I did that as well, but was told that it is better to add the keywords to each photo also.
Andy, if I wasn't messing up then how did the keywords get the quotations? I never added them myself. A few times I put just the keywords in there and added them to all photos, everytime I got the quotations. Well, the good news is that all of the photos have them anyway.
Now what do I do about captions? None of the weddings I have in my galleries were taken in Florida. They were taken everywhere else but. I do have a few coming up though. What can I put in there that will get me traffic and can I hide the captions so that if I put Florida in the fields they won't be seen by anyone?. thanks...Dean
Oh Dear. Dean - you're not confusing GALLERY Keywords with PHOTO keywords, are you? All of my step-by-step examples say "edit keywords bulk" under PHOTO TOOLS menu. I was helping Linda there with her GALLERY keywords. They are different, and as I specifically said above, they are NOT google related, but rather they assist in SmugMug searching.
Dean - who cares where the weddings were taken? You want to drive traffic to your FLORIDA business. Put florida in the photo keywords.
That at least tells me why my keywords were not taking. And I know I'm not crazy. :crazy Now there's a comforting with which to go to bed.
But I am a bit confused on how to best get a search engine to find things on my site. If I understand you correctly: album keywords assist with searching within smugmug. So, do photo keywords assist with Google, Yahoo, et al, searching?
It would be nice to direct someone to a specific gallery via a search engine, if possible. I know this has been discussed here often. I did spot a thread here where this was discussed. One of the posters suggested enclosing the gallery name in H1 tags in the gallery description and then rendering it invisible in the CSS. I don't have a problem doing that (except I had some minor formatting issues ). But before I go through that bother, I need to better understand how these keywords work external to smugmug. Is there a link that you can direct me to?
That at least tells me why my keywords were not taking. And I know I'm not crazy. :crazy Now there's a comforting with which to go to bed.
But I am a bit confused on how to best get a search engine to find things on my site. If I understand you correctly: album keywords assist with searching within smugmug. So, do photo keywords assist with Google, Yahoo, et al, searching?
It would be nice to direct someone to a specific gallery via a search engine, if possible. I know this has been discussed here often. I did spot a thread here where this was discussed. One of the posters suggested enclosing the gallery name in H1 tags in the gallery description and then rendering it invisible in the CSS. I don't have a problem doing that (except I had some minor formatting issues ). But before I go through that bother, I need to better understand how these keywords work external to smugmug. Is there a link that you can direct me to?
Hi Linda,
Google and other search engines will find your photo keywords in public galleries. Also captions, titles, and descriptions are searchable and crawlable by them.
DO NOT play tricks on Google :nono they do not like that. Hard work, following the good tips in this forum MYOB, and the pro tips sticky thread, and you should get results. BUT there is no guarantee - you have to put in the effort
Andy I did the bulk keywords, it just giving me the quotations. So, while still in bulk I manually put the keywords in every photo in every gallery. I also did gallery keywords as well. It's the captions that I wan't to add something to that will get my traffic and not keywords. As far as I can tell I am done with the keywords. Will it help putting something in my captions box? I want to be able to copy and past something identical into all of them, but don't want visitors to be able to see it. However if it doesn't help I don't want to spend the hours adding them...Dean
Google and other search engines will find your photo keywords in public galleries. Also captions, titles, and descriptions are searchable and crawlable by them.
DO NOT play tricks on Google :nono they do not like that. Hard work, following the good tips in this forum MYOB, and the pro tips sticky thread, and you should get results. BUT there is no guarantee - you have to put in the effort
Andy I did the bulk keywords, it just giving me the quotations. So, while still in bulk I manually put the keywords in every photo in every gallery. I also did gallery keywords as well. It's the captions that I wan't to add something to that will get my traffic and not keywords. As far as I can tell I am done with the keywords. Will it help putting something in my captions box? I want to be able to copy and past something identical into all of them, but don't want visitors to be able to see it. However if it doesn't help I don't want to spend the hours adding them...Dean
I've answered this question like sixty times in this thread
Yep, captions help. But it sounds like you want to trick Google, and we've also said that numerous times, that's BAD. Dean, I've given you a bunch of examples on my site, and google searches - I've only used keywords. Now that you've got the kwyds fixed, go get some cross-links, a blog (there's a blog alliance on smugmug, you can search dgrin for it!)... and so on...
I will look at the blogs. I am not purposely trying to trick google, I don't know anything about this stuff. Now i do have a certification for computer repair, but that's hardware not software. So explain cross links, my links page isn't that?...Dean
I've answered this question like sixty times in this thread
Yep, captions help. But it sounds like you want to trick Google, and we've also said that numerous times, that's BAD. Dean, I've given you a bunch of examples on my site, and google searches - I've only used keywords. Now that you've got the kwyds fixed, go get some cross-links, a blog (there's a blog alliance on smugmug, you can search dgrin for it!)... and so on...
I will look at the blogs. I am not purposely trying to trick google, I don't know anything about this stuff. Now i do have a certification for computer repair, but that's hardware not software. So explain cross links, my links page isn't that?...Dean
Remember Dean, Google is looking for links on other pages that go to your site. That's what Andy means by cross link. Also remember what I said, don't repeat keywords. If google sees florida as a keyword 500 times it will think that you're trying to trick it.
Feed google but not too much or it'll barf on you.
Here are some simple ways of getting inbound links. Your signature on Dgrin. Make it like this:
See how the words "Wedding Photography" link to your site? That's a good thing. You want more of that. Find ways to get links to your site that are like that and soon your name will pop up when someone types in wedding photography into google.
Also consider entering photo contests. Do it more for the inbound links than the contests themselves (although they can generate good publicity of course). You should be entering every single photo friday competition. Get in good with your local photography club and get your site listed on their site.
Be creative, inbound links mean more to google than keywords do. But keywords mean a lot don't forget those! Do them intelligently and purposefully and you'll start seeing good hits.
Y'all don't want to hear me, you just want to dance.
When you enter your keywords on the bulk keyword entry form, start the group of key words off with a phrase enclosed in quotes and see if that solves your problem.
I spent a ton of time using bulk tool for all my galleries. I am not dure how many I have but probably arround 50. Anyway, I was told not to put quotations in the box. I didn't and yet they showed up in all my photos. It made all of my key words run together, making it look like it was one word (there were spaces though. I ahve been working on this for months straight and almost a year overall and I have gotten nowhere, it does look like things may finally be taking a turn for the better though. Now that I have my keywords straightened out. Time will tell :
Guys i cant bare to watch this any longer. For the record i'm as thick as two short planks (andy will vouch for that) with customising my smugmug account.
OK, getting better, I looked today and was able to find my business by searching for "lakeland wedding photographer". I was on page 14 or Altavista, page 15 in Yahoo and page 35 in alltheweb. I wasn't able to be found before so I guess we are moving along.
Can someone take a look at this site and go to free tools and put in there and see what's going on. It does tell me things that are wrong, like meta tags (I don't have any?) and too many keywords (most of which are smugmug's not mine). I am hoping you give me tips on how to increase traffic by what they say is wrong.
Who knows maybe you will find something about your own site there. Thanks...Dean
I've answered this question like sixty times in this thread
Yep, captions help. But it sounds like you want to trick Google, and we've also said that numerous times, that's BAD. Dean, I've given you a bunch of examples on my site, and google searches - I've only used keywords. Now that you've got the kwyds fixed, go get some cross-links, a blog (there's a blog alliance on smugmug, you can search dgrin for it!)... and so on...
, I read that but the wrong way. I asked Mike and he said that I can put them there as well. I thought that it would have no effect meant that it won't do anything to my protected galleries (in my favor, keywords work but galleries remain protected).
Also, last night I couldn't sleep and was playing arround for hours. I unprotected a gallery to see what would happen. Will the keyword count go up being that the photos were protected and now aren't. Here is something very strange that I found. You are going to think I am crazy, the count acctually went down, not up. I then password protected the gallery again and the keyword count went higher than it was befor the experiment. Go figure. It dosn't matter to me as long as I get my business up and running.
The reason I am being such a pain in the but is that I was shooting weddings like crazy back in Portland (washington state and California as well), all by word of mouth. I had a friend with a studio who wanted me to work for him but instead moved to Florida to get my wife closer to her mother. I have not been working since I got here as I am trying to do photography and not a menial task job. well now almost three months later the bills are catching which means that I am about to work for someone else (I landed a high paying sales job) starting next week. The truth is I don't want to do it. My plan for Florida was to get out of debt while continuing to grow as a photographer and then move back to the Catskills ASAP...Dean
OK Andy, here is a new one for you. My rating is slowly going up, but I cannot find myself on google at all. The funny thing is that there are people on the first few pages, other than the advertizing comapanies (partypop, wedj, onwed etc...) that are rated lower than I am. If I am rated higher than they are why don't the
Also, I just found my site on page 14 on altavista, while searching for brandon florida wedding photographer, but it brought me to my protected galleries and not my home page. find me?
Can my problem be that I don't have texts for my website's description? Should there be something other than just a plain header like I have?
Here's what other say about my getting ranked...
I changed my mind about posting it. In a nutshell what most people say is that they cannot see my key words when they look in the optimization programs, and they also say that the powered by smugmug is the problem. I would like that to go away, how can I make that happen? I have been getting help from other smugmug users that don't have either of those problems.
I changed my mind about posting it. In a nutshell what most people say is that they cannot see my key words when they look in the optimization programs, and they also say that the powered by smugmug is the problem. I would like that to go away, how can I make that happen? I have been getting help from other smugmug users that don't have either of those problems.
Thanks again...Dean
Hi Dean - I don't really know what to say to that I have said a number of times already. There are many threads on this subject, and a bunch by you on the subject. Many folks, including me, have given you really, really good advice. But you seem, to want it to happen overnight.
Moving to MYOB - this is not a SmugMug Support issue. If you'd like to add your voice to the other threads concering "powered by SmugMug" you can do that...
What didn't I do that was suggested? I followed all advise given. It has been almost a year, how long does it take?
I had a smugmug user today call my house and tell me that I need to get rid of smugmug's keywords and to make sure that mine is what is seen. He also showed me that when I type in his site it doesn't come up powered by smugmug in the search engine (he does however have it on his page in the footer). He looked at my cusomization page with me line by line and said that I needed to talk to someone at smugmug because it all looks right and yet my page is different than his. The only thing that we can think of is that he has been using smugmug for 2 years and I have only been using it for 1. Maybe something has changed he said to me. So, I don't know what to say. I have also met other ex smugmug people on another photo group that I belong to that have said that smugmug doesn't give you full control over the areas mentioned and that I should build my own site.
The thing is that I do believe in smugmug and believe that somewhere, somehow there is a mistake. I don't plan on going anywhere..Dean
Hi Dean - I don't really know what to say to that I have said a number of times already. There are many threads on this subject, and a bunch by you on the subject. Many folks, including me, have given you really, really good advice. But you seem, to want it to happen overnight.
Moving to MYOB - this is not a SmugMug Support issue. If you'd like to add your voice to the other threads concering "powered by SmugMug" you can do that...
What didn't I do that was suggested? I followed all advise given. It has been almost a year, how long does it take?
It can take YEARS and that's if you do EVERYTHING that's been suggested here to you. Where's your blog? In another of your threads, you say you gave up on that. You've got to MAXIMIZE your chances! Get other sites to link you - what sites cross-link you?
and to make sure that mine is what is seen. He also showed me that when I type in his site it doesn't come up powered by smugmug in the search engine (he does however have it on his page in the footer). He looked at my cusomization page with me line by line and said that I needed to talk to someone at smugmug because it all looks right and yet my page is different than his.
The only thing that we can think of is that he has been using smugmug for 2 years and I have only been using it for 1. Maybe something has changed he said to me. So, I don't know what to say. I have also met other ex smugmug people on another photo group that I belong to that have said that smugmug doesn't give you full control over the areas mentioned and that I should build my own site.
The thing is that I do believe in smugmug and believe that somewhere, somehow there is a mistake. I don't plan on going anywhere..Dean
Dean, you've had your keywords properly entered for about 3 days. I don't know what else to tell you - I can see you are disappointed. I'm not sure what else I can tell you that hasn't already been offered up by me, Shay, Mike, and a bunch of other well-meaning folks.
I have a guy who works as a search engine optimizer looking at my site tonight at 12:00 AM. He has compared one of the smugmug sites that I was talking about that doesn't have "the smugmug keywords or the powered by smugmug. He was able to find and compare the HTML sheets and he can clearly see the difference. I emailed my a few screen shots and I can see a huge difference. Funny but do a search for his area and he pops up on top and his ranking in alexa is at the bottom of the list. I will keep trying...Dean
I am on my way out to dinner and will look at the step by step later. The problem is that no matter how hard I tried, putting the keywords in the box and applying it to all the photos gave the keywords in quotations. I had no choice but to do it one photo at a time. I still did it in the caption/keywords bulk option. I just didn't type, or past anything into the box that would apply it to all. I pasted the keywords into each box one after the other. I have 3500+ photos on my site. The quotaion thing was killing me.
Margaretville New York (Catskill Mnts)
This is exactly what I did but got the quotations automatically, I never added them my self. Here's what I did to GET the qoutes:
1. go to this gallery
2. go to photo tools>edit keywords bulk
3. ADD EMPTY to all KEYWORDS, preview and SAVE
4. go to photo tools>edit keywords bulk
5. copy and paste my list above into the box
6. click Preview
7. click Save
8. post here and I'll check how you did.
Andy, I do appreciate all of your help. I do think we are getting somewhere. I did a search for "brandon florida wedding photographer" and found "dean malaxos photography powered by smugmug". I was very excited, however, when I clicked on it I came to a page that had my header and oly my keywords. What else to do?...Dean
Margaretville New York (Catskill Mnts)
I went and entered album keywords for 4 of my albums and clicked the Update button each time with I was done with them. Went back to check how I was doing and found....
I didn't have any problems like this when entering keywords for my photos.
What am I doing wrong? Here's one album that's supposed to have them (at the album level):
Here's what I entered as keywords for that album. I used to Customize Gallery form to enter them:
"bucks county" "bucks county pa" carversville "carversville pa" filmless photography "filmless photography" "filmless photography by linda" linda richters "linda richters" pennsylvania
Where did they go? Or where am I screwing up? :uhoh
Checking, standby...
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You aren't messing up
Give it one more try? Thanks.
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I go to the form and complete the Keywords field:
I click the Update button and:
VOILA! The field is blank.
Is this an IE 6 issuue?
Ahah - the " mess up the gallery keywords. I was able to enter the following:
bucks county pa carversville filmless photography linda richters pennsylvania
BTW, the Gallery keywords are primarily for assisting in searching from SmugMug - not sure of any Google value. You can read the helpie {?} by floating your mouse over it in the customize gallery screen.
I hope this helps!
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Andy, if I wasn't messing up then how did the keywords get the quotations? I never added them myself. A few times I put just the keywords in there and added them to all photos, everytime I got the quotations. Well, the good news is that all of the photos have them anyway.
Now what do I do about captions? None of the weddings I have in my galleries were taken in Florida. They were taken everywhere else but. I do have a few coming up though. What can I put in there that will get me traffic and can I hide the captions so that if I put Florida in the fields they won't be seen by anyone?. thanks...Dean
Margaretville New York (Catskill Mnts)
Oh Dear. Dean - you're not confusing GALLERY Keywords with PHOTO keywords, are you? All of my step-by-step examples say "edit keywords bulk" under PHOTO TOOLS menu. I was helping Linda there with her GALLERY keywords. They are different, and as I specifically said above, they are NOT google related, but rather they assist in SmugMug searching.
Dean - who cares where the weddings were taken? You want to drive traffic to your FLORIDA business. Put florida in the photo keywords.
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That at least tells me why my keywords were not taking. And I know I'm not crazy. :crazy Now there's a comforting with which to go to bed.
But I am a bit confused on how to best get a search engine to find things on my site. If I understand you correctly: album keywords assist with searching within smugmug. So, do photo keywords assist with Google, Yahoo, et al, searching?
It would be nice to direct someone to a specific gallery via a search engine, if possible. I know this has been discussed here often. I did spot a thread here where this was discussed. One of the posters suggested enclosing the gallery name in H1 tags in the gallery description and then rendering it invisible in the CSS. I don't have a problem doing that (except I had some minor formatting issues
Hi Linda,
Google and other search engines will find your photo keywords in public galleries. Also captions, titles, and descriptions are searchable and crawlable by them.
DO NOT play tricks on Google :nono they do not like that. Hard work, following the good tips in this forum MYOB, and the pro tips sticky thread, and you should get results. BUT there is no guarantee - you have to put in the effort
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Margaretville New York (Catskill Mnts)
I've answered this question like sixty times in this thread
Yep, captions help. But it sounds like you want to trick Google, and we've also said that numerous times, that's BAD. Dean, I've given you a bunch of examples on my site, and google searches - I've only used keywords. Now that you've got the kwyds fixed, go get some cross-links, a blog (there's a blog alliance on smugmug, you can search dgrin for it!)... and so on...
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Margaretville New York (Catskill Mnts)
Remember Dean, Google is looking for links on other pages that go to your site. That's what Andy means by cross link. Also remember what I said, don't repeat keywords. If google sees florida as a keyword 500 times it will think that you're trying to trick it.
Feed google but not too much or it'll barf on you.
Here are some simple ways of getting inbound links. Your signature on Dgrin. Make it like this:
Dean Malaxos
View my Wedding Photography
See more at
See how the words "Wedding Photography" link to your site? That's a good thing. You want more of that. Find ways to get links to your site that are like that and soon your name will pop up when someone types in wedding photography into google.
Also consider entering photo contests. Do it more for the inbound links than the contests themselves (although they can generate good publicity of course). You should be entering every single photo friday competition. Get in good with your local photography club and get your site listed on their site.
Be creative, inbound links mean more to google than keywords do. But keywords mean a lot don't forget those! Do them intelligently and purposefully and you'll start seeing good hits.
When you enter your keywords on the bulk keyword entry form, start the group of key words off with a phrase enclosed in quotes and see if that solves your problem.
For example, instead of
house "bucks county" fireman
"bucks county" house fireman
Sometimes the craziest things wind up helping.
Acutally, I have keywords set up for all my photos. The bulk entry is a great tool!
I just wasn't sure what the difference between those keywords and the ones tied to albums was.
Nice website BTW...Dean
Margaretville New York (Catskill Mnts)
So i named an album & searched those very words that i think may draw my target & google gets me front row seats.
If you are doing this i cant see why it isnt working.
Can someone take a look at this site and go to free tools and put in there and see what's going on. It does tell me things that are wrong, like meta tags (I don't have any?) and too many keywords (most of which are smugmug's not mine). I am hoping you give me tips on how to increase traffic by what they say is wrong.
Who knows maybe you will find something about your own site there. Thanks...Dean
Margaretville New York (Catskill Mnts)
Oh Dear.
Dean, you have about 15 or so public galleries that I can count. And a whole bunch of galleries with locks and privacy.
Dean According to the help pages that I've linked to you numerous times,
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Also, last night I couldn't sleep and was playing arround for hours. I unprotected a gallery to see what would happen. Will the keyword count go up being that the photos were protected and now aren't. Here is something very strange that I found. You are going to think I am crazy, the count acctually went down, not up. I then password protected the gallery again and the keyword count went higher than it was befor the experiment. Go figure. It dosn't matter to me as long as I get my business up and running.
The reason I am being such a pain in the but is that I was shooting weddings like crazy back in Portland (washington state and California as well), all by word of mouth. I had a friend with a studio who wanted me to work for him but instead moved to Florida to get my wife closer to her mother. I have not been working since I got here as I am trying to do photography and not a menial task job. well now almost three months later the bills are catching which means that I am about to work for someone else (I landed a high paying sales job) starting next week. The truth is I don't want to do it. My plan for Florida was to get out of debt while continuing to grow as a photographer and then move back to the Catskills ASAP...Dean
Margaretville New York (Catskill Mnts)
Also, I just found my site on page 14 on altavista, while searching for brandon florida wedding photographer, but it brought me to my protected galleries and not my home page. find me?
Can my problem be that I don't have texts for my website's description? Should there be something other than just a plain header like I have?
Anyway, here is a link to the rating.
Margaretville New York (Catskill Mnts)
I changed my mind about posting it. In a nutshell what most people say is that they cannot see my key words when they look in the optimization programs, and they also say that the powered by smugmug is the problem. I would like that to go away, how can I make that happen? I have been getting help from other smugmug users that don't have either of those problems.
Thanks again...Dean
Margaretville New York (Catskill Mnts)
Hi Dean - I don't really know what to say to that I have said a number of times already. There are many threads on this subject, and a bunch by you on the subject. Many folks, including me, have given you really, really good advice. But you seem, to want it to happen overnight.
Moving to MYOB - this is not a SmugMug Support issue. If you'd like to add your voice to the other threads concering "powered by SmugMug" you can do that...
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
I had a smugmug user today call my house and tell me that I need to get rid of smugmug's keywords and to make sure that mine is what is seen. He also showed me that when I type in his site it doesn't come up powered by smugmug in the search engine (he does however have it on his page in the footer). He looked at my cusomization page with me line by line and said that I needed to talk to someone at smugmug because it all looks right and yet my page is different than his. The only thing that we can think of is that he has been using smugmug for 2 years and I have only been using it for 1. Maybe something has changed he said to me. So, I don't know what to say. I have also met other ex smugmug people on another photo group that I belong to that have said that smugmug doesn't give you full control over the areas mentioned and that I should build my own site.
The thing is that I do believe in smugmug and believe that somewhere, somehow there is a mistake. I don't plan on going anywhere..Dean
Margaretville New York (Catskill Mnts)
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
Dean, you've had your keywords properly entered for about 3 days. I don't know what else to tell you - I can see you are disappointed. I'm not sure what else I can tell you that hasn't already been offered up by me, Shay, Mike, and a bunch of other well-meaning folks.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
This is their forum.
I have a guy who works as a search engine optimizer looking at my site tonight at 12:00 AM. He has compared one of the smugmug sites that I was talking about that doesn't have "the smugmug keywords or the powered by smugmug. He was able to find and compare the HTML sheets and he can clearly see the difference. I emailed my a few screen shots and I can see a huge difference. Funny but do a search for his area and he pops up on top and his ranking in alexa is at the bottom of the list. I will keep trying...Dean
Margaretville New York (Catskill Mnts)