+1 Storm/Pearl/Treo Pro/HTC Touch Pro user here....
Not an iPhone guy, work for a competeing mobile company, but would love to demo my SmugMug site when selling a phone, and I don't want to type iphone when demo'ing....lol...but good advertising for smugmug
Any updates of a possible "mobile" site that can show password protected galleries?
BTW ... the iPhone site on my Blackberry curve shows blank images (just a box) even with public galleries.
Johnny J. Chin ~ J. Chin Photography Facebook ♦ Flickr ♦ SmugMug
SmugMug referral coupon code: ix3uDyfBU6xXs
(use this for a discount off your SmugMug subscription)
I've never really liked Smugmug's decision to hop on the iPhone bandwagon & leave other mobile users out in the cold. From what I remember, it was developed FAST too. Now we get "sorry, we have other things to do now." Really??
I'm just saying. Why develop for one specific platform in the first place & not a "mobile Smugmug" for all?? Especially a platform that was so new & you knew that you werent gonna have the resources to make a real mobile site later. That would be kinda like developing Smugmug's regular site to work with only Safari & nothing else for years & saying you'll get around to it eventually.
Yes yes, I myself am the geekiest hardcore Mac user I know, love Apple's stuff, yadda, but still. The question begs to be answered truthfully. If I were guessing, I think it probably came down to giving into some fanboyism within the company & not what probably should have happened.
I've never really liked Smugmug's decision to hop on the iPhone bandwagon & leave other mobile users out in the cold. From what I remember, it was developed FAST too. Now we get "sorry, we have other things to do now." Really??
I'm just saying. Why develop for one specific platform in the first place & not a "mobile Smugmug" for all?? Especially a platform that was so new & you knew that you werent gonna have the resources to make a real mobile site later. That would be kinda like developing Smugmug's regular site to work with only Safari & nothing else for years & saying you'll get around to it eventually.
Yes yes, I myself am the geekiest hardcore Mac user I know, love Apple's stuff, yadda, but still. The question begs to be answered truthfully. If I were guessing, I think it probably came down to giving into some fanboyism within the company & not what probably should have happened.
maybe (at least I believe) all the chiefs all have iPhones
Johnny J. Chin ~ J. Chin Photography Facebook ♦ Flickr ♦ SmugMug
SmugMug referral coupon code: ix3uDyfBU6xXs
(use this for a discount off your SmugMug subscription)
Storm 9530 User
I never have tried the Storm's Flickr interface, but I'm not unhappy with the iPhone interface on the storm. I mean, sure, I'd like to have my galleries, and design show up. I'd REALLY like to be able to see the exif info - but for showing some of my pics to friends, when we're not in front of a computer, this works.
BTW, I'm an avid Mac user - and a Mac consultant, but the iPhone didn't do what I needed - the Blackberry does. So please do, consider us a bit more...
Smugmug gods ... just FYI, the T-Mobile Blackberry with WiFi works via WiFi without having to need for a T-Mobile account or SIM card for that matter. Does that help in potentially getting some development going on a Blackberry page? I am sure you can find a T-Mobile Blackberry Curve on eBay or from someone who upgrades to the Bold or Storm or new Curve 8900.
Johnny J. Chin ~ J. Chin Photography Facebook ♦ Flickr ♦ SmugMug
SmugMug referral coupon code: ix3uDyfBU6xXs
(use this for a discount off your SmugMug subscription)
Looking for a 6 month update, Andy
I last posted here in November. I continue to try the iphone app on my Blackberry Curve. It still will not link from Categories (an enormous shortcoming) and as Allen posted here about a year ago, the number of blank lines in the Galleries listing is extra punishment for Blackberry users. We cannot use the Categories links, so we must page through interminable numbers of screens to find a gallery of interest (that is, if you are using Smugmug to, you know, store photos). When I pull this app up on a browser, it all works so I know that the links are there. The links work on the Galleries pages, is it so difficult to fix the links on the Categories page?
I continue to urge a solution. Not quite ready to bolt to Picasa.
I last posted here in November. I continue to try the iphone app on my Blackberry Curve. It still will not link from Categories (an enormous shortcoming) and as Allen posted here about a year ago, the number of blank lines in the Galleries listing is extra punishment for Blackberry users. We cannot use the Categories links, so we must page through interminable numbers of screens to find a gallery of interest (that is, if you are using Smugmug to, you know, store photos). When I pull this app up on a browser, it all works so I know that the links are there. The links work on the Galleries pages, is it so difficult to fix the links on the Categories page?
I continue to urge a solution. Not quite ready to bolt to Picasa.
Hopefully we'll see some more traffic & demand from Blackberry users, but right now it is overwhelmingly from iPhones. And it's not just us, it's the same 'round the net as well.
Hopefully we'll see some more traffic & demand from Blackberry users, but right now it is overwhelmingly from iPhones. And it's not just us, it's the same 'round the net as well.
Traffic might not be a very good thing to wait for if the current implementation doesn't work very well.
Hopefully we'll see some more traffic & demand from Blackberry users, but right now it is overwhelmingly from iPhones. And it's not just us, it's the same 'round the net as well.
In my opinion it shoudl be the other way around. Support for other mobile users has NEVER been there, and still isn't, so why should I even try going to smugmug from my mobile device? And of course you are going to get more traffic from iphones, you spent the time to actually build something specifically for it! Anytime you spend the resources to develope for a specific platform of course you can expect to see more traffic from that platform.
Again, I am a HUGE smugmug fanboy. It just really dissapoints me how close minded it seems like the smugmug office is ot anything except for apple, and how "ooooo shiny!!!!" they are about anything apple.
Again, I am a HUGE smugmug fanboy. It just really dissapoints me how close minded it seems like the smugmug office is ot anything except for apple, and how "ooooo shiny!!!!" they are about anything apple.
I don't think that's it at all. We've a list a mile long, guys, of much higher priority stuff. I'm sorry I wish we had 1000 Sorcerers and could do everything you ask for
The only way to get to galleries that works halfway decent is the timeline.
You can jump to any gallery by browsing the year, month and date, if you
know the date.:D
I don't think that's it at all. We've a list a mile long, guys, of much higher priority stuff. I'm sorry I wish we had 1000 Sorcerers and could do everything you ask for
I understand this, and I certainly appreciate all the work that is being done on everything else. It just feels a little odd that as soon as the iPhone came out suddenly there just happened to be enough time to put something together for that.
I understand this, and I certainly appreciate all the work that is being done on everything else. It just feels a little odd that as soon as the iPhone came out suddenly there just happened to be enough time to put something together for that.
And, it turned out pretty smart, if you look at a) the # of people that bought Iphones and use SmugMug and b) the number of new customers that we have from using SmugShot our iPhone App.
Part of my work in real life is related to this area, and what I read on blogs and even in the press amuses me, including these last few posts. We tend to think the world looks much like our world around us. An example here is that when one has an iPhone, it looks like everyone has an iPhone. But the reality out there is that relatively few people actually own one.
I suspect your traffic is matching how you see the world. Imagine the traffic you would generate if you built apps for the devices that more people have:
iPhone units:
2007: 7.7M
2008: 9.9M
2007: 13.8M
2008: 26 M
Compare this to Nokia:
2007: 437M (60M Smartphones)
2008: 468M (?? Smartphones)
The iPhone is a tremendous platform, and hopefully Apple will continue to develop it. But, while iPhone is simple for Apple programmers to develop for, and this I suspect has more to do with your having created an app than anything, it really is not at all pervasive. It may be pervasive in your target market, and if so, I applaud you for your focus. Otherwise, you may wish to take a strategic deep breath and review what the rest of us use
Part of my work in real life is related to this area, and what I read on blogs and even in the press amuses me, including these last few posts. We tend to think the world looks much like our world around us. An example here is that when one has an iPhone, it looks like everyone has an iPhone. But the reality out there is that relatively few people actually own one.
I suspect your traffic is matching how you see the world. Imagine the traffic you would generate if you built apps for the devices that more people have:
iPhone units:
2007: 7.7M
2008: 9.9M
2007: 13.8M
2008: 26 M
Compare this to Nokia:
2007: 437M (60M Smartphones)
2008: 468M (?? Smartphones)
The iPhone is a tremendous platform, and hopefully Apple will continue to develop it. But, while iPhone is simple for Apple programmers to develop for, and this I suspect has more to do with your having created an app than anything, it really is not at all pervasive. It may be pervasive in your target market, and if so, I applaud you for your focus. Otherwise, you may wish to take a strategic deep breath and review what the rest of us use
And, it turned out pretty smart, if you look at a) the # of people that bought Iphones and use SmugMug and b) the number of new customers that we have from using SmugShot our iPhone App.
We'll get there, I hope, for other devices!
I apoligize if it seems like I am being antagonistic. I am not trying to be. I currently own an iPod Touch and love it, I use the SmugWallet app for storing SMugmug photos on my device to show people.
My response to your comment is this: If you had spent an equivalent amount of time creating an app specifically for the Blackberry, do you really not think that you would have seen an equivalent increase in sales? As was pointed out in the prior post there are an immense number of other mobile users out there that may have never looked at SmugMug because nothing is available for them. It would be interesting to go back in time and create a Blackberry app at the same tiem you created an iPhone app, give them both equal marketing value, and see which one created more sales.
Again, I really don't intend to be a pain, and I appreciate the discussion around this. I guess I would even be ok with the higher ups saying they are Apple fanboys and that's why they created an iPhone app and nothing for Blackberry, instead of trying to point to the sales as the reasoning, when it seems as though sales could have been just as high or higher if a Blackberry app had been put out.
Thanks for the discussion Andy! I've been around here for along time, and I don't intend on going anywhere any time soon!
Guys ... honestly, I think we are all beating a dead horse :deadhorse This thread started back in Aug. 2007. Nothing seems to have changed in regards to this topic.
What would be really interesting to know is ... how many Smugmug gods have Blackberries? and how many have iPhones? I think that all of the chiefs have iPhones ... so iPhone development it is. End of story. For all of us non-iPhone mobile users ... "sorry" seems to be the answer.
If the would only develop an interface that works well with Opera Mini, then it would statisfy a lot of mobile phones and Blackberry users (as well as iPhone, I assume). Then again, that is only my logic.
In the interim, I have been telling my clients ... "sorry, no mobile browser view, use your desktop browser". Do I lose sales because of it ... I believe I do lose sales, but what can I do? Just have to wait.
Johnny J. Chin ~ J. Chin Photography Facebook ♦ Flickr ♦ SmugMug
SmugMug referral coupon code: ix3uDyfBU6xXs
(use this for a discount off your SmugMug subscription)
I have a Sprint Diamond Touch (Windows Mobile 6.1) and the /iphone link works pretty darn well now with the built in Opera browser.
There was a certain amount of experimentation involved -- I had almost given up on it once or twice before I finally smoothed out most of the rough edges. Now being able to admire my galleries on my smartphone on the road is pretty neat.
So don't give up -- I have a sneaky suspicion that, in addition to iPhones, a lot more Windows Mobile based devices will work (with a little elbow grease) than we might expect.
Andy, you could always try one of the freelancer boards - put up a fixed price project for the app and get bids for it. A cheap way of kick starting a project - the resulting code can then be used by in house devs to carry on.
Here's Some Thanks from a newbie iPhone User
I can understand all that has been said abt other platforms. But I realize SmugMug is a small company that focuses on what their users want, and where the industry is going. How many SmugMugers own Apple versus Blackberry versus Palm? I was in the Palm group, but switched to iPhone. I did it not based on SmugMug, but my own needs. Luckily there is support for it at SmugMug. Thanks, Heros.
The smartphone industry is fragmented a bit; so everyone might have to be patient, even us iPhone users who was direct-to-blog (as in Blogger) emails, rather than cut 'n paste on iPhone for URLs, which don't work. I'll be patient, as most of my needs have been satisfied by a great support team and website.
Just went to the link http://fatdr.smugmug.com/iphone and it worked fine (almost) on my Blackberry Storm. I could not, however get my slideshow to work. Anyone know of a fix for that?
Yet another work around for BB uploads
Blackberry picture uploads to http://www.evernote.com work. From evernote.com I can email to Smugmug, which also works.
So I've taken a quick look at what it takes to make a Blackberry app to do uploads to Smugmug. It doesn't look all that bad, but of course the devil is in the details.
Are there like 3 other people who would really want this or 300? If I do it, it would be free but I'm just trying to get an idea of how many Karma credits I would get.
I'm guessing that the BB uploader isn't very high on Smugmug dev. sched? Is that true? Time is the issue for me so I just don't want to spend the time on this if it is going to happen anyway.
Anyhow it will be a couple of weeks before I even get around to starting on putting together the stuff I'll need to do this so don't anyone hold their breath...
So I've taken a quick look at what it takes to make a Blackberry app to do uploads to Smugmug. It doesn't look all that bad, but of course the devil is in the details.
Are there like 3 other people who would really want this or 300? If I do it, it would be free but I'm just trying to get an idea of how many Karma credits I would get.
I'm guessing that the BB uploader isn't very high on Smugmug dev. sched? Is that true? Time is the issue for me so I just don't want to spend the time on this if it is going to happen anyway.
Anyhow it will be a couple of weeks before I even get around to starting on putting together the stuff I'll need to do this so don't anyone hold their breath...
I for one would love to be able to upload from my BB Storm
OK Andy, but given the stats that CMASON posted, can you at least stop suggesting that there is more iPhone traffic and it's prevalent? You see more iPhone traffic because you developed an app for it. When you are a hammer, the whole world looks like a nail. This is just a flatout miss at Smugmug. As others have mentioned, the iPhone seemed to come together real quick. For two years, we've been hearing "Some day soon".
Let me add for Dan, I would kill to be able to upload via my Blackberry Curve.
OK Andy, but given the stats that CMASON posted, can you at least stop suggesting that there is more iPhone traffic and it's prevalent? You see more iPhone traffic because you developed an app for it. When you are a hammer, the whole world looks like a nail. This is just a flatout miss at Smugmug. As others have mentioned, the iPhone seemed to come together real quick. For two years, we've been hearing "Some day soon".
Let me add for Dan, I would kill to be able to upload via my Blackberry Curve.
Spirit's willing, flesh is weak. We have a list a mile long, of things that have caused customers to beat me bloody over
I'm sorry but it'll be while before we get to this. I'm really sorry.
PS: Aren't there app developers for the BlackBerry?
Not an iPhone guy, work for a competeing mobile company, but would love to demo my SmugMug site when selling a phone, and I don't want to type iphone when demo'ing....lol...but good advertising for smugmug
BTW ... the iPhone site on my Blackberry curve shows blank images (just a box) even with public galleries.
Facebook ♦ Flickr ♦ SmugMug
SmugMug referral coupon code: ix3uDyfBU6xXs
(use this for a discount off your SmugMug subscription)
I'm just saying. Why develop for one specific platform in the first place & not a "mobile Smugmug" for all?? Especially a platform that was so new & you knew that you werent gonna have the resources to make a real mobile site later. That would be kinda like developing Smugmug's regular site to work with only Safari & nothing else for years & saying you'll get around to it eventually.
Yes yes, I myself am the geekiest hardcore Mac user I know, love Apple's stuff, yadda, but still. The question begs to be answered truthfully. If I were guessing, I think it probably came down to giving into some fanboyism within the company & not what probably should have happened.
maybe (at least I believe) all the chiefs all have iPhones
Facebook ♦ Flickr ♦ SmugMug
SmugMug referral coupon code: ix3uDyfBU6xXs
(use this for a discount off your SmugMug subscription)
I never have tried the Storm's Flickr interface, but I'm not unhappy with the iPhone interface on the storm. I mean, sure, I'd like to have my galleries, and design show up. I'd REALLY like to be able to see the exif info - but for showing some of my pics to friends, when we're not in front of a computer, this works.
BTW, I'm an avid Mac user - and a Mac consultant, but the iPhone didn't do what I needed - the Blackberry does. So please do, consider us a bit more...
Facebook ♦ Flickr ♦ SmugMug
SmugMug referral coupon code: ix3uDyfBU6xXs
(use this for a discount off your SmugMug subscription)
I last posted here in November. I continue to try the iphone app on my Blackberry Curve. It still will not link from Categories (an enormous shortcoming) and as Allen posted here about a year ago, the number of blank lines in the Galleries listing is extra punishment for Blackberry users. We cannot use the Categories links, so we must page through interminable numbers of screens to find a gallery of interest (that is, if you are using Smugmug to, you know, store photos). When I pull this app up on a browser, it all works so I know that the links are there. The links work on the Galleries pages, is it so difficult to fix the links on the Categories page?
I continue to urge a solution. Not quite ready to bolt to Picasa.
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Always include a link to your site when posting a question
In my opinion it shoudl be the other way around. Support for other mobile users has NEVER been there, and still isn't, so why should I even try going to smugmug from my mobile device? And of course you are going to get more traffic from iphones, you spent the time to actually build something specifically for it! Anytime you spend the resources to develope for a specific platform of course you can expect to see more traffic from that platform.
Again, I am a HUGE smugmug fanboy. It just really dissapoints me how close minded it seems like the smugmug office is ot anything except for apple, and how "ooooo shiny!!!!" they are about anything apple.
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You can jump to any gallery by browsing the year, month and date, if you
know the date.:D
My Website index | My Blog
I understand this, and I certainly appreciate all the work that is being done on everything else. It just feels a little odd that as soon as the iPhone came out suddenly there just happened to be enough time to put something together for that.
We'll get there, I hope, for other devices!
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I suspect your traffic is matching how you see the world. Imagine the traffic you would generate if you built apps for the devices that more people have:
iPhone units:
2007: 7.7M
2008: 9.9M
2007: 13.8M
2008: 26 M
Compare this to Nokia:
2007: 437M (60M Smartphones)
2008: 468M (?? Smartphones)
source: http://www.teleco.com.br/en/default.asp
The iPhone is a tremendous platform, and hopefully Apple will continue to develop it. But, while iPhone is simple for Apple programmers to develop for, and this I suspect has more to do with your having created an app than anything, it really is not at all pervasive. It may be pervasive in your target market, and if so, I applaud you for your focus. Otherwise, you may wish to take a strategic deep breath and review what the rest of us use
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I apoligize if it seems like I am being antagonistic. I am not trying to be. I currently own an iPod Touch and love it, I use the SmugWallet app for storing SMugmug photos on my device to show people.
My response to your comment is this: If you had spent an equivalent amount of time creating an app specifically for the Blackberry, do you really not think that you would have seen an equivalent increase in sales? As was pointed out in the prior post there are an immense number of other mobile users out there that may have never looked at SmugMug because nothing is available for them. It would be interesting to go back in time and create a Blackberry app at the same tiem you created an iPhone app, give them both equal marketing value, and see which one created more sales.
Again, I really don't intend to be a pain, and I appreciate the discussion around this. I guess I would even be ok with the higher ups saying they are Apple fanboys and that's why they created an iPhone app and nothing for Blackberry, instead of trying to point to the sales as the reasoning, when it seems as though sales could have been just as high or higher if a Blackberry app had been put out.
Thanks for the discussion Andy! I've been around here for along time, and I don't intend on going anywhere any time soon!
What would be really interesting to know is ... how many Smugmug gods have Blackberries? and how many have iPhones? I think that all of the chiefs have iPhones ... so iPhone development it is. End of story. For all of us non-iPhone mobile users ... "sorry" seems to be the answer.
If the would only develop an interface that works well with Opera Mini, then it would statisfy a lot of mobile phones and Blackberry users (as well as iPhone, I assume). Then again, that is only my logic.
In the interim, I have been telling my clients ... "sorry, no mobile browser view, use your desktop browser". Do I lose sales because of it ... I believe I do lose sales, but what can I do? Just have to wait.
Facebook ♦ Flickr ♦ SmugMug
SmugMug referral coupon code: ix3uDyfBU6xXs
(use this for a discount off your SmugMug subscription)
I have a Sprint Diamond Touch (Windows Mobile 6.1) and the /iphone link works pretty darn well now with the built in Opera browser.
There was a certain amount of experimentation involved -- I had almost given up on it once or twice before I finally smoothed out most of the rough edges. Now being able to admire my galleries on my smartphone on the road is pretty neat.
So don't give up -- I have a sneaky suspicion that, in addition to iPhones, a lot more Windows Mobile based devices will work (with a little elbow grease) than we might expect.
-- Mike
Crossing my fingers.
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Andy, you could always try one of the freelancer boards - put up a fixed price project for the app and get bids for it. A cheap way of kick starting a project - the resulting code can then be used by in house devs to carry on.
+1 for a BB app
I can understand all that has been said abt other platforms. But I realize SmugMug is a small company that focuses on what their users want, and where the industry is going. How many SmugMugers own Apple versus Blackberry versus Palm? I was in the Palm group, but switched to iPhone. I did it not based on SmugMug, but my own needs. Luckily there is support for it at SmugMug. Thanks, Heros.
The smartphone industry is fragmented a bit; so everyone might have to be patient, even us iPhone users who was direct-to-blog (as in Blogger) emails, rather than cut 'n paste on iPhone for URLs, which don't work. I'll be patient, as most of my needs have been satisfied by a great support team and website.
Facebook Page
Blackberry picture uploads to http://www.evernote.com work. From evernote.com I can email to Smugmug, which also works.
Are there like 3 other people who would really want this or 300? If I do it, it would be free but I'm just trying to get an idea of how many Karma credits I would get.
I'm guessing that the BB uploader isn't very high on Smugmug dev. sched? Is that true? Time is the issue for me so I just don't want to spend the time on this if it is going to happen anyway.
Anyhow it will be a couple of weeks before I even get around to starting on putting together the stuff I'll need to do this so don't anyone hold their breath...
I for one would love to be able to upload from my BB Storm
Facebook Page
OK Andy, but given the stats that CMASON posted, can you at least stop suggesting that there is more iPhone traffic and it's prevalent? You see more iPhone traffic because you developed an app for it. When you are a hammer, the whole world looks like a nail. This is just a flatout miss at Smugmug. As others have mentioned, the iPhone seemed to come together real quick. For two years, we've been hearing "Some day soon".
Let me add for Dan, I would kill to be able to upload via my Blackberry Curve.
I'm sorry but it'll be while before we get to this. I'm really sorry.
PS: Aren't there app developers for the BlackBerry?
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