yes, yes, but the worst bug, IMO, is that when SmuggLr gets the images from Phanfare, the creation date for the albums isn't maintained. So all the albums get created as Galleries, in SmugMug, with the date of the SmuggLing :-( It creates a massive mess.
Creation date for the albums? Why do you care about that?
You're not... gasp, displaying all of your galleries on the home page in date created order, are you?
Creation date for the albums? Why do you care about that?
You're not... gasp, displaying all of your galleries on the home page in date created order, are you?
That's exactly what I'm doing. I have 75K photos, that have been taken over 7 years, of my kids. These photos are of their life, in a chronological order. Phanfare shows albums, by default (there is no other way), in a chronological order.
If albums/galleries are not showing in chronological order -- it's impossible to find anything.
Darryl -- I shoot a lot. On the average, I shoot 250-400K images, per year. These are just the images of my family. Believe me when I say that other than naming and tagging albums, date creation is a must, and I'm waiting for SmugMug to correct the creation dates of all of my Galleries, based on the photos that are inside those galleries, so that I could finally find my photos again. They've all been SmuggLd. But it's a massive mess...
I'm not the only one that's running into this issue. I'm just the only one that's still patiently waiting for this issue to be resolved.
That's exactly what I'm doing. I have 75K photos, that have been taken over 7 years, of my kids. These photos are of their life, in a chronological order. Phanfare shows albums, by default (there is no other way), in a chronological order.
If albums/galleries are not showing in chronological order -- it's impossible to find anything.
Darryl -- I shoot a lot. On the average, I shoot 250-400K images, per year. These are just the images of my family. Believe me when I say that other than naming and tagging albums, date creation is a must, and I'm waiting for SmugMug to correct the creation dates of all of my Galleries, based on the photos that are inside those galleries, so that I could finally find my photos again. They've all been SmuggLd. But it's a massive mess...
I'm not the only one that's running into this issue. I'm just the only one that's still patiently waiting for this issue to be resolved.
Hi Ziv -- I too shoot a lot, although not that much (my kids are 1 and 5, and also, I'm lazy), and I *LOVE* Phanfare's reverse chronological organization of my photos. There is no other way according to them, and according to me.
I was gasping because I was joking. I guessed you were displaying all your albums in reverse chronological order on the home page and one of my longstanding gripes about SmugMug is their refusal to add pagination to the "Galleries" display of your albums (vs. "Categories").
So even if you did get your album creation date passed over, they would all end up in a hugely inefficient and cumbersome single page, like SmugMug site of one of their key engineers: -- whoops. JT must've gotten sick of me using him as a whipping boy for this bug. Now I'm going to have to find some poor civilian now who uses Gallery view... Seriously -- the display mode is so useless, SmugMug pretty much advises you never to use it:
So... I don't even use SmugMug for personal family photos. And for the school stuff I have used it for, I tried to set guidelines of naming galleries in the format: "2008.10.02 - First Day of School", etc. so that I can at least use SmugMug's "Arrange Galleries" tool to manually sort them. (Since SmugMug *also* refuses to allow you to have different sort options for top-level categories on the Home Page vs. albums within each category or subcategory.)
I considered writing a Perl script that would go in on a daily basis and properly reorder everything the way I wanted it (leave top-level categories where I want them, sort albums within categories and subcats by name in reverse order), but then I remembered that I didn't really care that much. And also, why am I fixing SmugMug's shortcomings? :-/
But my question for you is -- why are you SmuggLing at all? Unhappy/concerned about Phanfare? Backups?
I was SmuggLing because I shot some concert videos and footage that I wanted to post publicly and share on forums, etc, which is pretty much all I use SmugMug for these days. Unfortunately the hidden photos thing, no video date/timestamps, and keywords thing reminded me again of the deficiencies of the tool/service in general.
(Yah, keywords are an easy fix. Hiding 47 out of 106 images/videos again, with the videos all out of order? That *sucks*.)
WOW, good stuff. I'm glad more people are echoing my concern. I'll ask Chris, Don and Markham to read this post. I've been telling them about this for months...
BTW, you can get your videos, within a Gallery, to show in order. Just sort by filename, and not by creation date.
Why did I SmuggL ? :-) Because I believe in the cloud. All of the photos that I had in Phanfare, were ONLY in Phanfare (through my Eye-Fi Cards). i don't store them locally. I have a Drobo, with 2.5TB of other photos / videos, but those are of the events and models that I shoot. But my family photos are all in the cloud, and only in the cloud. Even before starting Eye-Fi, this is how I worked -- I took photos, uploaded them to the cloud, and erased the local copies. If I'm paying a service to store my photos, and if I know that they're backed up, redundant, clustered -- why should I spend money on buying more drives?
So I'm trying to set an example of how I think that people should share their images. Images and videos are MUCH safer in the cloud, than stored on local hard drives. But, that means that the customer is at the mercy of the sharing site, to help them manage their photos.
So... I await patiently for SmugMug to fix their organization bug.
WOW, good stuff. I'm glad more people are echoing my concern. I'll ask Chris, Don and Markham to read this post. I've been telling them about this for months...
Hah. Good luck with that. I've been telling them about it for years. :-}
BTW, you can get your videos, within a Gallery, to show in order. Just sort by filename, and not by creation date.
Not if your filenames are IMG_1235.JPG and then MVI_1236.AVI. :-{
Why did I SmuggL ? :-) Because I believe in the cloud. All of the photos that I had in Phanfare, were ONLY in Phanfare (through my Eye-Fi Cards). i don't store them locally. I have a Drobo, with 2.5TB of other photos / videos, but those are of the events and models that I shoot. But my family photos are all in the cloud, and only in the cloud. Even before starting Eye-Fi, this is how I worked -- I took photos, uploaded them to the cloud, and erased the local copies. If I'm paying a service to store my photos, and if I know that they're backed up, redundant, clustered -- why should I spend money on buying more drives?
So I'm trying to set an example of how I think that people should share their images. Images and videos are MUCH safer in the cloud, than stored on local hard drives. But, that means that the customer is at the mercy of the sharing site, to help them manage their photos.
So... I await patiently for SmugMug to fix their organization bug.
So you believe in the cloud, but also in having a backup cloud. ;-}
I'm a traditionalist -- I still store locally, but right now that still fits on a 250GB drive. Actually, I have two 250GB drives that I sporadically mirror manually (sometimes I'll use rsync, but usually I just eyeball the directories, or in a pinch, do a diff -r). After syncing, the other drive stays at work.
Smuglr / Zenfolio Issues
I'm trying to move my photos from Zenfolio over to Smugmug... I've been using Smuglr but it seems to be stuck. I have a total of 112 galeries and almost 27k total photos.
The first few times I ran this I had to re-start after a while but progress would be made. However, now it just hangs at the same place each time...
Around 61 galleries and about 1/2 of the total photos.
Trouble installing SmuggLr 3.1
I am attempting to install SmuggLr 3.1 however I am getting an error message that is stating that this version of SmuggLr is incompatible with Fire Fox 3.6. I also tried SmuggLr 2.9 I believe and received the same message.
Firefox 3.6 support?
what about ff3.6 support? I can't migrate from picasa right now.
I am logged in, but the page says: 'Enter your picasa login info here'. 'Next' button is disabled. Thank you
Smugglr transfer not working with Picasa Web albums
l'm having a problem getting smugglr to transfer photos from my Picasa Web albums. It worked like a charm with Flickr but not at all with Google.
Using a Mac and Firefox 3.5.8
Once I login I am taken to a the "normal" Picasa Web Albums page but with no apparent way to get them transferring to smugmug. Not sure if I"m just stupid or the plugin isn't working correctly with Google.
Is it still available?
I have been trying to get the smugglr plug-in but seems like the download site is no longer working. Is there a new location to get the download?
I have been looking for an answer and have been unable to find it. I use Smugglr to migrate pictures from Flickr to SmugMug/ With the newest firefox update I am unable to use Smugglr. Does anyone know if there will be an update to Smugglr or is there an easy alternative?
large files, exif, geo info
I need this tool badly. I have some 8000 photos and 100 videos. Will this tool download and upload videos to smugmug ?
Also, i saw yesterday 14th April 2010 (, your site was down.
1) Will it keep the EXIF information and
2) the Geo map info ?
3) Will it download original sizes and upload to smugmug ?
4) if that hangs or stops in the middle, and if i restart the process, will it create duplicates and start again from scratch or continue from where it had left back.
Today i am trying migratr . i dont know if it maintains folders and tags, caption, etc ?
the tool hangs in between and no video copy
Thanks for such a wonderful tool. Its very fast and amazing. I was able to transfter around 6500 photos out of 8000. But it stops after 6500. I tried it couple of times but it cannot proceed at the point. I tried checking the flickr set names and inside photos for error. But i cannot find any
1. I will be good to show a progress text info in your tool so we know exactly which file name it got hanged. And we can see if it has invalid text or corrupt data. I can delete that from flickr and run your tool again.
2. Your tool dosent copy the videos from flickr. It creates small thumbnail images instead. Is there any way to copy flickr videos from the sets.
I am finally pleased to annouce my Firefox extension SmuggLr. For those who wish to transition photos from flickr, Phanfare, PhotoSite, PicasaWeb or Zenfolio to SmugMug.
1st April 2010 v3.2
- Bug fixes that address occasional staling
- Enhancements to Phanfare, categories are now created to match year, filename should be transferred correctly
12th August 2009 v3.1
- Bug fix for Phanfare not transferring any files.
30th July 2009 v3.0
- Added support for running SmuggLr multiple times, it now checks whether images exist within a given gallery before transferring
- optimised flickr support and added collections for pro users.
6th January 2009 v2.8
- Fixed Picasa Web disabled continue button issue
13th June 2008 v2.5
- Fixed bug with flickr where potentially loads of duplicates could be imported
- Fixed bug with Picasa where users that had . or _ in their username got stuck and couldn't continue.
25th May 2008 v2.3, 2.4
- Fixed a few issues with Zenfolio
16 May 2008 v2.2
- Fixed Phanfare 2.0 bug where no photos were found
8th May 2008 v2.1
- SmuggLr's flickr api key expired
6th May 2008 v2.0
- Added support for Phanfare v2.0
- Fixed issue with flickr authentication on non-english pages
21th Feb 2008 v1.9
- Added support for Zenfolio
- Removed support for ImageStation
- fix flickr bug on free accounts with a lot of failures, now falls back to large size images if the original is not available.
- refactored some of the original code
12th Feb 2008 v1.8
- Added support for Picasa Web
- Fixed flickr append description bug
27 th Jan 2008 v1.7
- Added support for 4 byte characters in Album titles/descriptions
21th Dec 2007 v1.6
- Added support for Phanfare
12th Oct 2007 v1.3
- Fixed image error handling to only retry 3 times
12th Oct 2007 v1.2
- Added support for ImageStation and PhotoSite
3rd Aug 2007 v1.0
- Added geocoding support
29th Feb 2007 v0.7
- Fixed upload endpoint (my bad )
- Added selective photosets
- Support for automatic updates in future
We had an uploading cluster issue in the wee hours. It's fixed now, I'm sure they'll work now, Darryl.
Thanks Andy - it did work the next day.
Unfortunately, two bugs/feature requests are unresolved:
1) Hidden bit on photos/videos from Phanfare not retained
2) Date/timestamp on videos from Phanfare is not recognized/indexed. (I realize your DB may not have a field for date/timestamps for videos, to which I say, BAH, fix that too!)
Just wanted to send you a note of thanks. I used Smugglr to migrate 25 galleries containing over 1,600 photos from Picasaweb yesterday. Smugglr was fast and easy to use. I used Smugglr v3.3 with Firefox 3.5.9 on Ubuntu v9.10. I had a total of 36 transfer errors out of 1,664 files, which I don't think was too bad.
One thing I noted that I think would really enhance this tool... Migration of photo captions. I'm not sure if this is supported for other sites, but none of my photo captions were pulled over from Picasaweb. I've got quite a bit there, so that's something I'm going to need to deal with somehow.
Any thought about support for Google Chrome? I've been using Chrome a fair amount lately and have been pretty happy with it. Just curious.
If you're ever looking for some help enhancing or updating Smugglr, I'd be happy to pitch in.
Cannot Download Smugglr
Same here too, I've been trying now for 3 or 4 days and I still cannot access the download, keep getting a DNS error when trying to get to the site.
I can't get Smugglr to import from ZenFolio...more specifically it doesn't see any of my galleries or photos at all. It authenticates but when I get to the screen that says "All Albums" or "Selected Albums", I click "Selected Albums" and nothing happens. The box just stays white. If I click Next, it says "No Albums Selected", but there's no albums listed in the box to select. All my albums are public. I don't want to use "All Albums" because (a) I don't want to move everything and (b) I've already moved some stuff by hand and don't want SmuggLr to overwrite / modify what I've already moved. Is this a known issue with ZenFolio? Is there some setting I need to change in ZenFolio to make it work?
I can't get Smugglr to import from ZenFolio...more specifically it doesn't see any of my galleries or photos at all. It authenticates but when I get to the screen that says "All Albums" or "Selected Albums", I click "Selected Albums" and nothing happens. The box just stays white. If I click Next, it says "No Albums Selected", but there's no albums listed in the box to select. All my albums are public. I don't want to use "All Albums" because (a) I don't want to move everything and (b) I've already moved some stuff by hand and don't want SmuggLr to overwrite / modify what I've already moved. Is this a known issue with ZenFolio? Is there some setting I need to change in ZenFolio to make it work?
I think you were using your email address in the username field, which resulted in one of the zenfolio calls failing. I've posted a new version which looks up the username instead of assuming it was entered.
Creation date for the albums? Why do you care about that?
You're not... gasp, displaying all of your galleries on the home page in date created order, are you?
That's exactly what I'm doing. I have 75K photos, that have been taken over 7 years, of my kids. These photos are of their life, in a chronological order. Phanfare shows albums, by default (there is no other way), in a chronological order.
If albums/galleries are not showing in chronological order -- it's impossible to find anything.
Darryl -- I shoot a lot. On the average, I shoot 250-400K images, per year. These are just the images of my family. Believe me when I say that other than naming and tagging albums, date creation is a must, and I'm waiting for SmugMug to correct the creation dates of all of my Galleries, based on the photos that are inside those galleries, so that I could finally find my photos again. They've all been SmuggLd. But it's a massive mess...
I'm not the only one that's running into this issue. I'm just the only one that's still patiently waiting for this issue to be resolved.
Hi Ziv -- I too shoot a lot, although not that much (my kids are 1 and 5, and also, I'm lazy), and I *LOVE* Phanfare's reverse chronological organization of my photos. There is no other way according to them, and according to me.
I was gasping because I was joking. I guessed you were displaying all your albums in reverse chronological order on the home page and one of my longstanding gripes about SmugMug is their refusal to add pagination to the "Galleries" display of your albums (vs. "Categories").
So even if you did get your album creation date passed over, they would all end up in a hugely inefficient and cumbersome single page, like SmugMug site of one of their key engineers: -- whoops. JT must've gotten sick of me using him as a whipping boy for this bug. Now I'm going to have to find some poor civilian now who uses Gallery view... Seriously -- the display mode is so useless, SmugMug pretty much advises you never to use it:
So... I don't even use SmugMug for personal family photos. And for the school stuff I have used it for, I tried to set guidelines of naming galleries in the format: "2008.10.02 - First Day of School", etc. so that I can at least use SmugMug's "Arrange Galleries" tool to manually sort them. (Since SmugMug *also* refuses to allow you to have different sort options for top-level categories on the Home Page vs. albums within each category or subcategory.)
I considered writing a Perl script that would go in on a daily basis and properly reorder everything the way I wanted it (leave top-level categories where I want them, sort albums within categories and subcats by name in reverse order), but then I remembered that I didn't really care that much. And also, why am I fixing SmugMug's shortcomings? :-/
But my question for you is -- why are you SmuggLing at all? Unhappy/concerned about Phanfare? Backups?
I was SmuggLing because I shot some concert videos and footage that I wanted to post publicly and share on forums, etc, which is pretty much all I use SmugMug for these days. Unfortunately the hidden photos thing, no video date/timestamps, and keywords thing reminded me again of the deficiencies of the tool/service in general.
(Yah, keywords are an easy fix. Hiding 47 out of 106 images/videos again, with the videos all out of order? That *sucks*.)
BTW, you can get your videos, within a Gallery, to show in order. Just sort by filename, and not by creation date.
Why did I SmuggL ? :-) Because I believe in the cloud. All of the photos that I had in Phanfare, were ONLY in Phanfare (through my Eye-Fi Cards). i don't store them locally. I have a Drobo, with 2.5TB of other photos / videos, but those are of the events and models that I shoot. But my family photos are all in the cloud, and only in the cloud. Even before starting Eye-Fi, this is how I worked -- I took photos, uploaded them to the cloud, and erased the local copies. If I'm paying a service to store my photos, and if I know that they're backed up, redundant, clustered -- why should I spend money on buying more drives?
So I'm trying to set an example of how I think that people should share their images. Images and videos are MUCH safer in the cloud, than stored on local hard drives. But, that means that the customer is at the mercy of the sharing site, to help them manage their photos.
So... I await patiently for SmugMug to fix their organization bug.
Hah. Good luck with that. I've been telling them about it for years. :-}
Bloated Galleries section on Home Page:
Video date/timestamps:
Gallery sorting:
Not if your filenames are IMG_1235.JPG and then MVI_1236.AVI. :-{
So you believe in the cloud, but also in having a backup cloud. ;-}
I'm a traditionalist -- I still store locally, but right now that still fits on a 250GB drive. Actually, I have two 250GB drives that I sporadically mirror manually (sometimes I'll use rsync, but usually I just eyeball the directories, or in a pinch, do a diff -r). After syncing, the other drive stays at work.
I have a bad habit of staying up and ranting if I think somebody is there to listen.
I'm trying to move my photos from Zenfolio over to Smugmug... I've been using Smuglr but it seems to be stuck. I have a total of 112 galeries and almost 27k total photos.
The first few times I ran this I had to re-start after a while but progress would be made. However, now it just hangs at the same place each time...
Around 61 galleries and about 1/2 of the total photos.
Any ideas or other solutions for migration?
Help all my galleries are held captive on Fotki .. Is there any hope of moving them to SmugMug other than manually ? Arrg!
I am attempting to install SmuggLr 3.1 however I am getting an error message that is stating that this version of SmuggLr is incompatible with Fire Fox 3.6. I also tried SmuggLr 2.9 I believe and received the same message.
Please let me know what I should do.
Thank you!
what about ff3.6 support? I can't migrate from picasa right now.
I am logged in, but the page says: 'Enter your picasa login info here'. 'Next' button is disabled. Thank you
l'm having a problem getting smugglr to transfer photos from my Picasa Web albums. It worked like a charm with Flickr but not at all with Google.
Using a Mac and Firefox 3.5.8
Once I login I am taken to a the "normal" Picasa Web Albums page but with no apparent way to get them transferring to smugmug. Not sure if I"m just stupid or the plugin isn't working correctly with Google.
I have been trying to get the smugglr plug-in but seems like the download site is no longer working. Is there a new location to get the download?
Hey David... any chance you plan on supporting migrations from Menalto Gallery?
That would be very cool.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Thank you! Worked GREAT!
Picasaweb transfer still does not work. It never takes you to a 0auth page, it simply takes you to your web album. No way to click continue/etc.
This is on FF3.6 with OSX 10.6.
I need this tool badly. I have some 8000 photos and 100 videos. Will this tool download and upload videos to smugmug ?
Also, i saw yesterday 14th April 2010 (, your site was down.
1) Will it keep the EXIF information and
2) the Geo map info ?
3) Will it download original sizes and upload to smugmug ?
4) if that hangs or stops in the middle, and if i restart the process, will it create duplicates and start again from scratch or continue from where it had left back.
Today i am trying migratr . i dont know if it maintains folders and tags, caption, etc ?
Please help..
Thanks for such a wonderful tool. Its very fast and amazing. I was able to transfter around 6500 photos out of 8000. But it stops after 6500. I tried it couple of times but it cannot proceed at the point. I tried checking the flickr set names and inside photos for error. But i cannot find any
1. I will be good to show a progress text info in your tool so we know exactly which file name it got hanged. And we can see if it has invalid text or corrupt data. I can delete that from flickr and run your tool again.
2. Your tool dosent copy the videos from flickr. It creates small thumbnail images instead. Is there any way to copy flickr videos from the sets.
Oof. Trying to SmuggL 41 files from Phanfare, all failed. :-{
Sucks. Also, seems down.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Thanks Andy - it did work the next day.
Unfortunately, two bugs/feature requests are unresolved:
1) Hidden bit on photos/videos from Phanfare not retained
2) Date/timestamp on videos from Phanfare is not recognized/indexed. (I realize your DB may not have a field for date/timestamps for videos, to which I say, BAH, fix that too!)
Thanks. ;-}
Just wanted to send you a note of thanks. I used Smugglr to migrate 25 galleries containing over 1,600 photos from Picasaweb yesterday. Smugglr was fast and easy to use. I used Smugglr v3.3 with Firefox 3.5.9 on Ubuntu v9.10. I had a total of 36 transfer errors out of 1,664 files, which I don't think was too bad.
One thing I noted that I think would really enhance this tool... Migration of photo captions. I'm not sure if this is supported for other sites, but none of my photo captions were pulled over from Picasaweb. I've got quite a bit there, so that's something I'm going to need to deal with somehow.
Any thought about support for Google Chrome? I've been using Chrome a fair amount lately and have been pretty happy with it. Just curious.
If you're ever looking for some help enhancing or updating Smugglr, I'd be happy to pitch in.
Did you ever have any luck with this? I'm in the same position and can't find anything that will migrate.
Can't seem to get to the download page today. Anyone know if this is just temporary?
thanks for any info
Same here too, I've been trying now for 3 or 4 days and I still cannot access the download, keep getting a DNS error when trying to get to the site.
I think you were using your email address in the username field, which resulted in one of the zenfolio calls failing. I've posted a new version which looks up the username instead of assuming it was entered.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos