Blackberry and other Mobile support?
Do you guys offer a mobile version of the smugmug site? I would love to be able to pull up my smugmug acct and have a slideshow of pictures to show someone when I am out and about.
Yahoo has done that with Flickr under Yahoo Go!. It is pretty cool. (I just don;t like Flickr)
Do you guys offer a mobile version of the smugmug site? I would love to be able to pull up my smugmug acct and have a slideshow of pictures to show someone when I am out and about.
Yahoo has done that with Flickr under Yahoo Go!. It is pretty cool. (I just don;t like Flickr)
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Works great on my Verizon Treo 700W
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the /iphone thing on blackberry isn't the greatest thing but is doable, though using /iphone on a blackberry just seems counter intutive, /mobile would have been better.
I have a Blackberry Curve and my site does not load properly for me when I use the /iphone page.
Can we make a more mobile friendly page? That is another thing Flickr has over SmugMug, they have
Don't get me wrong, I love SmugMug and would like to see as many features implemented as possible to keep SmugMug the best site.
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I have tested this link on all these models. :ivar
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Also works in Opera Mini (highly recommended).
What issues are you encountering?
As stated above, this works great on my Treo 700W (Windows) smartphone
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I don't think any of us do, no. iPhone or bust around here.
I think there are three main reasons we don't yet have a standardized mobile SmugMug yet. First, the iPhone is the only phone with a good Web browser. Second, we don't have all the various phones to test and play with in order to develop it properly for them. Third, we have other features to build that we consider more important or that need updating.
I am curious though why our current iPhone interface would work on some Blackberries but not on the Curve. Or on some Windows mobile thing-a-ma-jigs but not on others. Any information on that would be appreciated (like what exactly doesn't work).
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I'm really hoping that when you guys feel there are browsers worthy of supporting, you'll buy a few devices and make a real go of it - it's a bit, well, off-putting :cry to be told that mobile support only comes in the form of a single device from a single company. The iPhone just doesn't do it for me (I need a keyboard, and third party software, and lots of other things).
On my T-Mobile Dash (a Windows Mobile Standard device, non-touchscreen), the main page loads ok, I can browse to an album, but then on some albums I'll see about eight or so pictures then the rest won't load. If I select an image it loads....nothing. I'm not sure if it's supposed to load a larger version, or what.
The Photos:
The Blog:
I would suggest that if you really wanted to display all the images like you are that you make way smaller thumbnails of the images will work much better on these smart phones and the service providers.
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Picasaweb uses their AJAX to provide both an iPhone specific, and a Windows Mobile specific interface. Sure, one can get by with the iPhone interface on Windows Mobile, but a more targeted interface is really welcome. Especially in those of us in countries where the iPhone simply is not available yet...
So I still have my hopes high that Smugmug won't be outdone by Google.
Just kind of frustrating...
I have tried using the iphone site on my i760, but it doesn't really work the same as I'm sureit does on an iphone. On the iphone it will display the images in a gallery full screen correct? I mean without any web interfaces or anything? On my device I still see the arrows and what not.
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page thru 100's of galleries. btw, the gallery listing has way too many line
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I agree with Allen. A have a lot of galleries and have to scroll through them until I find the one I want. However, after I click on the link for the gallery, the photos look really good.
Yes but Flickr does have one, and with all do respect, there have been more blackberry users for years than iphone users (even now). Facebook and Myspace have it too. There has to be something that Smugmug can do about it.
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I think this has been posted in the past, but I will repeat it here. The iPhone app works fine on my Blackberry Curve (8310, ATT) except for the Categories. Unlike when I try this on the web, the categories page appears, but none of the links are clickable except 'Show more categories' which brings up more unclickable categories.
Categories didn't even work for me when I tried it in an actual 3G iPhone in the Apple Store. When I clicked categories, it said I had no public galleries in the category, but there are tons of public galleries in the category.
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Color me interested in a full featured version for BlackBerry phones.
Smugmug looks like a complete joke on the Storm, no offense guys. I haven't seen it on an iPhone. I've tried the /iphone link and the main menu is pretty, but then when I hit galleries or Categories, I get a plain text-type page and it's pretty sad.
If I didn't already have an investment of time in smugmug and prefer your normal web interface, this lack of support would have me strongly considering flickr. Writing for the Blackberry is all Java; it's not like it is some uber-exotic language.
And yes, I registered for dgrin just to express my annoyance at the lack of BB love.
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I want to chime in and show some BB love here also!! I have a BB Bold 9000.
However, I can't even tell you the number of times I've been in a social situation where I wanted to quickly find and show a picture, but failed miserably. Even if you do persevere and manage to find a link that will display, by that time the moment has probably long since passed.
Someone mentioned that there were other priorities before mobile support. IMHO, there has been a tremendous amount of work done to the smugmug UI over the years that looks really cool, is fun to use, but doesn't really add much new functionality. Personally, I'd rather see more functionality (such as mobile support!) than more client-side widgets and animations.
The iPhone support is great, but there is actually a whole big mobile world out there beyond Apple.
Just one Jackhole's $.02.
ooh ooh!! +1 BB Pearl user here.:poke