NOTICE: Impending Dgrin Member's Photo Gallery
We will be putting together a Digital Grin Member's Photos gallery shortly. This gallery will be located on the Digital Grin Forum main page along with the Digital Grin Challenge Winners and Skyshoot 2005 galleries.
I will be using the pics posted here to begin with.
Stay tuned....
If every keystroke was a shutter press I'd be a pro by now...
Please-no-PLEASE, do not go back into this thread and edit your previous post\s! If you want to change your pic, just reply BELOW this post with the one you want shown in the gallery. This will save me from having to go back over 30 pages to look for edits
Now, as these are going into a member's gallery, let's just wave the 'self-portrait' clause and go with a "pick the shot that best represents you or that you like of your self the most" clause .
If you had multiple pics posted in this thread, I did my best to pick *one* out of the ones you posted. Again, if you'd rather have something else-PM me and I'll see about getting it changed. As it stands at the moment, I don't think I have the ability to delete or change photos so I'll have to get help to do that.
Obviously, if you are new or haven't posted here yet, by all means DO SO!!! Especially if you are an active member. It's great to see just who it is we are conversing with.
thanks in advance....
If every keystroke was a shutter press I'd be a pro by now...
Ok, now that you dropped the self portrait clause I can post this one. Taken last year canoing (at this point pushing) upstream on Cedar Creek toward Bamber Lake.
Fish is first post (no pic...)
Then someone else 38-55 (red X)
Then Shakey (pic is there)
Didn't find a member named 'Fug'. Fug makes me think of Shutter (Jim Fuglestadt not sure of spelling of last name-sorry).
From what I can recall of my now-distant-youth FUG could be slang for something not very nice
If you mean your pic, well I was gonna use the "darkside" humungous, which I will if you like, but I thought the 'bushwhacking Humungous' was more fitting.
why do I get the feeling that I'm really making waaayyy tooo muucchhh out of this
I'm going back to the doghouse.....
If every keystroke was a shutter press I'd be a pro by now...
Fish is first post (no pic...)
Then someone else 38-55 (red X)
Then Shakey (pic is there)
Didn't find a member named 'Fug'. Fug makes me think of Shutter (Jim Fuglestadt not sure of spelling of last name-sorry).
From what I can recall of my now-distant-youth FUG could be slang for something not very nice
If you mean your pic, well I was gonna use the "darkside" humungous, which I will if you like, but I thought the 'bushwhacking Humungous' was more fitting.
why do I get the feeling that I'm really making waaayyy tooo muucchhh out of this
I'm going back to the doghouse.....
It's gonna be alright Mongrel1
Flug is short for Nachflug, another handle that dgrin's Amadeus uses on other forums. Several of us know him from these other forum's and can't help but call him Flug.
Flug is short for Nachflug, another handle that dgrin's Amadeus uses on other forums. Several of us know him from these other forum's and can't help but call him Flug.
...thank you...thank you....thank you...."Free at last, free at last "
thanks for not pointing out the three times or more that I misspelled 'flug' (fug ) In the above post (insert 'gunshottothehead smiley here).
Nachflug-possibly misspelled version of 'Nachtflug' which basically means "night-flight" in German. Also could mean 'night operations'?
Yea, well, so far Amadeus is Numero Uno.
If every keystroke was a shutter press I'd be a pro by now...
If that were the case surely digital fearie, jenny, shima, olif, ruffprints, seaelven, squeakyclean, T4Tots, etc, etc, etc, woulda gone before you. Nah me thinks it was simply alphabetical order.
If that were the case surely digital fearie, jenny, shima, olif, ruffprints, seaelven, squeakyclean, T4Tots, etc, etc, etc, woulda gone before you. Nah me thinks it was simply alphabetical order.
I will post it in the Dgrin Member's Gallery later tonight.
Quick question, would you mind a vertical crop to eliminate the empty space on the sides? It's a great shot of you and Susan, and the crop would focus all of the attention on you guys.
If I don't hear back, I'll go with it as is.
If every keystroke was a shutter press I'd be a pro by now...
I will post it in the Dgrin Member's Gallery later tonight.
Quick question, would you mind a vertical crop to eliminate the empty space on the sides? It's a great shot of you and Susan, and the crop would focus all of the attention on you guys.
If I don't hear back, I'll go with it as is.
Crop away. If you can some how replace my ugly mug with a better one feel free to do that also
"My dad taught me everything I know, unfortunately he didn't teach me everything he knows" Dale Earnhardt Jr
It's better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you're not.
This may be the worst portrait on earth but I like it. Captured by accident with a web cam during installation.
If you'd shot this on purpose, my reaction would be, "pretty good".
The fact that it is an accidental shot makes it an amazing pic and a great self-shot. Very cool placement of the thumb and forefinger framing your face.
I knew, of course, that trees and plants had roots, stems, bark, branches and foliage that reached up toward the light. But I was coming to realize that the real magician was light itself.
Edward Steichen
Thanks. I just bought the camera and was setting it up and trying to position it. I was looking at the screen (thus I am not looking directly into the cam) and I hit the capture button. The rest is (digital) history.
We will be putting together a Digital Grin Member's Photos gallery shortly. This gallery will be located on the Digital Grin Forum main page along with the Digital Grin Challenge Winners and Skyshoot 2005 galleries.
I will be using the pics posted here to begin with.
Stay tuned....
I just finished uploading 85 member's shots here:
Please-no-PLEASE, do not go back into this thread and edit your previous post\s! If you want to change your pic, just reply BELOW this post with the one you want shown in the gallery. This will save me from having to go back over 30 pages to look for edits
Now, as these are going into a member's gallery, let's just wave the 'self-portrait' clause and go with a "pick the shot that best represents you or that you like of your self the most" clause
If you had multiple pics posted in this thread, I did my best to pick *one* out of the ones you posted. Again, if you'd rather have something else-PM me and I'll see about getting it changed. As it stands at the moment, I don't think I have the ability to delete or change photos so I'll have to get help to do that.
Obviously, if you are new or haven't posted here yet, by all means DO SO!!! Especially if you are an active member. It's great to see just who it is we are conversing with.
thanks in advance....
Flug got 1st drop
Can't seem to find my post in this time to look it up before work. Here's a shot you can use:
And this was a self-portrait!
Thanks Gus, but you lost me here:
Who or what is 'Flug'
I'll get them up asap...
your pics are up
can you type that reaaallll sllowwww..... :uhoh
Let me take it apart
"Handsome chap who is first?"
Fish is first post (no pic...)
Then someone else 38-55 (red X)
Then Shakey (pic is there)
Didn't find a member named 'Fug'. Fug makes me think of Shutter (Jim Fuglestadt not sure of spelling of last name-sorry).
From what I can recall of my now-distant-youth FUG could be slang for something not very nice
If you mean your pic, well I was gonna use the "darkside" humungous, which I will if you like, but I thought the 'bushwhacking Humungous' was more fitting.
why do I get the feeling that I'm really making waaayyy tooo muucchhh out of this
I'm going back to the doghouse.....
Flug is short for Nachflug, another handle that dgrin's Amadeus uses on other forums. Several of us know him from these other forum's and can't help but call him Flug.
thanks for not pointing out the three times or more that I misspelled 'flug' (fug
Nachflug-possibly misspelled version of 'Nachtflug' which basically means "night-flight" in German. Also could mean 'night operations'?
Yea, well, so far Amadeus is Numero Uno.
nachtflug with a T!
der kommissar
these peoples are me.
yes I use the T.
Doctorit is T less.
I am the one. there can be only one. I am the light.
If that were the case surely digital fearie, jenny, shima, olif, ruffprints, seaelven, squeakyclean, T4Tots, etc, etc, etc, woulda gone before you.
Let's go ladies and gents!
Time to post some of those newbie pics
Originally Posted by amadeus
beauty went before age.
and #3 says: Who cares what you think???
I gotcha back Amadeus!
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
Myself and Susan(who recently became my beautiful DW:D ) :
I know not the most tech. correct shot but what the heck it works.
It's better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you're not.
of you and your DW.
I will post it in the Dgrin Member's Gallery later tonight.
Quick question, would you mind a vertical crop to eliminate the empty space on the sides? It's a great shot of you and Susan, and the crop would focus all of the attention on you guys.
If I don't hear back, I'll go with it as is.
It's better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you're not.
your pic is UP
Thanks for sharing it with us
Take care,
It's better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you're not.
Hopefully that will take you there....
I'm not sure if it is setup properly yet. I'll have to contact Andy and see what he wants to do with this.
Ted Szukalski - Gallery of Digital Photography
Vote for me on Cool Photoblogs
The fact that it is an accidental shot makes it an amazing pic and a great self-shot. Very cool placement of the thumb and forefinger framing your face.
I knew, of course, that trees and plants had roots, stems, bark, branches and foliage that reached up toward the light. But I was coming to realize that the real magician was light itself.
Edward Steichen
Thanks. I just bought the camera and was setting it up and trying to position it. I was looking at the screen (thus I am not looking directly into the cam) and I hit the capture button.
Ted Szukalski - Gallery of Digital Photography
Vote for me on Cool Photoblogs
I can't see it Ted
Anyone else getting the dreaded 'red X'?
I can see it, but here is a link.
Ted Szukalski - Gallery of Digital Photography
Vote for me on Cool Photoblogs