New! SmugMug "Stretchy" -- Help, Questions here

Here is the place to discuss the newest upgrade to SmugMug style "stretchy" and how your galleries can now go big and wiiiide :ivar

Want to play? Go here and simply resize your browser window. FAQs? You bet, right here.
Holler here if you have any questions, or need any help with the feature. If you have customizing questions, they go here in this thread.

Want to play? Go here and simply resize your browser window. FAQs? You bet, right here.
Holler here if you have any questions, or need any help with the feature. If you have customizing questions, they go here in this thread.
A: Only "smugmug" viewing style stretches, currently.
Q: I have a small monitor, can I see what it looks like?
A: You bet - right here and arrow forward to see bigger and bigger monitors/resolutions.
Q: Do themes stretch?
A: Most do, some don't... yet. Themes that don't stretch will appear just as they always have.
Themes that stretch: Blue, Fuchsia, Gold, Green, Khaki, Orange, Red, Tan, Teal, White, Yellow, Black Arts, Black and White, Fresh Air, Hitched, It's A Girl!, The Graduate, Bewitched, Gradient Grey, Gradient White, SmugMug Classic, SmugMug Dashed, SmugMug Gradient, and Blue Lagoon.
Q: Why do only some of my galleries stretch?
A: Check to see if you have a non-stretchy theme set for that gallery.
Q: What if I don't want my visitors to see my photos bigger?
A: No worries, we still honor the "largest display size" selected in your customize gallery settings. We'll only show the display sizes you allow.
Tip: If you are a Pro on SmugMug, let your visitors admire larger display sizes, and protect your photos with a custom watermark. Great example.
Q: Will the thumbnails get bigger as the page stretches?
A: No, you'll get more thumbnails on the page but each thumbnail will stay the same size.
Q: Can I force the number of thumbs that display?
A: No. When your gallery stretches, we automatically fill the browser window with thumbnails.
Q: I'm a power or pro, can I opt-out of stretchy?
A: Sure. If you'd rather your visitors not see more thumbnails on the page, for whatever reason, just go to your customization page and toggle the stretchy option to "no".
Q: Can I still force "smugmug small" viewing style?
A: If you are a power or pro user, you can still force "smugmug small" viewing style in your customize gallery settings
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I notice that stretchy is by default set to off in the customisation settings.
One final request - it would be nice to be able to switch it on and off in individual galleries...
In a quick look at the Javascript for stretchiness, it looks like there probably is a way to control whether a gallery is stretchy or not from Javascript or at least what the largest size is that it can be stretched to.
Andy, any guidance from your web wizards on Javascript control over stretchiness? That would allow you to write JS that looks at the gallery and decides whether to turn stretchiness on or not. I, personally want it on everywhere.
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Stretchy is off by default for anyone that had custom CSS prior to today.
As for switching it off and on for individual galleries, you can do that through CSS or by creating custom themes and making that particular theme not stretch. Then you could just apply that theme instead of the standard theme on each gallery you wanted to not stretch.
Excellent addition to the gallery display.
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Brain very dull...please hep
and I do have my site customized, if that makes a difference.
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Is that your puppy? Give him (or her) a hug for me, looks like a wonderful pet!
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
You enable it globally from Control Panel->Customize tab->Customize link
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
If you have customizing questions, they go here in this thread. We'll be happy to help
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Should that have been obvious? I really am feeling thick as a post right now - do not operate heavy machinery warning!
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Second, mine didn't work at first because I had this:
SM.SmugMug.config.size = 'large';
in my javascript to force large style. Once removed, it's fine. Just an FYI in case anyone else had this hack.
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from 15 to 12 (bad) thumbs in my view window and Smugmug small from 9 to
16 (good).
Why can't a minimum of 15 be set for the smugmug style. I checked my
stats and approx. 95% are viewing in an equal or lower res. I don't want to
have to stretch my window every time I go there and it's a pita looking
through more pages for something.
Just had to rant.:D
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Don't worry, rant away
Stay tuned please, thanks!
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Neuron or two.:D
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If you are smaller, you'll get fewer thumbs.
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every photo change no mater where I place it. Was this intentional? Does
it in every smugmug style gallery.
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--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
On PC with Win2KP here.
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Artificial Inteligence
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And a bonus, now, when you stretch big, say if you are on a 1680px monitor or larger, you'll get -Th thumbs (the 150px thumbs) instead of the 100px -Ti thumbs:
example, courtesy of Dgrinner and SmugMugger Corbosman:
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Do I loose the ability to navigate through my thumbnails using my arrow keys (using smugmug classic theme) now that I've gone stretchy?
That doesn't seem to be working any longer.
One other data point: In the Smugmug style, keyboard nav works for me in Firefox and Safari and it does not work in IE.
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I'm using Firefox ver And it's not working for me.
I'm running that same version of Firefox (on Windows Vista). When I explore more, I find that it works in both your galleries and my galleries when the gallery is first loaded "until" I click on a thumb. Then it doesn't work any more.
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This was broken with yesterdays stretchy enhancement, it will be fixed shortly.