bfir, thanks animals always find me. Tell me about Maggie and Henry, are they going at each other all the time? I raised birds for a long time, not parrots, mostly pigeons.
Time for a bump
Haven't seen any doggie pics lately, and managed a fair one of Schoonig.
So thought I'd use that as an excuse for a bump.
FZ20 + on board fill flash -2 EV, shutter priorty -1/3 ev
Post in LAB levels, hue/sat, USM
Good gosh, 4 labs, you shame me and my Yorkie. She has not been groomed for years. I give her a bath sometimes and cut the hair around her eyes.
I do remember when she used to look like your dog. I had more money then, and I was not "into" photography, had never heard of lens lust.
Does this renewed interest in dog photos mean that I need to pay attention to my dogs?
I usually only photograph them on the purchase of new equipment, geez....challenges, birds, church, etc...........well, the dogs are now self entertainers.
For shame on me, and the ragged Yorkie, the other 2 are also self maintaining Corgis. When they blow coat, the hope is that it will eventually fall off.
Here is looking at you, the occasion, a new lens, looks like it was a telephoto:
JUst the month BEFORE. Before the 20D and the new lenses, there were
photos like this (I love this photo, the first dog is not mine, Skye is too focused to put his tongue out. That photo really does something for me, down deep where the darkest part of my soul lives, hehe):
and this:
I might be home right now, but I am on the computer, and they have given up on that. The last time we went to the beach was the first part of January. Never thought it would come to this...........
My dogs, dogs, dogs........
Note there are three dogs in the photo, and two of US have the SC shaggy hair.
JUst the month BEFORE. Before the 20D and the new lenses, there were
photos like this (I love this photo, the first dog is not mine, Skye is too focused to put his tongue out. That photo really does something for me, down deep where the darkest part of my soul lives, hehe):
and this:
I might be home right now, but I am on the computer, and they have given up on that. The last time we went to the beach was the first part of January. Never thought it would come to this...........
My dogs, dogs, dogs........
Note there are three dogs in the photo, and two of US have the SC shaggy hair.
I had an interesting few hours. I left my dogs, not in crates, just in the house, with the back door open. (It was too late to take them to a park, or anywhere).
I went to see if the osprey had babies. I am going to upload and post my photos. No dogs, but not much in ospreys, either. Daddy never did come home and mama was sitting on eggs or babies, don't know which.
I stayed til it was dark. I shot a sunset, a flower, ..........oh, just about anything near me. I was by the side of a road, a busy road that leads to an island. I kept watching the nest, then I shot some cat tails. Etc.
Boy were my dogs glad to see me. And I found the whole thing somewhat amusing. I spent my time by the side of the road, and I have a photo of a flower, a tiny one, would be perfect for the big challenge.
Now your dogs look like they had fun! Your pool? You didn't have to take them anywhere? If I had taken my dogs, I would have been scared one of them would have gotten out of the car somehow into all that traffic.
I really like the expression in that last picture you posted.:D
I do want to say in my defense, Skye was hurt, so I laid him off of recreation for awhile, in the winter. And I wanted to make sure he healed.
I wouldn't have know about it if it were not for photography. I had about 400 photos that looked like this.
I thought he looked fine while we were at the beach. He was running and all. But around 2 in the morning when I was doing these photos I was horrified to see this stance. He never put any weight on his rt front leg. Not in one photo.
I sent copies to my corgi club, they said "no big deal" and "you can't tell anything from pictures". I thought I could tell alot from pictures. I hated to spend alot of money taking him to the vet, it was the weekend, too. He seemed to feel fine. I just knew he wasn't.
He has a very good breeder, she convinced me that it was not serious and to rest him for a few I quit taking them out. We went once after that, a month later, his foot was fine, the photos were totally different and diagnosed a healthy dog, but I was out of the habit of going to the beach.
Another photo that everyone said did not mean a thing.
He was easy to photograph that day as he sat by me alot. See he looked happy, but I did not think my photos were normal no matter what anyone said.
And that was when birding got serious and a good habit was did start out for good reason: That was a hurt dog. I only knew because of photography. Otherwise he would have gotten much worse. his breeder said it was probably a pulled muscle or something.
Hey, 4 labs, if your post is right after mine, it has been awhile for both of us!
Great 4 (oh, 3, sorry) dog photo, 4 labs.
I have 3/dog photos, too. They are as difficult for me to get as birds. One always is a butt shot.
If I weren't buying lenses, I would put a pool in, too. Actually wouldn't, but it is great for photography. Smart buy, there. We all need props. Like the tennis ball there, too. Nice touch. And it got their attention, too.
I would get one of those thrower things that people have on the beach, but my dogs only care about chasing dogs: who are chasing tennis balls.
Hey, 4 labs, if your post is right after mine, it has been awhile for both of us!
Great 4 (oh, 3, sorry) dog photo, 4 labs.
I have 3/dog photos, too. They are as difficult for me to get as birds. One always is a butt shot.
If I weren't buying lenses, I would put a pool in, too. Actually wouldn't, but it is great for photography. Smart buy, there. We all need props. Like the tennis ball there, too. Nice touch. And it got their attention, too.
I would get one of those thrower things that people have on the beach, but my dogs only care about chasing dogs: who are chasing tennis balls.
I have 4 labs Ginger but the oldest guy is 14 and he stays in one spot all day so the pictures of him aren't too exciting but in his prime he was a fetching fiend. I just wish I had a camera when he was a pup.
Fun shot, now I have to go get some Rottie piccie
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Here use this
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Hi Ya Toby, behave and make nice for the camera
Every person needs to be owned by a dog
Congrats Sandy
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Haven't seen any doggie pics lately, and managed a fair one of Schoonig.
So thought I'd use that as an excuse for a bump.
FZ20 + on board fill flash -2 EV, shutter priorty -1/3 ev
Post in LAB levels, hue/sat, USM
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Brownie brushing teeth the Rottie way
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Taken last fall...
Neener... Neener... Neener...
I do remember when she used to look like your dog. I had more money then, and I was not "into" photography, had never heard of lens lust.
Does this renewed interest in dog photos mean that I need to pay attention to my dogs?
I usually only photograph them on the purchase of new equipment, geez....challenges, birds, church, etc...........well, the dogs are now self entertainers.
For shame on me, and the ragged Yorkie, the other 2 are also self maintaining Corgis. When they blow coat, the hope is that it will eventually fall off.
Here is looking at you, the occasion, a new lens, looks like it was a telephoto:
Hey, the new lens and the one eye focused itself.
ginger (february) this is may now
Note focus is on tongue, I think. g
The self entertainer:
The shag, a partial view:
doG, that 300 is a great lens. And to try it out, taking it into a tiny townhouse back yard with 3 attention starved was a "howl".
photos like this (I love this photo, the first dog is not mine, Skye is too focused to put his tongue out. That photo really does something for me, down deep where the darkest part of my soul lives, hehe):
and this:
I might be home right now, but I am on the computer, and they have given up on that. The last time we went to the beach was the first part of January. Never thought it would come to this...........
My dogs, dogs, dogs........
Note there are three dogs in the photo, and two of US have the SC shaggy hair.
and here are a few from today.
I had an interesting few hours. I left my dogs, not in crates, just in the house, with the back door open. (It was too late to take them to a park, or anywhere).
I went to see if the osprey had babies. I am going to upload and post my photos. No dogs, but not much in ospreys, either. Daddy never did come home and mama was sitting on eggs or babies, don't know which.
I stayed til it was dark. I shot a sunset, a flower, ..........oh, just about anything near me. I was by the side of a road, a busy road that leads to an island. I kept watching the nest, then I shot some cat tails. Etc.
Boy were my dogs glad to see me. And I found the whole thing somewhat amusing. I spent my time by the side of the road, and I have a photo of a flower, a tiny one, would be perfect for the big challenge.
Now your dogs look like they had fun! Your pool? You didn't have to take them anywhere? If I had taken my dogs, I would have been scared one of them would have gotten out of the car somehow into all that traffic.
I really like the expression in that last picture you posted.:D
I wouldn't have know about it if it were not for photography. I had about 400 photos that looked like this.
I thought he looked fine while we were at the beach. He was running and all. But around 2 in the morning when I was doing these photos I was horrified to see this stance. He never put any weight on his rt front leg. Not in one photo.
I sent copies to my corgi club, they said "no big deal" and "you can't tell anything from pictures". I thought I could tell alot from pictures. I hated to spend alot of money taking him to the vet, it was the weekend, too. He seemed to feel fine. I just knew he wasn't.
He has a very good breeder, she convinced me that it was not serious and to rest him for a few I quit taking them out. We went once after that, a month later, his foot was fine, the photos were totally different and diagnosed a healthy dog, but I was out of the habit of going to the beach.
Another photo that everyone said did not mean a thing.
He was easy to photograph that day as he sat by me alot. See he looked happy, but I did not think my photos were normal no matter what anyone said.
And that was when birding got serious and a good habit was did start out for good reason: That was a hurt dog. I only knew because of photography. Otherwise he would have gotten much worse. his breeder said it was probably a pulled muscle or something.
Here ya go Lynn Three wet dogs for ya
Great 4 (oh, 3, sorry) dog photo, 4 labs.
I have 3/dog photos, too. They are as difficult for me to get as birds. One always is a butt shot.
If I weren't buying lenses, I would put a pool in, too. Actually wouldn't, but it is great for photography. Smart buy, there. We all need props. Like the tennis ball there, too. Nice touch. And it got their attention, too.
I would get one of those thrower things that people have on the beach, but my dogs only care about chasing dogs: who are chasing tennis balls.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
One of them had to take the picture!
enjoying a lay down after our walk.
and a head shot of Brownie. I never have enough of these
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Nah that looks like a St. Bernard and Rottie mix :lol4
You know though a rottie/lab mix might produce some great results
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