Not happy with the challenge finalists

SystemSystem Registered Users Posts: 8,186 moderator
edited July 30, 2006 in The Dgrin Challenges
**** For the record this post was moved from the original Challenge # 69 voting thread by the Mods and the title is in no way my creation.****

So this pic posted days earlier gets the shaft...

While this pic with no verifiable EXIF data makes the grade?


Lame on all counts.

Backstroke get's my vote but the lightning shot was the clear winner. This contest is like an election in Florida.


  • gusgus Registered Users Posts: 16,209 Major grins
    edited July 25, 2006
    truth wrote:
    So this pic posted days earlier gets the shaft...

    While this pic with no verifiable EXIF data makes the grade?

    Lame on all counts.

    Backstroke get's my vote but the lightning shot was the clear winner. This contest is like an election in Florida.

    I would certainly run it differently if i was to organise it as i would like to see ALL the shots up & we could just choose a shot from all of them. However this is very time consuming & i assume would need prog etc. We (the mods that do the challange) are just a bunch of amatures that work for free.
  • SystemSystem Registered Users Posts: 8,186 moderator
    edited July 25, 2006
    gus wrote:
    I would certainly run it differently if i was to organise it as i would like to see ALL the shots up & we could just choose a shot from all of them. However this is very time consuming & i assume would need prog etc. We (the mods that do the challange) are just a bunch of amatures that work for free.
    That would seem a far better strategy as there is no added cost or work to allow all entered pics to be voted on. In addition it might be an even better strategy to also have the pics posted annonymously so as to totally remove anything other than the merits of the pictures to influence the outcome. It seems that posting contest pics early and for critique is a waste of time at best anyway.
  • gusgus Registered Users Posts: 16,209 Major grins
    edited July 25, 2006
    truth wrote:
    It seems that posting contest pics early and for critique is a waste of time at best anyway.
    That is without doubt the most unfair & untrue comment i have ever read on D/grin....& i have read some crap. I dont like the rules myself either but i accept what they are & i make the decision if i join in or not.
  • Antonio CorreiaAntonio Correia Registered Users Posts: 6,243 Major grins
    edited July 25, 2006
    truth wrote:
    ... In addition it might be an even better strategy to also have the pics posted annonymously so as to totally remove anything other than the merits of the pictures to influence the outcome ...

    All the best ! ... António Correia - Facebook
  • TomaSTomaS Registered Users Posts: 314 Major grins
    edited July 25, 2006
    truth wrote:
    In addition it might be an even better strategy to also have the pics posted annonymously so as to totally remove anything other than the merits of the pictures to influence the outcome.

    thumb.gif I agree - there seems to be a decidedly 'clubby' tendency in selecting images for the final 10. Of course, having entered a half dozen or so contests and never getting selected may have soured me somewhat. :cry

    Certainly not worth losing any sleep over it. I just use the contest theme for inspiration and ideas when I am in a situation that matches up.
  • imaximax Registered Users Posts: 691 Major grins
    edited July 25, 2006
    Beating A Dead Horse!
    truth wrote:
    That would seem a far better strategy as there is no added cost or work to allow all entered pics to be voted on. In addition it might be an even better strategy to also have the pics posted annonymously so as to totally remove anything other than the merits of the pictures to influence the outcome. It seems that posting contest pics early and for critique is a waste of time at best anyway.

    While I agree that at times the contest seems unfair and should be handled differently, it's not our contest to run. We did not come up with the idea for it, we do not run this site, and we certainly have the right not to enter.

    I for one take it in stride. If I ask for comments on anything I enter, or on an idea that I have, the few comments that I do get, I use and try to learn from them. I try to improve and hopefully gain something from it. Whining and complaining because we didn't get picked will solve nothing, believe me, been there, done that.

    Many times I have felt that something that I entered deserved more then just a pass, including Death Of A Raindrop. But we are at the mercy of the powers that be. Believe me, the ten I picked to be finalists only a couple of them are here. Does that mean that these are bad photographs? No! Just that I liked others better.

    I personally like the idea of all of us being able to cast a vote for one of all of the pictures. There would be no need for judges then, and the majority vote would win.

    Just my 2 cents worth. Perhaps I can now focus on the next contest using Contrasting Points Of View!

  • HarrybHarryb Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 22,708 Major grins
    edited July 25, 2006
    TomaS wrote:
    thumb.gif I agree - there seems to be a decidedly 'clubby' tendency in selecting images for the final 10. Of course, having entered a half dozen or so contests and never getting selected may have soured me somewhat. :cry

    Having had the chore of choosing the finalists on a few occasions I can tell you that the name of the photographer was not a concern. The only thing you look at is the picture and not whose name is on the entry.

    If it was up to me I would eliminate the challenges. I don't enter them and the only time I vote in them is when I have to be a judge. The only "contests" I enter my pics in are ones where I have a chance to win some $. The reason I so dislike these challenge is not the idea of the challenges but I just can't abide the sour grapes that come out of them.

    Geez it, just get over it. Your pictures weren't choosen because the other finalists pictures appealled to the judges more than yours. That's the only bloody reason. If you can't accept that and have the good grace to congratulate the finalists w/o insulting them and the judges then please, please stop entering the Challenges.
    Harry NANPA member
    How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited July 25, 2006
    It's unfortunate that we have to have rules, but we must. One is:


    Do not ever comment on anything in the challenge voting thread. This is to not ruin the voting experience. You're welcome to make any threads/posts you like after the challenge voting is over. The input, we crave it. It's how the challenge has evolved over the past few years.


    Until you walk in the shoes of folks who have volunteered their time, please do not question the judges.


    It's very simple: Win, and YOU get to co-judge. Period. Until then, you get to play by the rules we've set out.


    Realize that this is a thankless job, and crapping on the volunteers who do thier very best week in, week out, does not help the situation.
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited July 25, 2006
    truth wrote:
    While this pic with no verifiable EXIF data makes the grade?

    July 10th was the start of the challenge. Enough said, truth? Sounds like an apology is owed, to the volunteers who ran this challenge, and to the photographer, as well.

    It's not YOUR job to moderate these challenges. We do our level best to ensure that photos within date period make the cut. This one, indeed, did. EXIF HAS NEVER been an absolute requirement BTW, we have ALWAYS worked on the honor system - if you have a pic and you post it on day one, and say it was taken that day, but no exif in the file, then you go away for 15 days, we won't have disqualified your photo.
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited July 25, 2006
    TomaS wrote:
    thumb.gif I agree - there seems to be a decidedly 'clubby'


    We have gone to great pains and effort to eliminate this. So please stop this nonsense right now. The challenges are run by different moderators each month, and the co-judges are different, each month, perforce.

    Y'wanna maybe change that sentiment in for something in a different flavor?
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited July 25, 2006
    truth wrote:
    posting contest pics early and for critique is a waste of time at best anyway.

    So, the people that took their own TIME and ENERGY to reply to your posting here: wasted that time as well?

    Sounds like a bit fat bowl of sour grapes.
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited July 25, 2006
    imax wrote:
    While I agree that at times the contest seems unfair
    ear.gif What, exactly is unfair? We're listening!
    imax wrote:
    mercy of the powers that be
    That change EVERY two weeks. So, if you have a better idea that can WORK, I'm all ear.gif
  • ian408ian408 Administrators Posts: 21,963 moderator
    edited July 25, 2006
    You're not happy with the finalists or you're not happy your shot
    wasn't picked?

    I can appreciate your comments but I don't agree with them.

    Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
  • DoctorItDoctorIt Administrators Posts: 11,952 moderator
    edited July 25, 2006
    Hey Truth, you sure know how to make friends, dontcha? wave.gif
    Since 2004...
  • DavidTODavidTO Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 19,160 Major grins
    edited July 25, 2006
    Thanks for letting us know.

    My only advice is to take it a tad less seriously and to realize that it's run by open-minded, well-intentioned and hard-working volunteers. We put a lot of effort into all aspects of this site, and really, do the best we can. Moderating this site takes 1-2 hours out of my day.

    The Challenges are run the way they are because it works given the resources (people and our forum SW) at hand.
    Moderator Emeritus
    Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
  • JeffroJeffro Registered Users Posts: 1,941 Major grins
    edited July 25, 2006
    Winning isn't it?ne_nau.gif
    Always lurking, sometimes participating. :D
  • Sandy FeetSandy Feet Registered Users Posts: 69 Big grins
    edited July 25, 2006
    I, for one, enjoy the photo challenges! They challenge/stretch me to think about photography outside the box, to be creative, and be fresh.
    I would hate to see it go by the wayside. I look at it, as my monthly assignment.
    Judging photography isn't an exact science either; of course, skill is essential,
    but once you get past the absolutes of focus & exposure, the the rest is personal preference and appeal. I think for the most part, those who make the finals are deserving of such, and in some unfortunate cases, some may be left out because there are just too many good photos to narrow down to the final. It doesn't necessarily mean that it is not deserving.
    I would think the judges take careful consideration regarding their selections, deserving the benefit of the doubt. In the case with identical photo ideas, I would think that the first photo submitted should take precedent. Just my 2 cents...FWIW
    The time you enjoy wasting, is not wasted time.
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited July 25, 2006
    DoctorIt wrote:
    Hey Truth, you sure know how to make friends, dontcha? wave.gif

    DOC you attempted EXIF theif! We should burn you:
  • JeffroJeffro Registered Users Posts: 1,941 Major grins
    edited July 25, 2006
    Andy wrote:
    DOC you attempted EXIF theif! We should burn you:

    Always lurking, sometimes participating. :D
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited July 25, 2006
    Jeffro wrote:
    it's a joke lol3.gif

    the O.P. suggested that the exif wasn't good, I was just funnin' with DoctorIT
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited July 25, 2006
    Truth, I deleted your last post.
    You may repost, without any personal attacks.
    truth wrote:
    #1 Umm...ok.

    #2 I'll question anything and anyone I damn well please. If you don't like it then ban me, otherwise deal.
    You certainly can. Just not in the voting thread.
    #3 I did play by your rules, I just think some of them are flawed. If you're not willing to have them critiqued than perhaps it's you that has the issues. It would seem I'm not the only one with a gripe but perhaps the only one with the huevos to air it. I'm ok with that.
    We want critique on the format. It's been brought up a zillion times. We listen to all of it and have evolved the challenge to the current state based on that critique, and the limits of our time, forum, and the volunteers that help.
    #4 If you think this is crapping on you or your volunteers than than I'd hate to see what you do when I actually get start flinging excrement.
    Be civil, or don't participate, it's that simple. If you are civil, we'll carry on discussion till the cows come home. That's how we do things here on Dgrin.
    truth wrote:

    **************DELETED PERSONAL ATTACK ****************

    Watch it please, that's not how we "deal" on this forum.
  • ginger_55ginger_55 Registered Users Posts: 8,416 Major grins
    edited July 25, 2006
    truth wrote:
    That would seem a far better strategy as there is no added cost or work to allow all entered pics to be voted on. In addition it might be an even better strategy to also have the pics posted annonymously so as to totally remove anything other than the merits of the pictures to influence the outcome. It seems that posting contest pics early and for critique is a waste of time at best anyway.


    Just curious............what edge would you think that posting your picture early would give you and why?

    That question is somewhat rhetorical, as it doesn't give you an edge at all, not with the judges. The entries are the entries, as taken within the time period. I don't post exif when I enter, I use the honor system, but that does not mean I cheat. It means that I am within the rules, and that is easiest for me.

    Plus, posting for critique, well, it is a waste of time for you, if you decide it is. It might help the poster, gives the poster feedback as to whatever........but it doesn't figure into the choosing of the finalists.

    I, too, have been upset when one of my photos have been passed over. I understand that you might be upset. Venting...........well, it might help, but I don't see how.

    And I agree with everyone who has pointed out that this is not ours to run. I have been here a long time, and I know it has been modified to try to be more fair, or seem that way.

    Until I am ready to run my own group, well, it takes a lot of time and energy, and work and effort.

    See ya,

    After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
  • SystemSystem Registered Users Posts: 8,186 moderator
    edited July 25, 2006
    Andy wrote:
    Truth, I deleted your last post.
    You may repost, without any personal attacks.

    You certainly can. Just not in the voting thread.

    We want critique on the format. It's been brought up a zillion times. We listen to all of it and have evolved the challenge to the current state based on that critique, and the limits of our time, forum, and the volunteers that help.

    Be civil, or don't participate, it's that simple. If you are civil, we'll carry on discussion till the cows come home. That's how we do things here on Dgrin.

    Watch it please, that's not how we "deal" on this forum.

    That's typical. If that's an attack I won't be around long. What is this a church group? Moderation and censorship reek of men with small pens.
  • DavidTODavidTO Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 19,160 Major grins
    edited July 25, 2006
    truth wrote:
    That's typical. If that's an attack I won't be around long. What is this a church group? Moderation and censorship reek of men with small pens.

    This is a family safe site. We're proud of it. And we're proud that we keep our threads civil. There is no reason to disrespect another person on this forum. It happens far too often on the internet, people get it into their heads that they can treat people differently than they would face to face. They confuse being rude and derogatory with being productive. And they foster an environment where the insults escalate.

    If that's not your idea of fun, then you're right that it won't be a good fit for you. I hope not. I hope that you stay and find a way to make yourself heard without attacking other people on this forum. I hope that happens because a variety of viewpoints is good for dgrin, and because learning to communicate without insults is good for one's soul. And no, that wasn't a church-y expression of soul. I'm an atheist.
    Moderator Emeritus
    Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
  • saurorasaurora Registered Users Posts: 4,320 Major grins
    edited July 25, 2006
    :cry Get over it already. The challenges are meant to inspire you as a photographer by giving you new ideas and being able to view other's interpretations. It is not a contest to see who is best. If you think critiquing is a "waste of time".........then why even post at all???? headscratch.gifne_nau.gif
  • SystemSystem Registered Users Posts: 8,186 moderator
    edited July 25, 2006
    DavidTO wrote:
    This is a family safe site. We're proud of it. And we're proud that we keep our threads civil. There is no reason to disrespect another person on this forum. It happens far too often on the internet, people get it into their heads that they can treat people differently than they would face to face. They confuse being rude and derogatory with being productive. And they foster an environment where the insults escalate.

    If that's not your idea of fun, then you're right that it won't be a good fit for you. I hope not. I hope that you stay and find a way to make yourself heard without attacking other people on this forum. I hope that happens because a variety of viewpoints is good for dgrin, and because learning to communicate without insults is good for one's soul. And no, that wasn't a church-y expression of soul. I'm an atheist.

    I'm gonna buy you a new sarcasm meter for X-mas.

    My point was that the original post was mild and family safe. Perhaps it was directed at a person, but that in no way makes it an attack. I'm all for family safe fun and I would consider this a civil discourse though perhaps my standards are skewed. It wouldn't be the first time.

    Funny how so many feathers got so ruffled. Must be some truth somewhere less it would've been passed over without remark. I'll let time be the judge of that. Perhaps a screen shot of this thread have one contest #69.
  • SystemSystem Registered Users Posts: 8,186 moderator
    edited July 25, 2006
    saurora wrote:
    If you think critiquing is a "waste of time".........then why even post at all???? headscratch.gifne_nau.gif

    Exactly the question I was pondering.
  • imaximax Registered Users Posts: 691 Major grins
    edited July 25, 2006
    Andy wrote:
    ear.gif What, exactly is unfair? We're listening!

    That change EVERY two weeks. So, if you have a better idea that can WORK, I'm all ear.gif


    It's human nature to feel that it's unfair when something you take the time, effort and energy to do falls short in the eyes of your peers. Is it fair that some of the better photographs (in my opinion) get passed over, while others just get laid to rest. What I may feel is unfair, you may not. What you may feel is unfair, I may not.

    If you read my post, then you did see that I also stated this:

    "it's not our contest to run. We did not come up with the idea for it, we do not run this site, and we certainly have the right not to enter."

    And that's right Andy, the decision lies in the hands of the powers that be. Whoever they may be. Whether they change every two weeks or not, they are still the powers that be. No amount of crying, whining or complaining about any of this will change their mind as to whether or not your picture gets picked or not. If anything, any type of post like this could be misinterpreted, thus hindering any possibility of a future final 10 or challenge win.

    Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder!

    As I stated originally, you could take those same photographs and ask 30 different people to pick their top 10 and you would get different results. An example: Mr. Truth thinks that the Lightning photograph would be the winner. I dissagree. I personnaly like the House on Fire. But that's just me.

    What can be done to make it better you ask? I'm not sure. But by you asking that question then apparently you are open to that suggestion. So why not put it out there. Let's hear from everyone. Take the suggestions that everyone has and find a way to improve on what you have already done. Which by the way is a great job. And that goes out to all that are associated with this site. (And No I'm Not Kissing Up!) Nothing wrong with taking something good and making it better, is there? Isn't that why we are all here? To learn, to improve and to enjoy what we all love to do? Look forward to hearing back from you on it!

  • DavidTODavidTO Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 19,160 Major grins
    edited July 25, 2006
    truth wrote:
    I'm gonna buy you a new sarcasm meter for X-mas.

    My point was that the original post was mild and family safe. Perhaps it was directed at a person, but that in no way makes it an attack. I'm all for family safe fun and I would consider this a civil discourse though perhaps my standards are skewed. It wouldn't be the first time.

    Funny how so many feathers got so ruffled. Must be some truth somewhere less it would've been passed over without remark. I'll let time be the judge of that. Perhaps a screen shot of this thread have one contest #69.

    Yeah, your first post was fine, just put in the wrong thread.
    Moderator Emeritus
    Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited July 25, 2006
    imax wrote:

    What can be done to make it better you ask? I'm not sure. But by you asking that question then apparently you are open to that suggestion. So why not put it out there. Let's hear from everyone. Take the suggestions that everyone has and find a way to improve on what you have already done. Which by the way is a great job. And that goes out to all that are associated with this site. (And No I'm Not Kissing Up!) Nothing wrong with taking something good and making it better, is there? Isn't that why we are all here? To learn, to improve and to enjoy what we all love to do? Look forward to hearing back from you on it!

    Hi Joe,

    Thanks so much for posting. My ear.gif query of you was really sincere, and I did read your whole prior post - thanks again for that. Sometimes I just quote a snipped for brevity's sake..

    We'd love to hear new ways to improve the challenges. We crave the feedback. One idea that's been discussed many times, is that of choosing first amongst all entries, then having a final vote of the top 10. We don't do this, because simply, it's just too much work and effort for the volunteers that run the challenge. And it really complicates things. The general agreeement a while back was that moving to rotating judges has helped in the seletion process.

    If you have more ideas, we'd love to hear them!
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