I tried it on my Android G1. It almost works. however, when you try to go back a page (with your built in back link), all the test ans links go off the right of the screen. Wish it did work, it is a nice layout. I am sure with a little effort this could be corrected and would make a lot of people happy.
I have to throw my opinion in the mix too. I agree with the others who said that the reason iphone app was developed was b/c there are more iphone users is kind of a cop-out. I think others have said it best that you are aware of iphone users BECAUSE of the app. I think if there was a blackberry app you would notice the traffic from them to increase but if there is no app, its not a great measure of potential or need because if what is available doesn't work, and competing sites such as flickr DO have an app, the traffic for BB may go there, especially if they are not already smugmug users
I understand there are a lot of other things that are higher on the totem pole, however I do feel that I would prefer the answer was because of that, not because of perceived traffic when the BB market is untapped at this point.
And I am pretty sure myself and others would be interested if there was a BB app out there. Not everyone is an iphone user. I won't lie and say I wouldn't check it out if it was on verizon but the fact is, I am a verizon customer and have no plans to change so my options lie in the realm of blackerry:)
I have to throw my opinion in the mix too. I agree with the others who said that the reason iphone app was developed was b/c there are more iphone users is kind of a cop-out. I think others have said it best that you are aware of iphone users BECAUSE of the app. I think if there was a blackberry app you would notice the traffic from them to increase but if there is no app, its not a great measure of potential or need because if what is available doesn't work, and competing sites such as flickr DO have an app, the traffic for BB may go there, especially if they are not already smugmug users
I understand there are a lot of other things that are higher on the totem pole, however I do feel that I would prefer the answer was because of that, not because of perceived traffic when the BB market is untapped at this point.
And I am pretty sure myself and others would be interested if there was a BB app out there. Not everyone is an iphone user. I won't lie and say I wouldn't check it out if it was on verizon but the fact is, I am a verizon customer and have no plans to change so my options lie in the realm of blackerry:)
But I do love my smugmug!!!
I doubt anyone from Smugmug will say this, but the real reason they did special support for iPhone is that when it first came out, it was a breakthrough phone and finally had a usable browser on a phone. Those factors made individuals at Smugmug really interested in the phone. Several folks at Smugmug got iPhones and they then got motivated to do some special support for it (perhaps even in their spare time). No such similar motivating experience has happened for the blackberry. Doing the iPhone support initially was probably not the result of a global prioritization that ranked it higher than other things - but more likely the result of some personal passion and interest.
It is probably true that per device, iPhones do more internet browsing than blackberries just because they generally have a more browsing optimized experience with the larger screen and touch on all devices, browser zoom and full Safari. But, there are a zillion blackberries out there as an installed base too (most with some kind of internet plan) so it's not quite so simple to know whether blackberry users as a whole would do a lot of Smugmug browsing or not.
Overall, doing "mobile anything" right now is probably just not a very high priority vs. all the other things on the list.
I doubt anyone from Smugmug will say this, but the real reason they did special support for iPhone is that when it first came out, it was a breakthrough phone and finally had a usable browser on a phone. Those factors made individuals at Smugmug really interested in the phone. Several folks at Smugmug got iPhones and they then got motivated to do some special support for it (perhaps even in their spare time). No such similar motivating experience has happened for the blackberry. Doing the iPhone support initially was probably not the result of a global prioritization that ranked it higher than other things - but more likely the result of some personal passion and interest.
This is basically what I've said all along, that it came down to personal fanboyism (Yes, I remember those shots of all the SM crew in lines for the original iphone launch). It was apparent from the initial release of the first one that SM went straight to work on an "iPhone site" & trying to figure out any way they could to work strictly with the iPhone (remember, Apple didnt let you install apps for well over a year. Everything was browser-based). Which is fine. We all have our favorites. Plus, its not like SM was the only ones who did it. A lot of companies that also develop a mobile version of their website still have "iphone" somewhere in the url address. Which is kinda dumb at this point IMO. So, I dont totally fault them for this.
But its just the blatancy of it that bothers me & the fact that no one will just come out & say that. The development was just so fast for it. Now when we ask about other mobile platforms, we get "Sorry, we got other things to do now. But someday, guys. Someday." Which means they're not even working on it.
Listen, I understand iPhone was the first smartphone that appealed to the masses. I know it was the first one that had a browser that didnt totally suck. I get that. But, friends, that was well over 2 years ago now & we're past that. The market has come a LONG way since then & its only gonna get more popular. I bet in the next 2 years, damn near every phone will be considered a "smartphone" & be running either Mobile OS X, Blackberry OS, Palm's webOS, Google's Android or Windows Mobile.
You guys really should be thinking more ahead than what you are & start considering a small mobile division of Smugmug to develop apps & to make sure your mobile version of the website displays correctly for these platforms instead of painting yourselves into a corner by only developing for one.
This is basically what I've said all along, that it came down to personal fanboyism (Yes, I remember those shots of all the SM crew in lines for the original iphone launch). It was apparent from the initial release of the first one that SM went straight to work on an "iPhone site" & trying to figure out any way they could to work strictly with the iPhone (remember, Apple didnt let you install apps for well over a year. Everything was browser-based). Which is fine. We all have our favorites. Plus, its not like SM was the only ones who did it. A lot of companies that also develop a mobile version of their website still have "iphone" somewhere in the url address. Which is kinda dumb at this point IMO. So, I dont totally fault them for this.
But its just the blatancy of it that bothers me & the fact that no one will just come out & say that. The development was just so fast for it. Now when we ask about other mobile platforms, we get "Sorry, we got other things to do now. But someday, guys. Someday." Which means they're not even working on it.
Listen, I understand iPhone was the first smartphone that appealed to the masses. I know it was the first one that had a browser that didnt totally suck. I get that. But, friends, that was well over 2 years ago now & we're past that. The market has come a LONG way since then & its only gonna get more popular. I bet in the next 2 years, damn near every phone will be considered a "smartphone" & be running either Mobile OS X, Blackberry OS, Palm's webOS, Google's Android or Windows Mobile.
You guys really should be thinking more ahead than what you are & start considering a small mobile division of Smugmug to develop apps & to make sure your mobile version of the website displays correctly for these platforms instead of painting yourselves into a corner by only developing for one.
What he said
Seriously though...I can't speak for others but I know that if the right app was developed for Blackberry I would be willing to purchase it-I don't expect everything to be free but I do agree that while iphone is still big, blackberry (and others) are not "small" either.
This is not something that would ever turn me away from smugmug, but it definately *might* be something that would entice others, especially considering Flickr has an app that is pre-installed on my blackberry and I don't want to use the competition:) If smugmug had an app, it might bring in more smugmug business b/c people would have options.
Seriously though...I can't speak for others but I know that if the right app was developed for Blackberry I would be willing to purchase it-I don't expect everything to be free but I do agree that while iphone is still big, blackberry (and others) are not "small" either.
This is not something that would ever turn me away from smugmug, but it definately *might* be something that would entice others, especially considering Flickr has an app that is pre-installed on my blackberry and I don't want to use the competition:) If smugmug had an app, it might bring in more smugmug business b/c people would have options.
We sure wish that a third party would take up the cause... wouldn't that be cool?
We sure wish that a third party would take up the cause... wouldn't that be cool?
Just out of curiousity-has Smugmug reached out to any third parties? If I knew anything about developing apps I could say more-I don't. And that is why I am willing to buy from those that do.
But I know there are sites like www.crackberry.com and www.blackberry.com that probably have people (or know/recommend people) who DO make apps. If smugmug really is interested in supporting something like this from a third party, and I could be way off here on how things work, but if smugmug reached out to those sites or others like it, maybe they COULD find a third party who would be willing to work with smugmug? To me, a request from an established company might be given a little more serious support for a need than if joe-shmo requests it for them self.
I just tend to think that if blackberry developers are hearing from sites like Flickr and creating apps for them but are not hearing from smugmug (and maybe have never even heard of smugmug) they would have no reason to develop for smugmug BUT if they were actually contacted directly, maybe that would change their tune.
I understand that smugmug has a lot of other projects that are higher on the totem pole but it seems like the answer is "we would if we could-but we can't but if someone else can develop it for us, we would support it". I guess my thought is has Smugmug themselves tried contacting any outsiders who can develop and if not, is it something they would consider doing?
We sure wish that a third party would take up the cause... wouldn't that be cool?
The problem, as has been noted before, is almost certainly due to the fact that the Blackberry doesn't identify a picture attachment as as a picture... technically it identifies the attachment as an octet-stream (which means is just a bunch of bytes) instead of an image/jpeg. For smugmug to handle this it would have to read the uploaded bytes figure out what the format really was. Not impossible but it's easy for me to understand why it has a low-priority.
It turns out the underlying problem seems to be in the core of the Blackberry support for accessing the web. Even if you write your own Blackberry program to send email and tell it the attachment as a jpeg it will still identify it as a bunch of bytes instead of as a jpeg.
If you care about some the technical details this Java instruction:
SupportedAttachmentPart sp = new SupportedAttachmentPart(mp, HttpProtocolConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_IMAGE_JPEG, "testpic.jpg", buffer);
should make an image/jpeg attachment for an email, but instead makes an octet-stream attachment. This is the Java instruction that is used, under the covers, when you make an attachment to an email you are sending from a Blackberry.
In the mean time, or maybe I should say spare time, I am working on an uploading app for Blackberry (http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=142890). I have been able to send an picture from my phone to one of my galleries just to prove to myself that it could be done. Now I have to add a bunch of stuff to turn it into a real application. When I do it will be a free app available to anyone who wants it.
This is only a spare time effort for me but it is something I really want so it is my top spare time effort. But if you think Andy and SmugMug are circumspect about giving you a date for when something will ship... you aint' seen nothin' yet.
Just let whoever might be interested that things are happening on the Blackberry uploader, slow though progress might be.
I can now upload multiple files... in the previous version I just uploaded one, so that's progress.
It's still a ways from being done but here is my plan for the initial version... which I'm trying to keep as simple as possible.
When you run the BBUpload app it uploads all the picture in your Blackberry that it hasn't already been uploaded to a an album named "BBUpload". The album must already exist.
The way that I will tell if the file is already there is by it's name... if the BBUpload album already has a file of the same name it, then it won't be uploaded.
This is about the most simple way I can think of to get an initial version out there. I think it will be useful but the main thing I'm looking at right now is doing whatever is the most simple thing there is to get it working... after that I'll start looking at ways to enhance it.
We sure wish that a third party would take up the cause... wouldn't that be cool?
There's no reason why someone there at Smugmug couldn't develop for some of these platforms. Answer me this. Why can't one of your guys develop for Palm's webOS?? It's completely based on nothing but web standards (HTML, CSS & Javascript) & call me crazy, but I'm pretty sure most of your web gurus there have those licked by now. I seriously bet one of your people could churn out a usable app in a matter of a couple days. So what is the excuse?
You can get the tools here. Palm has an official App Catalog that you can submit your finished product to, but a lot of developers (esp rookies) like to submit their early beta stuff to the Homebrew App gallery before they go official.
BBUpload Status
I know you're out there... waiting to free the pictures on your Blackberry's
Anyhow so far I've got the core stuff working and was able to upload all of the pictures on from Blackberry to SmugMug, so the basic stuff is working . It only uploads pictures that have not already been uploaded and even has just a tad of robustness in the face of network errors.
It still not ready for prime time yet, but as I make progress I'll keep updating this thread.
I just got the HTC Hero from sprint with the Android OS. I am looking for a Smugmug app. anyone know of any, I have tried the Pixelpipe, nothing but problems. I think smugmug should make their own like they did for the Iphone.
This android will kick Iphones but.
I just got the HTC Hero from sprint with the Android OS. I am looking for a Smugmug app. anyone know of any, I have tried the Pixelpipe, nothing but problems. I think smugmug should make their own like they did for the Iphone.
This android will kick Iphones but.
As has been stated before. SM all have iphones which explains why they developed an inhouse iphone app. Since they have no other smartphones inhouse - we are inferior for not using an iphone and must be punished by seeking 3rd party programmers to develop a SM app for BB, Android, etc smartphones.
As has been stated before. SM all have iphones which explains why they developed an inhouse iphone app
Not stated that way by us, at all. What I have stated is that I sure hope that the third party market for Blackberry Apps grows, and a developer will make an app like many have for SmugMug....
Not stated that way by us, at all. What I have stated is that I sure hope that the third party market for Blackberry Apps grows, and a developer will make an app like many have for SmugMug....
Understand. But you must admit that you can see why non-iphone peeps get a little "upset" that SM did develop an inhouse app for iphone, but let the rest out in the cold.
Can I see my pictures using my BB 9630. Yes. Can I upload using the email option. Yes. So at least I have that.
/iphone does work with a treo 650 with some tweaking. Is there a way to specify the iphone "mode" for a particular gallery? All my galleries are hidden and linked from my main site.
All you Blackberry users have to understand that what you have there isn't really a "smartphone" in the sense we know them today. Blackberry's were never meant to have a bunch of different independent developers coding apps for it. Speaking of which, from what I understand , its a real PITA to develop for. Like the worst of all the major platforms.
Dont get me wrong, I love Blackberrys, owned probably 5 different ones in just a few years, but apps & "web stuff" is just not something they do well. So if you all are looking for a big development scene, you're not gonna find it on a Blackberry. Could that change? Sure, if RIM pulls their heads outta their asses & revamps their OS & puts out better/not-so-similar hardware to keep up with the other guys (namely iPhone & Google's Android. Palm's webOS shows a lot of promise too). But still, its not happened yet & they've started to lose marketshare because of it.
I am NOT taking up for Smugmug & their lack of development for other platforms (which some are RIDICULOUSLY easy to develop for) & their obvious Apple fanboyism. There's no excuse for them. Just saying Blackberrys arent really where its at as far as apps are concerned these days & you're probably beating a dead horse.
P.S. Here is a nice article that says these things better than I could.
Would it really be that expensive to hire a BB programmer to make a nice app that would simply display galleries/photos and provide a uploader for photos and videos on your phone?
SM have come out with a lot of really nice features and tweaks over the past few weeks, maybe they can find some love now for this simple request.
Would it really be that expensive to hire a BB programmer to make a nice app that would simply display galleries/photos and provide a uploader for photos and videos on your phone?
SM have come out with a lot of really nice features and tweaks over the past few weeks, maybe they can find some love now for this simple request.
Yes, it would be expensive. But we continue to have such an item on our todo list, just that other things are trumping it, I'm sorry.
Yes, it would be expensive. But we continue to have such an item on our todo list, just that other things are trumping it, I'm sorry.
You don't need a custom Blackberry app. The biggest problem with using the iPhone link on the Blackberry is that the Galleries links don't show up. This makes navigation extremely painful. Other links on the iphone interface do work on the Blackberry. This can't be that hard to fix.
On a related note, in this thread, it has been suggested that development priority went to the iPhone because it's more popular. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhtttt! Wrong. Probably among Smugmug developers, but not in the real world. The Washington Post has an article on the new Google Nexus phone at this link. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/01/05/AR2010010500948.html?wpisrc=nl_tech posted yesterday.
Here's an excerpt.
Despite widespread fanfare for Apple's device and its nearly button-free touchscreen, the BlackBerry still holds a two-to-one sales advantage over the iPhone, the research firm noted.
Despite widespread fanfare for Apple's device and its nearly button-free touchscreen, the BlackBerry still holds a two-to-one sales advantage over the iPhone, the research firm noted.
I think the point SM makes is that amongst their users the iphone holds the upper hand. They don't hide the fact that they are fanboys and all (or almost all) have iphones.
They are not going to develop an app for RIM devices so hopefully the beta uploader that a SM user is working on will continue developing and we can use it (I am using it right now).
The question is will they develop an app for Android as it becomes on equal ground with the iphone or will they snub those as well.
(Unless the rumored tablet becomes the next ipod for apple I think you are going to see a decline for fanboys as others are catching up to their quality and or services)
Alternatively, one can always develop their own mobile site with the features they want. Granted, it isn't built-in like SM's support for the iPhone, but it lets you customize your site as you see fit.
Case in point, I did a mobile site for my Smugmug site over the holidays. Probably took a couple days to build. It lives here and is mostly (not all) complete: http://m.photokandy.com
Yes, it has to live on my own host, but it works, and since I get to use PHP, I've built in support for blogger, twitter, and smugmug's feeds. That means my images gallery on the mobile site is always up-to-date, and if I wanted to, I could split it out in a similar fashion as to how SM does it. (I chose to pare it down a bit...)
If someone out there would like code, I'm more than happy to share. (Just beware -- it's ugly and hackish!) It doesn't really solve the real issue (iphone site, but no other mobile site provided by SM), but the tools are definitely there to do it on your own.
Note: I won't be offended if you edit my photo and repost it on dgrin -- I'm always open to new interpretations
and ideas, and any helpful hints, tips, and/or critiques are welcome. Just don't post the edit anywhere else
but dgrin, please.
Case in point, I did a mobile site for my Smugmug site over the holidays. Probably took a couple days to build. It lives here and is mostly (not all) complete: http://m.photokandy.com
Yes, it has to live on my own host, but it works, and since I get to use PHP, I've built in support for blogger, twitter, and smugmug's feeds. That means my images gallery on the mobile site is always up-to-date, and if I wanted to, I could split it out in a similar fashion as to how SM does it. (I chose to pare it down a bit...)
If someone out there would like code, I'm more than happy to share. (Just beware -- it's ugly and hackish!) It doesn't really solve the real issue (iphone site, but no other mobile site provided by SM), but the tools are definitely there to do it on your own.
I tried it on my Android G1. It almost works. however, when you try to go back a page (with your built in back link), all the test ans links go off the right of the screen. Wish it did work, it is a nice layout. I am sure with a little effort this could be corrected and would make a lot of people happy.
Walk softly and carry a big lens!
I understand there are a lot of other things that are higher on the totem pole, however I do feel that I would prefer the answer was because of that, not because of perceived traffic when the BB market is untapped at this point.
And I am pretty sure myself and others would be interested if there was a BB app out there. Not everyone is an iphone user. I won't lie and say I wouldn't check it out if it was on verizon but the fact is, I am a verizon customer and have no plans to change so my options lie in the realm of blackerry:)
But I do love my smugmug!!!
It is probably true that per device, iPhones do more internet browsing than blackberries just because they generally have a more browsing optimized experience with the larger screen and touch on all devices, browser zoom and full Safari. But, there are a zillion blackberries out there as an installed base too (most with some kind of internet plan) so it's not quite so simple to know whether blackberry users as a whole would do a lot of Smugmug browsing or not.
Overall, doing "mobile anything" right now is probably just not a very high priority vs. all the other things on the list.
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But its just the blatancy of it that bothers me & the fact that no one will just come out & say that. The development was just so fast for it. Now when we ask about other mobile platforms, we get "Sorry, we got other things to do now. But someday, guys. Someday." Which means they're not even working on it.
Listen, I understand iPhone was the first smartphone that appealed to the masses. I know it was the first one that had a browser that didnt totally suck. I get that. But, friends, that was well over 2 years ago now & we're past that. The market has come a LONG way since then & its only gonna get more popular. I bet in the next 2 years, damn near every phone will be considered a "smartphone" & be running either Mobile OS X, Blackberry OS, Palm's webOS, Google's Android or Windows Mobile.
You guys really should be thinking more ahead than what you are & start considering a small mobile division of Smugmug to develop apps & to make sure your mobile version of the website displays correctly for these platforms instead of painting yourselves into a corner by only developing for one.
What he said
Seriously though...I can't speak for others but I know that if the right app was developed for Blackberry I would be willing to purchase it-I don't expect everything to be free but I do agree that while iphone is still big, blackberry (and others) are not "small" either.
This is not something that would ever turn me away from smugmug, but it definately *might* be something that would entice others, especially considering Flickr has an app that is pre-installed on my blackberry and I don't want to use the competition:) If smugmug had an app, it might bring in more smugmug business b/c people would have options.
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Just out of curiousity-has Smugmug reached out to any third parties? If I knew anything about developing apps I could say more-I don't. And that is why I am willing to buy from those that do.
But I know there are sites like www.crackberry.com and www.blackberry.com that probably have people (or know/recommend people) who DO make apps. If smugmug really is interested in supporting something like this from a third party, and I could be way off here on how things work, but if smugmug reached out to those sites or others like it, maybe they COULD find a third party who would be willing to work with smugmug? To me, a request from an established company might be given a little more serious support for a need than if joe-shmo requests it for them self.
I just tend to think that if blackberry developers are hearing from sites like Flickr and creating apps for them but are not hearing from smugmug (and maybe have never even heard of smugmug) they would have no reason to develop for smugmug BUT if they were actually contacted directly, maybe that would change their tune.
I understand that smugmug has a lot of other projects that are higher on the totem pole but it seems like the answer is "we would if we could-but we can't but if someone else can develop it for us, we would support it". I guess my thought is has Smugmug themselves tried contacting any outsiders who can develop and if not, is it something they would consider doing?
The problem, as has been noted before, is almost certainly due to the fact that the Blackberry doesn't identify a picture attachment as as a picture... technically it identifies the attachment as an octet-stream (which means is just a bunch of bytes) instead of an image/jpeg. For smugmug to handle this it would have to read the uploaded bytes figure out what the format really was. Not impossible but it's easy for me to understand why it has a low-priority.
It turns out the underlying problem seems to be in the core of the Blackberry support for accessing the web. Even if you write your own Blackberry program to send email and tell it the attachment as a jpeg it will still identify it as a bunch of bytes instead of as a jpeg.
I have a bug report into RIM (https://www.blackberry.com/jira/browse/JAVAAPI-363) about this but so far they are missing what the underlying issue is.
If you care about some the technical details this Java instruction:
SupportedAttachmentPart sp = new SupportedAttachmentPart(mp, HttpProtocolConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_IMAGE_JPEG, "testpic.jpg", buffer);
should make an image/jpeg attachment for an email, but instead makes an octet-stream attachment. This is the Java instruction that is used, under the covers, when you make an attachment to an email you are sending from a Blackberry.
In the mean time, or maybe I should say spare time, I am working on an uploading app for Blackberry (http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=142890). I have been able to send an picture from my phone to one of my galleries just to prove to myself that it could be done. Now I have to add a bunch of stuff to turn it into a real application. When I do it will be a free app available to anyone who wants it.
This is only a spare time effort for me but it is something I really want so it is my top spare time effort. But if you think Andy and SmugMug are circumspect about giving you a date for when something will ship... you aint' seen nothin' yet.
I can now upload multiple files... in the previous version I just uploaded one, so that's progress.
It's still a ways from being done but here is my plan for the initial version... which I'm trying to keep as simple as possible.
When you run the BBUpload app it uploads all the picture in your Blackberry that it hasn't already been uploaded to a an album named "BBUpload". The album must already exist.
The way that I will tell if the file is already there is by it's name... if the BBUpload album already has a file of the same name it, then it won't be uploaded.
This is about the most simple way I can think of to get an initial version out there. I think it will be useful but the main thing I'm looking at right now is doing whatever is the most simple thing there is to get it working... after that I'll start looking at ways to enhance it.
You can get the tools here. Palm has an official App Catalog that you can submit your finished product to, but a lot of developers (esp rookies) like to submit their early beta stuff to the Homebrew App gallery before they go official.
I know you're out there... waiting to free the pictures on your Blackberry's
Anyhow so far I've got the core stuff working and was able to upload all of the pictures on from Blackberry to SmugMug, so the basic stuff is working
It still not ready for prime time yet, but as I make progress I'll keep updating this thread.
1 Journal and slideshow question
2 Easy Customizer
3 Disable iphone disclaimer
4 Gallery view question
Maybe if we can get in the top 3 the "interest" will be enough to get bumped up the "I want" list.
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This android will kick Iphones but.
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As has been stated before. SM all have iphones which explains why they developed an inhouse iphone app. Since they have no other smartphones inhouse - we are inferior for not using an iphone and must be punished by seeking 3rd party programmers to develop a SM app for BB, Android, etc smartphones.
Fuji X shooter
Thoughts and Images
Not stated that way by us, at all. What I have stated is that I sure hope that the third party market for Blackberry Apps grows, and a developer will make an app like many have for SmugMug....
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Understand. But you must admit that you can see why non-iphone peeps get a little "upset" that SM did develop an inhouse app for iphone, but let the rest out in the cold.
Can I see my pictures using my BB 9630. Yes. Can I upload using the email option. Yes. So at least I have that.
Fuji X shooter
Thoughts and Images
Some interesting links for creating mobile sites. There is a probably a way to make one for SM using the RSS feed.
Two links on uservoice for wanting mobile SM. Vote.
Want faster uploading? Vote for FTP!
Want faster uploading? Vote for FTP!
Dont get me wrong, I love Blackberrys, owned probably 5 different ones in just a few years, but apps & "web stuff" is just not something they do well. So if you all are looking for a big development scene, you're not gonna find it on a Blackberry. Could that change? Sure, if RIM pulls their heads outta their asses & revamps their OS & puts out better/not-so-similar hardware to keep up with the other guys (namely iPhone & Google's Android. Palm's webOS shows a lot of promise too). But still, its not happened yet & they've started to lose marketshare because of it.
I am NOT taking up for Smugmug & their lack of development for other platforms (which some are RIDICULOUSLY easy to develop for) & their obvious Apple fanboyism. There's no excuse for them. Just saying Blackberrys arent really where its at as far as apps are concerned these days & you're probably beating a dead horse.
P.S. Here is a nice article that says these things better than I could.
SM have come out with a lot of really nice features and tweaks over the past few weeks, maybe they can find some love now for this simple request.
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You don't need a custom Blackberry app. The biggest problem with using the iPhone link on the Blackberry is that the Galleries links don't show up. This makes navigation extremely painful. Other links on the iphone interface do work on the Blackberry. This can't be that hard to fix.
On a related note, in this thread, it has been suggested that development priority went to the iPhone because it's more popular. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhtttt! Wrong. Probably among Smugmug developers, but not in the real world. The Washington Post has an article on the new Google Nexus phone at this link. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/01/05/AR2010010500948.html?wpisrc=nl_tech posted yesterday.
Here's an excerpt.
I think the point SM makes is that amongst their users the iphone holds the upper hand. They don't hide the fact that they are fanboys and all (or almost all) have iphones.
They are not going to develop an app for RIM devices so hopefully the beta uploader that a SM user is working on will continue developing and we can use it (I am using it right now).
The question is will they develop an app for Android as it becomes on equal ground with the iphone or will they snub those as well.
(Unless the rumored tablet becomes the next ipod for apple I think you are going to see a decline for fanboys as others are catching up to their quality and or services)
Fuji X shooter
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Case in point, I did a mobile site for my Smugmug site over the holidays. Probably took a couple days to build. It lives here and is mostly (not all) complete: http://m.photokandy.com
Yes, it has to live on my own host, but it works, and since I get to use PHP, I've built in support for blogger, twitter, and smugmug's feeds. That means my images gallery on the mobile site is always up-to-date, and if I wanted to, I could split it out in a similar fashion as to how SM does it. (I chose to pare it down a bit...)
If someone out there would like code, I'm more than happy to share. (Just beware -- it's ugly and hackish!) It doesn't really solve the real issue (iphone site, but no other mobile site provided by SM), but the tools are definitely there to do it on your own.
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but dgrin, please.
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Blackberry and Android app (that works well) wait time – over a year and still waiting.
Apple iPad app wait time – minus two days
go figure
Fuji X shooter
Thoughts and Images
I'm sorry I don't have a better answer for you
PS: Sorry I may've asked this before, what does http://galleries.randyphotography.com/m/#_home do on your Blackberry and Droid?
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