Geez people, there's a war going on in the middle east, people are starving to death everyday in all parts of the world, genocide in Sudan; and THIS is a crisis to you?
Art is subjective and interpretive. My interuptation is subjective to my life experiences. I intrerpreteted the challenge of "turbulance" comletely different than most of the finalists.
I got over it, went to work, fed my kids, volunteered at the Animal Shelter, and took picture of things that I wanted to for my own pleasure.
"Photography is not a sport. It has no rules" Bill Brandt
Geez people, there's a war going on in the middle east, people are starving to death everyday in all parts of the world, genocide in Sudan; and THIS is a crisis to you?
Art is subjective and interpretive. My interuptation is subjective to my life experiences. I intrerpreteted the challenge of "turbulance" comletely different than most of the finalists.
I got over it, went to work, fed my kids, volunteered at the Animal Shelter, and took picture of things that I wanted to for my own pleasure.
Let's not get carried away. There may be war, starvation and genocide in the world but that's a long way away from what this posts about.
I looked for your entry but coudn't find your take on the subject so I can't comment. I'd guess a homeless person who's life is in turbulance would fit the bill
I'd like the vote to be open so I can see who votes for what. Who did sneak in that final vote that stole the show?
I used to enjoy watching the rush to post the first entry and then watch it change as time past... No names of the guilty ( EDIT: I know this is ok by the way)
I enjoy these challenges, allthough I never enter, I have voted on nearly every one.
This challange was, (IMHO) not very good for a number of reasons. So what? Who cares? only those that choose have any real say and only those that make that choice of finalists know why they do so. It is 'their choice'. Keep it that way.
Whoever wins and anyone that enters have made the effort and hopefully enjoyed the experience.
I use these comps. to daydream ways of making an entry, to generate idea's so to speak. It's a good learning experience and a bit of fun.
Anyway, I thought I'd say a few words...
Now if your cig had been a big cigar would it have made the finalists and maybe won? Who knows, but that extra effort might have won it for you.:D
"The important thing is to just take the picture with the lens you have when the picture happens." Jerry Lodriguss - Sports Photographer
Geez people, there's a war going on in the middle east, people are starving to death everyday in all parts of the world, genocide in Sudan; and THIS is a crisis to you?
Art is subjective and interpretive. My interuptation is subjective to my life experiences. I intrerpreteted the challenge of "turbulance" comletely different than most of the finalists.
I got over it, went to work, fed my kids, volunteered at the Animal Shelter, and took picture of things that I wanted to for my own pleasure.
Well, I see that you are still here "commenting"
It doesn't need to be a world crisis to generate opinions and a discussion.
And, just becuase we may have it better than other people in the world who are in terrible situations does not mean that we should not be allowed to try and improve our situation - or discuss the possibility of improving it, or just enjoy frivilous endevors. That doesn't necessarily mean that we are frivilous.
Fixing the ills of the world is also important, but that's another thread.
:cry Get over it already. The challenges are meant to inspire you as a photographer by giving you new ideas and being able to view other's interpretations. It is not a contest to see who is best. If you think critiquing is a "waste of time".........then why even post at all????
I agree with Saurora.....the challenge is about having fun trying to create something that shares the challenge condept in your way.....with everyone else and see what they think........I go about looking for things to photograph that might meet the challenge ........that I one or two of my favorites for comments and critique......and then submit the one that is my favorite......or sometimes I submit my favorite first........and find more after
Geez people, there's a war going on in the middle east, people are starving to death everyday in all parts of the world, genocide in Sudan; and THIS is a crisis to you?
Art is subjective and interpretive. My interuptation is subjective to my life experiences. I intrerpreteted the challenge of "turbulance" comletely different than most of the finalists.
I got over it, went to work, fed my kids, volunteered at the Animal Shelter, and took picture of things that I wanted to for my own pleasure.
Bill Brandt
Let's not get carried away. There may be war, starvation and genocide in the world but that's a long way away from what this posts about.
I looked for your entry but coudn't find your take on the subject so I can't comment. I'd guess a homeless person who's life is in turbulance would fit the bill
I'd like the vote to be open so I can see who votes for what. Who did sneak in that final vote that stole the show?
I used to enjoy watching the rush to post the first entry and then watch it change as time past...
I enjoy these challenges, allthough I never enter, I have voted on nearly every one.
This challange was, (IMHO) not very good for a number of reasons. So what? Who cares? only those that choose have any real say and only those that make that choice of finalists know why they do so. It is 'their choice'. Keep it that way.
Whoever wins and anyone that enters have made the effort and hopefully enjoyed the experience.
I use these comps. to daydream ways of making an entry, to generate idea's so to speak. It's a good learning experience and a bit of fun.
Anyway, I thought I'd say a few words...
Now if your cig had been a big cigar would it have made the finalists and maybe won? Who knows, but that extra effort might have won it for you.:D
Jerry Lodriguss - Sports Photographer
Reporters sans frontières
Well, I see that you are still here "commenting"
It doesn't need to be a world crisis to generate opinions and a discussion.
And, just becuase we may have it better than other people in the world who are in terrible situations does not mean that we should not be allowed to try and improve our situation - or discuss the possibility of improving it, or just enjoy frivilous endevors. That doesn't necessarily mean that we are frivilous.
Fixing the ills of the world is also important, but that's another thread.
...anonymous could possibly work if we pm our photos to a designated person, and they post them all. Just me thoughts to help improve if possible.
I agree with Saurora.....the challenge is about having fun trying to create something that shares the challenge condept in your way.....with everyone else and see what they think........I go about looking for things to photograph that might meet the challenge ........that I one or two of my favorites for comments and critique......and then submit the one that is my favorite......or sometimes I submit my favorite first........and find more after